Saturday, 13 March 2021

NPC Election.

'You owe enough Ren 😏 jump to Leon'  
 mmmm ok, 'I'll find you anyway'  

In tunnels like DNA, twisty tunnels a bear/human hybrid tall like a brown bear. Codes for life.

Dream dust is tiny spots like a new toadstool.. the red spotty ones. I see toadstool.  

I was dreaming with Leon but Inka was in the dream with me as male me. The train is very modern/underground tram size metallic lots of windows.

We had been asked to assist with an election, we were to promote the election and choice rather than a specific side/personality/party.

It was strange the people in the dream world were almost like NPC's or Zombies they had a limited amount of responses and they had unpredictable mass behaviour. 

There was a female.. a ritual she was changing her hair from red/orange to a pale lilac colour. 

Em, she has repainted and redecorated a house to sell. Its rooms are wedge-shaped, the walls are white filled with houseplants, I look out of the window and can see that the house is an apartment it looks out onto other windows at the back.

Back on the train again with Inka.. again the feeling we are on a train with NPC's. They kept going down in number, the reality wasn't earthlike.

I was at Irean & Ken's again I was leaving on a long journey. I was aware I should make them bread before I leave but I had limited time. 

I was viewing 2 identical worlds globes, the subcontinents were different to earth, though some cities had the same name. Mexico & Rio. One world was full the other sparsely inhabited.


Friday, 12 March 2021

Industrial Gauntlet

Can we do something supprising?  'Your dreams are hardly dull Squeaky' I know, a game??
Somewhere really different?? A hub??  
'😏 Ren.... Come'  Ok, you and Loci?  'Kaylo too, Intention first'  OK OMW.

OOoooo that was pretty!!

😁💜 Spirograph dragons!
All different colours the numbers 1 threw 7, planets and coloured dragons each slightly different.

Rings made from lines! Loci was a gold/mustard yellow and green... Dragon, number, colour planet but I can't recall what was linked to what 💙 Just how nice they looked the lines, making curves too and the linking symbolism.

Inka 'In you, Mouse'  Oh yeh... Haha, you'd joined me before I was even asleep!!
I'd jumped to your portal hub where Loci and Kaylo were.    

Then I was with Leon... energy, the grail/trumpet vortex shape formless.

When I next woke it was a big long and cool dream I'd had! 

It starts with the Whitehouse... not the US one the lovely old house down the lane with the same name painted white. I'm in the garden there and it's night. I'm with a male who was an odd version of an actor/celeb who was an MP for a bit....

He looked different totally different though, taller younger. Is in a grey overall with yellow stripes logo I was to accompany him on a 'trip' we were heading to ummmm.

I feel it might have been Pakistan / Indian subcontinent.

We were to meet his brother... the pair were estranged. There had been a large falling out.

I was observing the meeting, again one was supposedly a dentist (What's with the Christmas and Dentist thing) 

The meeting is in a rounded silver metal room, nothing like I've seen before. Modern and otherworldy... not dissimilar to last nights train but this was more hub/space like.   

The second brother called me a 'Slave of Time' which I found funny, he wanted secrets from me - I agreed to a neural share and we exchanged.  

At this point, I peal off a logo/name on his dentist outfit to reveal a different name/role - I'm also watching a large group of children being ushered down a stairwell they had the feel of a school trip/outing. (Oh, this was like the dream with the changing room the other night)  

I was watching all from a distance again.

Next I'm outdoors in the space, all the locals are I feel Pakistani - The city space is incredibly industrial, stunning and beautiful in a bleak and distorted way.. The sky was so polluted, the underside of the clouds were black with the crap coming from the many many factories. 

Yet I can see a golden sun too and there is a pink golden light between the smog layer and natural cloud...the clouds ripple for miles and I'm struck by the majesty of the place despite the bleakness, pollution and dirt.  

I was with a group it was like a field trip/School trip or something... we were being shown around the space.  

Our tour of the 'factories' started in a cafeteria/restaurant.

Clean, beige white in contrast to the industrial grime and dirt of the rest of the setting. The 2 brothers now speaking again are observing me distantly and I'm with a group that will tour the industrial area.   

The factories are amazing too.... but it's soon apparent it's also an obstacle gauntlet it was it was like Futurama ate Victorian London Assasins creed and the Dwemer ruins in Skyrim and threw up a VR gauntlet.

It's also visually amazing and I'm so lost in taking it all in... that I've lost the rest of the tour group and keep getting burnt and lasered as I'm not focused on avoiding them but just taking in what's going on.  

We are in dimly lit ornate warehouses, huge fancy cast-iron beams hold up the ceiling. The light is the odd yellow golden light that comes in threw huge and beautiful arched iron windows. 

There are clouds of black almost solid smoke... like thick soot on cobwebs... It's noisy too, the overlay of electricity, static the hummmm of motors but also rhythmic mechanical noises and the echos of the staff yelling over the noise in a language I didn't understand. It makes a trippy soundscape.

I'd made it almost all the way threw getting burnt, stabbed and zapped and then took a wrong turn and was back at the start pissed off, as I had to do it over.   

I watch some people in front of me crawl on their bellies under something and wonder why and I just crawl normally when some crazy scanner lazer thing comes online with my head in the way and the back of my skull is fizzing and tingling.....🙄

One of the guides had come back for me and yanks me out from where my head is being fried...... and I recognised Leon's energy but he's in a different form and in role.
He's impatient, irritated and tells me to keep up and focus... Then I'm annoyed as they are going to fast and I wana look around properly. He was hurrying to catch up to the rest of the group and I was still more interested in looking around and had walked into a row of glowing box's with hot red burning things that burnt my leg.... then I recalled they had burnt me first time round too.
At that point, I stopped trying to keep up and just started to look at the machines and surround wich were incredible.
I notice a large arched window letting in light and head there instead. In front of is a huge long old fashioned wooden desk piled with papers, box's and stuff, It's very messy.
In front of it is a long low light brown leather sofa filled with an odd jumble of entities more typical with a dream hub and I sit down with them...At this point, I realise I'm naked but I'm also more tree than person.

I was a sycamore.... I was seeing patterns the vesica Pisces again... I'm also seeing the seeds from the sycamore tree. The others were looking at me as I projected tree.

Not been a sycamore before, they are not native to the UK.

Oh Middle East again.....

I'd woken with Inka and Leon and realised I'd been with them for hrs... I'm not even sure where we were dream-sharing I think we might have all been formless when we met. Slave of time??  'Ren is mine! You came back mouse, you know the rules cause you made them 😈'  Hahaha 😜

TY Inka that was really good fun...  'You got pissy'   I kept getting burnt 😏 Was still good fun....  'You owe Leon for that, Mouse'   

Oh... Oh Hahahh I remember now!!!  


😆 TY, I'd forgotten we were talking credit and games too... Can you help my recall plx?   'Bringing you up Ren, you've been feeling it since yday'  I know it's nice 💜 TY...  'You duno what we going to do with you yet'  I don't mind 😂

Leon and the long astral game was a feature?? Sheesh!!!


Thursday, 11 March 2021

Soggy Ceiling and Loci Dragon

Stormy 💜  'Mmmm Come here Ren'   Recall plx?  'Yeh, though you'll need to one of the others too, you just stick to me like glue at the moment'
I noticed :P  Why?   'You were supposed to move on mouse'  I know, but I didn't like it...  'You still got to see me'   Mmmm felt odd though as I wasn't whole 'Your not' lol  'Come here'.

Blue and pink 5 pointed flowers like stars... Same as the Borage like flower that has been in a few dreams but this time bigger with pink and blue petals.... I was in them was them.
Oh yeh, I was dreaming with Inka too.... It's 1.11.
I was inside his awareness... I'd jumped to the others and we all went to my space - Inka was playing the role of control in the dream too, but wasn't really.  Leon, and Malico were there too dream sharing. 

I was formless as I was inside Inak, and Loci was just floating about like he often doses.
When I wake again it's 2.22 Inka kicked me out told me he'd be bk later, The dreams had been geometry, shapes and forms.
It was Loci I was dreaming with next, he told me I could merge with him as I'd been formless all night, I think it's the first time I've done this. 

First, we revisited dreams similar to the night before that I didn't write up. (I'd been a dental nurse in a strange floating white space)  On this night my Mam was asking me if I knew a dentist... I'd told her no.  It was just a telepathic exchange.
After this I kept waking and going back into the same dream with slight variations depending on who I was using as an ego recall.
It's a victorian house similar to Mortimer road in London, the upstairs was very different.
I lived in the house with others, but it was leaking badly! I wasn't sure if it was pipes or the roof but the ceilings and walls were wet and getting worse.... I was heading home for Christmas - A long train journey why Christmas again??

I was hoping the place wouldn't be too wet when I got back. 
At one part I'd been squeezing spots but what was coming out of them were long hairs, like soft cat fur, it was oddly satisfying 😆 - The house had cats and rodents too I was leaving food for them.
There are 2 soldiers and dead young birds too, they don't have feathers and are laying around - the soldiers are dressed like tin soldiers or the queen's ones or something... all red n blue.  They were going to bury the birds.
I wake it's now 404...
The train journey next.  I forget who I was dreaming with for this, I think meby all 4 of us... my writing is too messy:P

I'm right at the front of the train.
I can see into where the driver is and the train has like an autopilot... there were no stations or windows either.   It was like being in a round metal tube.  The conductor and driver are in the space I'm in.. I was chatting with them it was to do with creation too... and telling them about the leak in the house as we head north. 
I'd woken but gone back a 3rd time into the same dream.   I'm back in the house again, with Loci now and at one point we are on the top of a cliff in bright sun, a dog has jumped down, the drop is huge.  I'd climbed down to get it (vertigo!) I pass it up to Loci then he helped me bk up too. 

In the house the leak is worse, everything is so wet.  I'd put a big towel down to try and soak up some water but as I stand on the floor it gives way... I slow the motion of me and the ceiling into the room below were we land softly in a pile of plaster and light fittings and I realise I need to contact the landlord.
Loci has turned into a gold and gree dragon now, he lives with us down a stairwell going below ground.
It's where the soldiers buried the bird, but Loci has eaten the tin soldiers and all that remains is a bad smell and 2 modern army Comando hats on the stairwell. 
I'd chucked him another dead bird to eat and asked if he wanted to come to find the landlord with me and he did.  
We'd wandered threw the unfamiliar city, he was floating beside me... long and snake-like, we were chatting telepathically, just small talk as we looked into cafes and shop windows.   It seemed perfectly normal to be mind talking to a flying dragon 😆
The landlord was an Indian guy, we'd been in his property so long he'd forgotten about us, I was asking if he wanted to see the damage,  have a company he wanted to fix it or should we just sort it.  
He had a company who serviced his properties who he would get to contact us and we headed back to the house, I was aware that there are baby dragons in the place now too.

The leaking rooms reminded me of these 2 dreams together the Dec before this one.... and errr that bathroom dream recently where my Mam appeared and I was annoyed with her.

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Space n Place

I woke with just no recall at all... thinking back I'd jumped to the house, was heading for Malico and Loci to dream share.. I'd arranged to meet Inka briefly but as soon as I'm close to him I just couldn't stay awake, he thinks it's funny the others annoying I didn't care either way.

Was like being anesthetised... I vaguely recall asking for Malico to help as I was freefalling :D

I jump back straight to Malico, Loci is there and we I think went to see Leon, but it's the dream I recalled best on waking.  It was 0440

It had started here, well the town hall side of here.

It was in my home village on lol the road called.... shepherds hill!!   (Lol the Sheep & Collie dream from 6/March this year and 6th march last year)

Friends were riding round in a strange small squashed car that had 2 male twins hanging in the back.. not literally hanging, was like a babe in a sling so they were upright dangling.

I'd been in an errr hall.    Had the feel of a disused church.  High vaulted ceilings echoing.    Yeh the layout is right for a disused church a makeshift cloakroom was in what would have been the vestry.  It had been used for maybe raves, or playgroup or something, now largely neglected.  
I'm with a group, I recognised Inka in another form but we were in role.  
My lucidity low I was happy to go with what was happening - though I was both inside and outside of a body as I could see my avatar from above back too.  

It was psychedelics again we were taking but it was ceremonial (Rather than the more methodical searching from the start of last night)  Inka was in an unfamiliar body, South American, male but in a smaller body with wavy dark hair and eyes, spoke English with a Spanish accent.  We were sat around a grubby wood trestle table lit by 2 candles stands well used, the table was splattered with wax as the building's power supply was cut off.  
We were preparing a mix.  Grating twigs, on a normal cheese grater then mixing them with a dried leaf pulp in a solvent.   The mix was in a large smooth round wooden bowl, a sage green wet mash that we ate.  

I'd had mine, it wasn't strong tasting, earthy and fragrant a little like a wyrd wormwood perhaps.  
I'd taken it and was going back to the cloakroom but was following myself out of body now... I was wearing a grubby and faded loose white tank top or sleeveless t-shirt.
On the back was a cross... the long bit going down my spine and the cross across my shoulder blades, It was ornate and symbolic, like a Celtic or illuminated manuscript.
I was wearing an off white linen skirt with embroidered hem It had had a matching shirt that I'd removed..., my skin was a warm olive tone..  the top was tucked into the shorts but I could see the pattern continued down my spine and there was more detail from the sacrum, with patterns coming from where the nerves would leave the sacral-iliac joint.  
I was aware in the cloakroom, I was cooking the same roast meal that's in every night atm!!  Though I was going there to find some trews as I was coming up fast and I knew I'd be sitting/sprawled on the floor.    I was also oddly aware of some other people like errr like missionaries or quaker or just old fashioned... they had odd felt hats in blue or red.  

When I woke I was errr DL, Ireen... Iran the dreams of Irean are to do with the Middle East?? and the Wormwood trumpet... the trumpet is a singularity I can see it energetically.   I'm part of it... The trumpets are like the grails energy flow intersections.  

Inka was in my next dream too... I wasn't dream-sharing with him though....  
It's jumbled but the bits I do recall are very detailed.  

Loci was making music, but the equipment he was using looked like very old computer stuff.    He was him, I was behind watching.   A party with people I know, it's a beach party I have musical gifts.  They each play a tune but were like an edible cookie stick.

Then I'm in a light aircraft I think the year was 1964.. I'm in the cockpit and the plane is in trouble it's South America and we are going to crash then Inka is there again, not solid just astral.

This was linked to the beach and the music dream... others all new Inka too, they just didn't know I was linked to him??

I'm told precession of love...

'Run Run as fast as you can...'  Like the gingerbread man??
Yet there is no escape from head?
There is no place to hide inside mind?

From what would I run and where would I go??
I just drop to my heart and go with the flow :P 

Monday, 8 March 2021

Mindgames and Flows

Dream dust is scalloped and stretching like coral, frilly and fluffy.

I'd had hairs growing into  my feet.... It's from on of the other guys, we were doing something together in a pond in the water.

They were coming from him, like white hairy pond weed and growing into all of us. We were a group of 4-5 also taking it in turns to take a psychedelic, 2 at a time or 3 max.
We are looking for something while tripping,  the others acting as trip guides or taking notes. Liz and Elsie were the 2 other females then 2 guys to.... one of the guys was annoyed we were not making optimal use of our space...


I'd been dreaming with Malico, I'd been asked to go to him tonight... he met me made me the tall white thing and wanted to go straight threw the pink/purple portal there that is still in the dining-room. We did... the dream share with him is much sharper and more detailed.... the vibe mental, tricky.


I recall last night the skin itching, top of left hand and palm of right... I'd started to itchy it and Inka had told me 'Energy stupid, use a mudra' then it had just been heat.  Same tonight but Malico had asked first 'We asked last night to Ren, you just don't recall' Oh.


Heat, pain in right thumb and left big toe... very hot, I feel all down my right side too tingly. 'Tantra & exchange relax' The pain builds then goes...'Energy blocks, lay still'


I'm a space tadpole again... 'ProtoStar Ren' Ohhhh, it's like the chakras and the 2 energy flows, and also the Ooooo like then you said We're making a star?  ..Wowo, as withing so without hu, the Birkeland currents? The spaceship head, and then tree spine, the clours and twisting flow like the plasma planets at the intersections. Ooooo feet now?? 'Yes, lay still and relax' 

Dream dust is amazing patterns like LSD...

Next dream, long and crazy... a brasier in a bath, but someone had moved it from an old enamel bath to a plastic one, I was looking for something to move it back... a mother/Mama had moved it then gone.

A Christmas meal, we would celebrate in an aunt's house (like last night.. what's with all these Christmas meal dreams??)


A changing room bathroom, very large.  A dressing area with mirrors and lights and bathroom/shower room with many cubicles

A group of small kids passing threw we are in charge of shepherding them while they are in the space,  we are keeping a watch from a distance... I was showing another female the thermostat to control the temp of air and water supply.


Next up we are to head to the main party, I had drugs I would take and am with Em.. so me and Mirror me.


The vibe is tricky and a bit toxic, power games... everyone checking each other out to see who they can try shit on with. 


Mindgames. There is a head table and people have saved spaces there with shoes and boots and I head there anyway...

Stepping up and walking over the table to sit down... a guy kicks me from the seat next to him, but I'm still on the sofa and just scootch closer to him regardless of his hostility.
He's glaring at me his skin is strange, very red, flaked, scaly and scared his eyes red too....his voice rough.
Em touches him, asks how long he's been ill for (It was his heart not his skin)

He's taken a back by her affection and familiarity but it won't stop him from trying to hurt her.

There was no music at this point just people round tables sizing each other up... looking to who would make a good challenge.
I knew we were all equal showing doubt would make you a target. The games were subtle and cruel in a way... but it was what it was. It was strange as one person would be the leader of the space manifestation for a while, it would swap frequently though... that seemed to be what people were looking for.  


Who was leading the manifesting at any time, I can see who is doing it and am observing them discreetly and distantly. I know the people who's shoes / soul coverings are on the seat I took will return soon, and challenge me for the space and the scaly person is watching my every move trying to intimidate me.

I suddenly have a large human tooth in my mouth, not mine... It was like a large thumbnail, and I'm told mentally 'You're up' I know the guy who was manifesting has passed control on to me. The dream is very vivid, the shape of the tooth in my mouth and the tang of blood where it was attached in another mouth... I feel the power shifting too.
The first thing I wanted to do was change the music, and I'd swapped in a bunch of old tracks (timelines) into the playlist.... I could see that the leader before had done the same while he was controlling, and I know his tracks too.


I'd been told to sleep again... but was pretty awake so get up for a bit....  'Come back now Ren, almost 333'  Mmmm and I'm freezing!! 


As I was going back to sleep I recalled more stuff from the night before too - A strange unfamiliar handheld thing it was for blood flow threw the wrist, it could show all the blood flow, I'd been using it.. my resting HR had been 168! 


I jumped back to Malico again... we are still in the grey stone tunnels.
I was in a dream when a cat woke me right in my face was annoying as I was in the middle of doing something but I can't recall what. 😛
Before the dream I'd been in ice caves... lol prolly cause I was so freezing... they were very pretty though, the walls glowed with a blue-green light and the rooms were high with pointed ceilings. They were carved into the ice... One room had a bed covered in white fur that was where I'd gone to dream on the wall was a huge ladybird lol it was like when people have a scarab decoration but this was a ladybird... It reminded me of the vision of one breaking an ice-wall years ago... inside was a holographic thing. 


The last dream was hard to recall too at first then I realised it had been very detailed.
It had started with Em again, we are sitting on a bench in what was I suppose an unfamiliar mal, non of the shop signs are familiar, it's the white plastic walls.
We're chatting playfully we had made a game, arbitrary rules and scores - competitive fun. It was based on things we recalled and experiences - she was also making music scores for people.  


I'd spotted a store behind her I knew she's like.... Oh.. it was an old store Liptons that was from '60-'70s but taken over before I should be able to remeber it....  but in this space it hadn't it was modern or may-be it was retro... anyhow it was cool looking.

I knew she'd like to look around but she was so busy with the music score it was hard to get her attention.
When we did we go over to it and buy retro sweets it turns into a care home and we are siblings. We have a parent that needs care.
They are short of space and this was literal... as in they had to walk like penguins in one bit of it :P Anyhoo they can care for this dying parent for a few days which is what we needed.   


The space had vaccines too but they had been introduced into populations with no measure of there effectiveness and now it was impossible to measure any effects they were having... this was problematic due to the money and risk involved as there was no evidence either way. In another part a friend goes to see a director of a business and deliberately drops an ice cream cone onto his carpet but pretends it's accidental. - I knew stuff in the dream was deliberate, but I don't get the meanings... It was very detailed too, oranges, yellows and pinks the predominant colours against the contained somewhat sterile white walls again.   


Sunday, 7 March 2021

More Bakers & Christmas

Inak, I don't get the prison and eyeballs stuff but I dream it...'You don't want to get it Ren'  lol

'Yeh, Like I told you... Were fucking wicked 😈'  Hahahahah
'Were you mind wiped?'  Nop, well not totally but my recalls dogshit....
'Ren, as a kid you knew earth was a have years of dream recalls and are chatting to planetary archetypal aspects in your head, who teach and help you'  TY

'YW, now come here stupid' 

Am I in prison?  'Often, come here'  lol ok... We made prisons in prisons 'And ripples in ripples'  lol 'You're a pain in the ass Ren'  I'm nice! 'No, to most your just odd and don't make sense' 

Was Saturn a star?  'Are you a car?'  lol  OK...

I should have written dreams earlier... Hazy now.

I'd jumped to the house... Was dreaming with Leon and Malico.. Cat's, planets archetypes.  Vague, hazy, gentle they were making fun of me but not unkindly. 

A dream at Irean's again... More archetypes and narratives I was me too.   The whole night of dreams I seemed to be watching/Helping a side participant rather than a main character...  Lol I'm an NPC in my own dreams :D 'You're a muppet/Puppet Ren' :P

Next dream was a building... No construct. 

Platforms with huge stairwells, the platforms are like dream worlds or scenarios.  The platforms huge with rooms/worlds scenarios and the stairwells and gangways are the construct that connects them.

The first I recall is a series of small children's birthday parties, the kind were the parents are obliged to still hang about.  I'd checked in on a fe, I had no children with was a go between. 

I'd found a younger infant that had crawled of on it's own.  A baby boy happy healthy and robust but heading for a stairwell so I'd made friends and picked him up on my hip to try and find a parent. 

Outside one of the party rooms I see a small group of Dad's the infant recognises his father and the Dad's are looking for something.... I call them and wave and a father comes to collect the infant, unfamiliar but he had a heavy birthmark on his face the port wine type covering one eye... Father and son are happy to be reunited. 

I kept moving and the next group I find have 2 autistic children they are all arguing about Netflix, I'd checked down a stairwell too at the bottom of one was police and puppies the dogs would be trained to police dogs.   Was like a cheep gym too, guys working out.  I'd wanted to go play with the pups but it wouldn't have been welcomed as they were being hardened for enforcement.

Dream jumps and I'm in a flood... Swimming threw it...but it's a built up area and the layout is puzzling.

Next up all the charity shops were closing... I'm still running and fetching, a go between.

I'd had a gamer friend and an older child to meet next, I'd found them at an illegal café as more and more things were being closed down.

Next up is Bender Bending Rodriguez ?? The robot??  HU??
Also 12 disciples/apostles??

Brain was fuzzy and I was feeling contained.... I'd been dreaming with Leon and Malico at the house and wanted to be outside so we all jumped to roundhouse and I was wandering off Inka followed me. 

I lay in the burn again to scatter... And was thinking about the penguin dream and then it all went odd as I was like a smooth grey fractal balloon...  a rounded grey cauliflower flowing to the sea and air and all but getting bigger and bigger endless grey balloons on balloons, filling and expanding until then Inka or Malico was inside too and we shattered / fragmented / burst ... It was like they added a brittleness to the soft stretching expansion then our joint awareness fractured into the east.

I'd also been in a dream with a pool a strong plastic pool
 ...Cats, oh and a big AI box.  Then Clair from collage.. She had a baby boy, we were at a festival. 
All kinds of music, then there is Em and her Mama again.  So mirror and middle me the mary/mag - They are making a Christmas meal - but they won't both be present and there is a tension.... I was again observing.  I was going home via the bakers.

Bakers and Christmas meals again?? Hu??


Saturday, 6 March 2021

Looking for things.

When I first wake I'd been a sheepdog and the herd, I was the wolf in the herd and the herd in the wolf...    Oh Last year same date.. a sheepdog and sheep...

Next up a long dream in it's one of them places that isn't buildings as such just different level platforms outside.  Wide staircases between them.

It had a learning vibe, I was with 2 males, and we had gone up to a surgical clean up room.   We are at a silver table and there is a pile of used surgical instruments and blood and grease stained old fashioned surgical drapes... Bits of tissue, blood, teeth and all sorts are mixed in with the surgical kits and we were sorting them to clean them and chatting.

I realised I'd lost one of my silver gate bracelets.. The one that was my mothers.

I was thinking blugh as one of the guys had already dumped stuff in the clinical waste and I knew I was going to have to fish threw it to see if it was there... So I'd gone to find some disposable gloves to put on. 

I was mildly annoyed but knew it must be close as I'd taken it of and put it down prior to sorting the surgical kits, the guys were helping me look but more and more used surgical equipment kept arriving.

My recalls odd, I know we were chatting about cheep mind control and surgical outcomes, there were many older people too 70+.

I'd not found the bracelet so had gone to this lost property thing where there are many other silver gates??? 

I was surprised as they are not so common, some were engraved with the owners name - there were some antique ones and also cheep ones made of plated metal. 


I was also in the woods here, a friend is also here too, she has left a small bag of belongings next to a tree.  It's a little orange rucksack and I know it's magic or ritual stuff that she will collect.   I was walking back and forth with a large potted plant like a small tree with blue star shaped flowers a little like borage flowers I suppose.... Again there are 2 guys there.

Next dream... A school world change, so much was gone, it was just ruins.  Weeds and plants were taking over I was in a stairwell were weeds were growing.  

A guy was talking porridge - I wasn't sure if it was an old style reference to incarceration or the cereal :P  

I'd been dreaming with Inka at his hub with the portals.. We were looking for something then I'm seeing images flick fast like archetypal images... I see a male in grey and hear Zeus/Norse God??


Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...