Monday, 13 December 2021

Biscuit with Eyes

Dream of here Deep D was a forest.

A father had been trying to see his kid to school but the crowds were massive, I told the kid i'd let his Dad know he was here safe.
In another dream I was playing funny games. Was with Jack and another female.  We were playing battleships.

My water was small though and I was losing.
A sub I had was about to be sank (I was in the water with my ships and was trying to keep my sub afloat)

As I was going to lose we wrapped the game up and the others let me put my ships away safely then Jack walked me home.
Only we didn't walk as we were like monkeys crossed with Spiderman.

Leaving a trail of webs a little like a white snail trail.
It was fun and Jack was giving me some biscuits with googly eyeballs stuck on them!
HE had some spare and shared them so I could stick some onto my own biscuits too.
My house was like a strange stone tower, once there he went of again.

After that Inka appeared and we went to his dream hub - I wanted to join his awareness and I did.

It was brown and sticky 🤣
Made me think of stick man.  I recalled the picture of woods in the mental health place with stickman. He was showing me the dream before.
I might play and lose a lot but they see me home.
Malico came too, he apologised for making me take a bath. 
When I popped back out of Inka I was grey Ren again.... She doesn't mind being clean so much as she has no hair anyhow!

Friday, 10 December 2021

Mushroom Throne

A dream of a meeting.

It was about a ruling thing.   3 new wana be members needed voted on and then some other stuff.

I think there was around 15 of us on a council of sorts.  I was chatting to a small baby who was there and had a book for a new member 'Penny' again not seen her in dreams for a bit.
Someone had also given me part of a broken clear plastic ruler.

It was old and important I was giving it away with the book.

It had elder errrr wait the Norse runes on these ones.

I didn't know what they meant, was possibly a name they had been scratched into the plastic ruler with a compass point.

A sticker or image to of a half woman half horse thing.

I was waiting mainly for the vote and to pass this stuff on.

Next up at 333

A shack for food.   3 bird piñatas they are pink and bright blue.
A mushroom throne it's in a old tree trunk, lots of shelf fungus again and many types of mushrooms... No one was on it.

It looked cool.


Inka appeared again and gave me something.

It's round like a furry hockey puck.

Reminds me of a bit of toy toast my kids have - white n fluffy and brown round the edges for crust.

I wasn't sure if it was a white board rubber or a fluffy toy toast puck or a make up thingy - or why he gave it to me at 333.


Energy left adrenal to back heart space and right crown area.

A dream of 5 beds with 5 cupboards.


The cupboards were dark inside and big enough to climb into the doors off the ground at waist height.
Old books, browned pages.

A closet too, hand made like the cupboards and with old yellowed gloss paint, it had transfer stickers on too.

Had been scratched by cats, the old paint was being removed to repaint it.


The space was temperary like a dream hub, the single beds tall and old fashioned with hand made bedspreads.... People preferred to sleep in the cupboards.


Food Prep

Making people.

A long  dream of coming home after a party.

Em was with Me.

We got a cab back that I paid for, the 2 drivers didn't speak our language or know our currency and thought we'd given them to much but I was telling them the fair was £40.

The money was the plastic money but everything had nearly worn of apart from the faint numbers £20 on the notes.
We were in a shared house or student digs.

Em and Me decided to go for a 'Sun upper'   Was like a sundowner but for the morning as we could see that dawn was approaching.

We headed to a cocktail bar that must have had a food fight during the night as it was a mess.

I'd wanted something fruity or with mango more like a smoothie and Em ordered some toast.

The menu didn't have anything fruity and I'd woken up before I picked anything else.

Next dream in Irean's house again.   It's like it was when I was being taken to a war with grey mane.
This time my bro and a friend of his are there.  I'm there too. 
The furnatire is strange foam brown sofa and stools.

It's like the stuff from the 136/white room stuff.
Foam and blocky like Tetris they are moving stacking and building with it.  

It was game like.

I was supposed to be cooking for people.   Chicken burgers I had small patties to cook, but only 6 of them and I needed many more.
The links was a baker's with a big hotplate I'd gone there to cook and order bread rolls.

There was some odd local dynamics, a baker and one of his staff who was also his wife.
I was talking it over with Andrew a guy I've not seen since we were kids.  

We were both older though we are opersit the house he grew up in.

I wanted to buy a swissroll but there was only 2 slices of 2 different ones left.

Last dream was a forest clearing I was with female and adolescent male monkeys.
The males were in the darkness beyond doing something.

I'd got up and was dancing....   Inka appeared first time I've seen him in what feels like bloody ages!

He grabbed my arm as he appeared and told me 'Enough, Bitch' I gave him a hug and he rolled his eyes....  Had to get up though as it was morning.

Thursday, 9 December 2021

Floating Mini-Brain


Main dream space.
I was being tracked in the area of my roundhouse.......... But there was no roundhouse. It was just empty fields.
I was moving in the water inland with someone.

Next up I was in the air over a large farm the house and buildings were different and there was a bunch of streams and bridges.

Dom & Rach, a strange room Dom asleep dream talking about cod pieces !
A leaky sink and a deal on a property that had been a rip off.
It didn't matter as we were just passing threw a layer leaving timings and locations.

Odd dream.  Was in a pub with Clair and our daughters.

Another friend of these with a younger Dad arrived and wanted to put a song on for Clair.

She picked blondie heart of glass.
She was short of money for a drink too needed 10P I gave her 2 shiny 5p bits.

Odd dream, toe locks and body locks.  Flow heled waiting to move/start.

Casper the friendly ghost, my bro was there too we were smoking and chatting.


Long dream of bracket fngus in trees, tiny detailed flying brains and shells like teeth or pearls of barley.

lots of dust too. 

I'm dreaming lots but my recall and ability to wake now is well off. Can't think to write either.


Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Fractal Reality Grading.

Wake 444
Grading a reality.
Was many levels like A way threw the alphabet and each level was fractal with sublevels and we were making sure they were all connected.
Something to appeal to all.

Cooking lots of white rice.

Odd dream with a fish tank, I'd been looking after it.  It was filled with cold water pond plants, had a under gravel natural bac filtration system.
The place was all looked each room.  I was leaving but someone had dismantled my tank n plants.

Another person was unlocking rooms and storage spaces for me to see if any of the bits were still around.
Only one species of plant was left in the tank, I'd found the half dismantled pump too.
The storage space had odd insects.

A massive red n black thing with pincers that ate fabric. 

Some female police too, I knew one of them we were suppose to be fighting but I couldn't be arsed and was just chewing on her fingers.

She was telling me to stop it cause it was annoying.


Monday, 6 December 2021


202 Main dream space.
The newsagents but I'm outside and the main dream character is Jess Martins old German Shepard dog.
To the North out the back is a storm.   Jess runs into it.
I know she's fine but Don & Martin are concerned... Calling her bk and following her.

When she dose come back she's thirsty.

She has my dogs stainless steal water bowl and it's on the side of the road on the yellow lines.

It's between the newsagents and old electrical store.

I'm concerned as there is a red double decker London bus coming East to West up the main street.
It's heading for her head, but the bus swerves and heads to the path by the Co-Op.
The other cars miss it and the dog is fine.

I could see what I was dreaming and how it was linked to me being locked up recently and stuff that happened years back.
Karmic balance stuff.

An right arrow.  Round and round till up or down.
Direction was to the right.

Next up very modern tube station..... Magnetic wormhole stuff.
I was trying to learn fast the maps/stations and timetables.

2 up one down....... This was 2 people keeping space in my main dream area.

They were in the old 'working man's club'

Snoring.......was like gears an internal clock keeping time.

Also an odd grey cat with yellow and red on.  It was called buttercup.

I was watching over a child for someone and the cat was new.
It was friendly.

Sunday, 5 December 2021

Own Cards

Hop on Pop dr Zuse style dream..
It was fun.
The dreams all fit together, was nice to dream again.


A long prison like dream, the last part was we all had to make our own deck of 24 cards.
Then for the last part of the game/puzzle we had to keep re-dealing and experiencing them.

We'd had to put on them things that challenged us.
It was kinda good fun.

Wake and am now with a bunch of amazing artists and potion makers.

Their skills were  superb.

Oh I was also a guy now.  I'd gone to look at my eyes in a mirror as they were sore.

At the time it didn't occur to me it was odd that i was an Asian male.

Just that my eyes were inflamed and sore.

(Recalled this this morning as my eyes were sore from being home with the cats)

My Bro was in that dream too.

The prison beds were metal bunks..... Something about the number 200.
A storm too.

I go bk again into the same dream but it's altered again slightly.  After our 'sentence' we become guides older students to a younger intake.

We have a flying bedroom this time with painted wooden bunks.

Dream hub like.

The new intake are posh kids, boarding school types. 

A female I know is flying and I'm welcoming the new kids.

Zak was with me talking to a Muslim kid that had just arrived and a Pakistani dad was leaving his daughter and lecturing her to behave.

She had an amazing toy blue horse with real furr and a pink horse rug.

It was half as high as she was.

Another friend of ours a rough aggressive female had wandered off, but we needed to get the kids to the destination so they weren't late.

We could catch up with her later.

The space we were in was strange, stars as in the twinkly type were walking round on legs!

Going for a Cup of Coffee on their way home from shining.

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...