Friday, 26 August 2022

Cartoon Jesus

It tickles...  'Good to see you coming back online mouse, just behave.  I'll help' 
Your help can be unpredictable Inka...  ' I know Ren, just listen this time?' 

I did listen....  'You argued too'   Mmmmm

I like the pushback...  'Yeh, we know.  How much more of a pushback do you want?'  

Lol ok, yeh... Not the permanent stasis threw medication. 

What's with the babe you gave me Inka. 

'A symbol Ren, I don't need to explain it again'  It's you?

'We are as one now Ren'  could you help me understand? 

'I asked you to take it some place'  oh yeh, I'd recalled the infant crib in the hunters room, I'd first gone their on beltain too...

'I'd not be the first aspect you've rebirthed'  ok...  'I trusted you with my egg Ren'  There is a lot to recall.

Egg was at Hogmanay.


I took the little red demon like babe to the crib and slept in the bed there.

A ring, like animal training...  Labour too, and breeding.  We were being kept as pets, or oddities and used for work.

It was surrounded by barns and farm buildings.   We were preparing for a deep sea dive.
Sunk into the ground were bottomless pits.  Oh the whole place was set in a strange forest with a q to get in and out.
I was one of the things being kept there. 


A game with a giant plant, plants vs zombies style... Was funny


Very detailed dream of Irene's house..  There was a large elaborate fire place on the wrong wall with a glass door.  Shirly was there.  She'd been moved from hospital into that house but her and Irene were not getting on well.
Julie was there too in a blue nurse uniform. 
last dream... Main dream space again,   we'ed been there at dawn. 

I'd met a massive cartoon Jesus there.  I'd greeted him going in the other direction and he'd laughed at me and said 'You do you Ren'.  It made me laugh cause it was like a friendly warning to stay in my own lane!

I'd travelled south again and we were staying in a large house split into 2 flats.

The bottom one had a tarmac yard outside and the above one that we were in a grass hill with 2 sets of swings.

The hill looked out over the town at night.

We were waiting for the moon and the following dawn and I was playing on the swings while we waiting. 

Was good fun, the swings could fly :)  I was zooming round on them.  A guy with us was going to take delivery of some furniture for his sister, she was in between flats and needed to store it for 24hrs.  

I was woken by what sounded like knocking on a wooden door... no one else seemed to hear it. 


Inka came and visited me in the hunters room.  We merged till we were one entity and he reminded me that before Beltane this year and Ddad's hub take over, I'd switched him off.

He also reminded me how he took care of me when I rebirthed myself last summer.... Lol he also  turned me from a kid into a bloke then punched me in the face! 
he told me he would also grow fast but asked me to watch over him.


Thursday, 25 August 2022

Medi Equipment

Management game in a strange futuristic hospital.  Large rooms with big strange radiology machines but then old fashioned uniforms with large white bonnets.  The farn and links again... A pod outside we had been up all night talking.  

Along the road to were the first school used to be was some shared female accommodation.  

A central fireplace and then people had a low bed and a chair in one l shaped room.

It wasn't full but the other females didn't want me to rent a bed there.

They all kept their belongings in clear plastic bags which I thought was odd.  I wasn't keen to share with them anyway, I'd just thought it might be cheep as it was shared.

Turns out it wasn't... But I think this is cause not all the beds were occupied. 

For some reason my main dream house was no longer available to me.

Next dream was here...

Storms and rain and more medi equipment this time on the lane.  

Shoving it down into the road with an admin office where the swings would go.

The field was really muddy, it it was hard to wheel the equipment over the ground.

It was operated by a bunch of guys who spent a lot of time stoned.
I knew of 2 evidential videos of something that had been done, one had been uploaded. 


I'd told Ann about them who was in the admin office then we all got onto a large black bus.
It had booths like rooms, and we were smoking in one.  A strange box like vape that burnt incense like rectangular sticks and left a thick ash.
There was a large chocolate cake cut up for sharing.  The bus had mixed groups who were journeying and I'd taken the ash to the door to throw into some bins at a bus stop.

We were in a large city and the driver put me out here.


I needed to get a ferry back north.


The bus had put me down in an underground bus depot and I'd headed to where children were waiting on barge boats.  I was floating not walking and when I did walk I was walking backwards.

I walked out onto the sea front were I could see the large ships, non were boarding so I'd kept walking to a strange beach with lots of old tarred boats pulled onto the sand and fish and crap pots laying about. 
The sand was dirty... I was asking them about a lift back north.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Lions Gate and a Faceless Man


'Not many people chose to dissociate from aspects of their entity yet then adore them for eternity'   Hu?  Feels like I'm cosmic play-doh  'Just stay still and connect wyrdo'  ok...


Very detailed and odd dream...  A town or village that was all part of one hummm  trust? I duno it was all owned by one thing.

It's name was Lions Gate and it was accessed threw a raven or gap in a cliff wall.

We head down into it where it's in a grass valley with a river flowing threw it.

All the doors, windows and railings are painted black, the buildings of grey stone.

It was full of visitors and I'd left my family to explore alone.

The paths were odd, some spiral slope leading to no where except a view.

I'd passed 2 females with a couple of dogs, one in a wheelchair and we reach the top together were there is a view of a small but tall medieval style stone church.  We stop at the railings to look.

They head back down and I stop there.  There is a shelf filled with stuff and a small old battered enamel bath that's been pulled from a building.

I lay in it and curl up going to sleep.

I'm woken in the same dream by a female, she invites me down to sleep by her and her partner were they will watch over me.   The couple are in their 50's with a converted van/camper. 

She sits on a bench smoking a distance from me, then shows me some resin and asks if it's cannabis.   It looks like it but smells wrong, I ask were she got it and she points up the slope to the shelf.

I go up to look and see the resin block on top of a small green tin.  This smells more like I'd expect it to smell.  I leave it there and get into the bath again where I fall asleep. 

This time I'm woken by a young guy who's going to throw some old fiberglass insulation in the bath.   I ask him to let me get out first so I don't get itchy.
I'd headed back to the couple and told the woman it was cannabis resin, I was going to smoke with them when my family arrived back to tell me we were leaving to travel north.   

I was saying goodbye then had to search for them as they'd left without me.  


First part of the night was odd, I felt like I was compartmentalising my mind and sorting threw it.

Sheilas house again.. It was being emptied and a new family were moving in.  I was watching over the place waiting. 

2 young boys were with the family.   I got a call from a care place that wanted me to help.

It was odd there.  A mix of people I knew and didn't.   I quite liked it.  We lit Chinese lanterns in the garden.

I helped someone with a meal then had a strange experience of a head in a box that had stopped breathing... It had a sign on the box what to do when this happened so I'd reported it to a woman who kissed me on the crown of my head.

I'd been sent back to their house to collect my phone - the house was now segmented like a department store, I was in a section filled with old fashioned teddy bears.  Some of them were huge.   I didn't find my phone and went back to the other place where a resident... A strange male with no face grabbed me from behind and wouldn't let go.

All the other staff had gone and the guy started getting sexual. 

I'd woken up asking people to get him off of me.

After that Inka came to me, apologised for not being around atm... Told me he was still about.  Then I had a small demon, gargoyle.  It was little and in my arms, I felt a strange connection to it and it made me feel homesick.  

Monday, 22 August 2022

Dog's and a White Rabbit


Making toy tracks for cars and trains, loops and hills more like a rollercoaster. 
Diving into dark waters for dropped toys. 

Lego boat parts I think.  I needed a lamp or light as the water was too dark.


2 large children's story compilation books.  A white balloon that changed shape, sometimes looking like a mouse and others like a dildo.


Main dreamspace garden but with a huge granite cliff where the garages should be. 

Looking at star constellations. 


A medical place, I was looking for a connector for a giving set to give to a person before we all left for the end of term.

A black dog was being preped for surgery.

A convo with Clair T.  She was upset about poverty.  We talked about land ownership and agriculture.  

My dog was with me as we made our way down a big hill to the station at the bottom.

Other dogs were tied to posts.

The station was a mix of old and modern more like an amphitheatre and another hill grassy had running horses and yet more dogs.  My dog ran off with them for a while, I was waiting and shouting beside a couple wo were getting engaged.



An odd meal with friends I didn't know, at first it seems like a street on a costal village but when I leave the table to walk to the house I find myself on something more like the deck of a cruise ship.

Bright neon signs over doorways... One is Red and for the Viking something. 

The hosts were a male and female couple, the guests felt like kids from care or something.

Then a witch and wizard city... It felt like my main dreamspace too but medieval and castle like.

I'd met a red skinned demon with 2 different horns, one spiral and straight, the other curled and pointed up.  He showed me the sky were there was a flight way, people using coloured angel type wings and cloaks to move along in a fast air current. 

Brad was there too, he had a rabbit he wanted me to look at to check for fleas.

I'd collected a comb in a below ground petshop, it had cardboard hanging over the door and an escalator lined with monoliths and huge gems.

I had a large gem as a communication device and was trying to arrange a time to meet him, but the thing just kept scrolling and changing threw many different colours, bright blues and pinks it's surface was amazing.

When I did catch up with him I'd forgotten the comb, it was a small white house rabbit he kept as a pet, I could see fleas running threw its fur so was going to come back again with treatment.


Next dream was with Mel, we were in a dressing room that was all mirrors with a few sinks. 

I didn't look like me and had very straight hair cut in different coloured layers, the bottom dark brown, then white blond and with a pink fringe and stripes.

I'd had on some strange stage makeup and it was very hard to remove, it was making my skin blister.   I'd eventually managed to wash it off at a row of sinks with dirty water.


Last dream was a party in my main dream space, was high up in a room over the newsadgents and I was laying on a bench with Jack.  The party was for a female who wasn't well liked, I was going to find colour changing light for her.

Next thing I recall is being outside round a old grand piano, carry my old cat is there.  She keeps crossing a busy road into some woods on the other side.

Saturday, 20 August 2022

Cooking and Cleaning



I'd been in a 3 story residential block outside the front.  I was mixing herbs into tea.   People I've never met before coming and going.   Some taking the tea.

A drug was going to be legalised for the first time.  A festival was near by.


Kelly and a woman arguing, oh it was our new neighbour but we were in my main dreamspace in a strange version of Mayfeild.

I was moving stuff around, piles of everyone's laundry and lots of the same small wrapped gift. 
Taking them up and down stairs.
The gifts all had different paper but were the same shape and size.  I didn't know what was in them.   I'd tripped on the way up the pile of small gifts spilling and said 'oops' a guy was standing on the stairs in front of me and he laughed. 


House party at sheilas.   I was cooking on 4 green foam cushions.   
Lots of people including Em's Mam & Sister were on a huge inflatable matrass, it was like crawling across giant bubble wrap.

They had a bunch of guys with them they wanted to introduce me too but I'd agreed to help with the meal.

Lots of children were there too with piles of bored games.  They were in the way of the cooking cushions, and I was trying to help them tidy up but the meal timing was falling behind. 

I was being tempered..
Was a lot of people we were catering for.
My mother and Sheila appeared to help me.

Next bit was odd....  A room above and a wide stair case.  I had on red net tights and under them were lots of sequins, they flowed and moved like glowing spotty scales until a girl cut them with some small silver scissors.

The sequins started falling out onto the wooden floor that was already covered in straw and dry grass clippings.
I was vacuuming it up, the room would be needed for something else.

There was also a fire or coke or coal a female was annoyed she couldn't get it to burn hot enough.

Inka appeared in the morning, joining my awareness here.  I was seeing cell division again, formless awareness watching it.  The stage were the poles pull appart.

It was going back to above before I got sectioned this year. 



Friday, 19 August 2022

Smuggling and Towers.


All night going back into the same dream.  We were smuggling a type of drug, not using it just moving it.
A tower in a harbour is where it started.
Spent ages in a multi-storey building that felt like a leisure centre with bunk rooms.

We were moving stuff in pillowcases up and down escalators and hiding it in bunk rooms.

Next dream was the same stuff, this time with a guy too.   This building was watched so it was must harder.  He was more experienced than us and being moved to another facility. 

He took half our stash with him, the rest I moved.

There was a strange space under the bed that opened into what was like an Indian indoor market space.

We moved it as far as my main dreamspace were Em was, we go with a bunch of people to Ali's house where they are waiting at the door to see her new chihuahua puppy.
Ali wouldn't talk until most of the crowd has seen the dog and left.
Em and me were preparing to play some laser gun game in the sky. 

Last dream was like a fairy story.  A tower where a woman had a locked room, she was a sorcerer and I was her apprentice or similar.

The room was kept locked and I'd wanted to gain access to change some details in the story book their.

I'd used the changes to help remind me of stuff.  I'd floated up the outside of the building and used magic to pass threw the gap in a lead pained window.  

The book was in a gold caged hard bound structure with a gold key.

I'd managed to make the changes before she caught me and dragged me down the spiral stairs into the dinning room to some other angry staff.

Was a very cool looking dream, like a medieval castle, the dinning room was on the lower floor with white washed walls and a massive wooden table.



Thursday, 18 August 2022

Revisiting Pain

Between the thoughts

Under the breath

Outside of mind

There is something else

A weave

A Web

A being

It's there

What is it?

Why do I care?


A group of people.... A red apple, I'm to hold it at my heart and a guy I hardly know will fire a cross bow into it.
I wasn't sure why I'd been nominated.  It seemed to be cause I was up for anything.
We were standing outside a church with Christmas like lights on.


A food fight.. Chocolates mainly.  It was like a maze, part library part jungle.  Team game with 2 teams, laser tag like with food thrown.
My team was crap most wouldn't take part or fight so they enemy side got to recognise and know me fast.

303  A uni, learning campus.  Was silly like a spy school.  Me and another had been picked to be half dead tied in sheets and then hunted.

It was like a display of sorts for spectators.  We were put into sheets and tied with brown rope then dumped apart in swampy ground to be hunted down.

The planning stages was a room filled with old tech, monitors, plastic school chairs and desk lamps.   I was adjusting the lighting, playing with shadow and direction.

Getting sectioned again, being in a police car with 2 female officers.  We had stopped off at a place for me to collect stuff.  It was a beach with the tide far out and pools of water a rowing boat is in a pool.

I'm collecting things to take with me. 
There is a room with wooden desks in a square, a Pakistani family is seated around.

It's like a call centre and they are taking calls from all over the world.  They are multi lingual and between them they can speak most languages. 
There is one female like a matriarch and she gives me 3 squares of embroidered/woven fabric.
A guy gives me a handful of plastic notes, their is 2 £10 notes and the rest is a currency unfamiliar to me.  My belongings are 2 teddy bears if I recall right one is the brown bare I had when I was younger.
I'd put all of the stuff into a black fabric holdall with brown stitching and I'd put it ready to leave.

While I'm looking round the sand the bag vanishes, no one knows where it is... As I look around for it I'm being groped and fingered by someone behind me.  It was unwanted sexual attention I couldn't escape from and it was making me want to crawl out of my skin.


Woke feeling icky.. Reminded me of stuff I'd told them in hospital that was just ignored and realised how I'd been abused at times...  and not herd.   I lay awake for an hr feeling the emotions of being vulnerable and trapped.


Go back to sleep still feeling this and into another dream.

Main dream area, Ian has taken our kids to a new years party up the north of the village and I'm attending a small gathering in the road at King street.... 
Same place my bro made my head into a fire alarm.

There are rows of benches with tables and in the house were I was born is a desk were a small buffet will be prepared.  To drink there is bottle green elderflower water.  Though no one has been given this.  We are all sitting at empty tables with a 'program' in front of us.

There is only around 8 people invited.  There will be talks before the buffet, it was more of a lecture than a party but I was happy to be their.  I didn't bother looking at the program, I had my dream pad with me and was making my own notes about what I was experiencing.
Behind us the links and the farn were both cafes serving cake.... Both quiet, one was having a child's birthday party in a back room.
As I look up Marlena is sitting at an square outside table with hoggys Mam.  They both wave at me.
Dream changes so I'm with a small group of people we all have bright orange hair and a physical disability effecting our mobility.
We are in a massive crowd of people using escalators and tunnels like you'd find for underground trains.  Most of the others have a walking aid, but I have something more like a rolling meter stick... It has a mind of it's own and I'm being pulled along behind it on it's wheel.

When I wake again I'm in pain...  Like I've just been raped.   Was uncomfortable.... Follow the sensation into another dream.  
I'm standing trying to pin a flower corsage to me, Ian turns me round I thought he was going to help, but instead he tightens a tie that I seem to be waring.   I woke confused but the pain had gone. 



Storm Dreams

  First dream I was sort of here, the storm and wind keeping my awareness semi in the room. I was with a family with loads of kids, they...