Friday, 26 July 2024

Split Nose n Blinky Eye



Inka? 'I'm not done dreaming with you yet.'  You knew about today? 'Of course, Ren'  I'm lost Inka.

'Not a bad space for you to be for now'  I'm not sure 'Sleep if you wish, I'm with Malico still'

I miss hospital and having people around 'I know Mouse, your options are open'  I don't want locked up again though, communal living appeals but the rooms are small.

'I'd be with you if you lived alone'  It's not easy to live alone either, last time it was my work too and filled with animals.

'Ren' Mmmm  'It's easier to share this energetically'    It wouldn't help the options open to me..


Actually it did...  Dreams were few as I was feeling stuff out.

In one I'd been hit in the face semi accidentally. N my nose split into 2 halves.

Like I had a crease in my face n one half was wonky. The bones... Lol I didn't even look human at the time. Was very odd

Another I had on an odd uniform of a pleated flowery dress and matching button shirt.

Worked in a big country store that sold big wheels of cheese and had a pharmacy and baby store at the front.
Big kitchens too making pastry's and bread. 


I'd jumped bk to Malico and Inka as suggested but I wanted to see Kaylo too.   Malico took me, said Inka would follow.  Was like going bk in time there or forward depending on perspective.  I was grey me & Kaylo agreed to dream share, jumping us to his own room there as we wanted to avoid Leon 4 now.
The bunk was small and when I woke - always going bk into the same dream I realised Inka had arrived to n was sat on the floor.

The first dream was a large red ships hull.  It had been pulled up onto a slip way for cleaning.
It was metal and I was helping scrape stuff off so it could be repainted.

We left into what was almost like a fantasy village, but was busy with shops and businesses - just had an other worldly feel, cobbled streets and lovely old buildings.  Very neat. 
Simon & Tanya were there arguing with my uncle over something and I'd gone into an old book store.

It had a coffee bar on a roof balcony were you could take books up.
I'd chilled there enjoying looking over the roofs.

Then did some shopping, was old fashioned cobblers and bakeries. 

Some houses just had a counter they could put down at the front door to sell home made stuff.
It was evening and the stores were closing.  I'd been at a counter booking my daughter driving lessons when I realised I'd left a shopping basket on the ground and my wallet and phone were gone.

I was annoyed as I'd have to walk the mile n a half home rather than take the bus as I had no cash.
The walk was fine, and I'd cancelled the cards.  I was to return the next day to a small bank there to get cash.

The banks in a busier section of the village, it felt a little like Holy Island if it had nice weather all year round.
As it was close to my main dream space.
Large painted hotels with outside seating.  A show was on in one of them.

There was also a festival, people wearing flowers in there hair, outdoor street stalls.   Hippy kind of vibe.
I'd wandered around enjoying the atmosphere.


Back at my main dream space I there is an odd law enforcement around.  I'd gone with them up above where the arcades are.  
I was being observed by a guy with an odd dot on his 3rd eye, I could see it glowing and pulsing it put me into a kind of trance, he'd told me what it was but it's hazy as I was stuck staring at it. 

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