Sunday, 14 July 2024

More Purple

Woke at 101 I'd been in a dream with another Me younger, she was thinner than I was at that age and slightly taller too, around the age of 15.  Dressed very different too, smart clothes and tailored high shoes could have been why she seemed so tall.   Em as there the same age and my Dad who was younger too. 

We were caring jointly for a baby who was on antibiotics.

Looking round large open posh supermarkets too, Fay and her boyfriend were there too.  We were looking at houseplants with unusual light purple leaves.   The supermarket was bright, lots of skylights - not a style I'd seen before.

Next dream was long.... I lived in a camp with an older guy with white longish hair.
It was a permanent camp with food kitchens set up.  We spent most of the time outside in communal areas surrounded by the mish mash of tents and benders.
We all had very similar small leather belt bags too, a guy on the site made and sold them.   I was trying to get additional pouches for min and was bartering and swapping with people to get them in the same darker leather as my bag.

The place had a communal feel, we took shifts in the kitchen or clearing the site.  Sometimes helping with laundry too that we boiled water over fires for.

There was a large glass school or uni on the site too, used mainly for quiet study and keeping our shared books.


A group of friends of mine were training in special abilities, I was too but way less advanced. 

I'd watched there usual Sunday afternoon practice, they were doing there usual shape shifting, flying and merging forms. 
It was always amazing to watch but they managed a transformation that they hadn't made before.  It was stunning!

To start with they'd taken there usual winged forms, one guy looking like a falcon, a female hummm like a fluffy snowy owl and another guy a similar size form with blue grey feathers... This time as they merged there weapons started to glow until there whole forms were also glowing light.
The female had a sort of glowing pink staff with a cross and ring at the top, one guy a sword that glowed pale blue and the other a golden whip thing that wrapped around the other weapons as they merged.

The transformation was epic.. Becoming one large almost small ship shape of gold, pale pink and blue pulsing light.

It was god-mode stuff.

They landed beside me scooping me into their group hug where I was crying happy tears for them.   One of the guys kissed the top of my head promising to help me with my next transform. 


Next dream I was heading of the South East coast flying to St Marys on the Isles of Silly.
We were in a small airport waiting, I'd dyed my hair deep purple again and was cleaning up the remaining tube to store in my bag.

Before I woke I was with Inka, we were in a fruit grove of sorts picking something I didn't recognise from a group of short trees and packing them in wooden crates onto an old flatbed truck.
Only I was daydreaming and going into visions... That was amusing Inka but also pissing him off as I kept dropping stuff as I zoned out.

One image was of a massive deep purple phoenix of glowing light that I was turning into.

Another was Em, she was wearing a crown I'd been given by the moon crone years bk in a dream.. Her hair was fair again like it was when she was a kid and was curled.  She looked amazing like a princess.

 I've been purple fire before... never this dark though. 


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