Monday, 12 April 2021

Cards, Hearts and Ripples

I'm... 'Coming here, shhhhhh intention and come to us Mouse'

kk need headphones house to loud 😏

Oo just gone midnight, I feel like I've already been dreaming all night. I was back at the start of last night... James st with the holes in the road, Inka and Malico there too.

It feels like I'm starting the night over again ???

Patterns and shapes.

202 Inka calls me awake, I'd been with them but had wandered off.. He tells me here Ren, into my arms beside my heart... I said oh, that sounds nice 😜 he'd answered.  'Safe too, safe as houses'  A see a house of cards, Houses astrology houses too more  cards? Card suits? Hearts... Hu? I'd been?

'Heading someplace you don't belong😈' Hummm? Oh,errrr I was going??? πŸ‘€

lol Next wake at 303 'Yep Ren, I told you, for now, you belong to me, I'm keeping you near tonight'

Where are my dreams?? 'Mouse come'  

WTFwas that dream? 'You asked! '  πŸ˜†

This was odd...

A craft shop with plants and a very very strange hall,
I was hired help at the plant place a kind of maid.  

Had strange uniforms, I worked with a guy.. didn't do much just kept stuff clean. 

lol Oh.... there was a row with a dishwasher? a half-eaten burger? ... I was throwing stuff but that was here? 'Splitting'


In the dream I was sent on an errand, to deliver some stuff across the village.

The maid at the other place invited me in.
I was commenting 'Oh! There is lots of help here'

I was waiting on my male half to arrive with a packet.

A gift for their butler type ... It was a mask and whiskers for a mouse!! πŸ˜†

The other help were chatting and introduce themselves to me, they wore strange clothes and all used both names....

Vomoon? something Vommon? was one of the surnames.

They all seemed very timid and somewhat afraid.

I wasn't quite sure what was going on so I was I was watching and learning while playing along.

The butler guy went odd with cartoon eyes πŸ˜†

Then I was in touch with someone via a phone, that was oddly out of place in this old fashioned home.

They were on a journey on train and bus and they were seeing how many people they could find to fuck! 

Random strangers that had sex then got off, but as it was distracting and my friend kept missing their stops.

I was helping with their re-rooting.. to keep them moving on.

I'd been dreaming from the Graveyard of St Peters Church... Nana, Lewis Carol...

linked to Sheep, Enclosure and Inheritance too.

Oh.. you met me in the graveyard.. '😈Haha Ren, You were sitting on my lap'

Ahhh.... Pahaha I was Gargoyle, curled up like a cat!!  πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

'Sleep more and dream'

Wake next 414... 'The towers rise in you?? '  Hu? Plural?? 'Yes'

I'd been dreaming with Malico he'd taken me into the church...

Swapped me back to the tall white thing, then merged with my mind to stabilise.

Then Inka joined us too.... I'd woken as they tell me 'The Towers Rise in You'  hurrrrrr??

Ima going to look in my Nana's old house....  I left the asral GY and moved to the space of the female side house. 

Hummm this was another lost bank card dream..

I'd been in a gallery, I didn't want baggage so had dumped my stuff.

When I came back - leaf bag was open and the bank cards were gone.. 

Rachel and Rob were calling to cancel. 

Cash was there and so much other stuff,
I'd just had to look threw the stuff and tell them what it was that had gone...
I wasn't bothered but was happy for them to call a stop.

The gallery was big, a little like a shop? Oh yeh the dream had started with a war!

Stuff blowing up all over, and people getting stressed, 

So we'd opened up a ledger and started taking bets! 

It seemed a fun thing to do.... and it was distracting the people from freaking out.

I was splitting too and dreaming in many different places and trying to explain that I was dreaming with planets 🀣

One of me was here at 6am,

Another on an empty bus on a sunny afternoon.

I'd gone into nana's house before that dream... I had wanted to be Katy, but Katy wasn't me.

Katy x 3

Then it's 0550 I'd been back in the church.

With Inka and Malico, laying between them in the dark along a pew.

Inka at my feet and Malico at my head I've a feeling the vet Michale was in the space too. 

I'd drifted in and out then, in the spaces around the dreams... looking at the symbols and what they might mean.

I still couldn't make myself care about the cards... or the bag, or the baggage.

 I was having more fun watching shit move on...

'Gaunt Ren, Check Lewis Carol 😈' Errrr kk.

That's the Queen shit??   With the Ritchard form here??

The Lewis Carrol and the C S Lewis...ponering the connection made my brain go wizzzzzz

lol did the gargoyle's protect the Render too 🀣😁
'Yeh Mouse but you got little right now but me protecting you'  πŸ˜›

From my self I assume?? 

'How many shoes?' 
Haha do they all fit?  
'Do you make them?' 
It's seeming like it
I see the story's your telling me,  The elves, It was a fable? 

Elves and the shoemaker?? 

Lol  and night before lasts dreams...

'The soles and the souls Ren... And what's in-between'   What is in-between?

'You tell me Queen, you're the one with the eyes that see'  

Emotion in motion?  Making geometry...  Geo me tree   - Oh the mapping stuff onto the tree of life, the tree inside and the space shit
'Keep the typo Ren, space shit in your mind is more apt'

Haha  I've now got an image of a cosmic poop

'Create a constellation Ren... Could call it shitty hoop😈'   Hahahah   Uranus πŸ˜†

Hahah!!!   Oh man, that's punny... 


Sunday, 11 April 2021

Storys in Soul Soles

Hu?  That was freaking abstract 😜 Dark too....

A sausage rolled like a Cumberland had recall inside it??
Also being digested... An argument at the bbc over broadcasting bullshit :P
One was angry another didn't care.
Someone was annoyed with the conformity to the establishment,
The conflict was subtle, but the anger and frustration real.
2 producers and the sausage wheel shit πŸ˜†   Felt tied to this the other night....and this... Oh no, I'd re-enterd that attic space into the dreams. 

Ehh??   Magic and crime, a pencil case too? 2 clear plastic set squares had fallen out... that's the stationery stuff again.

Before that a story being told, uncle to nephew....
We were outdoors.  I'm formless. A large dark swing like a pendulum... the tale is mapped out onto soul / sole.
Each part of the telling was on a layer of foot... wrapping the story from toe to heal.. then they would be layered again.

I'd got up for a couple of hrs but the other dreams were no less odd, that one above I'd been with Inak, the Rest I was with Kaylo & Leon on the Islands... Leon is unexpectedly pleasant.

I was on James street - main dream area and the road at the top is sinking in strange round holes.  People were waiting for a bus but it wouldn't be able to get through.

I was wondering why it was sinking and where the holes might go.... Oh before that was odd too I was splitting/ one of me was here at PC, but also dreaming here too. 
I'd turned my PC off but a voice kept coming through, waking me as I was sleeping on the floor below were I was also sleeping above.

Donnat, my older neighbour the one who posted me the salt.  She was with me in a strange dreamscape - there was a huge terraformed digging machine that been made into a kids play toy.  I was watching the kids play... some with crazy deformities like 2 heads! πŸ‘€

An unfamiliar housing estate with much stuff closing down.... issues with supply and food shopping trolleys and a dark warehouse.
Brown cardboard box's.. massive ques extra tills but very little food... I was wandering around inside listening to them plan, extra tills to deal with the ques it wouldn't help the issue of very little food.
I'd understood the theory was trying to explain but few could get it - it was strange....
Same odd story few with eyes to see?

I'd written to a guy that I'd known from long ago and he'd replied in stitching on a part of a shoe.
He had been a cobbler and I'd done some work exp for with him.   I was surprised that he remembered me.
He was retiring, but to aid his recall, was asking people who had known him to send a white triangle postcard containing a memory he would put them on his wall.
I could see his dwelling in my mind... strange, dark old fashioned looking back in time.
I was reading this from the stitching of red and blue, holding the 2 coloured bits of soft leather that had been sent to me by post.

Other recall Em/Me - We were at a large screen on a wall.
The scream was a touch one huge... but slow. We scrolling thew large lists of items, checking on stock.

New moon dreams are odd....  Night before 10th..

Train journey and an underground station... A large black pylon the cables needed reattaching I was hovering and attaching them.. They were linked to the powered tracks.

A cat in a bottle... Like a ship in a bottle.  This was odd I'd been filling the glass bottle from a cold tap, then I turned back there was a black cat squashed inside with a bubble at it's mouth. 
I'd had to pour the cat and water back out :P

Inka showed me the Nephrology Astrology again :D  Planetary archetypes and the energy nodes once more, planetary tantra inside of body form.

One kidney left one right they are linked to scales and judgment. Humm. I think the broken covenant is linked to the removal of judgment


I was listening to a DJ standing in the dark he was mixing tracks I had never seen or herd before....
He was standing with arms stretch out behind the decks a wall of speakers at his back.  I was watching the music form stuff in the air.

Then there was a loud interreference that I had to stop....the tracks are timelines

These were all new.
I was at a wake too. A relative had died, I'd had to leave early without saying goodbye.

I needed to get the last train back to London as the next one wasn't till 5.

A really fat boy George?.. With a  sparkler in his hat.

Iron Head.

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...