Wednesday, 30 November 2022

28th-30th Nov 22


Women's prison, laying on the floor after psychedelics had been smuggled in.


Odd version of liphook, same as that other dream were there was a station there.
This time a group of us were renting a flat above a shop.

I worked in a place opposite, the front of the place I worked was a café the back a vets. 

Scribble was there with an owl... They were hugging and merging in and out of each other.

Chris my uncle was the vet there.  We had a toy cat that belonged to 2 gay guys we knew.... I was to inject it with a painkiller from a multi dose bottle. 

There was blood in with the mix too.


My uncle was annoyed as the cat needed monitored after the pain medication, and the couple would be going out and leaving it home alone. 


Other dream was jumbled, a building with a lift... The floors were images.

An animal, a claw, a beak and stuff.

There was a large store room, and incorrect stuff had been ordered. 

We would have to use it first.

Inka was with me, in a ware house, loading bay... Arms and cranes and a concrete floor.

He was telling me I'd have to take the blame for the incorrect order, though we both knew it had nothing to do with me. 


Chris again and my Dad... 2 babies, one was me.  A strip of the old photo booth photos, images of the babies, they looked like twins.



Fire works in a field.  A teatcher who'd been let down.   2 schools side by side, one teaching kids to be good... The other to be bad.

The good school had a uniform of robes with bare feet, the 2 schools walking in a kind of parade.


Long dream with a Pidgeon type of bird but it had a patch of coloured feathers, bright green and blue like a parrot of some kind. 

The bird was friendly, liked being held and preened.... A car of strangers and an odd holiday type camp with horses and tired seating.   We needed to check out at 2am.

I seemed to know the young guy driving, still had the bird.


In an MMO game, also 3 large blue and white bowls all broken in the same place...   Egg mayo with broken glass in. 

A wall painted badly black, someone had written vegan on it. 


Sunday, 27 November 2022

Giant and Puzzle Factory

21st.. (Nights)

Lilly tubers like plumbs.  A butterfly stick insect. 


'I couldn't give you the power to work it out even if I wanted to'


Poseidon and lots of people..



Odd dream, some choc button type tablets that got dropped on the floor and strange dentist stuff.



Train, males and females.... 

Looking into the past and future probabilities of a planet I was going to visit with a couple of friends.
I wasn't keen on going there.... It had been left Orange.   Long ago because of a witch hunt there. 



A dream with Inka, a strange white cube building....

People slumped upside down in odd cubicles. 


27th.  First night full dreaming after a week of nightshifts. 

A white SUV... It had been made into a camper van.    I watched it in 2 accidents, the same person driving each time.   Neither were his fault. 


Next a long dream I kept going back into.

A large square while building similar to the night before, much bigger.
I was working shifts with and Indian guy and one other.


We had a floor each to clean and prepare a room for breakfasts, I was on the ground floor near the entrance. 

It's dark out and the building has a strange vibe...   There is mist around it, rabbits and hunting dogs outside.  The kitchen in a separate unit, large catering kitchen and food processing plant. 
Puzzles too, my floor was Dagger/Dagger.  

I had to take this match and enter it into a phone stored in a box at the back of the kitchen, I was new to the building.... Which was a communal learning and testing place.

We were all being observed.   

A giant outside, he was taller than the building.   I could only see him when I left my awareness to float above.   It had the feel of return to Oz,  heads and busts strange art work in corridors.  The giant was overseeing the weather and the tests that were taking place around the building. 


Hummmm,  there was several factions too.    I wasn't sure who if anyone I was able to trust, so I was just playing my role.  


An army of mechanical dragonflies were released by the door.    A strange butterfly too....   I was being assessed for an 'ideal wing set' 


I could fly but it was in a frozen position, just hovering where I needed to go.  What we called a 'telecopter' was hovering outside too, searching and observing and communicating with drones.


Despite not knowing who or what I could trust I liked the setting and the teachers and testers - they seemed to be taking it in turns to take me on.... Trying to work me out.  

I was just using intuition to follow the codes and puzzles and unlock more areas in the space. 

--- I'd been dreaming with Inka and Kaylo from the hunters room...  Inka told me he was weaving the dream with me.

Sunday, 20 November 2022

Scribbles Bum

18th Nov

Wake 313


An odd abstract dream...  With Inka I think, it was a dark place a bit seedy.   Cuban cigar only it was 2 a larger with a smaller inside...  Inside them was a golden soft resin and a gold scarab.


A choice of 2 uniforms one blue white striped the other green and white.   Stars and aliens. 


404 wake.    Harpers and queen?  Is that a magazine?   Anyhoo I'd been in a crazy haunted house with a forge, I was the blacksmith there. 

A veg garden and people with very pale eyes, the reinter hardly visible. 




Dino's a fishing picnic and a breathing kit.




A funny dream, with Jithin and Bincy.  We were in a sort of B&B type place, just me Jithin and Scribble at first.   
We'd ordered take away pizza only it came with a block of French cheese and an engraved cheese knife...  

The knife was the chefs and shouldn't have been included so I was going to call the place and return it.
Jithin's friend arrived, a blond nurse in a black uniform, then Bincy. We were all going to share the food.
Then I noticed Jithin had shoved pink and white tissue paper up scribbles bum

I was gently pulling it out when he started to poop....   Lol was like a sausage machine, and I was having to catch it in my hand.


I was grumpy saying.....  Blugh! I'm catching poop in my hand!


Next dream was a big old falling down house with lots of different rooms.  
One was sky room, another earth..  They all had different windows and vibes. 


There was an area where clay and stone was being carved and moulded, all kinds of patterns and designs, had no room, was a crumbled room.    There was a big heap were stuff had gone wrong, cracked or broken... Crumbling, so many colours of stone. 

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Ruler & Train


Ddad joins Kaylo, Inka and me.. We start off by the fire in my main dream space.

A witch game set in Scotland around locks.
We were being herded by a group of people who had some kind of power over us, like Dr's or Priests.

A group of 8 females, a game we were made to play where one of us was a witch.


Strange outfits, long skirts layered old fashioned, dark blue and purple vertical stripes, with matching bodice.

I was bleeding too... And had no underwear.  It was me who was the witch, the others were hunting me.   We had roll mats for sleeping out in the open.


I kept going into the same dream, but the others joined me in it.

We'd moved the game onto a train, each female having a carriage room. 
Now it was Inka & Ddad playing the roll of control.... But they were also there to help me out. 


Inka was in the guard carriage at the back, which was a sort of lounge with high back chairs. 


Wake at 333...

I'd been in a long dream about a collage opening, start of year.

The student union bar was empty from a party that had been held there.

It was linked to last nights dreams too.  

We were settling in, the classes hadn't started yet.


We visit an odd warehouse, supermarket where I buy 2 giant mars bars and a foldable meter ruler, it folded into 4.


Next was the same dream, this time we have a house.   There are 2 rooms and 2 beds I sleep in, one is warm the other cold. 

I had a baby with me too, it was possibly Zak... But new born.

A guy I knew shared the same beds, sleeping in one when I was in the other.  He'd also been on the same train as Inka and the others last night.

He'd come in to talk to me and as he opened the door a hedgehog came in with a calculator on it's back. 

The calculator display had the name helen on. 

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Fractal Explosion



Wet bats.. Or crows?   They were like a mix of both.   They had long black hairy feathers, coming in wet from hunting in the sea and sitting on a fence facing into the wind, spreading wings to dry.  
I was getting to know them. 


A campervan I lived in, it was like a converted horsebox.

City, with public baths.   We were having a bath, I had a strange partner, a shy Scottish teacher, he had long red thinning hair in dreadlocks. 


An odd version of my main dream space.   The main street was a cobbled tunnel, cafes and bars.

I'd gone into a cafe that was the Farn, to pick something up.

In the cobbled tunnel I met Suzanne. 


Then back in a city, I was flying down an estuary, a large boat slip... The tide was covering most of it. 

Below me people were in canoes and sailing boats. 

I flew out into the open water and then just let go....   Falling down into the water and sinking down....

In another dream crew appeared here, my family were around.
They had come to collect me.  My family were surprised I knew this bunch of strangers. 

Was odd, I walked to Inka who had handcuffs on one wrist.. He put the other one onto me so we were stuck together. 


 (12th Night shift)




Wake at 101

I'd been dreaming in main dream area with Kaylo and Inka...  Oh, we'd made metallic flame first...  I slept in it.
The dream was cyberpunk/tron style based at Ali's house. 

We had skating blades, I was pregnant...  We were sliding threw realities playing and chasing. 

Next wake is 444...
A long dream about a dystopian city. 

A baby again but it had died.   I was in a giant mess hall, all there people were in refuge like places, the city futuristic.

We had a plan we needed to implement but someone tried it to early.


I'd had details of stuff inked into the skin on my leg, although it felt like it was done in pen, the area was inflamed like it would be with a tattoo.   

It was a mix of symbols and plans to make something we needed.

We had mistakenly thought the law enforcement there would help us, as we were victims of something... But instead I was wanted because of the info I carried. 


I was with another female but part of a larger crew.    I'd been pulled out of the crowd and the plans photographed, but a distraction had helped me get away back into the city.

A curfew was in place, sirens sounded and hr then half an hr before dark - then drones that sensed body heat, energy and movement were in the streets killing anything that moved about.


The people would tend to crowd into communal buildings, as dusk was falling I'd entered a tower structure on a lake, we were all at the windows and doors looking out.


A bomb goes of in the water... Not like a normal explosion, this was a fractal slow motion explosion, it turned the water solid....  like a white pixilated pinecone that span out.   The bits floating into the surrounding buildings. 

It looked amazing, and people couldn't stop looking but I knew the effect the stuff had if it came in contact with you and it wasn't good.
I run up the tower which inside is like a multi story carpark or helter skelter lined with old road signs. 

The top was a large viewing platform, I was high above the city, and sections of the floor were Perspex.  I was sitting cross legged looking down on the strange huge city and fractal explosion.

Last dream I was heading to grans dream space.  It was a journey around the coast and I was floating over the sea, small seal like creatures started racing with me. 

We reached a space were plants were being grown, and some of them were salt water specimens grown on sand. 

We move in around them and into 2 cottages with gardens.
I'm looking out onto a lawn at the family I travelled with.  A man, woman and there only child, it's a hedged garden and the woman is laying on a mandala blanket, the male has a guitar. 
I needed to continue my journey and from the outside I could see a green door that would lead me back out onto the sand dunes,  it wasn't clear how to access the door from the cottage...  I was woken by alarm before I got bk out.

Friday, 11 November 2022

A TimeLoop game


With Kaylo and Inka again, we are all getting on well together atm, smoking and relaxing in the re-ed hub.

A family dream.   I had a bro and a grandad and an unusual outfit.  
It was like a blue mini kilt folded the same way and of a soft blue fabric.  

A ruffled blouse and jacket.  The outfit needed a belt and I was shopping with my bro there.   (Bro & Grandad were people I'd never seen before)   The town was an unfamiliar style too, large independent shops. 

Reminded me of the how some of the larger old Scottish towns were years ago, it was male outfitters they were taking me too to find a brown leather belt to match the skirt. 


I recall I had one but it was part plastic and they didn't like how it looked.

Herbs too, blending mix's for teas.

A sparrow was nesting at head height in some telegraph wires, and we were watching a slow mo film of a gull in flight... It was flying in a light smoke and we were seeing the air flow over it's wing tips. 


Next up box heads, I'm with the same bro.... And his friends, they all have a box with the same cut out logo for a head.   I have one to wear too, mine was of a slightly different style.

In one box was a tiny fold out room, it had a paper grand piano and candles.   A miniature woman, a dancer in a red dress had gone inside it and was exploring the art work.


Next a dream of a farm with a market, lots of fresh fruit and veg, the owner was Leon I used to work for.   The place had a cafe too.  

The outdoor market fruit and veg I'd not seen before, unusual shapes and colours.

We were packing up and watching a storm roll in.

The sky was amazing black, grey white.   A huge storm cell with animal shapes and fractal clouds.. 
White glittery soot sprite things were flying our way to avoid the heavy rain, we knew we should pack up - but it was mesmerising and everyone had stopped to watch. 


A hotel dream, 6o's style rooms.   Sheila and Eric were to stay in my room, I'd been crashing there with Clare and another friend. 

Clare had a futuristic laptop and the guy a removable neon yellow glass eye.

We all dressed in black leather type stuff. 

I was to clean the room before it was borrowed by my uncle and aunt.

Outside the room were stalls and launderettes.  Some were like market stalls, others more high end perfume counters.
Some had free samples so I was getting some soap and shampoo to leave for them in the room.

Dream skips to a Halloween time loop team game, it was the 3rd  year of play.

Inka and Kaylo were on my team, but we all looked different.   Inka had grey/white hair... 

I didn't see much of him, but he was annoyed as we kept screwing up - it's why the thing kept resetting.
It's set in a very different version of my main dream space. 
My first objective was in a repair shop, dark and odd almost like a watchmakers but futuristic too, like a tech repair.
The shop was Inka's.
It was some how linked to the previous dream too.


I had the bouncy ball I'd got from the time I was sectioned - this time last year... Oh it was the one that belonged to another woman... Racy Tracy... I'd made her into erasey Tracy.

The other team we kind of knew..  They were a bit like the Hellraiser crew.  One had the same pins in his head. 

In the other time loops I'd been walking along bouncing the ball, I spotted the guy who'd caught me and hid behind a bush.   

He knew from previous years where I should be, with the ball bouncing and approached me instead.  

He wanted to know why I wasn't repeating my loop - I'd told him I was outside it now and we'd change stuff up.
He wanted me to do something for him, he was the other crew.... But I thought it worth a go, as what we'd done in the other loops hadn't worked. 

We walk in silence around what should be the harbour hill, but it's a cliff side with kittiwakes.

We part ways at a house like my old Aunt Ann's flat and I enter...  I find another member of their crew at the door who follows me in and I go upstairs into a large modern open plan kitchen.   I'd sat on a island work top, waiting for the rest of them to arrive.

... Humm, didn't realise it was 11/11 today. 


Wednesday, 9 November 2022

7th-9th Nov 22

7th Nov

Was awake all night, I did dream in the day but very abstract stuff.

8th Nov

Lots of dreams....  Long rambling ones. 


In one I'd been riding a horse on a pebbly beach as the tide came in.

The pebbles were of a kind I'd never seen before, smooth but fractured inside like broken glass, mainly black and white.

Dream of an odd  city... A rave we were putting on.   People I'd not seen for a long time.

A guy giving other guy blowjobs outside of a transport hub.

2 people robbed me in a line at a station, I'd caught the woman but the guy had run off with my stuff.

I was refusing to let the woman go.  An armed robbery is taking place too. 

There are police around, but they are only tools of the elite and care little for small crime.   I'd called someone I knew to stop my bank cards.

A guy too, 2 of them... One had the same shoes as me.  He left and gone to see a female called 'reach for the stars'.


9th Nov.

Dreaming with Inka and Kaylo.

Kept going back into the same dream over and over.   It was a large communal building with strangers and family.

Hotel like, it reminded me of the Links in some aspects.
My Dad, Christine and Marcus was there again.
Some sections were for younger people, some older.  
Lessons too.
I had a work role there, mix of nanny, career and chambermaid depending what section we were working in.

When I was waking my dream dust was odd...  A mix of a fabric cutting pattern and star constellations.


Back into the same dream, I'd been put with the most vulnerable people.  Was helping move them to the centre of the hub....  I was also widening a search area for triangulation.


Large lasagnes had been prepared for the evening food.  And I was clearing up games and toys.

Wooden trains and board games like checkers but with small wooden pegs.  

I'd dropped them and a guy I knew was helping me find the small bits in a long shagpile carpet.
I'd walked back with him to the section he was working.

It was a male section of the education wing.

2 floors, with a long shower room where I was waiting outside for him.


There was an odd 'dead finger' phone.   It was a finger with a nail at both ends, it worked with a set of bat like ears that could be worn on the head.


He was doing generator maintenance, most of the residents were sleeping, I was waiting for him to finish so we could go eat with the other staff.
There were various contracted roles we took on in this odd home.

Wake again and go back, this time I'm in the reception.   It's like a hotel lobby mixed with a school reception.   My primary school headmaster was in charge with Red's oldest sister as the receptionist.
I was experiencing time jumps that the others weren't so was on what appeared an endless shift, as I'd keep slipping back in time to the start and repeating stuff.

Every time my shift was nearly over I'd experience a jump to the start of another one. 

I was interviewing the doorman over what was going on.


Sunday, 6 November 2022

4th-7th Nov.




I was following an old railway line.. Over crossings and I could see crossing where a line had been decommissioned.   The tracks taken away but the old crossing and signposts still in place.

A young girl on her way home from school goes into my bag where my wallet is and takes it,  I see her and stop her make her put it back.
As she's in uniform I decide I should tell her head teacher about her intent to steal so I walk her to the school... On they way there the girl ages a bit and I realise she has a school tie on, so must be at the middle school.

We change directions to go there instead, the kid takes of a few times but I can run faster with longer legs so I catch her up easily.

We get on ok and she wants me to drop it.  
I tell her she needs to realise actions have repercussions.

At the middle school we go into the secretaries office, the head has left already but she will find the deputy.

There is a strange filling cabinet with what looks like folded up raffle tickets inside... They are tipping it up and the white numbers out onto the floor.


I inform the deputy about the girls attempted theft and he askes me what I want done.  I told him it wasn't my concern then woke up.

Next dream I was with Inka in a large stairwell, he was sitting on the floor in the corner smoking and I was dreaming next to him.

A metal ball and cube, the metal is a dark colour the objects are made of many bits together and look like puzzles.
He tells me....  

'Squaring the directive - the directive squared' 


5th Nov
An amazing small town, large village. 

It was very abstract and old.

The changes could be seen,  seen in the various architecture.

I was staying in an old cottage belonging to an acquaintance, a lovely wood burner and a giant monkey / human hybrid was comforting a small baby.  

They had curled up to sleep together.
I was taking images to share with some friends and I'd decided to go to the oldest part of the settlement that had an ancient burnt out oak tree, and mainly derelict buildings.  

6th Nov


Odd false4 awakening while at work...

I was only half asleep as listening out for buzzers and alarms.
So was a false awakening thing. I was dreaming of sitting in the chair with 2 strange priests of different religions. A woman and man, both with lipstick on and odd robes. But every time I looked down my uniform was unzipped and my bra was round my neck!

Work dream.  

I was doing care work but in a city, I kept getting lost on the way to houses.

Some of the people I was caring for were exceptionally beautiful.

Like marble statues, they were telling me their stories.


Last dream was more abstract...  East enders again.  Sol's Sis...   Streets paved with newspapers that I was flying over. 

There had been a long story too, a roadmap to the sun. 


Thursday, 3 November 2022

Permanent Storm Cell.


A long dream set in Thailand and the Indian ocean starting with parking up the car and swimming.

We swim threw a permanent storm cell.

I knew how it was formed and the sun and sea currents there kept it in the same place.... Other weather patterns rippling out from it.
It was strange looking, a wall of cloud but it also had what where like blood vessels running threw it connecting the water with the clouds at the top of the storm.

Once passed, the water warmed and was deep and still.

We arrive in the dark - moored fishing boats and rafts have lamps on so the others can see I'm passed the storm and heading to land.


We'd passed all night stalls and food stands, my Dad his Bro and another guy are with us.   They look different, shorter and younger... Wider legs.
It was like a holiday for them.  I passed Marcus too, I commented on how often I bump into him. 
Next part I was collecting a small spray of plants and herbs.  Mint and lemongrass, someone was putting more bits out for me to find.
As the morning approached we headed back to the waters edge.

Past a nursery with flying chairs, my son's were with me now and wanted a go.

A guy checking travellers ID's too but he didn't stop us.

A small plastic push able stall, with charcoal pencils. 


I woke as Zak was run over by a bright green HGV.  

It was as we were trying to get back into the sea...
He had a handful of turquoise and light blue balloons. 

The truck was driving threw the shallow water and I'd stepped into the road too to wave and slow it down but it was speeding up instead and the water was washing Zak to wards it, I woke as it bumped over Zak .. The 2 drivers grinning at me.


I go back into the same dream this time I'm in a small boat on the water, it's surrounded by wooden buildings on legs. 

Dolphins are in the water swimming round the boat and leaping up to be touched so I jump into the water with them were they surround me and carry them with them, one has a fin in my mouth.

There were 2 other odd bits to this.  A Christmas raffle with 12 winners... I'd won 3 of the prizes and a revolving door hospital place, a guy would be euthanasia if the timing wasn't right.

His daughter would stay with us to try help the transition go smooth.
An odd photo image I was taking of myself to make into a cartoon. 


Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Nov 1&2 22




More admin dreams that I think I recall but don't or can't get threw to waking.

Shadow my cat was bk, but as a person too.

A group of superheroes... I wanted to join and fly with them, but I was in a vehicle and the driver wouldn't stop or let me out.


A strange giant woman, she was 8ft tall.   We'd taken some of her clothes but they were huge. 

We were trying to find a way to sneak them back into her collection. 

She had a large underground wardrobe... But the space there was changing.

Black stone was growing and filling in the spaces where these people lived. 

It was pushing them towards the surface.

2nd Nov

A strange layered world.   A table top game set in a garden room space.  Stars and drugs were involved too. 

On the table top were cards, but we would take the drugs and leap into the table too - playing the games out in simulated worlds.

It was a turn based game with cards in sets.   4 teams, I was being mentored how to play.  The worlds were like towns with tinkers to trade with and mobs.

There was a law enforcement team too, not under player control.

As I was learning I was swapping between each team.

Next dream was long and vague,  I'd been moved on once again from a residential education space but had no other home. 

It was in London, I was looking for work and a dwelling of some kind.

Em was there too.   We'd been in a shared dorm, with lots of toys.  Bunk beds along walls.
I'd found Rach in the city, she was showing me round.   I wasn't fussy what work I did, I just needed enough for a room.
I'd lost a note written to me by one of my tutors, looking for it threw box's and bags.
There was a ceramics class and small remote cars, the city was futuristic but with still many of the buildings classical style. 

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...