Wednesday, 22 February 2023




Work type pf dream...  Not a building I've ever been in and the rooms were more like hotel style.  
A lime tree too, we were making tea from the leaves and blooms.
I'd gone to an odd version of tescos, and lost something in the dark.

Kef was with me, and wandered off to were another collie was climbing up and over a wall.
Zak in the buggy..  A guy took my shopping from the basket after I'd paid.  But I was getting accused by a police officer of shop lifting.
The guy was threatening me too. 

A child too, his parents were from Africa, he'd been born in the UK. 
I was talking to him as I was doing his hair... We were trying to find a way to reunite him with his family. 



I'd gone with Inka to Ddad's hub, when I appeared there I was in that blue uniform I'd refused to wear last year.
Inka suggested I leave it on.   They took me to that odd VR spinney thing that Inka used to go in and told me to use it alone.   They would observe me.
Then lots of dreams...    I'd not slept much at all after my night shift yday.


Modern pyramid building, it was an industry of sorts.   A old wooden locomotive chopped up wood and a track fed a small furnace. 

Something went wrong, and the fire just kept feeding it's self.   Then the wooden track burnt threw.   The metal carts that were on the track were hot, falling into the lake below the pyramid building with a hiss.
They were overheated.


A version of my dream space but it was all inverted.   The Dr surgery and old Police station was on the other side of the road were Aggies house was.


Then a cleaning dream.   I was washing plates cups and cutlery, old fashioned silver service type stuff...  But going into 2 modern dishwashers.   I had a large rope with a knot on that I was sitting on to swing. 


Then another long dream.  A school, only this time I was one of the teachers.    I had a long white robe on, the other teacher was male and dressed the same.  
We could fly, and I was writing stuff in white chalk on a huge board.  
I'd fly to the top.
A younger male, he was from a different group - they lived wild in the near by forest. 

I gave him my chalk and showed him how to write.


Next was a long walk, 2 dogs and a small tent.  I was with Hoggy I think, we walked threw countryside, lush and green....  

A low mist in the air.   
We would camp the night there, I could see a urban area close to us.  
Some of the houses in the air, floating.
Modern buildings, with large windows.   Seemed like homes, I could see people in them looking out at us.


Oooooo!!!   Lol the first time I saw that gyro machine was the 21st Feb last year!   Also in Blue uniform  🤔


After that we both jumped back to DarthD at this point we'd pissed a lot of people off... But 
were ditching credit as we were going. 
Inka told me he had something to do but this time I could come too. 
On Ddad's hub I'd followed him into a grey room with a errrr thing in there. 
We'd been given access by another guy in a blue overall. Oh yeh we were all dressed the 
The other person wasn't sure about giving me access to the room but Inka had told him. 
'She's sharing awareness with me, don 't 
worry she W just dream ' 
He'd pointed at the floor were I was to fall 
The machine was cool. All black and very 
futuristic „ Looked like a vr thing mixed 
with a gyroscope? Once we were inside 
the other guy locked us in, Inka got into the 
thing and true to form I fall fast into a 
I'm in a strange and what should be 
beautiful city but huge trees are being cut


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Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...