Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Dogs n Babes


Dreams were I'm here.   In one I was walking threw the woods 2 dryad people passed me wearing long woolen butterfly cloaks.

Then a version of here I'm familier with where this garden is on a much bigger hill.
A massive dump truck had come in the garden via 101, was parked outside my building loading soil from 2 gardens down.

2 young guys are doing it and they take me with them once the soil is loaded.   The soil is dumped and we go to their house before we come bk for more. 
They have a couple of dogs, one like a larger Bedlington terrier and a greyhound.  We'd stopped for a coffee and a smoke.  Then head back.
This time there is an odd machine next to my building.  They go for more soil and I look at the strange machine that is like a cross between my Mam's old blue sewing machine and a toy train, it's coming in and out of a small shed/station... But has to stop as there is no track.
I pull it's plug out to stop it moving bk n forth and the small driver looks annoyed as the train loses power.

There is also a paddling pool filled with biscuits and choc bars.  Not brands I'd ever seen, I took something like a Stroop waffle but with fruit in. 
Next up I head to an odd party were one female is picked each time to be queen.  It was a friend of mine. 
There was a cake and odd inflated decoration.
Someone made an amazing drink they let me taste.  It was frothy and bright blue and green, made with algae and seaweed and tasted sweet and salty. 


1 dream

Irene's house.  I was coming in the gate with a bunch of women with young school kids.
I was cleaning the yard outside, picking up dog poop and tidying tools while being followed by butterflies.

Inside I find a baby with a nappy that needs changing in a bouncy chair. 
I take it to his mother who changes and feeds it. 
I remember I was also lactating, but didn't seem to have a baby around.



An older guy with pink trews, he was sat on the floor.  Vaguely familier, he wanted help putting some stuff in his back pocket so I gave him a hand.
Next he asked me to make him a garlic flatbread he'd brought.
The kitchen was busy and chaotic, lots of half dismantled appliances.  
The stuff that worked had knobs removed, so it was hard to tell what settings or temps I was putting stuff on.
Wasn't a kitchen I've ever been in before, felt like a cottage with a low celing.
Michel was there too, he was arguing with someone... I realised it was bubs and she holds her own against him so I let them continue.
There was a talking vacuum cleaner too, it was stuck switched on and asking me to help turn it off.  Was hard though it was also in parts and It was hard to find the switch.
I think it was Michel that was taking stuff apart.

Next main dream space.  I'd been to the co-op to pick up baby formula and some other stuff.

It was night, the kids were young and with me, Zak was just a baby and we stopped at a picnic table at the top of James street to watch some rainbow fireworks that were going off over the harbor.
Roz visited me too, she was asking about some house plants I'd gifted her, showing me them in gardening room where she'd not watered them, she was asking how to revive them.

Was odd when I woke up, was wondering where baby Zak was took me a long while to remember he's 10 now :P

Last dream I'm seeing a brand of rainbow clothing on a production line.  Was sort of tie-dye denim, looked nice.  All different sorts of outfits waiting to be put onto hangers.  Then I'm in a sort of department store but it's more of a 3 story town house that has been converted into a kids boutique type shop. 
Fay was with me, probably around 10 with a friend and her mum.  They were picking outfits.
The stuff was fairly odd and kinda cool.


Zak was in the dream too, he's in a back room kitchen, sitting with a young foal with long legs.
I was making a hot drink while waiting on the girls picking clothes.

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