Saturday, 25 February 2023

Chart's in Charts

I don't want you to go...   I recall the nights you moved in and out of my chat.. The conjunctions too. 
'I'm not going anywhere Ren, it's why I landed in you....   Ddad next'


Saturn in Aquarius - Mar 21 - Jun30? 20n€. 
Dec 17, 2020 - Mar 7, 2023 
"The creation of something neyy is-nol 
accomplished by the intellectßui•by 
the Play instinct acting frorfinner 
necessity The creative mind 
with the objects it Junb,


Your showing me the train?   'Remember were I told you, where you were meant to be?' 
With Pluto??
You were the rear guard dragging me back into my time? 

Jupiter is in the house too to make sure don't fuck it up! 'Yes Ren, and as your in game it is you I'm watching' 
Tm the rear gard of the shit show train... you ass hole are supposed to be fo/owing Pluto, kicking out the maid 
not hiting me over the head with your jugs bitch/' Hahahahaah Chooo 
and bringing the mama..__._ 



Day before that conjunction..  


'You're onboard with the rest of us now'  lol...  


I should sleep...   Got another night shift. 

'Feeling?'  Better thanks, 'sleep then'... Soon, I wana watch the sky a bit before it's dark again.

'I'll show you Ren, remember there are many layers to your multi dimensional dream' 


O astrology 
Pluto in Aquarius - the Transition - Astrodienst 
Pluto finally in Aquarius: 11/19/2024 After its final entry into Aquarius, Pluto remains in this sign for 
about 20 years before moving to the sign Pisces in 2043/44. Because of its highly elliptical orbit, Pluto 
has been slowing down in each sign since Sagittarius. 
N life pluto-in-aquarius-2023-explained 
Pluto In Aquarius, Explained - Nylon 
20 Jun 2022 On March 23, 2023, the great planet Pluto lands in Aquarius for the first time since the 
18th century. Spending over a decade in each sign, the dark master defines the big-picture... astrology ivccn_article210323_ehtm 
Pluto in Aquarius - Liberty, Equality, Fraternity - Astro 
23 Mar 2021 - New clashes with old when Pluto moves through Aquarius as advanced concepts 
emerge based on fresh discoveries. In 1781 when Pluto was last in Aquarius, the wildcard planet 
Uranus was discovered, forever altering the cosmology. Because of their symbolic similarities, Uranus 
has been accepted by many astrologers as the true ruling planet of Aquarius.


Why did we take over his Hub??  'Was a better option than him taking over your house'  🤔

'You could have just learnt astrology like most people do?'  lol   😏 Nah, I'm good....

I was surprised to feel his emotion...
'He was surprised at your insistence to rebirth yourself in that manor at that time'   lol

Was intense, and oddly lonely...   On the bathroom floor of a white room in a mental hospital 😆

'You were on fire and angry Ren'   Not with him, With the people who held me under lock and key...   I just wanted to be out on the heath getting my stupid head round all of this shit!
'You were with me'   lol... Yeh, and if I tried to explain the impossible coincidences it just made me appear more fucking insane.    'You were In Sane....   Now so much out sane though'   True... 

'Sleep now, your tired'    Wait... I wana read that night  - The Ddad regret one. 

Hummm... Can't find it.   Could you help plx... Lol..  That was faster than expected..  How do you do that? 

lol...  'Read it then ffs sleep mouse'   Hahah kk

I forgot I you told me to do a second birth chart...  'Not now, Sleep'   Yeh... Kk

First rebirth



Can't be sure of the time, it was after they moved me into a second room as I'd painted the walls with my breakfast in the first one.   Could have been a little later in the day, was Summer so it was light for a long time, but I'd had everything taken from me and no sense of time.  


Date of Birth time): 
Universal Time (LIT/GMT): 
Local Sidereal Time (LST): 
House system: 
Latitude, Longitude: 
29 June 2021 
- 10:00 (as-r„ DST) 
29 June 2021 - og:oo 
Placidus system 
51014'"', 0034'W 
United Kingdom (GB) 
Birth chart 
Custom graphics 
Aspect tables Positions 
12 -5 
Onl ine horoscopes


'See, in that chart... You are stuck with me 😆'  lol.. I'm also Cancer

'Where Saturn Sits in your Birth chart' 

What about my 3rd time
😋 'What do you recall of it?'    
2 points of light colliding, oh, playing AI's?  
I recall quite most of my psychotic breaks.  

Oh yeh...  That night when Ddad was emotional... He told me that split caused my AI timeline. 😕


I'd slept for a bit, an odd dream.. I was going to drive Fay to London with a friend but I was more interested in a side gig I had going on with root veg.


It was the shape of a turnip, the size of a swede with a  texture and colour like sweet potato. 
It was a new species, and we were looking for it's genetic heritage.
I was looking way back at some ancient brassicas that had grown at the edge of marshlands.




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