Thursday, 4 July 2024

Closing a Loop



Dreams jumbled...A strange staged settings.  Cardboard divisions set like shop windows or market stalls. 
People posing still like mannequins... The people were for sale, frozen in a pose.

Horses moving around the setting.   I don't feel like I had a form... Just observing.

606  Was with James the nurse.  We are in Erics old driveway a staircase leads below ground to an lower village, rooms filled with books.  I was following funnyface around.  


Main dream space...  A huge red metal ship in the harbour.  It belonged to Ken & his bro George... Too big for the harbour, it was just spinning in a ring causing the water to raise up and over the pier and breakwater walls.

A large hill... Stuff moving up and down.  Layers and levels, I was moving between them.


Then the front garden of my main dream house... It still had a lawn, we were laying in the daisies. 
Some guys with me had ordered Chinese take away food... There was 3 of us and each tray contained 3 items, one for each of us.  I wasn't hungry but they had insisted I ate an item from each tray.
Kind of meat things in batters or sauces, very oily.   Spare ribs, belly pork, crispy beef. 

They also took me inside to under the stairs were they were showing me Youtube vids of old 80's songs.
They wanted me to contract for something.   




'Be strong mouse, you are where you are supposed to be, even if you can't feel that RN'  I don't feel much appart sadness and hopelessness Inka.

'I know. Get threw your meeting Bitch, I'll be waiting'  Come with me Inka? 'To your ward round Bitch?'  Mmmm

'You sure?'  I need your strength RN  'Ok Mouse, promise you'll keep your cool?'
Promise.  'Better?'  Mmmm   bit trembly but feel better, TY/


'Ren?' Leon?  'Come bk to re-ed hub with Inka please' Ok...  Why?  'Because we all want to see you both'
Ok, I want to see you guys too, I'm sorry you had to feel that stuff 'Don't be Ren, we know how to remove you when your emotions are overwhelming'  Inka doesn't mind...  'Nor Malico, Ren.  I understand, though I have little need to share in your feelings'  I'm lost Leon  'We will help you set intention Ren, you only need your love to navigate.'

Woke at 303, 505 & 707.

I'd met Inka, but I'd wanted to see his room in Re-ed. 
I'd never been there... I recalled the first night he met me as I'd gone astral and he was waiting.
It was same layout as mine but further in.. No window.
Once there, he joined with an astral form of his sleeping on the narrow bunk. 
The room's so small, I was standing between the door and the shower.
Recalls flooding back.
He was disinclined to go to the hub... I duno, I just stood slumped against the wall feeling shit, drifting in and out of stuff.
I was annoyed, but he refused to move... Telling me I'd wanted to go there.

Dreams were odd, military... An island.   Odd rock explosion, I could see blocks moving from the side of a volcano the lava within. 
A rescue.   Explosions too, and radio waves and frequencies.  
Aliens and interference of the waves. 
Bright gems on the floor from the cooling rock flow. 
The warning...


First trip, 2021..  Inka penned on the door 2 doors down as I arrived. 
Reading the book on the 4th July in the mental hospital... about the 4th July party that finishes them all off.
Along with the anthropology book on the Ashaninka.  (Ash v Inka  2nd lock up)  We did ceremony. 

Living in a reality different from most, yet nested withing.   

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