Friday, 29 March 2024

Puds n Hubs




A strange place.  Big stairs, large white sitting platforms.  With smaller stairs between the larger ones.
I was sitting with Em and Marie....  They were looking at my phone with me where DarthD kept taking it over remotely and locking me out.  They were freaked out about it, but it wasn't bothering me as I knew it was him.

I was working split shifts with the others...  Taking it turns.   (Hum, Mirror me and middle me) 
I'd gone up to a kitchen step platform.  It was communal and as I start to make an omelette when I'm joined by Ddad in a odd form....   He was a bald, chubby middle age guy.
I knew it was him.. He was freaking the others out (we were young) They though he was coming onto me... But it wasn't that he was just visiting, we made omelette together while chatting.


Other odd people too.  Nicola Hogg, and a guy called Barry Irving who I've not seen or thought about in years!



Next dream I'm  looking up at a block of flats with glass windows, people I know are inside clean the glass of their rooms.   Odd stuff like Ghostbusters monsters and Godzilla all cartoon style. 



Last dream was long,  a residential home, hospital.   I was working and living there.

Scribble was with me and had broken one of his back paws.
Odd thing with a reception desk when I walked past a display of sweets and they all started wobbling and jumped of the shelves.  I was laughing and helping a friend on reception clean them up.

Then it got odd when 3 women arrived to medicate me, by force if needed.   I was confused, they wouldn't belive I wasn't on medication....    I woke by the sun in my eyes before they pinned me down.



Really long dream.   Set in one of them odd mall places.   Suppose they are like giant hubs, with people working and living.
This one seemed to be in a sort of tower block.   The commercial places were mainly for drinks or food...   Well specifically deserts! 

Stalls with the most amazing looking cheesecake type things, both individual and large where you could get a slice.   They were like art!   Beautiful colours, creamy white stuff with deep berry sauces, and stuff. 
I tried a few samples but mainly just enjoyed looking at them.

I bought a drink from one of the drink stalls.  A cacao choc drink, was warm and frothy, tasted spiced too, really yummy.

I was wandering about sipping it when I came to a frozen yogurt, icecream stall.
Again these were incredible looking!   Some were allready served in wee glass bowls all garnished and presented to look perfect.
I'd stopped to look at a coconut matcha ice, it was bright green in a wee bowl, with chocy wafer swirl and a dusting of coco or something on top.
As I was looking the owner approached me.  
A young guy, dark hair and eyes...   I was a similar age.   He wanted me to sample things but I was ok with my warm drink.   He was happy for me to sit at the counter and watch his customers come and go.
He served frozen ice fruit drinks too, and margarita style cocktails. 
I must have stayed there for ages as it got dark and I was still there when he was cashing up and cleaning the refrigerated counter out.
I realised he was really close to me as he cashed up.  His leg touching mine in a very familier way.
He didn't make me uncomfortable, there was something easy about him.  
I'd said goodnight and made my way to one of the sleeping hubs.

My next recall is of bumping into him the following day. 
This time he had a sort of hand cart, pushing his frozen things around for sale...    I'd met him by a stair well.   Foam on the floor, where someone was cleaning up and had pushed the soapy water down while mopping the stairs.
This time I was more lucid, he was suggesting we had sex and while he wasn't unattractive the concept made me laugh.  
He kinda clocked my lucidity so suggested we go walk.   I was up for this, so we headed up the stair well that had been recently washed. 
It got sureal here and really amusing! 
We were walking past full length steamy windows or steam room's saunas and communal baths.
Nekid people, relaxing, having sex or just chilling out... Only as I was observing they were getting more and more wyrd, there bodies and faces twisting and warping in unnatural and absurd ways...   This set me off giggling
😂  The guy seemed amused by my reaction and I woke up laughing. 


Next dream also relaxing.

It felt like a mash up of places from my main dream hub...   It was a house like my main dream house but in reveres like the other Andrea's house or Em's the kitchen was facing west not east.
Yet it was also a little like the back window of the paper shop.   A sash window, filled with shelves.
Kerri was in there.  
It had been Christmas and she's filled the window with the families gifts.  It was an attractive display, looking like stuff for sale.

Outside the window was a wooden patio, with a wooden slatted rocking lounger.
A small open wooden shelter too. 
I seemed to spend my time in the lounger rocking and watching the sky.
Syed was in the dream too.  He wanted to know if I had any dresses I didn't use as he wanted to wear them.
I'd had a hunt and picked him out for Kawaii style stuff.  Dresses with bloomers and PJ's he seemed pleased and had headed of to try them on. 

Monday, 25 March 2024

Working Weekend




Odd dream at work.   Was a little like an MMO in that I was a spell caster.. Working with another to take down some invaders. 
Only once I closed the gap I chose to pick them up and strangle or break their necks.
After we took down the invaders the other caster took me to meet his cat.
The cat was a fan of Hitler!  The guy had filled the cat's room with Hitler posters, and also a Hitler paddling pool filled with balls for the cat to play in...   V odd.






Dreams in dreams...  Was with an unfamiliar brother and dad.  We were going to get my bro shoes.
I was distracted though by the foundations of a group of Victorian towers.

Huge structures, but below were terracotta drainage systems.  The foundations looked unstable and it felt like the towers would fall.  But there was something amazing about them too...
I was trying to remember them from dreams but my Dad n Bro were trying to hurry me along.

I was irritated with them as wanted to dream there.


Spring - Awakening, journey to grow.  A season in the sun making seeds to re-sow.

Under winters sleep, gestate in nights grip.

Nourished by what fell away and died.

Decay, a food, a pattern, all connected ever repeating.

Yet always changing, never remaining.

Sleep in the light, work in the night.

Dark in my heart from all that's died in me.

Decaying to feed a newer seed to be.





Long dream, I was leaving a shared home I was in.  Seemed to be the house Mathew & Andrew used to live in.  The big guest house.. I'd had a room there with Judith & Jim.
My 10 year tenancy was up.

Wasn't sure where to go when a guy rocked up to take me.  I was being recruited of sorts.  
A strange military feel but  not.  We left in his car, he helped me pack my stuff and we arrived at the space his recruits lived.  
Again seemed like main dream space... Dunes in from the south beach, not far from my roundhouse.
It was in the open sand dunes, rows of various 70s/80's looking divan double beds separated by old fashioned mismatched sofas. 

They were all in lines following the natural curves of the dunes, facing in with an open area of shorter grass and sand in-between. 
We got a bed each and sofa.   Most were taken but the odd one was free.   I was climbing the dunes looking at the way the sun would rise and set before picking where I wanted to sleep. 
I was annoyed I couldn't use my own furniture but realised there wasn't room.   The bloke would sell it and keep the cash on my behalf. 
As a new recruit I was answerable to them above, the people there the longest had smaller bunk rooms of only 4.... But we slept in the open.


Very structured timetables.  We were to compete in VR type games.  A board held a league table, lessons too... All our food / laundry / cig needs were taken care of.  Coloured jumpsuit things, we just took a clean one in the size we wanted from a store.  Jack was there too, we sat smoking on the sand, I'd wrapped my blanket round me...   Talking and flicking ash into an old heavy glass ashtray.
Was a sense of it wasn't what I wanted, but it would do for now.


Other dream I was with Dad, Sheila and Eric again.  Eric was lucid and talking to me, he had a small gold hoop earing. 

The dream jumped around alot...  At one point I was standing at the back of an empty seat less blue bus, watching the road below. 
Odd small reptiles, jumped onto our clothing and clung.
A fire work show over a river estuary..  Starry skies and 2 huge wooden boats like arks.  One belonged to a queen..   I flew over these, then was drawing them for someone, showing the layout.

Friday, 22 March 2024

Pork or Prawns?



First dream was a big election.... I was helping the female candidate, and others I think.  I was washing and dressing them. 
The result was a forgone conclusion and the votes were a formality at this point. 
The woman who was standing was blond, she didn't agree with her parties policies but was using that party as it had the best chance to get her the power she wanted. 

The results and a badge or medal would be passes to her at a ceremonies in a city square, only it was more of a round place.  Dignitaries from other countries would be attending. 
We would hold a similar ceremony next outside the Arc De Triomphe in Paris.


Children were attending too, from all over the world, I was looking after a group in soft felt red and green elf type shoes.


After the ceremony was a buffet were we to pick one thing, I went for a pork and pastry roll type thing. 


A beanfield.  Growing diffrent types of beans.  I was picking string beans.  
Then a supermarket with all fresh produce.  A guy with a buggy and a kid with mis matched shoes.   Turtles and reptile's in the shop too.  
I was buying a small flowering pepper plant and cat food for 2 cats.


A strange service in a wooden church hall.   Jack was there with a jock strap on 🤔

I had an old fashioned brown teddy with movable arms and legs and long floppy ears.  
I was devising a gay scale...   Lol Was like a grey scale, but was to do with attraction to like to opposite sex.  It made sense to me, others though I was just odd,  it was based on androgynous types in the middle with more extreme identifications with male and female stereotypes at the end and I was trying to explain how I could see it magnetically.   They didn't necessarily have to feel a connection, but I could see it.   Hard to explain now but made sense to me at the time :P

We have another buffet after, this time it's loads and loads of prawns, all diffrent sizes and types.


Last dream was a house party that spilled over into a nearby church yard, it was light evening and we were sitting, playing and dancing around the grave stones.

I'd put my phone down and when I went to collect it only the cover remained.  I was irritated but decided to leave it till after the party to sort out in case it turned up. 


After the party I went to visit Aunty Irene.   Alan had arrived and they were on the sofa having a hug.   He was young, early 20's and dressed in a goofy fancy-dress redcoat uniform.  He told me he was the new Duke of Northumberland.   Kevin arrived too, a similar age....  The room was strange too, hung with red, gold and yellow heavy velvet curtains. 

I headed to my main dream house were the area was outside the front was flooding with water.
Deep and fresh, workmen were over the wall in the newer estate and as I called to them they started to hop over the wall into my garden, apologising and telling me they'd sort it out.  
Strange pumping equipment was spurting water all-over which seemed to be the cause of the flood.  

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...