dream was odd.
Was work, my induction but was really odd.
Was on the dementia unit but it was really different. The kitchen was way bigger and filled with
rustic old cupboards... Inside were the same sort of odd puppets I used to see
n hunt for prior to integrating crew n Inka.
Punch n Judy style but they were Christmas themed.
I couldn't fine any cups to make people tea.
The residents were all different too, an odd mix of women I'd never met - not that old and didn't seem like they
should be there at all.
It was breakfast time and they were making there own food. Odd mishmash of crockery and food we could
find in the cupboards there.
It expanded too, where the lounge should be was a village church and green and
a stand of trees.
One of the women was riding her bike around.
The other person on duty with me was a head VN from where I worked on Addington
road vets.
We were each tasked with watching one of the doors.
Second dream was also surreal and odd.
I'd taken a job at an off shore rig outside of my main dream space.
It's a version I recognise where the harbour is bigger and the breakwater on
the South is also a mooring pier.
I'd been taken on trial, 3 nights on the rig.
The boat over was leaving mid afternoon.
Most of the crew were new, at least half of us.
Also young. I was the only
The older guys lived there full time.
It was a modern glass n metal structure... With a sort of glass spire and ring
around that floated, I'm not even sure what it's purpose was.
The views were amazing though, and the work light. Just running equipment and checking the
structure, after my first 3 nights and days spent mainly in the large glass
communal space I got a boat bk to mainland.
Oddly I had 2 kittens with me there that I'd left in a sort of mesh
playpen. I'd not really remembered them
till I was back in my main dream space, and was suddenly concerned I'd not left
them enough food.
My main dream house was filled with massive cats and strange moving model
I'd gone on an odd visit too, a crazy cast iron art display also in my main
dream space... It was loads of kids stuff, and well all kinds of stuff. Art made from bits of old trains and other
junk, some of it newly cast.
I's spent my shore leave hanging around there looking around.
Monday, 15 July 2024
Work & Cats
Sunday, 14 July 2024
More Purple
Woke at 101 I'd been
in a dream with another Me younger, she was thinner than I was at that age and
slightly taller too, around the age of 15.
Dressed very different too, smart clothes and tailored high shoes could have
been why she seemed so tall. Em as
there the same age and my Dad who was younger too.
We were caring
jointly for a baby who was on antibiotics.
Looking round large open posh supermarkets too, Fay and her boyfriend were there
too. We were looking at houseplants with
unusual light purple leaves. The
supermarket was bright, lots of skylights - not a style I'd seen
Next dream was long.... I lived in a camp with an older guy with white longish
It was a permanent camp with food kitchens set up. We spent most of the time outside in communal
areas surrounded by the mish mash of tents and benders.
We all had very similar small leather belt bags too, a guy on the site made and
sold them. I was trying to get
additional pouches for min and was bartering and swapping with people to get
them in the same darker leather as my bag.
The place had a
communal feel, we took shifts in the kitchen or clearing the site. Sometimes helping with laundry too that we
boiled water over fires for.
There was a large glass school or uni on the site too, used mainly for quiet
study and keeping our shared books.
A group of friends of mine were training in special abilities, I was too but way less advanced.
I'd watched there
usual Sunday afternoon practice, they were doing there usual shape shifting,
flying and merging forms.
It was always amazing to watch but they managed a transformation that they
hadn't made before. It was
To start with they'd taken there usual winged forms, one guy looking like a
falcon, a female hummm like a fluffy snowy owl and another guy a similar size
form with blue grey feathers... This time as they merged there weapons started
to glow until there whole forms were also glowing light.
The female had a sort of glowing pink staff with a cross and ring at the top,
one guy a sword that glowed pale blue and the other a golden whip thing that
wrapped around the other weapons as they merged.
The transformation was epic.. Becoming one large almost small ship shape of
gold, pale pink and blue pulsing light.
It was god-mode stuff.
They landed beside me scooping me into their group hug where I was crying happy tears for them. One of the guys kissed the top of my head promising to help me with my next transform.
Next dream I was
heading of the South East coast flying to St Marys on the Isles of
We were in a small airport waiting, I'd dyed my hair deep purple again and was
cleaning up the remaining tube to store in my bag.
Before I woke I was with Inka, we were in a fruit grove of sorts picking
something I didn't recognise from a group of short trees and packing them in
wooden crates onto an old flatbed truck.
Only I was daydreaming and going into visions... That was amusing Inka but also
pissing him off as I kept dropping stuff as I zoned out.
One image was of a massive deep purple phoenix of glowing light that I was
turning into.
Another was Em, she was wearing a crown I'd been given by the moon crone years
bk in a dream.. Her hair was fair again like it was when she was a kid and was
curled. She looked amazing like a
I've been purple fire before... never this dark though.
Saturday, 13 July 2024
Blackberry Wine
A strange shed place
with an old PC and photo copier we were printing off flyers for a missing
Jack was with me in the dream space. He
was way bigger than I'd ever seen him n was asleep sweating on a beanbag.
I was feeding paper into the old copier.
Sorting and clearing piles of old stuff.
Then a dream of a holiday or trip... Very long.
It was set in South America and we'd met up with a bunch of people we were
traveling with.
An odd eclectic group sound black south African 2 guys and 2 male kids one with
Some older American females, few Europeans and some white South Africans
More kids too.
We were traveling together in an old white truck with a bonkers seat
Our gear in the back and massive quantities of blackberry wine that was in big
white plastic containers with taps.
The South Africans were a happy rowdy bunch that loved to BBQ and drink this
odd wine.
The settings constantly changed as we moved around, rainy woodlands, towns,
street parades a fair ground.
I'd got lost with one of the Autistic kids at some point in a carnival, we
managed to find our way back when he spotted one of the other kids from the group
on a fairground ride.
The strangest place we visited was a wooden shelter on a tired hillside. I'd started by watching an unusual bird
hunting on a hillside. It was large
brown but not like a bird of pray... Was more like a massive finch.
Then the air was filled with loads of flying shaman dressed in various animal
furs with masks.
It was a ceremony and a show... They were leaping off tall hay bale type
stacks. Jumping and hovering in the
air, they waved us out to watch.
After they finished
their kids took us threw strange ummm open mining stuff. The air there was strange, we could see our
breath but it wasn't cold.
Kef was with me too, we'd walked up and over a snowy road when I noticed he
wasn't moving... Turning back he was having a cardiac arrest or similar. He came round a bit after CPR but didn't look good... I woke
In another layer I was with Inka. He'd
broken into a home and stolen food and the car, we were using it to move
further south then ditched it and continued on foot.
Dom was in a dream too, working as a dentist.
More odd disjointed stuff, a motor boat crashing into a small pier... Some gas
or o2 bottles exploding resulting in a beach closure.
Then my main dream space flooded. Auks
had come in land and I was watching strange groups of mixed bird
Crows, gulls and Auks in flocks... Each was preening the wings of the species
the same as them.. But they huddled in mixed pairs on the trees above the
Friday, 12 July 2024
First dream I was
shopping for Shirley.
The store was old fashioned, It was more
of a harbor dock store.
All the shelves were made of wood and the shop which in my head was M&S but
nothing like it was filled with Christmas stuff.
Tree shaped shortbread and amazing Christmas decorations... The were a
traditional style made from tin or felt and fabric but the styles and colours
were amazing daemon and fantastical creatures, hybrid beings with all colours
of skin.
The shop layout was odd too, old well
used smooth wooden ladders up and down to the shelves.
It felt more like a strange store room than a shop store front... Guess it was
a combo of both.
At once point I'd leapt over to a restricted area, I could see the internal brickwork for a
stone chimney.. There wasn't much else up there but it gave a great veiw over
the store and stock below.
It was an odd selection of stuff I was
getting for her. I'd bought her some
trousers too but had put them on to save carrying them and then spilt something
on the leg. I couldn't seem to find the
stuff she wanted instead was just exploring the strange unfamilier
Each time I woke I didn't know who or where I was.
Second dream was sureal too.
Started in a lab, part dental and part optometrist.
I was watching a woman bend impossibly small glass filaments to augment a young
boys specs.
I seemed to have a role there too as was clearing benches and moving stuff
between work tables.
Next part I'm observing what was supposed to be a controlled demolition on part
of a massive building.
The structure was beautiful. Massive
structure of cream and red brick with huge spires and arches... We were
supposed to be enlarging a window in one of the taller spires using an
experimental anti gravity cube thing.
It went badly wrong.. The bricks vanishing were they were supposed too but
also a much larger area too.
I was seeing it slow mo as the tower folded and then collapsed onto steps
below... From the distance we were at we could see people getting crushed, it
was a right mess and would take a lot of effort to rebuild
I'd left there going to an apartment I'd been given for the night in the same
large brick complex, it was in the same town I'd been in earlier.. Familier in style but ultra modern in some
aspects and then old fashioned in others.
The apartment was amazing, sort of 1960 kitsch & mid century
modern.... light green wall paper and
folding table, it all looked new and the style all flowed.
It was heated with odd oil heaters that burnt clear with a large window over
the city that was a sprawl of these inter connected red and white brick
buildings like the one we'd blown up earlier.
Funky coloured plates were ready in the kitchenet and the prep for a meal for 4
people had been done.
This was more 70's gammon with fancy pineapple spirals. I'd decided to invite some friends over so
the food didn't go to waste.
Next part was odd... I'd invited Jo & Jon who'd arrived and were sat at the
table, I'd served the melon starter and cocktails when the guy at the head of
the table who I didn't recognise started wanking! Was really odd he'd just appeared there in a
dirty string vest and also had a young baby on his lap and a cigarette hanging
from his mouth...
We just all sort of started at him thinking wtf!
Oh... There had also been more to this dream, some shoes in a box.--- felt like
I was in this space for days.
The shoes were old and fancy in a sparkly box, they had been a gift to a woman
from her company for good performance there was an old fashioned hand written
card tucked down the side.
Last dream was even more sureal... I was young again, meby 12 back in my main
dream area with kids my age from school.
We were moving around my Aunties house on Mayfeild were bonkers shit was
going on.
We were all waiting on our collection... This was an off world thing, they were
having issues connecting with us in the correct time and space.
But we'd been let down a few times all ready.
Many had back packs of there belongings packed.
We'd been moving all-over the country to oddly familier places, farms
and barns with horses and camp sites.
Inside my Auntys house was a crazy older woman with her own dead body... Well
the torso of it both her hands had been removed and her neck severed. She was quite happily chatting to people in
a form that looked identical but with legs and more animated than the dead
version layed out on a table.
My Uncle David was there too, also Zak.. He was asleep in a pile of dogs.
Booboo arrived from Yogi Bear! He was
calling himself the inspector and walked into the house and sat in the chair in
the back room taking out a pad to make a note of names.
I'd started shifting at this point seeing light structures in glowing
balls. Stuff I've seen before but I'd
seen millions of them heading in all directions.. These were just floating each
in a ball of it's own.
2 4 sided pyramids point to point encased in the ball. We all seemed to have one each.. I think it
was possibly the transport we were waiting for, the light they were made from
was changing huge as they floated closer in my veiw.
A disembodied voice told me 'When you
fall, fall on a banana' 😆
Wednesday, 10 July 2024
Who's Time?
First dream I was with Em.
We were supposed to
work a shift at a day kennels' during return time. An unfamiliar bright city, the kennels were
on land joining a public park.
Prior to it I'd been hanging around on sunny streets chatting to people, taking
bus's and drinking coffee.
2 females ran the business, Lara was there too. It felt linked to the dream with the merch
from last night - I don't recall now how... But the reality felt the same.
At the start of the
shift one of the owners had handed me a pile of purple lanyards - these were
used by people collecting there pets some how.
I'd never worked this setting before and it was unfamiliar to me and I wasn't
sure what was going on.
After dropping some of the lanyards the woman was in my face rude and I'd
instantly taken her down. Apologising
for my bluntness but I'd agreed to help out on her shift and if she was going
to give me shit I was happy to fuck right off now.
She quickly backed
down explaining she was stressed and was wrong to be rude. She showed me round, in specific an odd
collection of parrots her father had bread that were kept in the back area
behind a counter.
They all held a leaf or petal in there beaks, it was a trait they had. They were white and a blueish green, similar
size to an African grey not a breed I'd seen before.
The shift was short but busy, people collecting there animals from the cresh n
going on there way and I'd left too, walking to an open market on what was like
a rundown estate.
Lots of kids... I'd dropped an old bankcard down onto a path below the platform
were the stalls were. I'd asked an
older guy to pass it back up. He did so
reluctantly with a mouthful of abuse.
Everyone seemed angry there.
I'd also met an Asian friend who wanted to meet me at a church the coming
She had unusual eyes... They would go
completely black and flick (possibly flicker rate) She had special glasses that would recognise
when here eyes were going strange and compensate with lenses that bent the
She wrote her name down for me, but as it was in mandarin I couldn't read
I knew the space we were to meet though.
As we were talking she's also accidentaly stood on and swashed a small snake..
It crushed under her foot like a slug leaving a sticky mess on the paving
Next dream was very cool, long too as I kept going back into it each time I
It started getting picked up by an odd old HGV badly painted bottle green, it
was serving as an ambulance & fire truck with a metal ramp also green we could drop at the
side on the path.
We could take stretchers up to a door behind the drivers cab leading to a mobile medical
area within.
I was with them for a few
shifts as a first responder picking people up and getting them in for
Again nothing about the world or area was familiar at this point.
It changed when I was dropped in Croft..
I was in a make shift food market just tarps round a metal frame making a
dark area inside with a few unidentifiable veg.
Two young girls in hand sewn dresses were sat on the crushed grass
They were eating what they were calling semolina but it was just the stalks of
the wheat they were soaking in grass till it sprouted and then eating raw.
The vibe was odd... Felt like years ago meby the 1950's
The layout of the area was different too, the church had a massive building on top of it.... A huge posh estate encompassing my Nana's house and the spar waters that were a stone bathing pool.
It was being demolished and anything of value sold on. I was one of the people overseeing the sale and demolition as I was one of the beneficiaries of the estate and direct family.
My Mam was in the dream too, aloof and busy, concerning herself with giant works of art that would be sold and the massive gilt frames they were in.
The big manor house she used to work at was linked too.
As I was looking at the art some of it with sold signs or auction lot numbers the ceiling from the floor above started to crumble as a massive claw was ripping old chimneys off with us still inside.
At this point I split... One of me looking outside into a futuristic space - a massive fuck knows what.. Lol but it was built for demolition and well out of control.
Trashing this building but also sliding out into a road of busy traffic that was trying to avoid it, rubble crushing more and more stuff as It was just taking anything out.
I'd followed it for a bit watching stuff trying too avoid it as it destroyed the surrounding area and looking out to were kids were standing hitching on the busy road leading into the countryside beyond the town.
I jumped back to the me that had stayed inside the building.
It had changed now and I'm in a medieval castle. Only inside that is a series of other massive buildings more renaissance in style... The inside never gets light and there is green moss covering all the stone.
It felt comfortable but there was so many vibes to the place, stories, crimes from a past long forgotten now.
I'd followed steps down threw narrow dark damp corridors below ground and come
to lose stones in a wall.... Shoving
them out of the way was a hole threw to a below ground Christian Church (Probably the St Peters that stands on that site)
A service was going on, we couldn't see only hear and the priest wanted us to
take Holy Communion with them... I seemed to be with one other person.
The priest passed us the small communion cups and a purple wafer bread threw
the hole I'd made in the wall.
I'd passed him some small silver stud earrings I was holding. They were covered in loads of sliver marks,
he took them in exchange for the communion.
I woke but jumped bk into the same space - this time it's an earlier time
Well of people dressed in suits
with hats and flapper style 40's outfits.
I'd appeared in the church still splitting slightly - trying to navigate what I
was seeing and why.
In the church was a talk on the Mandela effect and a split... Right from the
very start of people noticing.
It was to do with a red sack and a blue one.
I was of the group that recalled the sack being Red, but this wasn't
most peoples recall.
I was looking back threw time into a talk that had been held in the Church
where a woman had been holding the small red velvet sack showing the
congregation the small items inside.
To the others I was stood looking at an empty room.
Beside the church now is a stone outdoor pool, the area is still dark and
enclosed, a few women have removed there clothes and are swimming calling for
me to join them... But I was too interested in what I was experiencing to feel
like swimming.
I was joined by Inka and a tall black guy with him, felt like a priest they were
both in suits with hats and Inka who didn't look like he usually dose but
recognisable buy his energy rolled me a cigarette in dark paper and handed it
to me already lit.
I was speaking to the priest about the blue and red.
On another layer I
was in the cogs of what was like a giant clock... Some were slipping out of
sync and I was jumping threw the gaps.
Between the dreams I was back with Inka in another transport hub between
flights. I think it was our final one,
we were at a table having showered. I
was sleeping with my forhead on the table though, almost impossible to wake
I'd jumped again into the 1940's era... Again the same space. A party was finishing and drunk people in
fine clothes are leaving in groups or singularly to return to their homes.
I was sort of shadowing a woman in a tight black frilly dress with a hat and
parasol type thing, she was going to use a sort of transport that was like an
odd trolley pushed by a guy.
Looked odd, would have been simpler to walk but meby she didn't wana muck her
shoes up.
I'd followed them in the shadows to one of the 3 story houses close by and
after she'd gone in the guy called me over to show me numbers written in blue
and red pen on the back of the trolley thing he'd used.
He had an undertaker
vibe so possibly Inka again, but he didn't hang around... Just left me and the trolley alone on the dark street.
I know it's linked to this night... But not quite sure how or why.
Tuesday, 9 July 2024
Love Trust Pilot
Let me out 'Out of where Ren' Back into the space inbetween 'Not safe yet, come here, I'll find stuff to amuse you'
I want to
deconstruct Inka. 'You want to destroy Bitch, and that's
ok... Come here I'll put it to effective use'
I'd jumped bk to Inka who was irritated by how floppy I was given I was stuck
to him. I was supposed to stay awake
till we got another flight but don't think I did.
I fell fast into loads of vivid dreams.
First was a rave, I had a small case containing 6 matching blue and purple
cupcakes each with a matching small scrunchie hairband round them.
I'd given away 4 and used the band for the remaining 2 to stick my hair in
bunches. Sharing but there was a competitive vibe too what was happening.
It was dark place set along cliff tops.
We were dancing in the ruins of an old white washed town set high above sea and rocks below.
I'd left the rave walking what felt like North as it felt like an east Coast
No roads, just wide paths with occasional crumbling steps. There were occasional vehicles but they'd
been crushed by falling stones.
Gardens were overgrown. The buildings
looking like they'd been beautiful in there prime but roofs were long gone, and
the insides empty the white stones in piles outside walls and blocking
paths left where they'd fallen.
There was a feeling that I'd had family there at some point long past.
A female was moving a fold able wooden lectern to the remains of a courtyard of what had been possibly a large farmstead.
I'd passed her following a pack of stray dogs further North.
The dreams all seemed to flow.
I'd found myself next in an incredible space.
Still dark.
It was the habitable ruins of what had been an amazing expansive dwelling with
large stained glass roofs, held up by worked metal. Teared formal gardens, fountains and pleasure
Enamelled corridors with painted frescos.
The place was damp and over run with plants reaching threw broken
Loads of fruit vines and trees.
Massive kitchens with big heaps of stacked up old enamel stoves too high to reach without
I'd started in lower tired gardens way above the surrounding countryside.
The owner was a female around 9ft tall, dressed in formal blue robes with her
hair covered in a sort of Sufi style headdress.
She had a massive blue cat too, with long straight blue hair and turquoise eyes.
The woman didn't look human, but close too. Larger forehead and
bigger almond shaped eyes.
She was leaving the space and moving on. Obviously pregnant too but didn't want to carry
the babe to term.
Was begging me to help her birth it and take it from her.
It wasn't time yet though... She had many more cats that would be reluctant to
go and would likely all stay behind in this odd complex.
I'd walked up threw gardens with hundreds of people in streams of warm running
bubbly water, some having sex, others
just relaxing and talking. I'd walked
in the water with them reaching an area at the top where the paths
To the far left was a elf like female, golden skin and eyes and blond hair
flecked with green that serves as camouflage, she was clinging to a vine with
banana like fruit... trying to stop me
taking one with long pointed finger nails.
But I'd jumped up and picked one anyway to try.
Then centrally was a
more enclosed sauna with a single dark haired female naked in a pool.
I'd gone right, higher up and threw the strange kitchen areas and more
destroyed higher structures.
Eventually leaving
onto a high road into a built up dark town beyond.
I was being followed by Travis who was looking for a place to stay.
I had a space in a small gardened street.
The dwellings were an unusual style made of dark wood on stilts with large
glass windows and a single front room that overlooked the gardens and other
houses similar but each with slight variations in size and layout.
Streams ran threw the gardens and under wooden bridges in the
I was to work in a comunity hospital a short walk away.
My dwelling was small, no furniture, an outbuilding to the side of the
main room, and then a small washroom and basic kitchen. The matron of the hospital and a nurse I
would work under I could see waiting inside my home.
A guy was escorting me, he was wary of Travis and I didn't want to speak with
him until I was sure the other staff had gone.
I was tired and wanted the other people gone so I could lay down and sleep
They seemed to want to make sure I got to the place and hand over a uniform and
shift pattern.
Woke at 5... Had a coffee then 2 more long dreams.
First I'd gone bk to
hospital today for the meeting and it was more like a TV studio, the building
still first floor but open air.
I'd been playing with 2 different size slinky toys when I'd noticed many of the
patients appearing in ice skates and all dressed up. They looked great, but not all were managing
the rink or skates.
A stage was set up
with a panel of 3 judges to judge performances and the patients were singing
in bands and playing instruments.
Most were waving and yelling to me as they performed.
The whole place was very chaotic but fun.
I'd walked back to where the meeting was supposed to be threw what was more
like tec collage work shops.
Tool stations and cookery benches set up with people juggling knives and
another few throwing screwdrivers into a wall.
Last dream was my
main dream space. Someone had brought a
rig to the main estate and set it up in the middle of the afternoon. It's mainly kids that are dancing.
I was wearing a nurses uniform, but it was like a polo dress in a purple/pink
colour. Other nurses uniforms were hung
on market stalls with examination booths on the outside.
Apparently my uniform was the wrong colour for the shift I was working so I'd
headed bk to main dream house to change.
On the way to the
house Lucy had asked me if I still had a book of magic tricks she'd lent me..
I'd told her I'd bring it.
I'd arrived by the back gates, the fence along the side was gone and a new
large modern semi had been built on the other side of the wall.
The back of the sheds had gone too, instead of brick they'd been made from wood
and it looked like someone had ripped them off for a bonfire.
I'd left the front door open, but when I got there someone had cut all the
metal of the handle into strange ribbons of spiral twisted metal.
I was puzzles why anyone would break in when the door was open and there was
nothing of worth but inside stuff had been delivered rather than stolen.
The hall way and the front room was filled with loads of merch, eyes had been cut in the door almost laser
like and messages of love and support for my brother had been left on the
doors/walls and on cards on the piles of gifts and toys.
Loads of onesies, games and cartoon models, stuffed toys stickers and posters
... Hats glasses.
Then suddenly the house was filled with kids too taking the stuff that had been
delivered for my bro.
Was all very confusing, I was taking the stuff bk from the kids n kicking them
out telling them it wasn't my stuff to give away.... Not an easy task as the
door now didn't even close and there were 100's of kids from the street party
Monday, 8 July 2024
Call to Chaos
Inka killed me in
the re-ed hub.. I'd stayed curled on my rug
there staring at the floor. Didn't want to move or dream, there was
only him and me left, he'd been smoking and watching me.
He knew I wanted to vanish n not be, so he helped. Stabbing me quickly in my right kidney..
Didn't hurt the blood felt warm on my skin and clothes then I just felt cold
inside until nothing at all.
I don't recall how long I was formless for - just that Poseidon had appeared
there and made me take form again.
I didn't want to... But he helped with the emotion and made me into my blue
form. He told me it was best one for
I'd had a dream after. I was in a
strange space standing with a guy. He
was launching balls like floating planets into the air and using a fan to keep
them moving and floating there.
Colorful and mesmerising. I just
watched them float around as we stood together
'Bitch, you died in my arms last
night and are still far from high and dry' Inka? 'You are closing a loop
Ren, but your not free yet' I
feel safe here 'You're not, it's
where you got pulled from' I'm
not safe any place mate 'Well
observed Ren'
I will allways make
a home around myself 'We coming to you. Sleep plx' Not yet thanks.
Just want the dark for a bit.
Only one dream.... It was of the festival here. Inka had arrived after dark,
he'd pulled me from the crowd and told me we needed to go to the airport that
we were heading to South America. I was
confused, he told me I didn't need anything he had papers for me.
Was odd... He was angry. Was an odd part
of an airport we arrived at wasn't passengers as usual.. Diffrent
'Just come Ren, won't be nice... Nor is
it what you want'
Jumbled dreams.. I'd jumped bk to Inka who was still really hostile, he was
speaking to Leon who was getting him to do loads of checks on me.
Checking tattoos, bloods n stuff. Wanted
dates I'd moved to places and when my kids had been born, the age I was when my
Mam had died. Iris scans on a phone app,
he put a tattoo on my neck too that could be scanned.
Was given overalls and handcuffed to Inka who'd been told not to let me jump or
even let me out of his sight.
Once on the flight stuff got really odd as I'd gone to sleep and merged
awarness with him. He tried to stop me,
but couldn't.
Was hectic and energetic.. But once I'd merged he couldn't help but share
recalls. Was like we were on loads of
layers at once, it oddly helped me navigate getting more of an idea of other
realitys we'd been in.... Loads of dream recalls to but disjointed and dreams
The first I was in Sheila and Erics again.. Not the bit round to the garage
this time but in the garden.
I was confused he was there and Sheila too... As I knew they were dead and the
house sold.
I'd spoken to them only briefly then was outside with some children and old
fasioned toy dolls.
They'd lost there clothes, the eyes were wet so wen't opening and closing
We had a bag of broken crackers and some cubes of cheese.
I was collected from
that space by people in 2 identical campervans.
Not a style I'd ever seen before.
Grey inside, I was sat at a dirty 2 seater table, the guy driving and tried to
drive there a flooded road and I recall thinking what a fucking idiot as the
engine filled with water and the van stopped in the water blocking half the
allready flooded road.
We'd got out with the others on the van, a girl of about 7 was coughing up
blood on a blue dress and 2 guys having a fist fight.
I was sorting black bags we'd taken from bins looking for bits of clothing and
When I woke from dreams I was still on the flight with Inka, who'd given up trying to resisting me merging awarness and was less angry with me... He did warn us Leon would be furious with us both now but I was indifferent and not in the mood to care.
The handcuffs hurt
as they knew I can get out of them so it had been wrapped in a kind silicon
stuff and were so tight they were cutting off circulation to my left hand.
dream I'm with my Dad in the garden at stone close. I was where the sandpit used to be outside
the shed in the rain pulling worms from a pool of water that had gathered there
and talking to my Dad about dementia and time.
Last dream I had in a diffrent space again.. By this point the plane had landed
we'd gone into a bathroom as he wanted to take a crap and I was still stuck to
him. I'd just sat on the floor and
rested my head on his knee.
He'd given up caring at this point and recognised I was fully aware how fucking
grim this could get but was up for what ever chaos was involved.. He'd just put
his hand on my head and shared recalls of me as his hunting dog.
a fucking rabid bitch when you wana be Ren' Mmmm
Ooo that's the same overalls you shoved me in again. 'Shit
Crew games Ren' Sounds ok to me, happy to surf a wave of
astral rage for a bit. 'So it seems' Playful
gets me locked up anyway 😏
Last dream I saw
Chris for the first time since he'd died.
We were in a walled garden space and I was cooking a meal for the many people
around. Some family but mostly
strangers. Was using 2 large slow
cookers. One filled with spicy lentils
with large nuts that I'd never seen before, the other I was shredding a cooked
chicken back into the sauce with carrots.
A pile of tin bowls and mismatched chipped crockery was stacked looking
almost clean enough to eat on.
The space had bunks, old fabric was being used to curtain some off - flights
were leaving from a small airstrip close to this place too.
I was dancing there and serving the food.
Collecting the bowls to rinse and reuse.
A woman had vomited all over the floor.
Woods & Worlds
16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them. Night before last I was on a fire engine. It was playin...
I don't have the questions 'Don't need them you have answers, come here' Hummm Love hu? 'OFC, just sort intention R...
Toddlers been ill so he's been sleeping with me. His mind feels like a vortex at night, I really don't understand it but I felt ...
Tried to sleep early as ongoing sinus headache and had wired stuff stretching, colours sensations, not sleep though. I'd jumped to the...