Monday, 15 July 2024

Work & Cats

First dream was odd.  
Was work, my induction but was really odd.
Was on the dementia unit but it was really different.   The kitchen was way bigger and filled with rustic old cupboards... Inside were the same sort of odd puppets I used to see n hunt for prior to integrating crew n Inka.
Punch n Judy style but they were Christmas themed.
I couldn't fine any cups to make people tea.
The residents were all different too, an odd mix of women I'd never met  - not that old and didn't seem like they should be there at all.
It was breakfast time and they were making there own food.   Odd mishmash of crockery and food we could find in the cupboards there. 
It expanded too, where the lounge should be was a village church and green and a stand of trees.
One of the women was riding her bike around.
The other person on duty with me was a head VN from where I worked on Addington road vets.

We were each tasked with watching one of the doors.

Second dream was also surreal and odd.
I'd taken a job at an off shore rig outside of my main dream space.
It's a version I recognise where the harbour is bigger and the breakwater on the South is also a mooring pier.
I'd been taken on trial, 3 nights on the rig.
The boat over was leaving mid afternoon.

Most of the crew were new, at least half of us.  Also young.  I was the only female.
The older guys lived there full time.
It was a modern glass n metal structure... With a sort of glass spire and ring around that floated, I'm not even sure what it's purpose was.
The views were amazing though, and the work light.   Just running equipment and checking the structure, after my first 3 nights and days spent mainly in the large glass communal space I got a boat bk to mainland.

Oddly I had 2 kittens with me there that I'd left in a sort of mesh playpen.   I'd not really remembered them till I was back in my main dream space, and was suddenly concerned I'd not left them enough food.
My main dream house was filled with massive cats and strange moving model boats.

I'd gone on an odd visit too, a crazy cast iron art display also in my main dream space... It was loads of kids stuff, and well all kinds of stuff.    Art made from bits of old trains and other junk, some of it newly cast.
I's spent my shore leave hanging around there looking around. 

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