A time so long, a world away, where feelings spoke, ideas played.
We shared our minds, as we shared our hearts, we had no concept we were apart.
Intention and emotion were shared freely.
The exchange of love we watched visually.
And then squashed in a box, in a space that is cold, where everything echoes and no body knows,
that we are part of eachother, we are playing a game, you and your world are one in the same.
We look at eachother to help see our soul, to help find the bits that remind us we're whole.
There is always beauty, there is always play, lets dance together as we weave a day.
‘Pay attention’ It’s hard? ‘It’s cause your holding on, Jump here, pick a role’
👀 INKA?!?! WTF??!
‘Hahaha fun?’ This errrrr shit man! 😲 Haha I/We... this crazy game we were playing! And I’ve just jumped back to the start of the night! ‘Yes!’
Hahaha why?? ‘Perspective ofc’
I’d jumped back from the edge of the night 👀 ??
lol ‘Yeh, to flip the script and way the team’ It’s 00.00 Looking at you 😛
I’d been dreaming with Malico? Errrr he asked me to write the earth a love letter as I was falling asleep and then to meet him at the house.. Leon would be there too?? ‘We still are Ren, we can go again!’ Pahahah
I’m really awake, that was a big hop ‘Get up for a bit play in the night’ ‘We have all the Time in the world Ren, told you were cheating, and were good at this’
Hahaha 'Back for 202 Ren 💜' 'How is world mirror? Improving 😆
Head back to bed/sleep next wake it’s 444 ‘OFC it is Ren’ Oh sheeeseh…
same thing I’d been down so many possible avenues at once again, trying so many different ways ‘It’s cool Bitch, GPS and coms’ What else?? Rest a mo we show
Horlicks? Wizard of OZ? Optimal yield?
‘Jump back house’ 👀 ‘Chaos, Order, Time’ Ren lol ‘It’s why we team' Oh… yeh. I just went back into so many spaces.. ‘It’s ok we are just sorting out a bit, brain might feel like wool… get up a bit’
Where am I? ‘Saturday’ Oh.
I’d gone back to bed… I’m so dreamy… ‘I know Ren, you're all over stay with me and Kaylo too to help your recall’ I’d managed to jump back to the Re’ed to collect Kaylo but was so formless.
I’d gone to find why we forget in-between – As I awake I feel blue throat centre tickly again like I’m coming back out of it.
Wow… ‘Yes, all exchange threw a center this time your going in out at the same time.' Purple too?
And green? ‘Yes, Ren teaming’ It feels tickly 'like your sides and adrenals'
Oh lump in the throat… unexpressed emotional energy. Energy in motion. ‘Yes, lay still come here, keep following the sensation’
???????wired writing???????? I’d gone there threw? ‘Now’
Yeh, it just felt like then…..
I’m with Inka & Kaylo? ‘We are heading in so come back’ lol
Hahaha we are trying to get a grey rodent out of a box, it’s flipped over and is sounding an alarm call lol ‘FFS, Ren… stop waking up!' It’s funny ‘Come here and dream deeper’
Splitting again I’m with Inka and I’m on another timeline too here I'd gone mad/bad nuts ‘hopping back to prove your not’
I’m seeing the geometry and weave too that we move there the ripples of my now with the underlaying geometry and loci of the vectors and intersections. The 2 chakra systems the spirals and ripples threw the linear.
‘Back again, you’re not getting a cold you’re getting young and you’re getting old’ lol Keep following blue.
This is so clever and so funny! ‘Yup, come here’ lol I’m awake! ‘No shit, still try’
I’m back at school, I’m writing the same word lots of different ways ‘Wrong school, wrong spelling 😉’
Then I’m suddenly attacked by a big wet duality pussy ‘It’s a Tom Ren, and he’s wants feeding’ lol
‘Get up, make bread, wright/write/right and we dream again soon’ Mmmm ok TY 💜… ‘You’re welcome your slightly less stubborn as a mouse than a goat’ A mouse with horns?
‘and a tail still’ Heheh
‘I told you yesterday if you play nice we might let you keep it this time’ Pahahahah 💚
GG, well played!!
This was fucking bonkers…. ‘Literally Witch’
Pan, Pan Pipes Pantheon lol ‘Just bake the bread b4 your head pops again’ I really like being mind fucked hu? ‘Yes bitch but most people prefer what they consider their reality a little less crazy so lets not go back to poking them so much’
Haha why did you show me a cattle prod & trident ‘Just playing 😉’ Such fun!!
Wow... that's where Inak's Fly landed! Good shot!! 'One Mirror One Bullet - We are both a good aim'
Fish pose
And it's inverted balance Plough Pose!
'Keep playing nice witch and we might let you Keep your tail and horns' lol 😆 I miss my tail.
'I know you want to help and are impatient.. its like getting your wings we all have to do it our own way that's why its special. Horns and tail are the same nutcase you get a bigger push bk when you fuck up'
'That is supposed to be a warning not an incentive crazy mouse.... play nicely and we don't need to squishy bug again' Hahaha😏
'Mirror Ren, you love hard no tug' Oh that hurts... 'that's your attachments Ariadne now I'm inside'
Inc? In yellow 'Arrived' lol idiot 'Mirror'
world mirror... 'Stick to what you know
Ren, music tracks' lol Good plan
Can't help wondering and wandering?
Lol 😆 nop
Nystagmus? REM 'etymology of Nystagmus find it Ren' hey
'You asked me to help with a wobble?' Only yeh id forgotten already sheesh dw Ren nothing is forgotten.
Lol Ren 😆 you are an idiot lol 😆. ... I know shhhh I'm trying to clean, we stop wondering.
Hahaha 🤣 I can't help it. The evil queen who didn't want the role Emma my jester. This is to fucking wired ,- it sleeping beauty with the mirror? No dumbass the queen had the magic mirror.
That was the red dress I lost in a dream?? It had belonged to my mother we used it in the show...
'You've lost many things in dreams Ren' ikr It annoying to know how much I forget 🤣💜
Wouldn't be so much fun I guess 'You got it! Spring clean Birch Queen ;) I'm in your house too 🤫' Hahaha FU 🤣💜
'Finish cleaning and nap, stop thinking if possible
Ren you manifest remember dreamer luminosity, Also you need to realine'
Ok Dizzy... Yes, finishing clean, focus
in centre of you green plx
Bloody hell that tickles.... 'Yes so stop
the indecent noise and realine with something a little more harmonious for a
moment' Hahah Yeh ok.. It's harmonious
to me anyway... 'Yeh, you're not everyone's cup
of tea 😈' Hahaha
Hahahh Ouch, ok I'll stop. Lol
Little boy Blue, Under haystack head.. Horn receiver 'Woad Boy'
Blue dye... Woad... Nills?
O.o Oooo Errr WTF? That dream too 'Yes Ren come here
please' I'm confused, 'and foolish, so just come'....
'15.15 here or I come drag you here' lol
TY I know what to do with body of the mouse that died randomly again this
morning, just as Fay walks in upset..
Ty, guys.. TY to Ren.
'We can look after
more of you now' Haha
Hummm I Didn't know there was a Holly tree growing next to our Silver Birch
now! 'Yes, do not cut it down 😜' Hahah
So.... Errrr 👀 'Yes Ren, there is now a mouse sleeping between the roots of the Holly King
& The Birch Goddess too' 😲 'The mouse that came back to
teach a young Fae about magic' 😍
Same Archetype - 'See the complicated webs' Haha Bloody
Holly in my eye! <3 Hahah
Haha track ID -???
'Magic Bitch 😈' Hahahahah
Now... The
Phahaha leader of the possessed!!! >.<
Love it!!! I knew American gods
made perfect sense.
& Acid Ren!' Hahahaha 'Now, less of
the indecent noise, just for a little while, Please '