Monday, 25 March 2024

Working Weekend




Odd dream at work.   Was a little like an MMO in that I was a spell caster.. Working with another to take down some invaders. 
Only once I closed the gap I chose to pick them up and strangle or break their necks.
After we took down the invaders the other caster took me to meet his cat.
The cat was a fan of Hitler!  The guy had filled the cat's room with Hitler posters, and also a Hitler paddling pool filled with balls for the cat to play in...   V odd.






Dreams in dreams...  Was with an unfamiliar brother and dad.  We were going to get my bro shoes.
I was distracted though by the foundations of a group of Victorian towers.

Huge structures, but below were terracotta drainage systems.  The foundations looked unstable and it felt like the towers would fall.  But there was something amazing about them too...
I was trying to remember them from dreams but my Dad n Bro were trying to hurry me along.

I was irritated with them as wanted to dream there.


Spring - Awakening, journey to grow.  A season in the sun making seeds to re-sow.

Under winters sleep, gestate in nights grip.

Nourished by what fell away and died.

Decay, a food, a pattern, all connected ever repeating.

Yet always changing, never remaining.

Sleep in the light, work in the night.

Dark in my heart from all that's died in me.

Decaying to feed a newer seed to be.





Long dream, I was leaving a shared home I was in.  Seemed to be the house Mathew & Andrew used to live in.  The big guest house.. I'd had a room there with Judith & Jim.
My 10 year tenancy was up.

Wasn't sure where to go when a guy rocked up to take me.  I was being recruited of sorts.  
A strange military feel but  not.  We left in his car, he helped me pack my stuff and we arrived at the space his recruits lived.  
Again seemed like main dream space... Dunes in from the south beach, not far from my roundhouse.
It was in the open sand dunes, rows of various 70s/80's looking divan double beds separated by old fashioned mismatched sofas. 

They were all in lines following the natural curves of the dunes, facing in with an open area of shorter grass and sand in-between. 
We got a bed each and sofa.   Most were taken but the odd one was free.   I was climbing the dunes looking at the way the sun would rise and set before picking where I wanted to sleep. 
I was annoyed I couldn't use my own furniture but realised there wasn't room.   The bloke would sell it and keep the cash on my behalf. 
As a new recruit I was answerable to them above, the people there the longest had smaller bunk rooms of only 4.... But we slept in the open.


Very structured timetables.  We were to compete in VR type games.  A board held a league table, lessons too... All our food / laundry / cig needs were taken care of.  Coloured jumpsuit things, we just took a clean one in the size we wanted from a store.  Jack was there too, we sat smoking on the sand, I'd wrapped my blanket round me...   Talking and flicking ash into an old heavy glass ashtray.
Was a sense of it wasn't what I wanted, but it would do for now.


Other dream I was with Dad, Sheila and Eric again.  Eric was lucid and talking to me, he had a small gold hoop earing. 

The dream jumped around alot...  At one point I was standing at the back of an empty seat less blue bus, watching the road below. 
Odd small reptiles, jumped onto our clothing and clung.
A fire work show over a river estuary..  Starry skies and 2 huge wooden boats like arks.  One belonged to a queen..   I flew over these, then was drawing them for someone, showing the layout.

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