Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Costumes and Clothes


One was red & gold and the other white and gold.  I was wearing the red gold logo.
They were linked to the world economics forum web & heath. 
Only I was dancing in the connections between them - testing stuff out.  Test spins. 
I needed an UL.

Next I'm in an odd outdoor co-op shop with Abi & her Sis.  We were buying vapes and other stuff, was more of a mix of market stalls.  I was watching people pick and chose ox tongue, tubs and coleslaw n stuff.   I'd hung around to the end of the day when they were giving stuff away for free and got enough to eat.


The place I was sleeping was also outdoors, rough shelters, and old metal filing cabinets and magazine stands. 
I had some folders with paperwork. 
Marcus was with me, he was deranged.   Cutting himself and making art with the blood and drops of water. 
He was putting my paperwork into it too.  
It was work I'd done for a math class I was taking, a series of work sheets I'd completed. 

He knew I was awake and watching, but I'd just remained laying down in the dark watching the blood and water mixing and in different to what he was doing.

In the morning I found myself walking out of Craster I'd stopped at some public toilets where in that version of the dreamspace there used to be communal shower blocks that I'd use.  (I slept rough) 
The block was now a small single toiled and the site were they'd been was a house with garage.
A few other wanderers were outside also complaining about the showers vanishing so someone could have a garage.
I had an outfit with me... In my dream it belonged to my daughter but the 2 women outside were encouraging me to try it as were the same size.

While on the hanger it was an unusual outfit, black mesh trews and bra with a similar black lace dress that was to be worn over the top.
It was hard to change in the small toilet so I'd moved out onto the street where a bunch of kids in uniform were heading to a nearby high school.

The outfit changed once I'd put it on,  having elaborate silver and white feather wings at the back and black feathers around the front...   Then it changed once again the dress part becoming a sort of body armor that reminds me a bit of Darth Vader's outfit minus the cape.  It was odd given the wings still hung about.

Very odd tinnitus between dreams too, an almost mechanical beeping... digital not like the usual mouse Morse code. 

Next recall I'm with Inka, we have on very baggy old army stile overalls.  They were way to big for me, we were at some kind of meeting and then when I looked down again I had on a 50's style dress - cream with orange flowers and green leaves.  
We are in the bottom of South America.. Argentina I think, but my knowledge of that area is shit...   Ah yeh it was.
some of the higer roads with light snow were similar to the dream the other night with the flying shaman.
We were at the coast though, my awareness going into the ocean currents rather than what was going on around me.

He was keeping my body upright as the people around me talked but I was in the meeting of different seas.

It reminded me of a night I'd been in 2 seas and there was an earthquake near there the following morning or around the time I'd had the dream. 
I'd managed to work out it was the Baring straight 


Anyhow this time I'm in the ocean currents are the South of the Globe

This area,

South Atlm

I'd been in other currents before this but not so low down, the water was cooler.
Flows strong.

The meeting Inka was at seemed Military but I was just feeling out the different water feels and flows.


Oh... I vaguely recall Poseidon contacting me again last night too.   (He'd come to the grove were Inka and me are hanging about harvesting stuff)
The waters were influencing the emotions of the people at the meeting on the land above.  On the layer with Inka I was focused on the deep green of the cotton and the pattern on the dress.  I was drifting into the 80's war the UK had down there.

Next dream was mainly visual, I watching a slow worm or similar that had been bitten into 3 sections, I was sure it was dead but as I watched it was healing it's self.  My perception of time was odd and it on a glass like surface.  
It would bleed out then use the blood to slide the parts of it self closer then this errr almost like small intestine stuff grew round it and it started to morph tissue n fuse it's body inside, the process repeated with each segment of it's body and it continued to bleed, cocoon and heal untill it was whole again.

Then it changed growing fast then growing legs till It was a large lizard a few ft long, I'd lifted it from the glass table before it got too big ang placed it into long grass where I watched it walk off.

I'd called to a woman nearby to make sure she didn't have a dog with her to disturb it, she didn't but called me over to where she was with a massive turtle or tortoise. 
Her bag had got tangled into harness and errr like a cart or platform that was on the back of the creatures shell.
I'd knelt down to release the brass buckle of her bag that was caught, freeing them both.


Last dream was also visually crazy.  
It starts in a bus station, hundreds of kids are boarding school buses in various uniforms.  Amongst the buses coming and going are giant cardboard box houses, the kind kids make to play in.
Coloured with crayons and markers with names and flowers n stuff scrawled on.

My bus dropped me at what was supposed to be my main dream space but was sooo different.  
I was moving between 2 identical houses the insides were connected by brick and wrote iron staircases, the large windows looking out onto various views.   One was a errrr I duno but it looked cool, it was rust or a errr rusting structure but with rust everywhere a group of kids where making a fire there and smoking.
It was all dusty and orange.

Another window over chimney tops and church spires of a crowed old industrial revelation style workers houses.

The main window of the room I was going to was more like the normal estate but with the addition of the massive cardboard box houses, they were the same size as the houses on the estate ... Ohhh I've had these in another dream years ago, but they were decorated inside like a dolls house
The place looked amazing, the sky filled with drones that were like kids ride on toy cars


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