Thursday, 21 March 2024

Hunting with Birds



First dream hazy...  They all were a bit, odd visuals from the dream herb.


I was looking for a lost twin.  Swimming in a pool.   I'd also escaped from a jail via a cargo train.

Felt odd awake between dreams too.


Next I was in a place with an unusual couple, a guy with really dirty hair and a very posh woman.

They seemed a strange match.  The guys hair was really smelly.

I was cleaning, the place had a lot of glass and mirrored surfaces I was polishing, I was dancing too.  

I'd left them to go eat in an unusual cafĂ©.  I had a baby with me in a pram.   There was only room for one pram so a guy took it out and returned with my babies and another 3 all in a pushchair together, the other parents joined me too. 
3 tiny babies almost premi size and then one larger one.  The larger one had been adopted on a woman's wedding day. 


Last dream was sureal, a formal event with gold carriages pulled by horses.  I was with an important woman in a carrige who wanted me to follow her lead as to what to do. 
Massive crowds of people watching.
I was puzzled when she pulled me into a sort of ritual kiss with everyone watching.   It involved bowing too...     Was confusing so I just copied what she was up to bemused as to what was going on.



Odd dreams disturbed by cat.
Same one over and over, started in a sort of astral version of my building.
I was here in the dark with animals.  I had an old record player with a bunch of old 45 records.

A guy arrived to collect me, tall dressed in a long black coat with a Plague Dr style mask, with him he had a massive bird of pray.  
He wanted to take me somewhere and I agree.

We jump to an ancient farmstead.   I'm dresses in old clothes, long linen skirt with a blouse and bodice.   Felt like a re-enactment place but I was to keep in character. 
The farmstead was laid out like a hamlet, with various worker cottages, barns and yards. 
The buildings were beautiful and amazing, seemed to span various periods in time.  Some filled with modern people, furniture and lighting.    I wasn't permitted into these dwellings. 

Though I think I did visit one as I have a recall of a party going on, the house so full people were chatting and drinking on the narrow old stairs.

A falconry event was taking place, and mask guy wanted me to try compete too.  I was also to serve people attending with beer and food.  
Old buildings medieval style with long wooden tables and benches and candles.  Rustic stews week ale, cheese and breads.
It was noisy and social.   Loads of birds too and I was given a smaller bird to try and bond with, a kestrel I think.   We got on ok, it mostly sat on my sholder as I was using my hands... Wasn't to painful as it's claws gripped the leather of the bodice I had on.


It was sureal, I was to stay in the role of a peasant helper but also observe.  He was Dling info to me on hunting with birds as I was sat by a large inglenook fire sewing and eating sour fruit, tasted like pears and crab apples...   Was less sweet than modern fruit, nice though. 


The birds were amazing, his was like a large flacon with very dark plumage. 


Oooo  Falcon time is 21st March (Today) till 19th April.  1st Day of Spring. 

Last dream was more sureal, a strange animal a mix of a cat/ bat with babies that looked like possums that it kept in pockets in it's furry wings :D 


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