Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Lock Stitch


2nd May

Same place again that I keep visiting, each time it looks different but it's the area of Old Stone Close in my main dream space.  I knew the layout from pervious dreams years back.
I was with a bunch of dogs I knew, Wolfe kept rounding up chihuahua dogs. 

I was also making a frozen fruit smoothi, it came out like creamy whipped ice-cream. 

Last dream I was in a car with male me... This time he's a mix of Dom & Marcus.  I was driving, the car was small futuristic and low to the road... It was more like a driving sim game and the roads were narrow with strange markings.
I was a crap driver!


3rs May
---  Energy and dreams increase.

Main dream area.   Was with Marie, me and her worked a night job together.   We'd gone home on a bus.

Northsunderland there was to be a rave, preps were being made.
More abstract stuff too live machines that packed items and interests... Odd flying boats too.

2nd dream... 

The rave started.  Dom was there also Rich that used to DJ for him in the early days.... Only he looked like Stuart. 

I was supposed to be the host, but I'd forgotten to sort the lights as I was doing pre-quests on a cooking mission.


Then jumbled stuff, missing tins a sand pit.
Horse and an odd cart on that ran on tracks.   Like a pit pony, but this was a modern strange plastic cart to sit in.
The tracks were complex.
A mixed family.... Rows.  An older sister was the head of the family.
Images of butterfly winds...  Kaylo was fighting with Fox, fighting like bro's play fighting.

An amazing visual dream that I understood the symbology off....  
It's a raven of rope and wood bridges, and nets.  We were climbing and leaping, making impossible jumps.

Same dream, changing sides...  Motives, rope bridges, robo me...  Looking threw someone into beyond, she was programming animals...   Factions.

She'd betray us, but I could trust the intelligence I could see threw her like a mirror or window.
She was a tool of sorts.  


Mice, wild and tame.... Their patterns matched exactly, some were like they'd been digitally printed with the pattern of a human mouth.    It was the law of the jungle and jungle games.

On waking I knew the female was like Inka.  Martin loved her.....   (Mel?  ) 

Another long dream.  GPS. 
Started with Jack giving me a piggy back to a grave yard, it was a memory too.  We were kids and we used to play there, the full one on the way to the infant school.

Deer, huge herds on the move and migrating birds.  A group lead by a shady guy, with equipment.   They were tracking a huge herd of deer as they moved back to Hindhead.  They had these radio devises they would hold and others they would lay out on the ground in an array.

Then another game...  It's in a dark place with pits dug in the ground.   The pits are filled with various stuff, like when we used to make boats in the sand.
Huts too.   I was making hot drinks for our small team in plastic cups, the cups weren't heat proof and were distorting with the hot water. 

The game started, it was like a treasure hunt....   The GPS hunter team were closest.   We were laying the hunt, but they were catching up.
The prise was a mummy mama.   She kissed them when she found them, she was dead... But alive... Her lips cold.

I lay in the liminal space, as the bits slotted and matched the patterns unfolding...   Finite now - Eternal now.
Lock stitch, sewing machine.

Inka and death wish..

Expand the moment into all.


Inka was my weave on the far side of the veil....

The zip catalyst from the other night, pulling together.
Now it's 2 threads, like a sewing machine, meet loop and part.


Graves end, Grave racing...  Looking at all from the alternate perspective.

I'd been the understudy for the Grave Yard Keeper.

I understood now what if going on my body, why Inka told me to leave him with Kaylo in my hunters room the other night, and why I'd had to head back to Malico.


'Life is a dream Ren'   Yeh.....   I LOVE dreaming 'Good, then just avoid me for a bit'  lol . 😆

Not easy.... 'You have help'  I get why your with Kaylo now.  'Don't hurt to kill your Ego'   😋  Suppose not, depends where I end up in the process though.

'You were on a suicide drive Ren'   Hummmmmm   I don't wanna die  'Yeh, you were TOO alive'  ??

I remember the breathing thing in the garden, almost suffocating as Inka was my mirror and we were breathing the same air.   


Law of one? Hidden Hand..

The 'counter part' that I loved them.. Lol no wonder! My Hands on my heart.

My energy flow swaps front to back of my heart centre,

Daath Da'ath.... We took over Ddad's hub before I got locked up.
His hub & Pluto... The underworld... In my body is Daath?

I can move? 'The flow Ren, pulling you in or pushing you away, but we are either side of a very thin veil'

Lol ah! Right...

Like when death fell in love with lift!

'Yeh.... I'm always by your side'  Haha no wonder you killed me so much :P   'And you me, don't forget that'   Yeh...

'Fuck of to Malico Ren, leave me and Kaylo.... We need a bit more distance between us'

Oh the fine fucking line!   'Yeh Ren... For some it's a mile wide remember?'  Hahaha what my bro told me.

I can learn to change it?  'In time' 

It's May you normally go to sleep for a bit.   

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