Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Talking Birds

'You want your Dad Ren' Inka

'Yeh, same as last night.  His hub I watch'

He's not my Dad Inka, 'and yet he is bitch, way more than you know'

How dose it work? 'You dream, we unfold the show' pffffff

'You get bored Ren, chew threw ego aspects like a mouse in a larder'

But I 'Don't leave them Ren'  I duno... 'I do'   The hospital Inka, that entity was it you? 'Close enough Ren, when we have no bounds we become all things'

You became my walls..  'Egg shells'  Towers?  'We need to reinforce yours Ren, you can't break again so soon'

Humpty dumpty 'You are not easy to contain Ren'  I don't wana be contained.

'We know, we want you to grow.  Steps though Ren'  Mmmm  'Go to Ddad, we're on your side'



First dream a party in the dark then another.  I was a guy I was also god or like Jesus but I wanted to see who would recognise me. 

No one did.  Then I was homeless walking threw a version of London.
I had to get to Thurrock, I was heading north first before I'd go Northeast.

Oh just checked, it is east London.. Has a star-fort too.  



Next dream a lucid dream in a dream.   It was a strange dream with 2 talking gulls.  They were sitting on a sofa dictating stuff to Ian.  Wore clothing too.
We had a hedgehog type creature with skin that lifted up and other odd things.

Ian was taking dictation from the birds something from Ashtar command.

I knew the information already but was dyslexic and never herd.  He was a better route for the information.
I'd not bothered to find out what the message was untill it was about to be presented at a school to children and parents. 

I was sitting with the kids, I'd been happy to just interact with the birds as we spoke the same language anyway.
He's announced what the chat would be about then him and most of the other adults left to an exclusive meeting.

I'd sat on the floor still squashed with the kids wondering why the birds were messengers for Ashtar command and why they'd not told me... But it was cause It didn't matter to me anyway.
Oh yeh... I'd herd the message ages ago, god loves us we are beloved but we have to help ourselves.. The birds were spokes people for the natural world that wants us to remember what we are...  I could hear the messages too if I tuned in.

Some of the remaining parents were handing out birthday cake and they we split...  The room is a train.   I'm watching it travel past what are like opulent Indian beds set on the grass. 
Colourful bedspreads embroidered with gold, each bed is large set with a very large serving tray.  The tradition is to take a meal together on the bed.

Next to the train track is a road and a massive machine is on the road... It's again drilling or tunnelling or both I only see stuff like this in dreams.
Yellow heavy duty thing.  I was concerned it was so wide and long and had to fit down the narrow road without hitting the train or the bed/tables.


The train was small with open flatbed carriages. I was in a carriage on my own when I realised I must have fallen asleep in the dream as the rest of the train had gone.... I was just in a carriage alone still moving.

I was lucid now flying the carriage over a snowy setting looking at strange buildings it was game like. The snow felt wet and cold on my feet.
I'd vanished the carriage so I was just floating and enter into a town I look around and see a HSBC bank and people walking.
I ask one if there is a station near by as I missed my stop.

They nod to an old part of town were there is a transport hub, market square and church so I head there still floating.

People we asking me how I was flying and it was hard to keep airborne with the other dreamers all staring at me.  Trying to maintain the lucidity with them looking at me woke me up.

Next dream is visually epic a futuristic university campus that had been built on ancient quarried land floating bridges and walk ways perfectly clear rivers and strange prehistoric creatures.
It was newly opened and people were exploring and reporting on the different faculty's one was economics another business studies. 

I was more interested in some of the creatures that had been unearthed and was floating around checking out the sandy pools.
A massive turtle type creature that had a soft transparent shell like a jelly fish, I could see all it's internal organs threw the shell.

Another was a creature that was like a bare spinal coloum lumpy and wiggly.

The new and prospective students were arriving and looking around too.

I was meeting some of them. 


Rest of the night I was just checking out amazing visual stuff, wetlands and sand pools.  Other worldly harbours with castles on the breakwaters, oil drill heads and other strange creatures.

I'd been dreaming from Ddad's hub, first part of the night I was in that his chair that is still pink... 😋  We also went into the room with the VR thingy, Inka used that and I slept on the bench with metal next to Ddad.

No sign of that other guy in any dreams.

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