Monday, 13 February 2023

Sunken Site

These Syncs man......

'😈'  Hahaha   'Tell me it's not true?'   Phahaha  😏   It's all a strange coincidence.

'Well done, keep that up and we might keep you out of trouble'  Hahaha 
Mate... I'm not a fucking actor, I say it how it is...   'For you'  Hummm  true.
'So you're learning too,  as I keep trying to tell you Ren, how to stfu'  Hahaha  

OK... But it's unreal!! 'Obviously Ren when you walk your life as a lucid dream' 
Pffffffff     The fucking implications man!! 
 'Is why you need to Shhhhhhh!'   Hahahah

lol...  I got the no teach or preach message loud and clear :P
 '😈'  Haha  I'd go threw it again.   'Let's not'  😆  You were fucking mean!!   'I was exactly what you fucking needed'   lol... I'll think about that :P   'Tell me I'm wrong Ren, and I'll bet you can't'  

Hahah Inka....   it goes sideways when we start betting with each other

'We are reasonably well matched... Where else would you like it to go?'

Errrrr  Ummmm   I duno...    Also, hummmm...   'Yeh Ren, I'm helping you recall' 
Ok...   I suppose that night went 'as good as it could go'   You took joint blame... 'You had done the same'  

So in answer to your question...   Hummm  What do I stand to lose or gain?  'The world is your Horizon, in the most literal sense'  lol... Not much then ;) 
Can I use just intention then?  'That I would advise'  Why?  'Cause an intention to fly breaks all the rules of your consensus reality, we could have made it happen - but the pushback in the world you exist is to great'   Hummmmm

kk....    'Really Ren?'   Well if the... lol, wtf... 'feel what I'm showing'   Flow... Errr I've felt it in dreams before...   'The collective consensus is strong Ren'  Not unchangeable though?... What 'WE' as an 'I' dose ripples out?


Got interrupted mid chat.

Sleeping on the sofa where I crashed out.
Playing a game, got contacted by a guy named Xander that I knew...  We'd done stuff together in the past and he wanted to catch up.

Went to bed and slept for nearly 12hrs with long dreams.

A version of this street but there was a guy named Huge, he was watering plants and I needed to ask him about something.  Chris was in the dream too, he'd baked a selection of biscuits and scones and was sharing them from a large Victorian style dinning room,

We were chatting about him dying soon he was telling me the contact I needed was named Huge.. Wrote it on a dirty glass window pain for me to recall.

Carry was in the dream again too, It was her in a different body she was a black and ginger tickled tabby.  Same size and face, living feral on the street.

Wake 222

Another long and detailed dream, an unfamiliar modern town with an ancient centre.
We'd reached the place threw a modern transport hub, raided rails bringing trains from all times.
I was in the dream with a group of people, Ian and a brother... Not a guy I initially recognised though.  He was a similar height to my bro, but his eyes were the colour of Honey, his long messy hair and beard a strawb blond. 
We'd been separated for a long time, and were mainly observing each other with curiosity.
In the central part of this town was a muddy open area were an outdoor market was held. 
On one side was a large dark cliff with a small waterfall filling a small dark pool, on the other ancient buildings coming from more cliffs in the ground, where steam and geysers blew from the old windows/doors.   
We knew that below ground was an massive settlement, but the geology in the area had changed and the place had filled with mud, hot underground water flows.   Few knew about the city that had been below the ground.

I'd walked threw the mud area in the sandals I had on, and my feet were covered in the light brown clay.
The group I was with were going into a museum to learn about the ruins.. My feet were to grubby and my bro and I instead walked to the coach I'd be leaving on.
I visited a food stall were I saw pots of peas pudding, buying on from the stall holder with a strong Norther accent, he was asking were I was from.  
Peoples faces were all very detailed.
I'd put my food onto the bus and walked down with my bro to what was an amusement arcade in an old mill house, I'd initially taken the right entrance and found myself in an indoor marker selling expensive jewellery with dark unfamiliar shining stones. 


I was being watched by a security guard, who was aware I'd not have the credit for these type of goods.  
My bro was in the space where the right and left door's were so I'd gone bk to find him and we enter the left door.  A busy amusement arcade with a seating area were we sat to relax, we'd not been there long when a guy handed menu/flyers out. 
Was for various forms of cannabis and other paper was the price list.

I go round the back to a sort of purple fabric tent area were the drug's are being sold.
A young female is the vendor, smoking from a glass bowl pipe. 
I'd told her I wanted a resin and I'd return with the credit.

I'd left my funds on the coach so I'd returned for it, leaving my bro there on the long sofa. 
Hovering fast over the street rather than walking, I was aware that the passers by were curious at my ability to float.  

When I returned to the vendor she was asleep snoring softly.   I woke her and she writes payment options for the product I'd chosen.
Some of them were reoccurring subscriptions, with the drug being delivered - she's written the prison, and hospital subscriptions, these were the most as they involved smuggling.   I'd opted for a one off purchase.

Next wake at 444


A place with lots of rugs and plants, I'd been watering the small plants that were displayed in shallow trays like small habitats. 

A large round wooden ring set into the surrounding stone on the street. 
The wood hadn't been treating, and was rotting..  We were using the rugs as a covering to sit on.

last dream was like an open air play or panto.  Jack was in this dream.   A large costume department. 

I had a strange wound in my right hand that had been packed with a wax, it healed gradually over the duration of the dream... But my arm split in two, leaving me with2 right arms.  One normal, and another made from tendons and sinews, as it lacked any muscles I was unable to control it, so it just hung down.

I was assisting a guy with experiments, taking his contaminated uniforms and placing them in what was like a futuristic cattle trough.   A lid came down to start the cleaning process.

We had an old blue and yellow VHS player, going threw an old tape looking for something in particular. 



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