Monday, 13 December 2021

Biscuit with Eyes

Dream of here Deep D was a forest.

A father had been trying to see his kid to school but the crowds were massive, I told the kid i'd let his Dad know he was here safe.
In another dream I was playing funny games. Was with Jack and another female.  We were playing battleships.

My water was small though and I was losing.
A sub I had was about to be sank (I was in the water with my ships and was trying to keep my sub afloat)

As I was going to lose we wrapped the game up and the others let me put my ships away safely then Jack walked me home.
Only we didn't walk as we were like monkeys crossed with Spiderman.

Leaving a trail of webs a little like a white snail trail.
It was fun and Jack was giving me some biscuits with googly eyeballs stuck on them!
HE had some spare and shared them so I could stick some onto my own biscuits too.
My house was like a strange stone tower, once there he went of again.

After that Inka appeared and we went to his dream hub - I wanted to join his awareness and I did.

It was brown and sticky 🤣
Made me think of stick man.  I recalled the picture of woods in the mental health place with stickman. He was showing me the dream before.
I might play and lose a lot but they see me home.
Malico came too, he apologised for making me take a bath. 
When I popped back out of Inka I was grey Ren again.... She doesn't mind being clean so much as she has no hair anyhow!

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