Thursday, 17 December 2020

A Crime going back in Time

Tired so slept early and head to see Inka as asked we meet at Malio's house Inka is in the dining room at a table smoking I'd commented it reminded me of prison visiting and he winked and laughed at me, I'd sat next to him hugging his arm but was fast falling into other dreams and he woke me again to say goodbye as he'd be gone when I woke again and just play the role for now. 💜

When I wake it's 00.00 I know I'd been dreaming but not what... 'Sleep again please Ren, house or I can meet you' House is fine. 'Come 💜'

Borage flower the blue-purple star, bright and perfect the green spiky stem... Oh and the strange tasting soft red fruit of the Yew tree, the only non-toxic bit.. soft and squidgy... Oh yeh I'd jumped to the house, I know Malico is there but not sure where I'd been heading to the lab room. threw the glass lean too tunnel... it has tiled floor and plants and succulents I'd stopped to look at the plants.

'Come and dream more Ren, stay longer'

Wow! I'd jumped back, I'd felt drawn to the lab 'Find when you were last there please Ren, and the first time years back' Ok...

Lab this year.. Oooo....   Hummmm

On the lab benches are amazing growing crystal formations all kinds, colours and shapes. It's incredible looking like the specimens in the natural history museum but these are alive each growing on a errr soft green medium it reminded me of a deep green soft damp velvet, it sparkled.

I'd been looking at iridescent purple pink formations... Oh like the cliff from this dream.   (One is playing with a rodent 😆)

'Ren, return again please' I'd jumped towards Malico but instead I'm inside something incredible, like a network. A moving living a river of flowing purple crystal-like a sea or a flow like liquid glass but I'm made of the same substance...

'Flow of consciousness Ren...' They were like purple vessels or nerves branching threw all 'Ride them with me then' The vibe had changed inside them into something flowing and beautiful 'Ren, you are it' lilac purple nerves.

2 dreams too or actually one dream with 2 parts/games worlds. I had with me a phone/data recorder also purple, the dreams are games/puzzles, things to solve or play with.

They change fast and often. 

I'd first up been playing a combat objective. We had few tools/ammo. It was a single-player but competitive experience in that marks were awarded for speed, creativity and minimal expenditure of resources.

It was fun I'd stuck around for a few rounds, each progressively harder. I had a powerful bow with glowing arrows and a hand full of robot bug/bots. The things to take down were split onto a small contained map, a larger monster/target and then some smaller bunched targets. I'd chucked the bug/bots into the smaller entities then pulled the larger of the monsters hitting with an arrow kiting it to the other group where the bug bots helped bring it down after they finished off grouped mobs.  

After I'd finished I was ULing/DLing my attempts... this was cool it was like looking into a pool of lilac liquid metal it's rainbow iridescent too.. I'm watching drops ripple and spread and I can make the drops too. We were using sound to make the ripples and communicate.

The second game I'd played had been on a 2D map, a puzzle game. Like a street map I suppose. I'd kept extending my awareness up to get a better perspective on the objective, I was splitting going higher and another player was yelling at me!! I'd been trying to explain to them.. I was also hovering over the map and I knew our objective but by the time I'd explained it in a way they understood the goal had changed again and I'd forgotten so I'd had to jump again.

'Sleep once more Ren then up for a bit'   OK... Where are you? 'In the house too Ren, just not manifest at the moment' Ah, ok.

Next time I wake hazy recall I'd just been really hot! lol felt like I was on fire.. So I got up for a bit.

'It's 303 Ren, come and dream again, please'


I chilled part sleeping for a bit... then was going to dream Malico told me if I wanted to see somebody come find him.. I don't recall if I did.... in the dream I'd been oh... flicking threw avatars 'Yes Ren'......the various forms many of the skin colours eye clours the shaps mainly humanoid... So many! lol 'You're changeable' Hehehe

Another dream had been a show performance.. this was hazy people I knew had been in it family.

The dream I recalled better was a rave/boat party the boat was in the harbour and the dancers on the shore and on the boat! (Both sides of mind/emotion)  

I'd woken at 515. The morning was coming and The DJ was tired he had played all night and wanted to return to a partner and child.

An implied threat too subtle   

the 2 of disks card I see too... 

The threat was from the crowd the dancers...

Ah.. this card is the conjunction too, the 2 planets 'In your house' lol 💜

The serpent eating it's tail, the endless/timeless 

We are the sleepy creators.

I see Eves apple sliced the star in the middle..... OH that dream the spacetime image...
All fruit or most of it, Spuds, Tomatoes 'The night shades' Hehehe oh, that's like the night wraith too, we didn't want to take sides!! 💜   Oh, the

Oh the avatars too!

'You awake Ren?' Pritty lucid lol 'Good, get up right/write' Yeh... I guess._

The lab in the house.

The dream linked from there....  The Yew berries look like little viruses 👀

15 March 2012

Other Lab dream

15 March 2012

Wed Dream.
Setting is an old style school science lab. The kind with glass cases and jars with floating heads and animals, And the long walnut work benches with ceramic sinks and funny black taps.
The room is square, all the benches make a big square. Each side has glass windows and the roof is coloured glass.
The room is filled with potted plants, there all dusty and very dry.
Spring is coming, I spend the whole dream walking round watering the plants and they pop back into action while I water them. Stretching out their green leaves to the light.

Atu Xll to XV: Hanged Man to Devil 
Atu XVI to XIX: Tower to Sun

We are on star card again??  How?   'We told you we are all playing.'  Oh...  When you said to me let me do tower...... 'Yes, of course....  You should know by now Ren what we tell you is relevant'  Yeh, sorry doesn't make it less confusing from this perspective though, so much stuff it's hard to remember too! 

So if we are all playing and I was death and now I'm star... Who did I kill?  'Whom Ren'
Who was the monster thing?? 

whom (hum) 
the objective case of who, used as a direct or indirect object: Whom did you call? You gave whom 
the book? 
[before goo; Middle English; Old English hwäm, dat_ of hwä who] 
usage: See who.

Is this something about WHO?...... World Health?  Kill Rebirth?


'GG Witch keep listening and juggling'  'Also, Walk please and...'    Yes  Malico? 'We are all singing from the same hymn sheet Ren' 

Green centre?  'DL inc' 


Hymn/Hymen/ ?? Also Greek origin medic word

World Health, Insectoid on the body stasis farm I rendered as an old style family GP....

'Hippocratic oath Ren, find Hippocrates next please'


'Your study of Medicament's next Ren... Look up that word too'   Pfff I haven't finished last night yet! ... 'One in the same add this' OK... I'm not dreaming 'Sure bitch?'  lol Inka.

Latin too  'We've told you you know it Ren you just don't remember that you do now the dreams please'   Pfff I'm supposed to be wrapping gifts 'You are'  lol  I'm nuts is what I am! 😮

Oh Here... more ancient shit!  I dodn't know the word at the time Egypt

And this one!!   What......   lol   This tied to the crime going back in time..... ?? 

This is some serious dream weaving guys 😲


Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Planetary Tunes

26,' jun 
I'm male - In a prison, it's wired ultra modern underground. Caves With ice too but also part of it a 
learning place. 
I'm a lair and manipulator like the prison guard but I manipulate him, getting drugs in and onto a 
release program dont deserve. 
There is a wired dynamic the guard}captor is really angry With me (but it's cause he's angry at him self 
for trusting me) didnt feel bad- there was an inevitability to my manipulation - but understood the 
anger and feelings of the guard towards me. 
Was an interesting dream of power/manipulation/motlve and emotions in a closed enviroment_

Inka?....'I fit where I sit too bitch, Your not the only one with unconditional love. I know how hard you miss being whole, just let Malico help us all'

Pfffff... You nicked my heart!  'You didn't object, anyhow it was a swap'  lol 

Oh... the me manipulating someone too to gain access to stuff???😵 The astral bluffing 😳


'Ren?' Sorry I was, 'Distracted and daydreaming?'  Pretty much, I can't find the other 'It matters little Ren, what dose matter is that you listen to me for now' 

Ok, can you help plx?  'Yes'

The reason the pantheon archetypes all fight  kill, birth love appose this is planetary/energetic  oh...

Ahhh images... God's DJ! The Dec's and the transcription..???





We Are like planetary aspects expanding and fragmenting into ever bigger and smaller ego aspects


As an aspect/archetypes arrives on our event horizon it will seem larger we grow towards it and the absorb and encompass...   in, is, out? 'As above is below Ren💙'Flip It!'


The 2 images the mason thing and the DJ decks.... the stolen creation is the hidden truth of our own sovereign manifesting ??


'For a fair reason bitch... humans are a fucking liability' 😈


'Inka, Ren was not talking to you'   lol  😆  


'Yes Ren, as your own connection to all rises and falls so dose your sphere of manifestation, your intentions and calm, effect what you could call your event horizons' 


Ahhh  the big thoughts big waves    'tread lightly bug'   errr Em's reverse Me's other name??


'Yes, you are highly lucid in the earthly arena...'   'so listen and play nice bitch.'. 'walk with grace Ren'   ...   same shit from a flipped up ass hole.   'Careful Ren, recall who is weaving your dreams with you' 💚😏


Trak ID



Followed by 'shut up Inka'  Hahaha😆


Oh... the be careful what you wish for!  ' Ofc bitch' 'Inka please... - manifestation following intent Ren,   impeccable intention and desire is confusable'  You don't say.. 


Curious board and lonely? 🤣  'You come crawling  back each night bitch'   Hahaha sorry Malico...


'Don't worry Ren,  there is a reason archetypes are in opposition and balance'  

I never mean to chuck any of you in the fire 🔥   ' equally excusable alchemy is a process of transmutations'   'burns bitch' 


Its pretty cool process 😎 obvious duality friction aside...   'not all chose to be so combative and competitive Ren'   ouffff

Why does our lucidity rise and fall so much? 

'Look at the shell pattern Ren,  then go multidimensionality'
  ah fractal..   oh wow, so the month, days of the week. 

All ripples echoes reverberation of the ever magic NOW!!  'yes'   'Or the distortions of the NWO Witch, for them wanting further tempering'   Oooo

The main collective timelines..   'Yes'   ahh.   But we are all on all of them?   'We are  one Ren, few are as fractured shattered and still whole as you'   errrrr OK😕


Oh... enough to make it fun though!! 'You got it bitch' 


Wow that's awesome and wired

Malico?   'You listened to me Ren, as I have told you already. We have your back, and I have given you my permission to teach when you are plugged in, you understand this Ren you lack the ability to express yourself or remeber much of it awake, while your creativity is welcome you are downloading information faster than you can express it. 

With us in your mind you will find you can express yourself perfectly adequately real time if you allow'

Ummm OK... I'll just make a cuppa then 👀🙄  'Still no clue when to quit' 



Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...