Thursday, 12 May 2022

Bell's Birthday Brake Fast

Wow...  I'm not sure if that was a Wardlock or a war lock.

I was looking threw family his stories for ghosts in closets with ongoing stories ... Like house storeys?  Flats  and pages in a book..
The books here and the messages on the leaves

I was listning and talking with others mentally.

Ah 010 ....  Been a while since I was here.
'Not really Ren.  Come back to sleep NOW' 


Hummm  0110 NOW?... And shut up, I'm dreaming either way. 

'You're tripping Ren'  Yeh well...


Lol Red speaker did a U bend too....

Where is black one?

'101 hide away'  lol better than a lock-up

'Switch & Bait' lol  ok... I'm going Rice, Mice crispies...

Snap, cackle POP!... Oh no Crackle!
Sparkey & live wire.

Wyr?  Wyrd..  Wire

Nice, Mice Crispies.
 'Co-Co pops?'

Lol....   Why do you want those?
Oh   Banana nessquick? My new vape


Nes Quick..   Quick nest lays..  Cuckoos and the condensed tinned milk I was canned into.

I think I just walked into a cereal bar!  'Mmmmmm'

Oh yes!  I'll have ALL PEN!  💜  Alpen

'No Muesli here Ren'  Why not?

'Some are too amusable for a muse lee'

Wait up I need to look..

'Stop & listen'  Hu?

Stop, look and listen?  Errrr the green cross code man?

This is Gove-r-mental guideline shit from WAY back.
'Yes'  Why?  'Programming' 

Hummmmm   Show me?  '?'  Please 😛
'OK, bk to your hub.. I'll meet you with Ddad'

Oops...  Squashed
I'd gone Inka the kitcthen... I was ment to go via the golden dumpling to the recycling station.
I'd sorted something on the way threw.

A silver pin from a black digital watch strap.

I'd found it and had it for safe keeping.

Phew.... 303 & still not in the back of a bin lorry!

Hummmm what day is breaky group?  Oh it's today! 
I made some muslie just in case.   Can add more fruit and yogurt!

Muesli is a cold oatmeal 
dish based on rolled oats 
and ingredients such as 
grains, nuts, seeds and 
fresh or dried fruits. Muesli 
was traditionally prepared 
with milk or cream, d squeeze of citrus juice, often 
with d sweetener such as honey, and soaked 
overniaht. Wiki


Programming terminals...  Train terminals?
I've made a new type of Puffin too Twitter likes it I think.... Or will do

I'm cramp racing?  On err crampons and tampons 😆

Lol looking for a way out?  My calves and crampy....  I just need to go for a run, too much stretching.

'Fuck off back to sleep idiot'  Again?  'Yeh'  Hahaha mastication and masturbation what's eating you?  'REN!'  lol yeh yeh, I'm awake now ain't I?  Or aren't I?  

Ain't and Arn't??

Aren't Are not...  Am not
🤨  Now what am I not?   'Not much'  Hu??

Wednesday, 11 May 2022



Long dream.  A social space. 

We were trying to get a handle on it.

Only it was strange and changeable.

We couldn't work out which game was rolling every time we got close it changed again.

Hotelier  was taking the bank.  (This was linked to Monopoly)

So I'd headed to the kitchen.

Was laughing with the other staff as we flipped shit.

Seems some fuckers have all the time in the world for playing.  

Armstrong!  The moon, the suite in the half moon... the castle


All the time in the world... 'You got it Ren'  Yeh..  So I see, Why?

'It's what was left'  lol, all right!  'Now?'

You're funny 'Amusing'  Aye, that too.


Hotelier... 'Find it mouse'  I'll find the other first.

hotelier (n.) 
"proprietor of a hotel," 1905, from French h6telier 'hotelkeeper," from Old French ostelier, 
hostelier (12c.), from hostel "a lodging" (see hostel). Compare hostler. 
Related entries & more


hostler (n.) 
formerly also hosteler, late 14c., "one who tends to horses at an inn, " also, occasionally, "innkeeper," 
from Anglo-French hostiler, Old French ostelier, hostelier "innkeeper; steward in a monastery" (12c., 
Modern French hötelier), from Medieval Latin hostilarius "the monk who entertains guests at a 
monastery, " from hospitale "inn" (see hospital). Compare ostler.


Another GG keep her.

I've made a life from expected unpredictability and betrayal,

But we trust anyway.

This is the Stockholm syndrome you taught me about? 

'Told you mouse, you are your own teacher'

Lol tru dat.  It's a place hu?


Stock Holm..  Live stock, shares... Stocks.. Been in them too!


'Yeh, juggle with it my amusable fiend' Not your friend then?

'I don't need to tell you what you are to anything'

Yep, it's why we get on mate.

'So'  Hahaha  Yeh go on.  I'll roll again.

'Knew it!'  New or knew? Is that a past tense of Gno?

'Gno Sis' too much Brah 🤣
'For you mouse?'  😛 Unlikely. 

BTW why did I come in with a Leightly partner? 

Cause you think heavy n dark is funnier. 
pfffff I can't even

'No need to look back Ren, it's all ready in perspective' 
Yeh.. I'll sleep again.

'Good, I'll be waiting' 


Oh, Fathers & God fathers... My bro's too.  That's another connection..

Stockholm (Swedish: (0 
is the capital and largest city ot Sweden as 
well as the largest urban area in Scandinavia. 
Approximately 980,000 people live in the 
with 1.6 million in the urban 
and 2.4 million in the metropolitan 
The city stretches across fourteen 
islands where Lake Mälaren flows into the 
Baltic Sea. Outside the city to the east, and

Next dream..

Deep out at sea. Far from land, low hazy sun a mist in the lower air.

Inka's awarness was with me but was leaping, showing me various peoples perspectives.

I'd considered and told him he'd just have to wait as I started to swim further out, away from the distant shore.

He'd asked me 'Not enough then?'   I'd little to go back over for.


Knocking on a door.

We can leave it open for now.

I was on the outside making friends with a racoon.

Other friends were inside watching and waiting.

The raccoon was letting me scratch it's back and sniffing and licking me.

😆 This door way was having a part hide too, only it's more of a door way show down!

Oh look, there is the bin men van!!


Last year

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...