Friday, 5 March 2021

Plauge Dr Penguins

'House Ren,  straight there plx?'

My mind feels like a hippo treading water....😶 'Then move to heart relax and jump to us'

141 Ooo

That was cool, I was dreaming in 3 time splits all at once in touch with the other me's.

Then I collapsed them and I'd left myself clues in each to find where they merged.  When they merged I'd managed to keep the recall of where to find the clues.  It made people think it was magic, but it was just what we do.


Was very cool.... bit brutal too, some pretty unsavoury stuff in one of the timelines.  Lots of fun though.

So much, I wish I could recall better.


Oh yeh, I'd been dreaming with Leon.  I'd jumped to the house and was frazzled... need to sort out my sleeping as 9hrs out of it and awake all day makes me zombi 😬

Anyhoo I'd jumped there and the others were all in the big room.  Leon asked me to dream share with him, Malico was close too.  Inka smoking by the fire with Loci and Kaylo, Illeth there too.


Next dream was really long. 
Dark outdoor place 2 rivers meet or one river splits... guess it's meeting as that's what water dose.   In the bit where they meet is a stone pedestal around a meter tall...and on that are moons.

Or a moon, but it changes.  It's large and hovers spinning slowly it looks like a real mini-moon, patterned and living each stayed for a long time and had a different feel / vibe to the space around it.


I'd gone there to talk to a specific Moon, I'd known the time it would be active.


The dream was way bigger too or was another perhaps.  I had a huge heavy fruitcake like a Christmas cake still the same dark, strange space.   The Christmas cake was wrapped for ageing then wrapped in Christmas paper, the 2 halves of the same cake in different paper.

Same dark sky, deep blue/purple. 

White open buildings, that almost plastic stuff the stations are made from.   Very smooth and bright in the dull light.  I was talking with people about IB and how I'd set it up, I didn't want credit, it was about the composition balms and lotions, skin structure and the benefits of various ingredients... I was encouraging Shea butter to be incorporated into a new formula.  Old friend, the other Andrea... she had a headache and had asked me to find her some medication and I was looking.   (I had a headache threw the night 😆)

I'd carried the heavy cake a long way.


I move to dream share with the others... We were heading to Inka's hub with the portals, the others jumped straight there and we went via my roundhouse to collect something but It was another dream... also long.

It's main dream area, people in masks... like plague dr masks or they had bird faces, we were discussing them on an online message format but I knew them. 

The setting also dark and open.. though a room was being changed and renovated, it felt like the pinnacles arcade area again.
Low again... perhaps that basement area with the crows that fell, there was also the dentist in this area in this dream.

I had a new business partner we were to work on something together.  I was surprised to find he was in the next village down the coast so I'd arranged to meet him.

He had acid too.  I meet with an old friend Kerry and we walk along the dunes to get there the beach is shingle, not the fine sand normally there and it's full of human-sized penguins!  The place stinks of fishy birdshit!

There is a stone building set back by the dunes... oh! It's the same style of building as these with the projector!

Concrete industrial.  Felt like an abandoned military hide.  Oh.... last time I was in Inka hub!! 'Just keep note's mouse will makes sense soon' wow, same bricks as last night???


The tide was coming in and we would be trapped if we stayed and so we left walking threw the huge penguins when I recalled I'd left some boots inside (Soul covering?)

I go back for them.  Kerry should no, but I realise they will wash away....   as I turn I don't walk to the tank hut but towards the sea and into the penguins and the wind picks up and the shingle blows, spray too and I keep walking into it and I'm fragmenting and blowing too scattering.

Inka appears and I realised he'd been there all along just not manifest or taking part...  he mutters 'FFS' as he tries to stop me before I fragment totally into the air.   


We were next back at the roundhouse he was trying to get me to focus on him to jump to the portals but I re-entering the last dream... when I do it's changed and strange... 
I'm at the side of a huge swimming pool, the water is cubes of saltwater jelly... square wobbling water cubes all pilled into the pool shape. 


I'm watching people kill themselves hanging themselves on huge long strings over this cube-like body of non-water.


Their bodies are swinging on these impossibly long strings, tangling up... I wanted to go get them down but Inka's still with me and had a hold on my wrist and wouldn't let me go.   The people killing themselves are strange... in black tattered robes, a little like the penguins mixed with no face.


I watch another come and he flies up... he's holding something pink like errrr a massive seafood stick 👀   it's crumbling and falling pink flakes into the cubes below, that still move and flow like water.


It was sad.... I was calling for the person to come back but Inka wouldn't let go of me to follow.  It flys up high towards the sky/back and then hits a ceiling and falls.... It's going to land on the hard side of the pool... I don't watch but hear the crunch and look back to see the body disappearing into the wibbly cubes leaving a few floating pink bits.


Inka pulled me back to the roundhouse and I was semi-awake my dream dust crazy... as I woke like tripping, pink, turquoise purple like I was looking threw magazine page patterns into my room.  Different to LSD visuals.


I'd got lost into the patterns and back asleep fast, I arrived with Inka at his portal hub, and he dragged  me to the sofa where Loci and Kaylo are sitting and shoved me between them as I was already losing coherence much to his irritation 😛  Oh is this my birth chart... the rear guard of my crazy train??

When I next wake I'd had another massive dream, the same cake was in it... I was cooking a Christmas Meal.

For Chris and his fam, and my aunty too.  There were 2 cookers in 2 rooms and it was hard to keep an eye on both.

Then I realised I'd forgotten to put the turkey in, and everything else was cooked.


I was trying to turn of the stuff that was ready but the heat was on and the knobs on the gas stove were broken and breaking in my hands... as I twisted them they'd crack off.


I'd stopped on with some pliers as it wasn't lit and just leaking gas when Sheila comes for me.... there is a flood, she wants me to see. 

We go to the front door and there is water, muddy water running down the street.  The street is just dirt, the kind of road made by driving cattle to and from markets rather than anything modern.  I'm looking out onto a scene from the past.

I woke watching the muddy water flowing past.


Thursday, 4 March 2021



Popular with strange people? 'As you can tell Ren'  

I think you're sweet, 'I think your stupid and I have a better perspective' I don't mind being stupid, what we going to do?

'Bk to Malico and Leon but you can meet me first as you wish'  

Ok, roundhouse... If I go Zzzzzzzz can you move me to them plx? 'If Mouse? You are dreaming now already' I know... 

'Come then fire lit and it's not raining' lol ok.


'Mouse?' Wowoooo! 👀 that was one hell of a DL!! 'You're punny' lol 💜
Planets, Saturn, Myths, Cults, Symbols geometry, elements and narratives and how it all fits and plays.... my head feels so full
'We jump to the others in a moment Ren'
Oh, it's not even 1am. 

I'd jumped to Inka and sat next to him by the fire we smoked for a bit sharing thoughts until I was just lost in shapes and concepts.


Inka? 'Chaos isn't ment to love time Ren' Hahah well maybe we won't fuck it up fighting this time then. 'Come squeaky, let's go to the others'  

Wake next at 505 and hear 'on earth as it is in heaven' Isn't that back to front?? 'Or are you upside down?' lol no idea, confused though... Had been so much stuff in this long dream.


I was in Sheffield.
 I'd gone to learn something or do something.. Uni & Industry. 

I'd a rented room in a house and WOW! It was amazing! 😲

The house, space the Architecture (I've never been to Sheffield so dunno if it is like this - Ah just checked, it is.. Or was)


I was with a friend member of crew but not sure which one... they were taking me threw the city saying you won't believe the prices here, the place we got with our credit is amazing. 

It had the feel of a university city, lots of young people... education but there was also industry was linked to Sheffield Steel and the industrial revolution but I'm not certain how or why.  

We make our way threw the city centre and to this amazing Victorian building, 3 of us would be staying there it was set in a walled garden all red brick, but not the crappy red bricks like terraces the smooth shiny ones with rounded corners for graduated curves.

They take me in and it was beautiful! I love architecture anyway and they tell me the ground floor would be mine.. I was amazed, going in threw the front door the left was a room that had been used as a Chapple or church the cross still on the wall and the windows arched, wood floor and lots of light the walls were lined with old wooden benches and lab equipment... to the right of the door there was a massive open fireplace with antique furniture a posh wooden sofa thing and a dining table for 4 people.

I can't remember the detail of the upper rooms so well just that each of the 3 storeys was more impressive than the last, the attic rooms had amazing views. 


At some point, Em / Me were together and she was composing performing a wild song for her Mama who had died.. so middle/Mary/Mag. It would be at the funeral in the church house I was in... some wouldn't like it but the wild song was god and appropriate.


Someone arrived to take me into the city.


The person is someone I vaguely know, she's with a partner she had kids with and her partner is also a blend of my middle kid.
They have a urinary infection issue and they wanted me to go along with them to an appointment and see what I thought of the Dr? 

I'd met the Dr the appointment was in more of a posh city wine bar and then left, before the appointment.

Next I'm on the coast... it was still Sheffield though :P But I was in front of amazing Victorian gothic revival style buildings on a wide carless road. A water feature like a cross was filled with waterlilies and the sun is shining. I'm alone and I stand on the water feature wall for a bit looking out to sea.  

I was making my way back to the place where I'm staying when I meet Rita, a woman who lives down the lane think this linked symbolically with Catholic church. Anyhoo in the dream this woman is also there and she's lost the plot I was for some reason following her and trying to get her somewhere, there are no cars at all only Trams or Buss. 


Oh it was Inak in the house! 'Mmmmm'  You were teaching me about plastic and polymer chemistry??    'Yeh Ren, sorry it's confusing just remember what we show you for now'  Oh... there was a wyrd black foam that set hard, you had some in your hands.


Also trainers, all different sizes, kids ones. I had a hold of a kids one that was black with neon pink. That was all in the lower room/church room I was in. Ghosts too.  


When I fall asleep I'm looking down at a glowing pool... well it was all underwater deep underwater but there was a bowl-like area the base is covered with gold that glows with inscriptions on glyps that I wasn't sure about. In the water around me (Duno what me was) there is floating eyes, like fish eyes... sill alive and looking but not attached to anything. It was beautiful the fish eyes were all different colours like living looking bubble beads reflecting the golden light.


606 one of the cats wakes me knocking a tube of GeoCell on the floor... Geo Cell? lol like Andrea's Hell 😜  'You fell in love with the prison, jailors and inmates Ren'  Haha 😆

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Inbetween Inbetween what is Old and Recalled

'Less than human Squeaky?'   Haha <3  yeh why not Inka  less/more pffff I'm ok being bug :D

'You come to Malico's house tonight Ren, dream with us, and do as I say'  Oh? 'Yes..'  lol interesting,

'Come then Squeaky' lol great, Where? 'Head for me Ren' Recall plx? <3 'Mmmmm, Come'

Inka met me at the hunters room, then we go together to Malicos.   Was feeling crappy and we go first to the big room to chill out.  Loci was there floating above the fire he's smiled and laughed at me when we entered and I'd flopped on the bed where Malico was.   Oh....  Yeh Inka had been telling me how I just had to listen to him atm, and plx try and do what he said now and then.. 'Then I don't have to make you Ren... And no that's not a challenge' 
I'd woken at 23.23  'No Ren you woke at 11.11 but just had to re-kick you!!  Right after you said you'd listen.  You want recall'
Dreams had been fast and punchy with you guys... 'It was full on Ren and will be now if you want recall stay lucid and make notes, your coming for the ride either way crazy mouse' lol OK, TY.. Should have made notes at 11.11 😆

I'd jumped back and was a real struggle to keep recall, Malico joined awareness with me to help... And we'd gone to Leon in the library, Malico had just merged and my dream dust perception was way more angular and like errrr it looked like a crackly pattern on glass.  

I'd told them I was struggling to stay aware and Leon was shaking me trying to get me to focus there... Giving up they told me to sit.   They were on the sofa and I sat on the floor in-between it was a flipped / mirrored version of other dreams where we have been Devil or Lovers.

Woke some time after 2... Watch had died so I get up to charge it and wake mind a bit.  The dream had been good.  Was here well with neighbours but a fun version all dark.

My neighbour's house opposite was crazy open to the dark sky with massive kitchen shelves.
Shelves are filled with odd and ancient things... so much fascinating stuff.  She didn't have MS and was singing and dancing and it was fun then her Son had arrived and reminded her she was ill... We were having a sleep-over or something till he arrived. 
Another elderly neighbour was there too... He'd brought an old wooden wheelbarrow filled with plants and veg he had grown.   There was a long line of dogs waiting for something with people monitoring them and I was travelling threw the place were they were all lining up wondering why they just sat in a que moving when told.

'Come back now Ren...'   Watch nearly charged, then will... I'm frozen!  I'd gone back to bed shivering & jumped back to the others.

There had been a funny dream that had included chucking trews at Dot/Bro
Dream layers and I was behind and between them in the layers that connect the bits we see.

Bringing and fetching - Another dream too of a big learning space.
The same people again Penny/Sharon.   Tired to the Customshouse?
I'm not sure what these are symbolic for,  anyhow they were swapping class for a changing moon... They were also pretending they were sick. 
I'd told the truth or just couldn't lie I was shit at it... So it was a mess, cause I was so transparent and the teachers were supposed to have power, and now they just didn't.

Oh, that was like the receptionist in this dream, she was meant to mute her calls but was doing all on speaker / Tannoy as she didn't care. 
I'd not meant to cause a shit storm I just didn't get the lying thing.  Then I was doing stuff in reverse retracing my steps and finding things again it was a reverse journey to the bus stop... Shoes that are purple, music headphones I was putting them into a purple  gift bag along with my phone.

Horses too were in the town like mounted law control, they had done a big sweep of the area and were meeting back up as the morning was coming and the sun would come up.

Then I'm seeing time like drops in a puddle ripping out and in and I'm jumping again...Reality bleeds and games in a middle. 
I was jumping with Inka and a friend, I'd had a bit I'd left and I had to find again.
Ian was angered with the hopping around didn't like the feeling and wanted to keep feet on firm ground.

A leg was injured and I was stuck in-between waiting on a gap to come round again to move on.

Oh this is linked to that first Titration one?? Oh.. I'd forgotton the octopus person in that one!!

Last dream was with Zak and a Lemon he'd eaten it belonged to my Aunty and some seeds too.

Then I'm in America, New York there is a brown old copper coin it's shaped like a heart and was to commemorate something it has Harvey's written on it. 

I'd got there on an odd Red bendy bus... Then I looked in a mirror and freaked 😲  I was so fat!  I  had no neck!!  Arms and legs like overstuffed sausages😵

I'd shouted, when did I turn into a fat bird that falls in ponds?  Lol was traumatic, was glad to wake up as me 😆

I wake again it's 818..'I told you to come here fast b4 you get up?'  Hu? That was yuck... I'm angry at you for that.... 'Don't care stupid, come here quick'

TY... 'YW, now get up'  Had been a DL, was on a bright white beach in white seafoam looking out to the horizon... Warm with low sun.  The sky was full of charts and blue prints/Constellations and 'All Symbols Ren, even sausage limbs'  lol still preferred being a bug.. That was yuck.

I'd forgotten Malico was with me till I was on a run I'd commented that he couldn't much have enjoyed the sausage limbs either but he replied he rendered it as 

Insulation/Padding - excess

I didn't know heart coins are a thing... 'Collectable Ren' Oh?? This was copper and very grubby, detailed to but I don't recall the image was buildings I think and Harvey's

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...