Monday, 28 March 2022



'Think of it as programming Ren' lol!

'We know how far we can go till we break' 

Yeh, but we test that by going over and then getting Loci to find or put us back together again ๐Ÿ˜† 
'Ddad's hub will learn from us Ren' 
What is his hub?  Astrology too? 
'Symbols mouse'  Hummm ๐Ÿค”

'We have a bit of fun here'  Inka...... Our kind of fun can get fucking wyrd!

'Yep, we're extremists.  Come here I promise you'll like it'  Hahaha ffs ๐Ÿคฃ

'You never say no mouse'  Mmm I do say fuck off  'You bite too'

What we up too?  'Come see!' ๐Ÿ˜›

'Curiosity Ren, you can't help yourself'  Yeh ok.... I'm in.

๐Ÿ˜ฎ  'Yeh mouse, time loops we've already done it!'  WTF mate?!?  'They will get you to hunt me'

But I did! 

'It's how we cheat Ren, we're outside of duality all friends and family'   But!!     'Mmmm'  ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

'I'm like you Ren, I love a chase.  We use eachother as a karma dump or bait' 

My energy body...   'Yeh Ren that's Loci, you know he likes to watch this'  Hahaha

I was seeing such crazy stuff recalling everything at once again... Was like the time Inka was screwing me metaphorically as a goat/fish thing!
Loci and Inka were crazy playful. We were all wide awake again.

I was dreaming too.  


A hospital dream.
I'd swallowed something and then another something... And another
It was like the old lady who swallowed a fly.... The items were not food.


I'd had a blood transfusion and they were trying to work out how to get things I'd eaten back out of me.  ๐Ÿคฃ
The hospital was quite and ultra modern.

Pineapple Pine apple oh  lol that shape... Pineal gland.   I'd kept eating stuff so that I could see! 
I'd put everything inside me more for contrast

'You're and Idiot, Mouse'  lol WTF you showing me now?  'Forgetful Ren?'  I duno how this fits? 

'You will, Come back'   Haha... This feels like a cosmic headfuck!

Oh  Logo's I ate all the logos.....   brands
I'd eaten logos from other timelines too that aren't here.
I was seeing a box for red bush tea blue logo I'd not seen it before.
This is a Saturn thing? 
'lol Ren?'  
Why you laugh at me?
  'Come you'll see' 

I'd eaten the logo's  like gods?  'You ate EVERYTHING'  I did??  ๐Ÿคจ

Next dream was like a team puzzle game... Football too.

Then back in another hospital.   This time very busy also modern same as the other one.  All the equipment there was a similar make or brand. 
A young female had taken an overdose and was laying sideways on a bed hooked up to a biochem analysis machine and nurses were working to save her.  I'd had to climb over a downs woman too who was being given a treatment on the floor.  She didn't mind me squeezing past.

I'd been again walking round again on my hands. 

it wasn't just a hospital either there was a pool there and ice rink.  Kids playing a hunting game where one kid was on the run dressed as a fox.

Elysium or something it was our family name?   I'd been walking on my hands and when I stood up something fell out of me!  Looked like the inside of a golfball or elastic spaghetti!


The 3 of us had a good handle on Ddad's hub now.   I was in the chair dangling upside down, I realised I'm prolly dreaming as hanged man.  

We are waking the crew up a few at a time so they can eat and orientate with some others and then putting them back to sleep. 
I didn't need to stay asleep anymore and the AI of the hub is starting to automate stuff.

Loci and Inka were going to take me to see Ddad I'd had another dream on the way.

I'd been at a school with my primary school teacher called Miss Grey. 
The class was all adults and I was constantly being moved from group A to B. 
I knew I was being manipulated so I was never with my own group of friends and I was trying to work out her motivation for doing this.
To say it out loud would make me sound paranoid or crazy, I knew I wasn't either. 
I could just see it happening and I was trying to understand the teacher's motivation. 

I didn't think she was unkind but she was trying to conceal it.

I'd wanted a book too... This was odd it was like some 80's pop art. 
We were hanging about in a fabric store.
The only editions available were in a pink metal tin. 
I'd not wanted that as It seemed like it would just be landfill.
By the time I'd found out that was the only edition available currently (That came in the tin) they had sold out.  It was a limited edition pre-sale or something.

When we get to Ddad he'd admitted that he had enjoyed the rest. 
He also showed me he had a copy of the book that had sold out!  This was odd as it was like girly pop art
๐Ÿ˜†  Not what I'd expect him to have a copy off.
Inka and Loci left me with Ddad who'd said I could look at it there.

Oh before this he'd said to me
'I have no idea why Inka puts up with your crap'  I'd told him it was probably cause I put up with Inka's.   He told me 'You actively seek his shit out Ren'  ??  I do ๐Ÿ˜‰

The book made me dream, I'd just put my head on the tin.  
I was standing bare foot on a wet city street. 
Then I became the city, spreading until I'm a planet.


My awareness was in the sky looking back onto the landmasses continents and countries?

The land was confused???  Errr I duno cause it doesn't
think like us..  Errr I duno, I'll go back and look.
Land/Air/Sea elemental awareness of boundary.

This was in contrast to human concepts of splitting up land and the idea of ownership.

I was to look up the meaning of Gouryella again and remember what it meant. 

Gouryella (Extended Mix)

Ddad was merging in and out of my awareness he was disturbed by my relationship with Inka
So I'd reached for Inka mentally to help show it.
We were juggling perceptive concepts.

- Reco 
R tcxm 
ocde c

This is what made numbers??  I'm seeing it like void points of awareness that we use as loci? 

'Bring Ddad back to us Ren'  kk

Green and Purple triangles like fractal glass shattering. 
I was visualising Ddads confusion and anger, when I'd first merged awareness with him last year it had been same colours but like and inkblot... This had dimension and structure. 

Then period pain, that was orange, brown and crunchy like old leaves.



comprising Corsten and Tiรฉsto, who later left. The word itself 
means 'heaven" in the Australian aboriginal language. In 2015, 
his track "Anahera" was chosen as "Tune of the Year" on Armin


Oh yeh...  'Find that Night Ren'  Ok...   Here...

Errrrr  I ate the system logo's too

'Other word... Then run'  kk

Hummm part of the Greek Underworld?? Or eh??
 Ruled over by Cronus??.. time?? Hummm

Elysium, othenvise known as the Elysian 
(Ancient Greek: 'Hร…รผ010v TTeรถ[OV, ร‰lVston 
pecf,'on) or Elysian Plains, is a conception ot 
the afterlife that developed over time and was 
maintained by some Greek religious and 
philosophical sects and cults. It was initially 
separated trom the Greek undenvorld—tne 
realm ot Hades. Only mortals related to the 
gods and other heroes could be admitted past 
the river Styx. Later, the conception ot who


What's that got to do with how a planet thinks??

Is this cause I ate that black cube thing once I'd solved it?  
Is that how I made my Andrea's Hell into something funny? 
'Keep asking Mouse, Will show you more dreams'   Ok, TY ๐Ÿ˜Š

Oh that patterns over time!!
That was 2020 when I was on Pattern Recognition!

Sunday, 27 March 2022


I'm tired... 'Come bk'  You were sleeping on the floor?

'Yeh Ren was a relief to hand shit back to your stupid ass' 

What now?  'We heal'  Mmmmm
'Come then Ren, we might make good energy but it's not always easy'

 TY 'Loci's here too, he'll watch stuff while we crash out'
Kaylo?  'Safely out of our trouble'


A large dark house on the edge of a demolition zone it was 1930's style with large rooms and was a state.
One toilet was blocked the electrics were off.  It felt more of a squat.  I was sharing a bed with 2 others when we are woken by a noise on the stairs and 3 more people have broken in a guy with 2 girls.

They are odd and at first a little hostile. We'd lit a lamp and I'd offered them some jam n peanut butter pitta bread and they sat down to talk. 
The guy is crazy but It's a crazy I recognise and he showed me a book he was writing I'd realised our experiences were familiar.
We'd told them they were welcome to stay in the building too but it was marked for demolition soon.
It had been a really long dream, at the start of it I'd lived in the same building as a kid.  I used to get locked up in my room there.
The demolition was to make space for re-greening.  It was a hummm like small scale communal farming or gardening.  Plots were triangle shaped and from above once re-greened looked like patchwork blanket.
A channelled form of irrigation... I wasn't aware of any kind of dwellings.   The bright green was a stark contrast from the dark trashed building we were living in but some of us didn't mind busking it.

I'd jumped back to Loci and Inka were we were all chilling out.  Inka was on the floor smoking and I was still in the chair I kept climbing out and trying to sit on him cause I'm still a small imp/kid I kept waking up and he was shoving me back in the chair.   It's not at all comfy!


I'd gone back into a similar dream to the first... Same people.  They were like a crew but new to me.
We were trying to spread a message of identity and ID... One was what you were not what you were labelled and there was a hex, 6 something too.


The odd guy we were encouraging to open a cafe/bar in one of the downstairs rooms of the squat house we would all help out.    It was a strange space we were in, closed shops and empty houses we looted.   The guy had a large metal case shaped like a silver car that he kept a lot of paper work in.
It was in them plastic protector things... It was very old. 
Oh yeh he had a very old square drive too.  Heavy he had to carry it too and from places as there were very few of them left.  I was going to try and link some old tech with a form of AI. 


It was an odd place areas with this facial recognition.  I feel we were feral types living outside of the main compounds but the ruins of city's we'd been living in were being turned into this strange regreen thing that wasn't at all like nature.
We were certainly outside of the main society but had our own community and way of living.

Last dream I woke up from with incredible blue and white patterned dream dust it looked like Arabic mosaic work.. I'd been having a dream of playing at the edge of a cornfield the corn was green and young. 
I was watching kids play there, then the green turned into sea the tide was flowing fast and I was struggling to round up the kids n there toys before the tide turned.

Saturday, 26 March 2022


First dream was big.   Astral or space hubs, huge like floating manufactured modern cities.   Familiar too part spaceship part hub.
Their demolition had been programmed into their creation and when they reached the end of their useful existence the structures were detonated. 
Me and a group of friends & family had a game we played like chicken.
We'd keep track of the demolitions and then stay on the structures during the decommission.... Winner was last one to leave ideally without getting blown up ๐Ÿคฃ 
We had a role in this too, we had to check crew lists and siblings we were there to oversee the destructions.
But as competitive idiots we made everything into a game.  Me and a sister were the only people remaining as parts of a structure were exploding.   Fires were breaking out and energy failiers we were in what had at one point been a large metal and glass corridor leading to a funfair. 

The places were visually amazing we were together in the corridor watching eachother to see which of us would jump first.

I knew I'd have to jump back to Ddad's hub and did this earlier to avoid being woken up!

Once there It's still chaotic and me and Inka were at eachother too.   I'd done something he asked but it had only served to make me more angry.   He was yelling at me to sleep in Ddad's chair and I was up for just antagonising him.   The whole place was crazy, I knew I should help Inka but I just couldn't help myself
๐Ÿ˜›  He was clearly struggling to keep a handle on the hub situation with me just being a shit!

It was around then that Loci appeared told Inka he'd handle me...  Inka looked relived
Loci found my Teddy and blanket and gave me a hug to calm me down then he'd stroked my head while I fell asleep in the Ddad's chair there.

Once dreaming there stuff made way more sense!  
The AI's system was similar to the re-ed scanners.  
All the crew there had been chipped to interact with the AI of the hub/ship.
Inka had joined with my awareness once I was in the system.  He'd needed me inside it first. 
It was really intuitive once inside. 
Like the other day when I'd been Inka's sub processor.
This time though it was AI and neural stuff, I was piggy backing on the AI link to share my hummm physiological state??   When I woke slightly the hub was calm, really calm.  
Inka had been asleep on the floor by the chair with his hand on my pulse, he'd woken briefly to laugh at me and give me a hug.
We thanked Loci too.
As once asleep I'd recalled that most probability lines end with Inka kicking child me to death and then exploding the hub or worse. 
๐Ÿ™„  Which is why Ddad had tried to stop us kicking this off.
It's also why I'd invited Loci to that room to play with me as a child. 
We had needed him to know where to find us as from outside of time we knew we'd need his help too.... and we'd realised then I was likely to go BOOM!

It's not uncommon for Loci to rescue us from the end of a borked reality line.  Inka and me end up in a toxic feedback loop where neither of us can calm down

Once I'd crashed out he could use me to calm himself down,  then with our joint awareness working together we quickly put the whole hub in a kind of stasis. 
I'd agreed to an injection too, Iron fillings or something and also I'd let Loci put a small magnet under my skin with another one places on top.
It helped the AI of the hub monitor my state. 
I wasn't implanted the same way as the others, and Inka was controlling that neural network... I'd just applied the same compartmentalisation I did the other day as his subprosessor and that way I was able to induce a type of dream sharing.
It wasn't my 'dream' it was just my relaxed dream state. 

Ddad is still someplace in the hub.   Isolated or hostage I think, Inka and me just needed to chill.   It was a nice contrast that  everything was peaceful and the whole hub asleep and we'd found a probability line were it didn't go wrong. 
I was trying to understand how this is linked to crashing a timeline and being a clone
๐Ÿ˜ต as my perspective there was vast.
When I woke I had really strong mouse/Morse code in my right ear!


The next dream there was long and visually very detailed.  
London I'd gone to meet up with Em.  It was to do with an inheritance and I'd agreed to witness.
I was sharing a hotel room with another female.
I'd got there first. 
A dark room with no windows and an old black and red silk bedspread, we have a shared bed.

I'd been dreaming there, part of my awareness was still inside the hub AI too
I was learning and understanding it as it learnt me. 
Inka was also mentally busy and our awareness was still merged but separate too, I was mainly aware of him like you might be if you're working in the same room as another person.

When the woman arrives she's beautiful and elegant.
Long hair that had been dark but was now flecked with white.  She'd been known as black velvet.
She'd told me her story about a parting with her man.  I was only half listening as my awareness was so split.


When Emma arrived Vicky was with her again...  Humm she was in the ball dream where we had all been abused..
Anyhow this time she was one of the 4 people who would be getting a share of an inheritance.
It was different from the Legacy I was inline for the other day.
I was only here as a witness for them, oh Marie too.  So Mirror me, Middle me Vicky and the 4th person wasn't present. 
They had all wanted to head into the city for a meal but I was out of credit and busking it again.
We'd been discussing it and I was telling them that £12 transport then the cost of the meal was to much for me that they should go and I'd grab some noodles for 80p

They decided eventually that they would at least buy me a drink and so we headed to a strange dark wooden square bar with no staff.
Em goes behind and gets us drinks in thin can's.
At the bar I'm floating.  My feet wouldn't stay on the ground and I was trying not to bump into people while handing onto the bar to not float away.
The other 3 were discussing the will, and also the English Rose... Who I realised was Black Velvet too. 

They hadn't realised that I'd been dreaming in her room.  This was layered, I realised I'd been responsible for some of what this female had been known for.  
I'd just done it threw sleep to remain anonymous... left the info in her fabric.

The others were all round a table and I realised I wasn't effected by the gravity so it was a good time to practice astral yoga.  
A young middle eastern guy at the next table asked me about it and I was explaining how it worked to him.  
When I join the other 3 at the table still upside down there are 4 new drinks.  A highball glass half filled with water and ice and a few pealed cooked prawns each glass has a black straw.
Hummm.... Was prawns on the floor the other night too, these are linked to the symbiotes we placed in astral? 

Hummm, reminds me of this dream at the bottom with the dark rainbows.

Oh... I was in a blue overall then too! 


Wow Inka... We knew then 26th last month that I'd be likely to go pop... 'Yeh Bitch, We cheet!'

Hahah... we are doing everything 'At time now'  Hummm so we created the stuff we've, I can't 'Not awake Ren, your recall awake is mainly linier'


I understood last night how we made that cube thing!  'Yup'  I'd already solved it and ate it so I knew how to create it...  This is 'Confusing Ren, I know'   ๐Ÿฅด

Oh... the dream with Hope and Hope's timing?  This all fits somehow?  'OFC Ren'  ๐Ÿค”

The press stuff last night too...  

Friday, 25 March 2022

Lock-Ups and Take-Overs

Squashed under a tall viaduct with many other people.

A very high-tech building on lockdown.  
8 of us had been locked inside as security and maintenance while it was closed up.
The place was like a high security school or prison.  
On arrival we'd had to go threw strange procedures to receive a devise similar to a phone that gave us access to the buildings systems.

We were locked inside for months, only I could send my awareness outside the building on surveillance. 
I'd found an unlocked window and it took me ages to work out how to get access to the room it was in to shut it.

Of the 8 people in with us one was a psycho, not difficult he just lacked any empathy or morality, while we were inside he was also teaching us about himself and his love of manipulation.
Another guy in the group was gay and had fallen in love with him.....  
It was interesting to watch the second guy had the loyalty of a dog.


It was an interesting social dynamic to see unfolding. 


It reminded me of that dream ages ago were I was a male in prison and I manipulated the prison guard to get out.

This was different in that we had all agreed to be there.  The Psycho guy liked the attention and was happy to talk about himself. 

There was also a box of snakes again, all different coloured ones... Stripy like candy canes.  Unusually strong again even though they were small.

Last dream was USA, costumes, money clothes and outfits.  Some people I knew and a party I was being asked if I'd be able to repair a party coat fabric.   It was a deep green silk coat, looked Victorian in style.


Last up I jumped back to Ddad's hub where I'm still there with Inka.  It's very chaotic.

Inka's put me in charge of the hub/ship but I'm still a kid ๐Ÿ™„ 
He's telling me what to do and it was pissing me off
'It's why I made you a Kid Ren, you're easier to just shove out of the way' 
Yeh I noticed

'Taking over a fucking hub Ren is not a time or place for me and you to fight?'   Yeh....   I sort of see your point.....  'Not enough to concede it though'  What dose that mean?   'It means you still argue even when you haven't got a fucking clue what's going on'     

from Latin concedere "give way: yield: go away, depart, retire," figuratively "'agree, 
consent: give precedence," from con-z here perhaps an intensive prefix (see con-), + cedere 
"to go: grant: give way" (from PIE root *ked- "to go: yield").

Mmmm  yeh...  Well ok, I'll grant you that ๐Ÿ˜†

Inka wants me to access the hub/ships AI and we were going to open a portal or doc something there I think.
Or he was, it was confusing and fast
'Which is why sometimes it's helpful for you to just do as I fucking ask?'   Sometimes..... I do ๐Ÿ˜›

Anyhoooo I duno what we were up to or why  
'See?'  yeh ๐Ÿ˜
But you did put me in charge and then start telling me what to do!  'I put you incharge of the Hub Ren, not your self ๐Ÿ˜ˆ'  Shit head!   'You want to tell me what to do?'  Not right now.  'Well shut up then!'  ๐Ÿ˜†  I was being a fairly impish kid... the boggert in me was coming out and I had pointy teeth and a tail!

Anoyingly I couldn't go back to sleep to find out what was going on cause next-door kid was yet again screaming it's head off from 5.30am.


Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...