Friday, 22 March 2024

Pork or Prawns?



First dream was a big election.... I was helping the female candidate, and others I think.  I was washing and dressing them. 
The result was a forgone conclusion and the votes were a formality at this point. 
The woman who was standing was blond, she didn't agree with her parties policies but was using that party as it had the best chance to get her the power she wanted. 

The results and a badge or medal would be passes to her at a ceremonies in a city square, only it was more of a round place.  Dignitaries from other countries would be attending. 
We would hold a similar ceremony next outside the Arc De Triomphe in Paris.


Children were attending too, from all over the world, I was looking after a group in soft felt red and green elf type shoes.


After the ceremony was a buffet were we to pick one thing, I went for a pork and pastry roll type thing. 


A beanfield.  Growing diffrent types of beans.  I was picking string beans.  
Then a supermarket with all fresh produce.  A guy with a buggy and a kid with mis matched shoes.   Turtles and reptile's in the shop too.  
I was buying a small flowering pepper plant and cat food for 2 cats.


A strange service in a wooden church hall.   Jack was there with a jock strap on 🤔

I had an old fashioned brown teddy with movable arms and legs and long floppy ears.  
I was devising a gay scale...   Lol Was like a grey scale, but was to do with attraction to like to opposite sex.  It made sense to me, others though I was just odd,  it was based on androgynous types in the middle with more extreme identifications with male and female stereotypes at the end and I was trying to explain how I could see it magnetically.   They didn't necessarily have to feel a connection, but I could see it.   Hard to explain now but made sense to me at the time :P

We have another buffet after, this time it's loads and loads of prawns, all diffrent sizes and types.


Last dream was a house party that spilled over into a nearby church yard, it was light evening and we were sitting, playing and dancing around the grave stones.

I'd put my phone down and when I went to collect it only the cover remained.  I was irritated but decided to leave it till after the party to sort out in case it turned up. 


After the party I went to visit Aunty Irene.   Alan had arrived and they were on the sofa having a hug.   He was young, early 20's and dressed in a goofy fancy-dress redcoat uniform.  He told me he was the new Duke of Northumberland.   Kevin arrived too, a similar age....  The room was strange too, hung with red, gold and yellow heavy velvet curtains. 

I headed to my main dream house were the area was outside the front was flooding with water.
Deep and fresh, workmen were over the wall in the newer estate and as I called to them they started to hop over the wall into my garden, apologising and telling me they'd sort it out.  
Strange pumping equipment was spurting water all-over which seemed to be the cause of the flood.  

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