Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Three, Six and Nine.


Wake just before 1 confused as I felt like I'd been away for hrs.   

'lol Ren, patterns... come 10.10 we are still playing'   

Woolly and confused I got up for water and then couldn't sleep :P Kept telling me to go to sleep but I was in a wired place confused.  'Then come here πŸ˜› Why think? you already know' 

Did go to sleep around 2.   

Wow, that was big.  'Yep, time to re'intergrate'  The room was odd on waking too things were glowing πŸ‘€ Intense emotions... love and connection....I'd walk threw hell for you guys.  'lol, we know, you do, frequently, now come back and play'  lol ok.

Wake again at 3.13 feeling to big to fit inside my body again.  'I know it's wired we are you and you us... , DL inc when your trembling jump astral then'  

Strange and very detailed dream. (Cold be one of the in-body dreams I guess) 

I'm on the side of an island or cliff face there is a light grey metal walkway around the outside that I'm standing on, the sea covers it when the tide is high. Inside is a futuristic lab/space it was a bit James Bond :P I don't recall how I'd got there but was with 2 other females and we needed to get inside. The security recognised us so we could pass threw the scanning doors and into the facility, we chat telepathically. The facility is mainly shut down just a piolet crew to keep it ticking over...and these are 3 men in uniform. They don't want us in the place but the security has cleared us to be there, there was something deep down inside that we wanted to get too.

Wake here... Has that many sounds overlayed thing that I got with the time loop dream. I know the dream had been about 3-6-9 too at one level it was all just numbers but I couldn't understand that which is why the dream symbols... only I sort of did understand it too :P Just not when awake!

It was like 3 and their opposites -/+ made 6... then the 9 was different. Then I felt hollow :P Just empty like a vehicle or house.. but was being filled guided.  'lol no shit Ren!'   


 Hahaha I'd had another dream too where I was a male, young standing at a window in a city looking down. The window is old victorian painted white but the street below is modern, I have my left hand on the frame and I have memories of the person, I can be inside them our outside looking at them. One more dream I was inside a wound on a leg, like an ulcer and I was talking to the cells asking what they wanted to heal, we talked about histamine and it's roll in healing... This was odd as I was just awareness but at a cell level.  


Got up Ran, Ren, Run ooofff.... showered, made bread etc then just fell asleep, straight back into that lab dream only this time there were screens codes with 3.6.9. 

On the run I was told to look for my Estuary dreams, recall was wired as I knew they were linked and could remember lots of stuff.  

Got part way threw reading these and fell asleep again!! - Oh, the end.. the Rabbi and the dreams from last night? Blame/dark wings

The nap was wired, just like diffrent levels of light and intensity πŸ’œ

Hitting no walls, it still felt like home. Spreading like mist into the caverns of my being, watching the timelines the futures I'm seeing.

Helpless to act, yet my eyes see the way.  Weaving my truth I live in each day.  Like a ghost of my future a wraith of my past I stand in the present and try not to grasp.  To watch it unravelling to know where it leads, I pocket my sanity I'll sow more wild seed.  

--Fell asleep for 10mins, back into the same dream instantly.   Same facility.  Standing at large interactive screen bank..math formula on the display, I didn't understand but the joint connection dose.. connection is nice, together as one. Woken again by a drill next door.  😴


Empty hollow, small or big? A cavern so vast or a space to live?  

A void that is filled with love to give. A journey, one beyond that draws you endlessly in. 

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Still Upside Down

Wowzers! Hahahah I wake at 00.11 bonkers dream.

I am the new dawn. Like just light particles, vast and scattered, change.  'Watch Ren, it's only going to get wilder'. 😏

My Writings so hard to understand as I was 1/2 conscious, dipping in and out of here - Was an amazing play of emotion/time/suspension.  

O.o 'All symbols' Hot inside - from the desire and outside 'Instant manifestation Witch, keep up'   lol Keep Love!πŸ’œπŸ’œ

Feelings of profound love and astonishment😜

'lol Ren, come you can't logic this'  

Dream, still very big no context 'That's why symbols 😏' 

More dreams very similar. WORMWOOD!!  lol, Inka - I know this is Kama/Balance
(The lewis carol from an old deamon to a young) - The hanged man. Narrative low infringement... more so with teach learn/learn teach. 

Iluminosity, phahaha - The Wormwood narratives, I found after the dreams.. Dreaming the dawn/Hanged man.  'lol Ren, we got this... you're a DL stream just hang there a bit!' Hahah ok.  

'Which one are you Ren?'  Hu?   'lol, just messing with you, watch the cows'  Hahahah Mooop!  'DL's a bit slower here as more of you is solid, data nearly done, now come play' Oh, I'd had a dream in main dream area too?? The squares?? '

'lol, you've been DLing love allover' 

Why clothes?  'Why not? All symbols Ren' ;) I've been in the fire a while now. flickering!  'The spark that lights a fire'  Oh the poem? Love, Higher, To burn?  'We'll see' ;) 

Oooo I'm πŸ‘€   'Yeh kid, big again... chill and let it all sink in'  There were dreams to woven into this kinda expansiveness.  'More symbols'  Celtic illuminated writing!!   'Burn Ren, burn'    Oh! The fire sprite! All the fires dreams, lighting and maintaining? Oh... lol the Inka dream with the fireplace! O.o  'lol yep, all symbols Ren' 

I feel like I'm looking into TIME...   'lol you fell threw it. We got you though πŸ’œ' My recall was bonkers - I could see so many probable pasts/futures. Wake at 6.   'Just chill Ren, re'orientate'   

Then I suddenly wrote a whole chapter 6 pages of the book to weave in (Jinya timewalker aspect)

So links... 

Wow..  Fire Elemental dreams.  Well some of them :P 

This sprite 2016

2 Dreams in a row.. This one with Burning Bird   - Following night Where I'm Fire.

Few nights after Inka attacked me  he was in the shed.  .  lol  here too. 

Fun :P   Now I better write the chapter into the book.  

Illuminated manuscripts  - 

My inner Inka is on one πŸ˜†

 I'm me, I know what I am... people can project onto me whatever they want/need and it doesn't change what I am.  It doesn't change how I see them.
At the same time, I'm done with being nice to be nice....I'm just going to be me as that's what's needed. 
There for to people who are nice/kind supportive that is what they see and get...
For people wanting a fight, or wanting to be scared..... lol game on!

At the same time for once I'm all on board with it too... as I know my intentions and motivations is for people to get off their knees and grow.

It's not wrong or arrogance to understand your worth as an individual aspect of creation.
We are not dirty, sick, sinners.... we are no less than any other creature we are loved and worthy of love  The wind knows our name and creation is calling us home.

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...