Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Blue Flame & Burning Building.

20th Sep
Swimming naked in a cool river running threw a lush forest.  Someone gave me a warm towel coat as I got out.
We had an outdoor kitchen in the forest space too, I was cleaning this for use.   Kids playing on a boat.

Next a longer dream.  
It started in a space like work.   Rooms and clearing out old clothing and making space for new.
In another layer I was asleep outside on the corner of a mud street above a strange street lamp that burnt with a bright blue flame. 

I seemed to be sleeping in a old crumbling building, that also caught fire.   This was burning with a more typical red flame.   But I was just sleeping in it's midst.
My dog was there trying to put the fire out.
I kept thinking it was out and then going back to sleep but when I work again the fire had spread.   Burning some of the scrub that was growing around.

Seeing the fire was spreading I tried calling the fire brigade via 999.  My first call got threw then dropped.

Calling again I'd asked why my call was dropped and they told me they were busy.
I explained my building was on fire and did they have a direct line to a local station I could contact as the fire was spreading.
The call handler told me they might come and asked for the address. 

As it wasn't on a proper street Ian had written the name of the place on a paper piece.

I was trying to read it to them but the letters for me were getting jumbled.  Ian read the letters out as it wasn't a real word.
I'd told them I thought there might be gas canisters stored in the place too.


The fire brigade arrives in a modern engine - one of the crew was different, reminding me of Inka his clothing was odd made of a thick soft leather.... Looked old fashioned. 
They help control the fire and the one in leather moves strange looking canisters out.

Once the fire is out the building is unstable... Almost like bricks floating in space.
One pushes them and they start to fall.... Along with it a glass celling like a Victorian railway station. 
I call to people to move this way and that to avoid the falling glass.   Most people get out of the way, but my dog and me are left coated with a fine layer of shattered glass.

It didn't hurt and we were assisted with pealing it off.

The fire service seemed to have left and I'd returned to the building feeling sad I've lost my space, looking into the ruins.
As I stand the fireman in leather calls to me from slightly below the ground telling me 'We've found something down here!'
As I look down there is something industrial below.
It was odd, lots of old metal pipes and fans.... It reminded me a huge industrial version of a PC.

They told me they had found the name of 'Young' stamped in it.   I was going to explore the facility with them when I woke up. 

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