Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Night Market and Pick-Up



Not a great nights sleep.  Must be ovulating as I kept waking with numb arms.

Traveling on a road with a load of native Americans.  It was busy with traffic too.   I was on my own and moving faster so slowly passing them all.

Then I had 6 dogs with me.  Was preparing a soup/stew.  
Oh there was soup the night before last too.... That one had been served in a green bowl from a stall and was creamy with large veg in.
This time it's me making it.  I've got dark green leaves and a strange dark tall mushroom.  I was slicing it and adding it to a stainless steal pan.   Cooking on a camping stove outside.

In another dream I was in a vets in an old farmyard, some of the outbuildings had been made into kennel rooms.
I was delivering something. 
The rooms were a mess, smelly and untidy and the animals were jumping on me.
2 dogs that should have been in crates were fighting. 
I was trying to read the notes to return them - but these were also messy.

An outdoor style amphitheater, old folding seats.  I was laying across a few.  What ever was going on down on the stage below was vague and uninteresting.  
I was chatting to a woman who was doing paperwork with a pile of receipt's.

I had a gardening plan for a cemetery I was looking over.


'Ren'  You're supposed to be staying away from me. 'No, Not quite.  We are supposed to be not left alone to long'  I'm ok.  'I'm glad of that Bitch, but I'd still like to see you'  Why?  'I'd like you to dream with us both, Malico has already agreed'  Ok, I'm not likely to argue about where n why I fall asleep.  'Now then'  It's early 'And you are already tired'

Ok... I'll jump to Malico.

Inka was with with Malico and I lay between them falling fast into detailed dreams.

First was a dark city, I'd been walking alone in the dark there.
It seemed like old Croydon.  I'd taken a summer camp job and was off for the evening.
Falling asleep on grass and floating a bit.
People were still moving around and staring at me like they assumed me drunk so I'd decided to walk for a bit till I found a quiet place.
Dogs were running around too, not street dogs.  Pets that had just been let out and were meeting up to play.

I was lucid, but not enough to fly.. When I looked at my hands they had to many fingers that bent at freaky angles.

I wasn't sure why I was there n didn't think to ask. 

I walked down and into a night market.  It was like a large open barn, stalls were set up, hand made craft jewellery and cards.
I funeral procession came threw carrying an open casket a priest at the front and a woman in the market freaks out.
She's nekid from the waste up and a long skirt below, unwashed hair pulled bk.   She was at first yelling 'shut the box'  referring to the coffin. 
I got closer to observe, and the women was then just grabbing people and yelling in their faces - her eyes wild.
She grabbed me but I told her nop and she let go.

It was an old fashioned town, with attractive buildings.  I stopped at a cat that was asking an elderly lady where her garden was.  The lady explained she didn't have one but the cat was welcome to sleep in her kitchen.
She let the cat in threw an old leaded window on street level then invited me in for tea. 
She was kind, well dressed with pink lipstick on her teeth too.  She'd been a singer and was telling me about her life.
The cat curled up on me as I listed and fell asleep in my lap.

As I'd left her place I met more cats, these ones were wearing various colored sunglasses.

Later on in the dream I'd fallen asleep in a shared bed, and woken there feeling lumps all over the bed.  Seems I'd fallen asleep on shopping and a bag of pasta shells had burst open and we were all now laying in them.


In stone close again, it's the version with odd extra attic rooms.  I'd opened the doors to these and we were moving stuff round.  A strange back parlor I'd never seen before with old china tea sets.

Next dream I'm working for the queen...   Was odd.
Were in her big house n she has some meeting with 100's of press.
I was just chilling in bed watching the many horses outside.
Then suddenly I was at the queens side. 
I was confused,

But she was happy to take the talk she'd prepared,

Assured me it was ok for me to be there.
I'd just sort of watched stuff on the periphery,

But at the same time with the queen sat next to me.
She kept showing me an 007 medal


Then an odd dream, I'd been with my dad in an odd open top truck, it sort of had a hole cut it in.
We were driving on a motorway and I could see up and out of the hole that stuff had been left on the top.
An impossibly large bottle of oil and a huge box.   They were wobbling.  
I watched them fall into the carriageway where they blocked it causing cars to swerve and one blue one to flip onto it's roof.
I realised we should stop... But when I look neither of us are driving, and my Dad is just laughing.

Puzzled I let the van drive bk to stone close where it parks it's self outside.

We go inside where I recall my Dad no longer has a license and I can't drive.  I watch blue lights flashing threw the window wondering what I'm going to say.
But when I open the door instead is a freaking huge white space train!   It's amazing.... I've seen huge stuff like this before so it doesn't freak me out. 
It shifts like a transformer popping out a sort of pod that come towards us.

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