Friday, 8 July 2022

Shamen and Leofric

Sitting high up on a thin ledge.  Below is a large area almost like a errrr gymnastics hall (Not that I've ever been in one) but that's what it was like.
Or meby an exhibition centre.

A large dark blue sprung floor and dark walls.  
The hall was going to be used for winter sports and also a birthday or party celebration.

I'd used a pole to vault down onto the bouncy floor.
The party organisers were paying and they clearing of. 
I was with them and was making sure people were payed off.

A large que of 'shaman' were there, all men with a staff the staffs had a resin head/face and then were topped with small antlers. 


Being prepared to give birth - the place was overly medical and they were asking if i'd like catheterised.  I'd declined wondering why.

There were various types of catheters and collection bags I don't recall feeling pregnant.

One bit of equipment was a bag to be inserted into a uterus and then inflated.


Main dream area, the same place the strange clothes shop was last night only the street was thick with ice and frozen snow.  It was deep and thick where layers had melted and then refrozen.

It's dark and the ice has an orange glow in the street lights.  
A woman is trying to drive on the ice and her car is out of control, she's angry with a group of children she has with her.

The name Leofrig or Leofric


Leofric, Earl of Mercia 
Leofric was an Earl of Mercia. He founded 
monasteries at Coventry and Much 
Wenlock_ Leofric is most remembered as 
the husband of Lady Godiva.

 A needle of bone or ivory and stitching hides together.

A large dryad type of creature, twice as tall as a man.


Last dream I was with Inka, I was being initiated with 2 knives, not for fighting they were ceremonial used for magic.

We are on a strange craft of some kind (Sea or space) but the routs between decks are difficult to climb and navigate.

I had a hangover of some kind making me unsteady and the climbing was difficult for me as I was dizzy.



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