Sunday, 10 September 2023

Main Dream Space, Strenght Test.


Back in the co-op in my main dream space again... Once more it's old.
I'd had to be at a place of work at 9pm and I'd left Aunty Irene's early.
Looking round the co-op that was closing, I'd talked for a long time with Jose.
And bought some garlic bread to cook.

Look at my watch and realise I'd spent to long in there and was going to be late for work.
I walk down and go round the back.   It's a large unfamiliar building where Aunty Ann's flat should be., the door is locked but the keys are on a hook.
I can't seem to get any of them to work.. And the rest of the team are on the other side of the door...   Trying to help me get in.
I do eventually but bend the key.
When I go to clock on both the systems are down.  

Another dream in the same place, this time the Co-op is a fitness space.   We were running round the area, a guy I knew had come bk after 15k I was asking him the route.
We were teaching swimming in a pool in strange fancy dress that made us look like donuts. 
As I'd walked to my main dream house it was snowing in half the village.   I'd gone up to my old room where I could see a pile up of vehicles on the South road.  All kinds of old fashioned cars. 
A guy I was talking too with orangey brown odd eyes, his pupils looked in different directions. 


Next dream same area.... I'm where the vehicle crash was but in the Golf, club house.  It's a pub with no windows and all white walls.   It was cold, tall old wood tables and stools.
Jim was there my Dad's friend.  I had a cartoon book, it was dark and funny like an Orwell cartoon.
I was wrestling with a guy he's body was soft.... More female but he was still stronger than me.

Last dream was of a garage, I was taking things to post there.   Odd stuff, second hand I was getting rid off.
Again was a guy who wanted to test his strength with me.  First he was testing the strength of my core... That was stronger than he expected.  = to his...  My arms were weaker though.

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