Friday, 29 September 2023

Moving house n Biscuts on Head


Tick-Tock - Mind Stop

Full Stop - Heart Block

Too hot to know not

Need Room Need Space

Get out -Into Air

And Spread into Place


Moon rise, Surprise

Night glow, soul show

Dark ways, games played

Things done, Webs spun.





Too & frow, breath that flows

Leaves behind the galax trees
Home heart, a dark art

Of creative potential that's inconsequential


Mind Dart - Idea to Start

Potentiate the formless state


Emotion winds about a projection,
like a vine,

Twisting n growing a perspective of mine


Mine Sweeper - Stealth Attack

Target Feeling - Blow it VAST!


Expansive sensation


A Focused Objective

A falling apart...




Balance n resting, we meet and we part.



A mind and a heart.


28th Sept


Didn't think I'd dream as I'd not slept in bed for 2 nights... Inka bet me I would and I took him on.  


First dream was an odd cook off.  Again we were all kids in a school uniform I don't recognise.   Chef's, writers and artists...
We were making an omelette like folded pizza thing   filling in,  folded like a pasty shape.

Wake at 404 I'd been in a strange matriarchal world, men were kept as slaves.
It was a forest world..  I was a reporter of sorts.

Last dream we were leaving for a new home.
Only it wasn't any house I know we were packing up from.
It's full of stuff, in a right mess.


We have a large white van we are shoving stuff in. 

A strange photocopier was in the bathroom.   It jammed and came apparat... Was showing a fan issue but then I recalled I'd accidentally unplugged it's water supply.

When I looked in, it's ink was to thick, it needed water to print correctly.
When I reattached it, it was more like an IV line and I was plugging it into a stoma in a body inside the printing/copier machine.

We reassembled the bits that had popped out when it had overheated.

It was large and going to be difficult to load onto the truck for the new house.

I was moving between the 2 places, our packing totally disordered. 
Filling a few bags with random stuff then dumping them on the floors in the new house.

I'd gone to look around, I knew my family wouldn't like it here.  It was a poor area with lots of kids in Adidas,    oddly I found myself wearing the old Adidas bottoms I had when young.
The kids were confrontational, but I wasn't the kind to back down and felt ok there.
Later on in the dream I'd found out they all mainly lived in a young peoples care home.

A large train track ran close to the new house, a metal gantry bridge took me to the local store where I met more of the people in the new place. 

Morning rise enterprises. 


29th Sep


A bed of fluff 'You tired enough?'  Tired enough for what?  'What do you want?'

Mmm  you know me well enough, I'd like to sleep n have some fun.
'I think I won last nights bet'  lol So should I have a rest?  'WHO knows what's best?' 

Errrr I duno, I should sleep as I'm working 4 nights in a row.
I'll miss being comfy in bed and alone.

'You are rarely alone Ren, in body soul or mind' 

Mmm I guess I have company around and inside.

Got lots to do and lots to be...  'Close your eyes n target me.


Wake at 1.11


A work dream but with family and other dream characters.  The place I was working was more like a village & Aunty Betty & Aunty Sheila was there.
Ann the vet too. 

Rodica too,  she was selling holiday lets in the hotels on the sea front in my main dream space. 

Before that I'd been in an odd space with Inka or Jack.. Playing a game but the recall was hazy.

Go bk into the same dream, or very similar it's around Irean's house this time.. And someone keeps poring biscuit crumbs on my head while I sleep.   It's confusing me that I keep waking up in a mess.

Ann (vet) had returned from a archaeological dig in an oil field.  She's brought with her an odd game it was sunglasses and a child's foot made into a gun.. Like an odd VR.  
The foot was bothering me, it was warm and pulsing like it was in pain.   I could feel the foots pain just touching it.

I'd found the person who'd been putting biscuits on my head.  I'd gone to investigate with a large owl.  It was flying around following me round.
I met Rachel H.. She was kissing me.  I wasn't keen but didn't want to upset her.
I'd left her at the entry to a restricted section.   She didn't have a staff pass to follow me in.
Once inside I could tell a female was the one responsible for the biscuits by the way she was looking at me.  As I'd challenged her she confessed.   But said I'd deserved it for making a mess n nearly causing a fire.   (I didn't recall any of this, but she'd don't it cause she was annoyed with me)


Monday, 25 September 2023

Dreaming In Laundry

Burning like fire

'I'll smother your flame'

I'll keep combusting

'I'll drive you in sane'

In sane feels better I know who I am

'There, I'll always meet you and hold your hand'

When the world is falling

'I'll pull the rug from your feet'

I'll sleep on the floor

'And I'll mess with your dreams'


When I dive into darkness

'I'll be the void that you fill'

When I shatter apart

'I'll hold your still'

You drive me crazy

'At your own request'

Yet your a home for my heart, my being my nest.


Inside a chemist warehouse packing up an order in a small oval basket.. It was strange as it was my order.  It wasn't medication just other bits n bobs... I'd wanted to see the size of something.  I dropped the basket and got sent out.
An odd dream, a city cannel or water flow well 2 but they are flowing in opposite directions and I'm on some concrete structure in the middle. 
The water levels were rising and falling as water locks were used.


I'd taken a crap on a bit of paper and dropped it down on one side were the water was.. It missed the flow as the water level was low and I watched it splat onto some concrete steps 😆


Back at a school too, in a uniform and standing on a mountain top at sundown.

Last dream was also odd.  I was at a strange children's farm.  I'd been trying to make my way to see some animals but the layout was odd, lots of locked metal gates.
The path seemed to lead threw a work shed where a complicated vehicle was being worked on by a small team of guys. 

I'd apologise I was lost and one of the mechanics gave me a small card that would act as a pass and put his authorisation on it.

Next I'd ended up in an old cart full of freshly washed guys underwear!  I'd taken a nap in a pile of pants and socks.

Kept walking till I reached an unusual town square, with small independent shops.  Stopped and had a look about. 


Sunday, 24 September 2023

Full Deck?

I'm meeting friends in a pub before we take a flight to the USA New York Niki, Jack & Marie.  We are all excited, we were going to see a show.
They ask me if I've remembered everything...  I haven't.
Think I can go bk and get my passport and book a ticket on line but when I look there are no flights left, on their flight or any to meet them up.
I'm sad and upset and they are disappointed in me for not sorting it out.  

I realise it's that aspect of me that just expects stuff to happen automatically so I'd not bothered to plan ahead.

I stay with them in the pub and we chat before they have to go.

Jack dose a card trick.  
He'd handed me a card, the 7 of hearts...  
But when I take it, it changes into a folded birthday card with the 1 of hearts... The 1 was for the 1st my birthday.  It's an old card, more of a folded bit of paper that looked really old it had been written long ago. 

It was a feeling of him returning something, the letter/card had moving photos of children playing together and I recalled our childhood as good friends. 

He takes me and hugs me, it was odd.   He was old hair white and skin soft in the way old skin is with muscle loss.
Smelt odd too, but not unpleasant - it was very real... At the same time I knew he wasn't old and was the same age as me living happily with his wife n kids. 


I'd left them to take the flight and wandered off home alone.  

When I get home there is a call for me from Dixson (the regional manager at the place I work-someone I've never met)  It was broken up and I couldn't understand what he was saying.  He was calling on a remote control and I was trying to tell him to use a phone, then I might be able to understand. 


After I work n went to the loo I was considering the first dream and how real it had felt. 

I'd asked Inka to help me understand and he'd warned me of the violence that comes with only interacting with him - so I'd reached out to Malico. 

My dream dust was strange and the stuff surreal, I was being shown stuff in a symbolic way. 

I'm told 'Something to hide in the Annals of Time'   I wasn't sure what that ment but I knew the link with Inka and time.  I gave the something to a large black crow. 


Old plants.... They needed NOW food to bring them back to life.
I had that sensation of being pinched on the bridge of my nose and realised I needed to find that dream when I got up.


Hummm... From the 2nd of Feb, the day after my Birthday.  -- Humm, that fits also with the face trauma I have atm too & what Inka was telling me.  'Mmmmmm'  😏

Took me a long time to learn how to shut up...  'You're getting there'  😆

What about the cards then 
 'Playing with a full deck?'    Hummm I duno?





hummm...  I'd recalled writing this too as a kid, I don't normally recall it in full.

Up Down, Round & Round,
Living in life's playground.
First it's your go then it's mine,

What have we learnt after all this time.

Live for now
And lighten up,

Give up the searching for the cup.
The grails inside just stop and feel,

Allow your conscience time to heal.


Shed a tear, smile a smile.

Stop and think a little while.

Our time is NOW it's what we've got,

We need no more

We hold the lot.

The cards dreams remind me of this time..


Hummm... now I get the Katy x3!

What dose the name mean?? 🤔

Pure.. 🤣   '😈'  Yeh, I'm no Katy 😏

 lol your so rude!  

 'Punny Though'  I'll give you that 😛

This site is intreasting...

I'm a Jack :P  'Shame you don't stay in your box'  lol

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...