Monday, 4 September 2023

Fissure and Shedding

3rd Sept
Swimming in a wide river,  strong current.
A swan and fallen log, I was jumping of the log swimming with the swan.
Veg, and green juice. 
A plane flight and unfamiliar town.  It was closing for the night and the buildings sort of folded down, covering shop fronts.
An Indian family mother and daughter, they had a room.  I was staying with them as we were getting the same flight.

Tools, and a bunch of guys.  I was borrowing there tools, and then returning them.   I was doing something with some fallen wood by the river bank.
They were annoyed at me for leaving the drill the wrong way up.


4th Sept
Dream starts in a dark garden room with Inka, it was a sauna steam room... Didn't see the house it was attached to.... I left him and went into the dream space.
It's one of them perpetual disk places, an unfamiliar city.
I was chatting to a guy with a kind of Matrix Neo vibe.. In that he had a long black coat, fair hair tied in a pony tail.
We were in what seemed like it had perhaps once been a class room, Had the feel of a science lab without the equipment.
It was a building with a view over the city, a large room with glass windows down one side minimal furniture.
A modern TV was sat on a long bench running in front of the window.
It was showing a broadcast of a fissure in the sky.  
Outside the window behind the TV I could see the same thing in real-time in the sky. 
A rip in the blue grey sky with a red/black sort of smokiness behind.
Me and the blond guy were heading to the same place.   It was a large old dark building in the dockyards of the city.  An area that was now militarised.
A large gate was guarded and when I was asked my business I reported I was an employee at the large building.   I needed to check something before my shift later.  

The docklands was an interesting space,  dark and run down... Old arcades, and pubs like at some point it had been a seaside town.  
These days everything was on a lockdown curfew with stuff only open a few hrs a day.

In the building I'd met with my co-workers... We were being trained there in magic while working.   It had a cover of a residential type hostel.
The rooms were small and dark.... There were 2 sides to everything.
I recall a creepy guy coming onto me. Didn't have the time to deal with him as I was following some event going on.

Kids were being enrolled to play some kind of Princess and Knight game.   The woman at the building who was organising it and also teaching us wasn't to be trusted, and was also involved with human trafficking.  I was observing as I was aware the kids would be taken. 
There was a strange silver sword in the game they were playing.  Wide like a sort of cleaver.
The people in the building had swapped into sort of witch & wizard type clothes... Blue tall hats and robes, and the Neo guy had died. 
Others were to be sacrificed.

I went back into the same dream... This time Inka was with me in the room with the TV & the fissure... He was showing me the time of the TV broadcast and it was 303.  

Next wake it's 505   They Orion constellation is outside the widow.

I'd been bk in the same dream.
The school is in 2 factions left and right hand path.   Courses are shared, the students mixed of ages mainly adults.
There are a total of 30 students and the course costs thousands to run.

There are strange 'imposters' among the group.  One of them was pretending to be Josh as a toddler.    I knew it wasn't him by the shape of his skin under his chin... Then Josh at the age he is now appeared.
I'd called to have the imposter collected... His name was 'Timey'
Dawn was with me too.   We were arranging a bell tent to be put up, only it was hand sewn canvas and I'd forgotten to embroider the stars around the area were the supports go.  
I'd not realised they were important and as I was so busy was going to skip that part but Dawn had started them, telling me they were important to the structural integrity.

An old grumpy guy it waiting with a pile of old books.   He mutters to himself now and then and speaks to me tells me I'm also of the left hand path and it's why I like to be alone. 

When I lay down again expansive...    Crust, scab scale...  Flaking   was like a surface that was coming off.    An outer layer crumbling cracking and falling away.

Shedding of a layer. 


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