Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Love Trust Pilot


Let me out 'Out of where Ren'  Back into the space inbetween 'Not safe yet, come here, I'll find stuff to amuse you'

I want to deconstruct Inka.  'You want to destroy Bitch, and that's ok... Come here I'll put it to effective use'

I'd jumped bk to Inka who was irritated by how floppy I was given I was stuck to him.   I was supposed to stay awake till we got another flight but don't think I did.

I fell fast into loads of vivid dreams.

First was a rave, I had a small case containing 6 matching blue and purple cupcakes each with a matching small scrunchie hairband round them. 
I'd given away 4 and used the band for the remaining 2 to stick my hair in bunches.  Sharing but there was a competitive vibe too what was happening.
It was dark place set along cliff tops. 
We were dancing in the ruins of an old white washed town set  high above sea and rocks below.
I'd left the rave walking what felt like North as it felt like an east Coast line.
No roads, just wide paths with occasional crumbling steps.  There were occasional vehicles but they'd been crushed by falling stones.
Gardens were overgrown.  The buildings looking like they'd been beautiful in there prime but roofs were long gone, and the insides empty the white stones in piles outside walls and blocking paths left where they'd fallen.
There was a feeling that I'd had family there at some point long past. 

A female was moving a fold able wooden lectern to the remains of a courtyard of what had been possibly a large farmstead.

I'd passed her following a pack of stray dogs further North.

The dreams all seemed to flow.

I'd found myself next in an incredible space.   Still dark.
It was the habitable ruins of what had been an amazing expansive dwelling with large stained glass roofs, held up by worked metal.   Teared formal gardens, fountains and pleasure pools.
Enamelled corridors with painted frescos.   The place was damp and over run with plants reaching threw broken windows.
Loads of fruit vines and trees.
Massive kitchens with big heaps of stacked up old enamel stoves too high to reach without flying.

I'd started in lower tired gardens way above the surrounding countryside. 
The owner was a female around 9ft tall, dressed in formal blue robes with her hair covered in a sort of Sufi style headdress.  

She had a massive blue cat too, with long straight blue hair and turquoise eyes.  
The woman didn't look human, but close too.  Larger forehead and bigger almond shaped eyes.
She was leaving the space and moving on.  Obviously pregnant too but didn't want to carry the babe to term.
Was begging me to help her birth it and take it from her.
It wasn't time yet though... She had many more cats that would be reluctant to go and would likely all stay behind in this odd complex.

I'd walked up threw gardens with hundreds of people in streams of warm running bubbly water,   some having sex, others just relaxing and talking.   I'd walked in the water with them reaching an area at the top where the paths divided.
To the far left was a elf like female, golden skin and eyes and blond hair flecked with green that serves as camouflage, she was clinging to a vine with banana like fruit...  trying to stop me taking one with long pointed finger nails.   But I'd jumped up and picked one anyway to try. 

Then centrally was a more enclosed sauna with a single dark haired female naked in a pool. 
I'd gone right, higher up and threw the strange kitchen areas and more destroyed higher structures.

Eventually leaving onto a high road into a built up dark town beyond.
I was being followed by Travis who was looking for a place to stay.
I had a space in a small gardened street.
The dwellings were an unusual style made of dark wood on stilts with large glass windows and a single front room that overlooked the gardens and other houses similar but each with slight variations in size and layout.
Streams ran threw the gardens and under wooden bridges in the paths.

I was to work in a comunity hospital a short walk away.   My dwelling was small, no furniture, an outbuilding to the side of the main room, and then a small washroom and basic kitchen.  The matron of the hospital and a nurse I would work under I could see waiting inside my home.
A guy was escorting me, he was wary of Travis and I didn't want to speak with him until I was sure the other staff had gone.
I was tired and wanted the other people gone so I could lay down and sleep alone.
They seemed to want to make sure I got to the place and hand over a uniform and shift pattern.

Woke at 5... Had a coffee then 2 more long dreams.


First I'd gone bk to hospital today for the meeting and it was more like a TV studio, the building still first floor but open air.
I'd been playing with 2 different size slinky toys when I'd noticed many of the patients appearing in ice skates and all dressed up.   They looked great, but not all were managing the rink or skates.

A stage was set up with a panel of 3 judges to judge performances and the patients were singing in bands and playing instruments.
Most were waving and yelling to me as they performed.
The whole place was very chaotic but fun.
I'd walked back to where the meeting was supposed to be threw what was more like tec collage work shops. 
Tool stations and cookery benches set up with people juggling knives and another few throwing screwdrivers into a wall. 


Last dream was my main dream space.  Someone had brought a rig to the main estate and set it up in the middle of the afternoon.  It's mainly kids that are dancing.
I was wearing a nurses uniform, but it was like a polo dress in a purple/pink colour.   Other nurses uniforms were hung on market stalls with examination booths on the outside.
Apparently my uniform was the wrong colour for the shift I was working so I'd headed bk to main dream house to change.

On the way to the house Lucy had asked me if I still had a book of magic tricks she'd lent me.. I'd told her I'd bring it.

I'd arrived by the back gates, the fence along the side was gone and a new large modern semi had been built on the other side of the wall.
The back of the sheds had gone too, instead of brick they'd been made from wood and it looked like someone had ripped them off for a bonfire. 
I'd left the front door open, but when I got there someone had cut all the metal of the handle into strange ribbons of spiral twisted metal.
I was puzzles why anyone would break in when the door was open and there was nothing of worth but inside stuff had been delivered rather than stolen.

The hall way and the front room was filled with loads of merch,  eyes had been cut in the door almost laser like and messages of love and support for my brother had been left on the doors/walls and on cards on the piles of gifts and toys.
Loads of onesies, games and cartoon models, stuffed toys stickers and posters ... Hats glasses.

Then suddenly the house was filled with kids too taking the stuff that had been delivered for my bro.

Was all very confusing, I was taking the stuff bk from the kids n kicking them out telling them it wasn't my stuff to give away.... Not an easy task as the door now didn't even close and there were 100's of kids from the street party outside.  


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