Wednesday, 4 March 2020

New place/space.

Monday 2nd March...

Recall is awful, very jumbled.  Sheila & Eric and seeing them for Aniversary.  Jack and a cardboard box house.

Tues, 2nd.. 

Same rubbish recall, but with some vivid images...  The main image is a field in the dark, (moon or starlight)  In the field is a big shire horse eating a badger.     (Totem?) 

Other stuff from the night is , stretchy realities, in and out of times and 80's films... Pedos' and conspiracy  - A setup

Wed also really jumbled.

New school/res learning place.  A room, steps going up (Neptune/main-dream area?)   Mud & fire, and a big fat cat, light-coloured, like a Burmese but chonker... and had a broken leg, was looking at it's pelvis and trying to work out what was up with it. 

All feels new, and blurry... not much recall or lucidity. 

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Wake Up Laughing and Flower of Life

Dreams were earlier in the night last night. 

 First one was a 'vow' to train -  We are Angel/ Ethereal /Fairy.   Was funny all different colours, a bit like a Tinkabel film 😛

There is a huge tree, I don't really remember the top or the bottom so much, more the trunk and lower branches under the canopy that are mainly bare now.

I have my wings and others want them too as not many of our group have them yet...  and I'm not supposed to tell them how I have them  (We have to work it out or something)  I want to tell/help/show but it's not how the game works so I just hang around and try to give hints.  - I think this was cause we all do it uniquely and that's important.  

We also have this wired tower, with chunky wood windows, it's in the tree.  Old old-style, sort of fairy story...   Someone had left the window open and a cute black bat has come in and gone to sleep, one of the others moves it outside saying we'll have loads if we let it stay.

I see another bat and think I can do the same (It looked really easy), but it goes all very wrong... when I touch the bat it bursts into 1000's of small ones almost like moths, they are in my hair crawling all over me and all sorts. 

I'm shouting 'OOps' as I'm trying to flick one off my fingers out of the window, but the others are all exasperated and eye-rolling saying we'll never get rid of them all now.    They felt funny, on my skin, like when Beatles climb on you and 'cling'    Was an amusing friendly dream where we were learning together I was advanced in some ways but nieve and clumsy in many others.

The second dream I woke myself up from belly laughing!

Again I'm at a school, this is a huge white marble-like building pillar hold up the ceilings and it's huge didn't feel like there was anything beyond it.   My brother has come to visit with some friends and relatives from up north (both dead and alive)

I'm looking forward to catching up with him, but when they arrive they are really pleased to be together again and want to chill so they go into a room where they are on floor cushions drinking beer smoking pot and playing poker.   My 2 cousins who fell out before one died are there and my uncle who they all got on with and some friends too. (They all loved drinking and laughing) They are having a lovely reunion so I'm just hanging around outside letting them catch up again.

More friends arrive to see my brother (These are younger children - Dots friends)  They have musical instruments with them and they want to jam together.  I tell them sorry, he's not ready.  

We wait and we wait and they ask me soon?   I go in to check again and come out saying 'nop sorry unless you have a forklift truck for me to pick him up with, he ain't moving' 

So we agree to try again another time.    Eventually, my Bro agrees to leave and I'm going to take him to 'my place'    We go by train/tube (Obviously 😆 )  The train is like a bubble on a track - round shiny no windows.. It's busy with people journeying.  On the train is an 'enforcer/detective type' who is watching my Bro then approaches him for ID/Search (He's telepathically telling me, Oh no no no' so I interject and say it's ok.. he's travelling with me.   

At the end of our journey my Bro departs first and walks away and the inspector gets off after me and tells me the 'fine'  I laugh at him (he telepathically tells me I took responsibility) I flashback, yep not paying though.  I turn to walk away from him and he uses 2 blue lights like lasers on my shoulder blades to immobilise me I can feel the charge like static and I push back into them anyway.

I'm with the inspector in a 'room'  It has no floor just huge shelves lots and lots of them going around the 'walls' we are hanging by our fingertips edging along, me first and him after.  

On the top of the shelves which are like display cabinets from an old museum are 1000's of 'objects' 'artefacts' 'books'   Gems, stones, fossils, dried insects, jewellery - all laid out and numbered, neet and neglected with dust gathering on them.   
We edge along hanging by our fingertips I'm looking at all the stuff as I pass - as we get to the end and a bit we can land on the inspector said to me telepathically 'So then what's the total?'   I look at him to see if he's serious and he is and I start giggling uncontrollably amused that he thought I was keeping count - my mirth is contagious and soon he's laughing too like it's the funniest thing ever and we are both crying with laughter....  I actually wake myself up as my belly is shaking from laughing so much. 

On waking I was reading Seth a bit again, but I was sleepy so kept stopping and chilling/hipigoggly hallucination sleep stage.    One of the images I was getting was about that floating entity that responded in this dream and how it's the 'Tubey things I love to draw the grail, the intersection of the flower of life!     Oh....  that's what makes us an us!  The point we intersect with 'other' though we are all the stuff.    

Saturday, 29 February 2020

Virus Dreams and a Wedding.

29th Feb

A busy night of dreams, waking again at 4.44 same as last night and wired synchronicity with a book when I woke.

So the first part of the night is a wired jumble of health dreams.   First I'm up north and my Mam is there and back and me, Dad too.  Oh, and my uncle who had died, was back there with his wife.

My Mam wants me to try a TRS detox for Dad for his memory, I know I'd like to but I tell her how I'm not close by to help or monitor, and she tells me nor is she (she's dead :P)    We are talking about brain accumulations of aluminium and pointless vaccines.

Next, I'm back down south at home in the wired dream version of here and there is talk of the corvid virus and the irony of the 'Pandemic' app and then the first case with no connections outside the UK happening here. 
It's a wedding too James is getting married who I used to work with, I'm not sure who the guy he was marrying was though.  Adam & Neil are there and other locals, we are walking the length of the town in as part of the ceremony.  (It's still the dream version of here) We were aiming to end at the pub, it was really happy and fun people were getting ill and temp from the virus, but we were joking about it and looking forward to getting to the pub.

I was chatting to Jade (who I don't know but is a mutual friend of 2 of the guys) about driving this is telepathic too and we are flashing each other visual images to help with the words.   I tell her how I'm driving but I'm not keen on it. 'It's all calm in here -fast shit going on out there' and how you have to watch/navigate be so aware.  We laugh as we realise it's an analogy for life and say yep 'Calm withing watching so much fast-moving shit outside'

Wake at 4.44

Back to sleep.

I'm not totally sure of the order of this bit but there was an uprising and teaming up and also a splitting going on. 
This time I'm in an unfamiliar shopping mall.  The shops are connected together with back doors, and part of it is in the countryside but the fountain/game workshop is close.
Virus still figured in the dream but as a 'good' thing.  Like something that was to get/pass threw (gateway) the It's the fear that was the real sickness, this was like a dense cloud.  

Some people are in the uprising (I recognise a few who I don't expect to see) The uprising is about energy and meters and we are refusing to be metered for it (It's a right) and we will go without and make our own rather than agree.  We are standing around a fountain chatting there is a sense of community and a team forming.   In another shop is lots of people it's like an RP shop, or a games workshop.... very busy - lots of very cool stuff going on and wired alternative types inside.  I pass threw here to go on an study a stone. 

I lose the people I'm with and am outside. 
I go to an ancient megalithic stone circle next to a crossroads on a country road.
One of the stones has fallen and cracked and inside is amazing fractal carvings and impossible shapes and cuts/patterns it's so intricate, the stones are painted different colours too.  Stuff that was inside before the stones formed.
It's important and the patterns have meaning, they aren't 'just' stone.  
I'm excited to tell people when a few more people start arriving they know about it too and we are all looking and excited eager to share the news with people... 2 boys try to take a bit of, but it doesn't work well.... and then I notice there is an odd 'dolls house' attached to the top of the broken stone. 

Next bit changes and I'm in a 'province' in Asia,  it felt like Japan or like a studio Ghibli film.  Beautiful high deep blue skies and vivid green grass the colours are hyper-real.  Wooden buildings and people living happily, I can fly over the area and see the layout of villages/communities and lakes. 

Up in the sky bright coloured birds of pink, blue, yellow etc are flying in groups, they have coloured ribbons in their beaks and party streamers fall as they pass.
I'm trying to send messages back to people all the time, and images to show them what it's like on the 'other side of the virus' lol this made way more sense in the dream. 
I was in a wooden building at one point too, with markets and people parts of the floor would just fall away randomly.  I met my uncle Ken again who's dead we are laughing about the big hole and telepathically flashing earth ideas along the line of  'health/safety' 'Responsibility' 'Natual selection'

I woke up with the sensation of a vast pealing away/splitting like taking the protective layer of cellophane of something.


After I'd been awake a bit I picked up the 'Seth Speaks' book a bit to read another paragraph or 2 and this is the chapter I was up too. 

"Now: I have spent some time emphasizing the fact that each of us forms our own environment, because I want you to realize that the responsibility for your life and your environment is your own. If you believe otherwise, then you are limited; your environment then represents the sum total of knowledge and experience. As long as you believe your environment to be objective and independent of yourself, then to a large extent you feel powerless to change it, to see beyond it, or to imagine other alternatives that may be less apparent. Later in the book I will explain "

Friday, 28 February 2020

Wired Male Energy and Strange Cat.

27th Pheonix in dreams again then a big tent/marquee with old toys and teddys in, needs to be packed up but the rain won't stop.
28th Feb

The first dream is a ghost. or that wired invisible energy.  The room is a guys room, it's full of tech, PC's & shelves. 
In it is an energy that's behaving like a sex pest.  Aggressive, male energy... rubbing against me and trying to have sex, but I can't see it.  Just feel it - It feels like lots of men I've known and not known.  Just a sort of toxic blocky feel of someone pushing unwanted sex on someone.  I keep telling it no and trying to shove it off but it's persistent.   I grab the invisible penis that keeps shoving it's self against me and wank it off aggressively all over the tech crap in the room.   I think I end with now would you fuck off.  Wake and it's 4.44

Go back to sleep, the second dream I'm in one of them huge rooms I sometimes find myself in it's filled with 1000's of people.  There are roll mats on the floor and people are sleeping, or chatting or milling about in groups.  Some people are having sex, or playing card games.  Rowena is there and Jack and a neighbour others I know and many that I don't.  I have sex with someone we seem to be just all chilling there.  (It's like one of the rooms I sometimes use to get into a joint sleep space)

I find myself in a hospital robe on a trolly bed (I think I went to sleep in the last dream) I'm chatting to a young black male nurse/dr.  I think he was a nurse, we are chatting about running and Asthma on the bottom of the bed is a big old black cat, it's very sick and ill-looking but active and interactive.  It's covered in abscesses and boils and has odd gill bits that blow up when it breathes like a fish/tode - The guy pushes my trolly out into a big garden with very vivid green grass and over to a family of what look like white American 'hillbillies'  they have on worn working clothes and overgrown hair look poor they are chatty and they know the cat. 

I get of the trolly and walk over to a large pond on the green lawn, it's ornamental and built up with a brick wall around it.  Inside are 100's of green baby frogs, some still have tails... in another part of the pool small toads are swimming upside down, they have yellow/green undersides with strange geometric markings on them - they are oddly symmetrical. 

The ill cat reminds me a bit of this dream..

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Burning Mop and a Magic Forest.


Dream dust is very organised but not well defined... almost meshlike.  At first, all is abstract and game-like, 'religious musical chairs'

A mishmash of stuff, flying threw solid objects and in 2 times at once.

Then a dream.  A man and woman, Christian and Muslim in a hmmm...  it's a large tilled building and there are shallow pools of water for walking in.   Only ankle hight so didn't feel like bathing as such.  The tiles are shades of blues.  I'm the female and am cleaning the tiles free of slime/mould dirt that builds up on them, my hair is covered.   I'm aware of other people coming and going but am looking down cleaning, I clean the tiles under the water as well as around the sides. 

Then there is more of the 'religious musical chairs' this is hard to describe as it's conceptual trying to describe something that isn't formed.   

Then watching love between a man and a woman who have a religious difference too.  They are both elderly with white hair....  they have on white silk robes edged with gold and silver velvet & trim - the male dies and the woman weeps and I keep cleaning.  I have a flaming mop.  The washy end burns it, is a flame that doesn't die. 


In and out of a similar dream all night.

The dream is a little like a vid game (2 sides fighting)   A castle in a magical world is being attacked and I'm one of 5 magic users who has escaped the castle and is fleeing the fighting into the night.  

We get into a small wooden rowing boat and untie it hiding on the floor of the boat and letting it drift out into the sea away from the violence.  The sky is purple and we drift till we hit land in a magical forest.

The sky is still dark deep purple and the forest fantastical, turquoise/blue leaves on grey wood trees, and glowing white deer-like creatures.   Large blue and gold and turquoise cats that are like a cross between Bagpuss and Chinese dragons are there too and we can talk to them.  The details of what we were doing is hazy, but the 5 of us were solving puzzles and playing.  I was walking on my hands a lot and doing handstands. 

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Strange Asia Dreams.

Sat 22nd Feb

Disjointed dreams -  The red bus from the night before was back and there was a journey.  Pheonix the cat. 

A dark grassy place where water is rising fast.  The rainwater is warm and the grass is becoming submerged.  I'm standing barefoot in the water watching it rise around my ankles.  (A puzzle 3 things to find)

Last part was main dream house but different, there was a letter box-shaped window looking directly onto the shore.  At first, I'm looking threw it onto a grey skyed sandy beach the tide is coming in.   Then I'm on the beach my brother was dead and all that was left of him was a boot that had been in the sea, I'm holding it and what is left of is it round and smooth like a pebble.  Next a duck comes out of the see, on its back is a tiny platypus - the duck eats the platypus and a crow lands beside us all. 

Sunday 23rd Feb

I'm in 'Asia/China' (Another night of being in same dreams all night) but it's not really like China (not that I've been there) ... it's just where I felt I was.  It's dark and the landscape is hilly foothills /mountainous with cliffs and valleys.

I'm in a tribe..  but also above watching too there is a battle.   The tribe, we are short and strong, dark skin have a primitive feel to us we are waring skins and feathers barefoot and are filthy bad teeth.. powerful too and lead by shaman types.  We've been travelling the night threw muddy valley streams and have climbed up a hillside to attack.  We are being attacked by people in uniform with old fashioned guns - but on this night we are taking the fight to them.   I've got a bow and a knife and I'm in the dark on a cliff firing into there fort/camp I can pick out the shape of people around the campfires..  we are surrounding their fort made of cut logs.   The guns are loud. 

Dream shifts and there is a night outdoor market... people from both sides of the battle are there.  There is animosity but also trade.

Moves again and I'm in a 1930-40 city also 'Asia' all the dream characters are Asian but some of the buildings seem more western in style.  I'm staying in a hotel of the same style also in China.  There is an issue with 2 factions.  I'm in a room there, with paper and stationery but I go out into a lobby with a wooden desk and an old Asian 'shaman' woman behind the counter.  A British 'Gent' has arrived too posh accent, suited and self-important.  He's some kind of agent.  (There are 2 factions who don't get on, I think the 2 sides from the first dream)

The woman tells him she needs to identify him and he says he will get his papers and she laughs at him and tells him his papers are meaningless she needs to see his feet.  

Beside us is a goat next to a table, it's ancient and has rags braided into its beard and hair, metal decorative rings around its horns. 

The guy jabs the goat in its eye and it falls down dead.  I tell the lady he killed the goat.

I take him to a small metal legged table (Same wired style 3-=40's) I show him how to sit on the chair and put both calf muscles around the table legs and pressing into them exposing the souls of his feet and foot structure.  He hates me but does as he's told....  

The woman goes to his feet, she can see his deeds and she tells him a favour for a favour...  My ban & warrant from the UK (This was from another dream...  this one)  must be dropped and if he makes it so we will spare him. 

He agrees and the dream gets nuts!  Really cool...  I'm holding his hand flying fast over snow coloured mountain tops.. so fast it's blurring it's fading into a vast tunnel the reality is blurring and we are in this tunnel of light being pursued by a machine/robot thing that is dematerialising the tunnel as it passes threw.  I send shove the guy of ahead and drop down out of the tunnel obviously so that the robot thing follows me.... once out of the light tunnel I  disperse into a cloud/mist that it can't orientate it's self in.  Things shimmer and there are me and 'cyborg' types I grab a female near me - she's person and metal one of her hands is a silver thing of pointed sharp cones..  like large needles, I grab her by her metal thing and look her in the eyes apologising that I'm killing her before I shove her metal thing threw the wrist of her other hand.   This was weirdly tactile, I could feel the sharp spikes tearing the flesh and attachments - woke here. 

Friday, 21 February 2020

Moutain Erupting and a Scab.

Massive machine mountain ( Was playing zero dawn before bed again :P)  Anyway it wasn't so machine as a mountain, and volcano at that it spat stuff out.  Balls, like bowling balls but also smoke and molten metal.

We know there is going to an eruption and I'm trying to tell people it will be worse than they think, but not being listened too.  The setting is green fields, with this rock mountain with minecarts/tracks coming out of it...    Then beside it is an old fortress/castle ruin where the others think will be safe.  Behind the fortress is errrr a landscape along the lines of the image. 

In the castle fortress type thing, there are people and horses, but it's not far enough away from the mountain erupting to be safe.  I'm trying to get people to move to the safe zone but they feel safe in the castle.   I stay with them as I know they will need help. 

Once the mountain kicks of and hot metal is spitting all over and burning them where they are....... they are panicked and freaked, horses running among them too they are ready to listen  - I rally and lead them up away from where they have trapped themselves and onto the hummm sulfa pools meby, I don't have a name for them.  

I wake and pee then go back into the same dream space, The people are freaking out.... 

Trapped in the space and burning in the thing that they wanted to protect them.   So I open a wall at the back and we go out once we have moved from the safe area we head threw the pools and we are heading back into an urban area with more people.     I'm with Jo&Jon and we are walking threw a more urbanised area they are asking how I knew...  I tell them slightly exasperated  'We all know, I just listen'   -  They think I'm some sort of guru and ask for insight and I tell them it's easy really... 'just don't be a dick' 

In an urban space that is now very crowded, I can fly I'm with another female friend - We can see the burnt area from above and the area we moved people too.  we are in is more modernised and has robots.  Me and my friend are making our way threw a trash yard.  I ask her is this with us, she replies  'nah'  I say 'ofc that would be way too easy'  So we try to avoid the automated bots who run the trash to areas where it's melted down, flying low over the facility.    We get cornered by one and I kill it so it doesn't raise the alarm. I rip it's head off. (don't enjoy this at all but is wired to be in a robot dream where I'm not terrified)
We get out of the junkyard and are walking threw dirty urban area the population is a mix of humans, machines and hybrids, we are finding our way about. 

A dance/rave is happening.  Various gangs are going and the leaders of different groups (males of different races) go barefoot  - they trample their own shit before going to the rave O.O  then they dance their space and territory in patterns and with the shit on their souls.  I was also barefoot, and thinking...  ewwwww - but I like dancing... so I'll go dance barefoot anyway. 

After the dance we are back at the ruins, where the volcano erupted there is a mountain with a metal and rock 'scab'  Scab is the best word I can use, it's like a crust of metal and rock the mountain has formed so it can heal a wound within. 

The people are taking photos and selfies of themselves in front of the scab and hacking bits of as a memento and I'm watching from the air above.   I can see train tracks from my vantage point. 

Other dreams were of a skinny red double-decker bus (Like the night buss in harry potter, and also a bike ride from the coast inland in my main dream area) 

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...