Monday, 27 February 2023

Pink Lightning and Pies


Main dream area, I was inland from Bambugh castle a huge electrical storm was close to us.   It was electrocuting birds who were under it, flying pink out of it.
It was charging electrical lines too so they glowed molten like lines of fire in the sky.

Wildlife was running towards us to get out of it.

As the lightning stuck things it was showing a glowing pink skeleton inside. 


Next dream, a pie shop.
Pies on bakery trays.   We were in a HGV loading bay, a massive white truck was pulling up and the others were dragging me out of the way.
We'd take the pies on it for delivery.

Odd version of the old Links hotel too.   The rooms and tables had call bells, a person on duty was to return and stand in one spot by the bell to answer the calls.

In another dream my Dad was using a strange carpet cleaner to clean a pink carpet...  I was surprised it was pink as it was under a layer of dirt and gravel.


Same house again, was young again.  My bro had a girlfriend small blond and shy.  Laura was with me, I'd made a pot of coffee to share before I set of back south.


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