Thursday, 14 March 2024

Ghost's and Burning Buildings



Long dream before midnight.
Bit I recall before waking up was being in a caravan / portable bathroom.  Em & R Hogg was with me.
We were trying to use the bathroom but were getting randomly possessed by a ghost in there that was making us attack eachother.  As we subdued the possessed person it would leap to another of us.
I decided I'd stay there alone as then I'd have no one to attack.  Others would come in after, allow to jump then stay alone too.


We were trying to get changed.  The outfits were nice. 
Matching but slight variations. 
A lace up bodice and short ruffle skirt in dark soft leather.  
With a white cropped puff sleeve top, the tops were trimmed with green embroidered plants. 
Each slightly diffrent, one woven flowers the one I was to wear looked like fresh green grass was growing at the neckline. 


Next dream was also long.  Set under the estate in my main dream space, mainly under Ems house.
I was shadowing a producer and her crew.  My Dad was there too, friends with the producer but something about her didn't sit well with her and she disliked me too.
The rest of her crew seemed to worship her, my Dad very fond of her too.
I'd pissed her off with a comment and when I tried to apologise she's walked of saying 'You're light a tight pair of knickers I can't wait to rip off'  I laughed and told her ok and let her go.
I'd be glad to go.

We'd been discussing earning capacity.  I was insisting that effort didn't allways = reward and many people had factors limiting their ability to gain credit based on their skill set.

She was only interested in what she could do and saw little wrong with exploiting people with more expendable skills.  She couldn't value the effort they put in.

At some point I was chatting with them Bro's who are in Eastenders.   Then towards the end of the dream I'd climbed a spiral stair where I found an unusual thin very short haired rabbit.  It seemed afraid of me at first but as I descended the steps again so my head was at it's height it hopped over and started nosing me untill it leapt into my arms and cuddled into my chest. 


I carried it way down the stairs into a workshop level where people were working  on an old turquoise Chevy pick up style truck... I'm sure this has been in another dream can't find it though.

It's having a wheel replaced, it's got a massive axel and huge bolts that clatter to the floor as the wheel is removed.  
A large odd drill is waiting to be loaded onto the back.


Next dream is an unfamilier town,  I'd been supposed to be sleeping in these communal rooms, that were sort of old prefabs set up in a green feild. 
I'd forgotton to reserve my bed and when I return a guys specs, a book and newspaper are on the night stand, the other beds are all taken too.

I recall I have a small wooden shack set in a hollow further down the slope of the hill so I head there instead.
There was a drain issue I needed to fix, so I'd lifted up some of the floorboards to access the waste pipes and look for a block.
Part way threw I go for a walk past the playing yards of 2 large schools, they are talking about and expansion that's due to drop.
I can see huge flame elementals in the distance and the sky is changing to a smoke filled red.

I head back to the shack to finish up the work there, I had some stuff to do on the roof too.
While up on the roof I notice a white croc shoe I have on is smouldering, confused I turn round to the hole I'm patching on the roof and notice that the building is filling rapidly with lava from the hole I'd made in the floor boards. 
I yell to a guy who's helping me to jump from the roof now.
We land on the grass and scramble out of the hollow as more lava seeps from the rocks in the hollows banks.


Watching it fill the red sky passes overhead and fire elementals land around us to as portals open in the feild too.

I watch my shack burn as the hollow fills with molten rock, strange shapes emerge from the fire, one is a giant molten baby, another an old Halloween style tree, then a carved pumpkin face.


I wasn't upset as I knew it would roll back after 2 weeks if I uninstalled the expansion, I was calculating the time I should roll back to while considering taking on some of the fire bosses.

Last dream was Croft.  A war memorial service had been taking place, it's a sunny Dad and Lara is walking 2 dogs.  We chat.
I was going to buy sweets, the shops were amazing.  They were called lantern shops.
Wooden building looking like they were woven from willow or vines with ornate pointed coloured glass porch areas where the shop's were located.  
They were like being inside a Moroccan lantern with the sun casting colours all around. 

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