Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Family split and a giant bird.

Last night I seemed to be analazing dreams as I was having them.
First a big round tree/spaceship with a trunk tail. The top was all lit up with lights and windows. (this was my brain and spine ) Duno why but it was.
A strange ancient myth/story of a family separated and coming back together. (my story/human story)
We were in an amazing Inca style garden in the garden was an amazing elaborate locked box (Inside is ancient special paintings )

We as a family have the key. One man in the garden wants the paintings to pay of a debt - but they are worth more than that most of the family want the pictures to 'fix' things, they want to help the guy out but the pictures are to valuable. He keeps trying to steal them/paint new ones so we won't notice.
I add a new picture into the box with the ancient ones - it's a photo of a young boy and girl getting married... (it's a pure version of opposing energy)

-- After that I was talking to a massive juvenile herring gull! He' was much bigger than me :P I was feeding him some bread while we talked about the many paths to the same destination.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Multi-Dementional Dream with Beings/Elves/Aliens & DMT

Oh wow!! I just had the best night of dreams <3 <3
It started with the CG/world type dream but in reverse with me in charge of the program and After that I spent a night interdimensional manipulating 100's of different dream scape's at the same 'time'... well I say 'time' they were all playing both forwards and backwards at once and I kept falling out of them into an overview of massive tunnels... also met teachers/guides/aliens. Was just soooo bloody awesome!

 Sooo no way I can explain these properly - will add the cross ref dreams at bottom as not in blog yet.

Starts in a wild-west crossroads type of place but I'm not in the dream I have an overview a bit like playing a game in god-mode.
I'm above and there are some railroads going back and forward in time threw the roads of the town, They are invisible to the inhabitants.  I'm using the trains to diagnose people and bring them medicine - like an unseen healing of the town.
I stop the experiment and all the people in the town see me, it's a really odd moment like in the wizard of Oz when they look behind the curtain they all look at me then turn white gloopy and melty. 
This is where it gets wired.... I zoom out of the dream into a 'void' and can see a hole in the dreamscape where I left threw and I think 'woops I used to much TNT' then a disembodied voice (one I know from other dreams ) laughs and tells me 'DMT'

I'm in a multidimensional space and as I let thoughts wander fractal worlds appear (like condensing clouds dream) this time thoughts make dream-worlds... the first is a Moroccan red style city, it's beautiful (I'm serving everyone food from above) then another world forms and another my mind is splitting and time is going all ways in the worlds backwards and forwards. I'm making 100's of dream worlds with my emotions and nudges of thoughts, so subtle and abstract, there are right angles too... like a massive tracing arm... that's were and old rave song 'Gamemaster' appeared in my mind.    I observed the worlds for a time.  

Then I had a body again, it was on fire... I was burning but not hot or being consumed just on fire... (this was linked to a round house dream I'd had that was on fire) linked also possibly to healing mudras & chi??

Next I was on an interdimensional train and I was also watching myself on it from somewhere else - and there was lots of trains/light rippling in fractals of rainbow tubyness going in 1000's of directions:P ... I could zone in on specific places there were some aliens/interdimensional something's/eleves too that wanted to chat to me  (they looked like fractal/rainbow insect people)  I talked to them about my dreams and dreaming 'inside out'

I went onto a train too for a while, there are other people on the train, it's very modern and it's travelling threw a tube in space going back and forth in time both at once... there are heart shaped balloons there, I go into a world that crumbles like sand we all fall threw and then into a black gloop that we again fall threw and end up at a bus stop.

I've felt sooo loved up and blissed out all day, feel like I was on such an adventure last night!

 - The 'Game master' song, it seems the lyrics came from a book -  an extract from the book  'Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library ( Using wit, wisdom, and deep compassion, they entice us to explore the corridors of time through the concept of the Game Masters; to awaken the crucial codes for multidimensional perspective; and to redream the Living Library of Earth. Their teachings aare significantly arranged in twelve chapters to trigger a deeper understanding of our ancestral lineage. Earth probes the memories hidden deep within us to reveal our crucial roles in the transformational process )'   -  Fairly relevant to the content of the dream!

There was also something like the thing below  (This was also the thing I saw in the Mason symbol dream

* Condensing clouds dream -  from18 Jun 2016
It was almost like I was meditating in the dream... I don't remeber any scenery or much at all.
All of a suddenly thoughts retuned - The thoughts became physical and they started to condense into huge grey fluffy clouds the moment they hit the dream scape, it was really epic looking!
I became more aware of myself I was watching the thoughts causing these huge storm clouds, I also became aware I was floating way out in a grey sea.
I wasn't alone, but others were all a distance from me. I noticed the thoughts were also making waves..... the more extreme/unbalanced the thought the more I bobbed up and down on the sea and the bigger the waves I made.
I herd a word that I thought was perhaps Samsara,
but all morning walking the dog the word Samskara has been in my head.... I wasn't even sure if it was a word till I just googled it.

*  City with no walls/Burning house 

Monday, 29 August 2016

Opersits and Conflicts.

A night of odd dreams with conflict... was a bit like being in action films all night.

A play/performance of male/female black & white.

Next dream I was taken prisoner by a right-wing/anti woman group. We were on a large ship and women and children who were not useful were bing killed. It was strange, they were interested in me as I couldn't be intimidated... I jumped of the back of the ship into the sea to escape.
Lots of swimming then I was in-between 2 red brick-walls that were zipping together.. I was running ahead of it so as not to get squished or stuck and it zipped up behind me.

Then another dream of being on the sea, this time in a small launch. There was some shady deal going on and we had lots of illegal money... there was also a supervillain type guy in this speedboat/spaceship blowing stuff up with massive explosions. This dream also had strong themes of extreams.. fear/love ect.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Foundry Dream, Alchemy

An odd dream about gloop.. like vibrating mud :P (This could have been to do with the epic conversation I had with my neighbour about the philosophy of numbers)

Then a wired dream of being in an old and epic looking foundry. I was running and jumping all-over things... off cranes, and drops and up huge steels. Jumping over fires, it was really fun.
Then this grumpy foreman comes and yells at me, he states...
'If your going to act like a monkey, I'm going to treat you like a dog' Then he puts a chain on me, attaches me to a metal crane and gives me a bowl of water.


Hummm, so thinking in symbolic terms... if the Foreman is my ego/sensible me then he could be referring to my instinctual side's behaviour.

Sooo both dog and Monkey are animals in the Chinese zodiac.. I wonder if they can tell me anything.

Monkey Changeability    -     Changeability without being constant leads to foolishness.
Dog Fidelity      --    Fidelity without amiability leads to rejection.

Sooo the Monkey and the Dog are both Yang, humm
Soo could the foreman be the Yin then?   

Foundry  'A foundry is a factory that produces metal castings. Metals are cast into shapes by melting them into a liquid, pouring the metal in a mold, and removing the mold material or casting after the metal has solidified as it cools. The most common metals processed are aluminium and cast iron. However, other metals, such as bronze, brass, steel, magnesium, and zinc, are also used to produce castings in foundries. In this process, parts of desired shapes and sizes can be formed.'

Fire, Metal seems to suggest Alchemy... which would also tie into the other symbology. 

Friday, 26 August 2016

Baliffgate Dream

Wired stuff last night.. not 'plesent' but not unpleasant either and some thing likes 'eyes' stuck shut & no air that I've not had in years and years.

- A spaceship with 2 old school friends, that is also a bed.... the air keeps vanishing so we can't breath and are gasping.

- I'm male, and an apprentices to a totally bungling murderer! He keeps getting everything wrong, he 'kills' someone and rolls her into a rug, but he didn't kill her properly and she's hopping round in a carpet with a sore head :/ We jump into the sea to hide, it's very dark in the water.
- 'Blue blood' - the phrase, it my dream it was linked with the blue/throat chakra and wisdom.

- Alnwick castle, the Bailiffgate area, there is a wired shop/cafe selling pop tarts for £10, they think it's funny to charge so much.   It' goes back into a large building and I'm going to live there - we are talking about history of humanity.... I try to cross the road to the buildings were I used to go to high school as I need a 'key' from there.  When I get to the road my eyes are gummed shut and I can't see the road or traffic... I cross anyway. I go back into the big house again, but it's frustrating not being able to get my eyes open properly so I just have to listen and feel my way round.

(I'm intrigued by this, as this seems to be stuff from the past of my Dad's side of the family)

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Walking Red Deer, Symbols and Shells.

Interesting night, with symbols patterns and wired stuff... oh and dreams happening twice, repeating with slight differences.

Firstly was something about God-Trees a pattern of 5 and skills that had been lost... again the 'ranger/woodsman' them that keeps popping up.

Next was an image.. it was similar to the masonic symbol but it was on a mirror the square and the compass shape... I understood the meaning of it, and they should overlap... Time/lines and architecture and the mirror were all part of it and important -
Then this repeated again, same image. (don't understand this at all this morning so will have to look into the symbol) :P

Red Deer walking on hind legs like a person the setting is a street in the village I grew up in, on the way to my middle school.
I greet it ' with hello how are you and it bows down.. 
Then this repeats again, same place same red walking deer.. this time we both bow and meet with a Namaste and smaller bow each.

Next I'm in a school science lab, the curriculum has changed and it's now less experimental and more about rediscovery and looking into the past for healing and re-awakening.

I go into a place were I can see my Dad as he was when I was a child, there is a version of a toy that I had but it's larger and different... there should be a film of me as a baby but it's 'lost'

Next dreaming of dreaming..
I'm in a large temple with a pond in the pond are stones, I pull out a pink oval stone/shell... I'm waiting for something to be repaired.
2 young men come to fix it, as they repair things one is talking about a dream he had with Giants in it.. the giants are the same ratio as from my dream massive!
Next I'm discussing the giant dream with neighbours... I talk about my dream of the dream of the
'fixing' men - I'm trying to puzzle it out, as I'm telling them I can see an overview of the temple complex from one of my giant dream.  The one with the raised room.  As I'm talking about it I can see the room I was in and the place were the giant stood but I see if from a birds eye view as a huge complex.It has huge walls but with rooms on top and is set in a city. 
As I talk a woman starts to fit, I lay her down, and find her medication for her and get what she needs.
As I wake up I get a message that the pink stone from the pond is Abalone or something that reminded me of macaroni? I didn't know what this was :) On googling I realise it's mother of pearl and is correct for what I was holding.

As I got up to get dresses, I find on my bedroom floor a dead butterfly the wings on one side missing... I pick it up and look for somewhere to put it and first thing I spot is a jar I got from Tibet covered in mother of pearl.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016


Didn't dream much but had a visit from Fox... a beautiful large one :) I remembered that Saturdays timeline healing dream at the start I was carrying a fox cub in my mouth. Need to ponder Fox -

Fox pic

Sooo, thoughts so far.

'Fox' and my thoughts on fox energy today :D

It's a playful creature who survives by it's instincts... a predictor in it's own world but Prey in the world of man... cunning in it;s escape, it won't just panic but will often run rings around the hounds leading them astray.

It goes to ground, it's den below the earth and is active from dusk - so it's an energy that fits with dream work.

Also a strong female energy tied to it's night time activity's and home in the dark womb of earth..... yet it's coat is like fire, blazing orange like the sun, so it also symbolises spirit and the element of fire, might be worth me pondering it;s link to the orange chakra.

It's a family creature, nurturing and protecting it's young and like wolf it mates for life so there is loyalty there.

I'll admit to being indifferently disposed to 'Fox' for a time after one killed our pet cat when we lived in London... but I can't ignore spirit animals.

It seems like quite a powerful spirit animal, The fact that a very healing dream started with me carrying a Fox cub in my mouth (like I was it's mother) seems now very intriguing, and another layer to the dream I'd not considered yet.

After the vision of fox I had a vision again of the pebbles from my 'clear water dream'   This time they were in a bowl with a spoon like breakfast cereal.  It occurred to me they are a very similar colour scheme. 

Update - 2-Sept-16
Thinking more on Fox, it seems fox might also be a mirror more than other animals, given our relationship with them in the UK they may well be subject to more than their fair share of projection.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Volcano & Lake Titicaca

Lots of jumbled stuff

Firstly I was making 'musical mandalas' & some poetry.

Then I'm in a dense timeless forest, I'm being trained as a 'ranger' I'm given 2 different bows and a knife all made from raw wood... and strange leather clothing and then left alone. All the things I'm given are 'left handed' I was left handed in the dream too (not in life though)

I'm waiting and listing alone in the forest and find 2 ghosts/spirits. I can talk to them, they are between worlds. They had an accidental death.. they are trying to help me as I'm suddenly alone in a huge forest. I help them too, I find bits of their bones (which are branches as they are tree people) to bury and lay to rest and they teach me the 'ways of the wood'

I'm in an empty city at a bus stop, I've got a blanket and I lay down to sleep.  I'm waiting on a bus to lake Titicaca. 

Next dream I'm going inside a volcano on an Island, there is a spiral going down and in (similar to last nights dreams) There are huge rectangular crystals they are a white/red colour and longer than my arms. My daughter Fay is there, she is working on a square math puzzle on the wall of the volcano inside with chalk. - Again in this dream we seem to have no clothing? Or scant clothing and I have a club made from a massive femur :P 
-Massive warehouse filled with used clothing so much of it, I'm sorting out a bag to take to a charity shop.
-Big School/Uni - it's closing and there are giant plastic tubs with peoples work to take home, in mine are what looks like sheet music, but it's done in crayon it's huge and very colourful. 

There was also a spaceship race in there somewhere too. 

Monday, 22 August 2016

Male energy, clockwise spiral.

I'm at the top of a wired building, it's like a cross between a multi story car park, a hospital and a marble run :/

I'm on the top of the building with a man, we have to keep rolling these bombs that look like bowling balls down a spiral chute. The man keeps pushing them down with force and dose one so hard it bounces back up again and blows up the cannon thing.

Next there is a car chase with 2 cars and a man in each.. when they catch up next to each other they are the same.

Next I'm looking for patterns. I meet some people - they can't talk... or they couldn't but because I talked to them, then they could talk. They were glad I'd opened a dialogue.

Next was a message...
I am war, I am peace, I am battle, I am change.. love me love it all all all.
I felt like there was a downward twisting male energy clockwise. I could also hear drumming in the distance threw the dream and night.

Sooo all rather odd :P Not sure I can make much scene out of it at all!

Sunday, 21 August 2016

CG Hive Collective Hollographic World

Totally different them to last nights dream.

The setting is inside a computer generated world full of organic holograms, and some 'humans'
It's ultra white and clean inside, with large vast open bays and glass doors that come down and section areas off. The floor is white glass. Smooth white panelled walls, it's a highly controlled experimental environment, has the feel of a spaceship.

The humans are not permitted to leave.... in-fact I'm not really sure what would have been outside of it if we could leave, as it felt very self contained. The holograms that we humans can interact with are all part of a hive collective which is part of the program that we are contained within.

A group of us are moved into an outdoor simulation. It's a vast empty sandy plain with grey/green sky and no obvious sun/star light.
There is occasional tall rock formations. We are being followed by one of the organic holograms, it's a human/amphibian hybrid with frog like legs and human arms... it's got dull green skin and doesn't speak. Some of the male's in the small group decide to hunt it and 'kill/disable' the thing following us.
As it's 'killed' it turns to a dark liquid.... the floor below us starts to change to glass below the glass is a large pattern like we are standing on a huge circuit board, the liquid is absorbed back into the conductive track, and the ground changes back to sand.
Circut floor

Glass walls come up again and the projection changes back to one of the ultra white rooms, it slots it's self about to create seating and holograms appear from the circuit type floor. We are again being held in a small area. Our children have been taken on a 'filed trip' and we are waiting to be reunited. Some of the people get impatient and again destroy a hologram (This was wired as the hologram was acting like a children's TV presenter :P )
Again as they disable the hologram, they are reabsorbed... a red circuitry appears under the white glass floor and they are sucked into it. We are reunited with the kids but their growth has been accelerated and they have aged about 3 years.

Next dream was people made from polygons like the old fashioned 3D computer modelling, they look real but I can see the corners that are not quite organic and show were they were modelled. Someone walks up to me wearing a 'shamans crossing' t-shirt (this is the name of a wired fantasy book I read about 4 years ago) The dream starts to turn fractal after that, I'm inside unfolding fractals - no body, the fractals are unfolding and pulsing... I get the feeling 'we dance to the beat of a heart drum'

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Ancestors timeline work.

Lots of dreams starting and ending with pools. Seemed like I was clearing past energy's and ancestors... I think this might be tired with with my 'inheritance' dream.

A pool, there are 2 lovers coming together (they symbolise the tarot card) They have text messages and the 4th message is important. 

 I have a fox cub in my mouth, holding it by it's scruff.
There is a large house of marble built into a cliff, I fly in it it's a bit like having a drone view.... There is another house that needs redecorating and repaired, the work men are trying to do it all at night when the owners asleep.

I'm sitting with a friend called Nicky, I have a story I have to keep repeating.... every time I tell someone new I start laughing, I was crying with laughter..... we seemed to be in a large group waiting for something.. the something starts and it's a magic festival in the countryside.

-this bit seems to be the ancestor bit -

falling feather I have a house with 2 rooms and no windows... I share a front room with someone, but it's haunted by the memory of a grumpy father... we leave stuff there to appease him, but it's not somewhere I want to sleep or spend time.
I don't want to be in my place of no windows either.... my mothers people were shaman, that pass down the female line, and I'm hiding and avoiding them.
I can also see gold prospectors, they are part of her line too..... they have guns and are shooting the sky - black feathers are falling.

A designer I know has a gift for a friend, it's a colourful hand drawn book.. everyone wants me to 'go' - I'm just trying to find somewhere bright to 'sleep' not the no window place, or the grumpy man place... but every where I go I seem to be in someone's way.
The designer gives the colourful book... I'm not there but I have an overview - There will be one for me in time, they call me 'brave'
The shaman are waiting.

(On waking I feel the connection with the shaman & new world people... I've had a powerful vision recently where I swapped from native American on a plain to new world explores on a ship.... Then a wired synchronicity that happened when someone posted something about Appalachian mountains. (I can relate this into my current life with a 'gold aversion' and a block I have regarding money/wealth.    ---     Is this a 'perceived' battle/separation  between spirit and material? )

Back to sleep....

We find a boy young teenage, there is a felt campfire and prisoners round it. It's a 'game' Fay (daughter is there and this boy loves her) The prisoner boy wants me to take his photo with this wired camera, to move the film on it needs twisted round a spiral...  I feel like the film is twisting.  

I need to take the young boy home. He has a nanny he can speak to as a ghost in a vision, there are 3 old ladies filling a vehicle with dead bodies, Fay gets on top of the bodies with a duvet and goes to sleep.
When we arrive at the boys house there is 2 family's there and a car garage... the head of the family tells everyone they can stop as it's thanksgiving. (Think this is relevant to the ancestors dream too but not sure what it means yet....   My daughter laying on the dead people seems to represent past/future)

Last part, I'm a school caretaker.. I'm ordering supplies, I meet some others on the roof who are in my way, I grow huge and start to fly, then go back inside to clean the floor with bleach?? Outside there is a pool... there are lots of cousins of mine (from my mums side of the family) they are kids like I remember them, they are jumping into a small pool and happy.


'The lovers' card and the number 4 also seem to fit with the lack of balance in spirit and material. Seems this is a block that is moving/needs to move. 
The '3' old ladies, with the bodies and my daughter sleeping on the dead - 3 seems a positive number here the '3' present working on a 'laying to rest' of an issue threw the past generations (dead) and into the future (daughter).

The lack of windows is interesting in contrast to the other dream of repairing a window.

--  Wired synchronicity too.  Decided yesterday evening to google my mothers maiden name... It's one of very few family names that were passed down from the mother rather than the father.

-- It's occurred to me 2 days later - The gift of the book colourful book gift and the 'me' in the way.   At the time it felt like both me and my friend were both me, but separate.  This morning it occurs to me that the 'me' in the way the one not read is the ego driven me...  the one ready for the gift is the intuitive me, which again in actuality are one in the same....  spirit vs material also? 

Inheritance dream from Oct 22 2010
Setting is an alien type of planet in a beautiful forest. 
I'm with the male half of me (I think twin flame/together we make whole) - this time he is in the form of a shaman, he is big and blue , we both have blue skin.  
We kept holding each other as I am going somewhere I'd not be able to see him for a very very long time.
It's heart achingly emotional, we walk and talk holding each other..   it's a beautiful forest and lake were we walked with huge yellow butterflies the size of dinner plates that would fight in the air and these sweet fuzzy animals.
In the forest is a big Victorian house it looks very out of place it is full of old relatives on my mothers side.  Lots of food is laid out and the atmosphere in the house is serious almost like a wake is going on.    Before I leave on my journey I have to sign an 'inheritance deed' that is held in the house.  


Friday, 19 August 2016

Dream in a dream

Confusing dream last night, a dream in a dream... but not a fun one like I've had in the past.

I'm in a town I don't recognise, my kids and dog are with me. My cousins wife who I rarely see, is doing a dog class the following day and me dog and kids are going to attend.
In the evening I leave the kids and go to walk the dog.... It's not time yet for the class, and I've forgotten the dogs ball.
I go into what I think is a shopping centre to wait for morning. I lean on a bench and listen to the humm of the building and fall asleep.
When I wake up I'm in the back of a large articulated lorry.

I'm fairly disorientated as It wasn't what I expected, I decide I must have been mistaken about the shopping centre. The articulated is mainly empty and rattly it's light inside as the trailer is white. The doors don't fit properly so I can see out the back. We are travelling threw rural farmland, the farm stead's are small, and the fields are manually tilled. The countryside is beautiful the lorry slows as we pass threw a lane and a family jump into the back, they have darker skin than me and speak a different language. It's a mother and 2 girls, they are not happy that I'm there. I try to talk to them, find out were I am and were we are going but they don't want to talk to me. I make out from there conversation we are headed to Scandinavia...... I wonder how I will get a message back to the UK, but enjoy the amazing mountains we are passing threw.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Broken Window and a Sand-speeder

Setting is a temple complex in a desert, It's ancient in style but looks newly built.
There is a huge room which is unused and covered in a giant white sheet, the huge room looks down into a sandstone room made of massive perfect blocks and there are holy people reading, working and teaching down there.
I'm under the sheet in the unused room I can see from up there this huge amazing stone window that has broken, it's massive and most of it is crumbled only a few parts remain in tact.
The blocks are laying round, me and some others are trying to get it repaired and are collecting funds for it to be restored.

The temple authority's won't help as they are adamant it can't support it's own weight, they have tried to repair it in the past... but we are equally adamant it needs to be repaired.

It turns out that I have made the most 'donations' so am to lead it's restoration, dream gets a bit wacky after that as I suddenly am given this kind of space ship/sand speeder to travel round the desert faster so I can collect the parts I will need, The parts seem to be people I know from other country's... as we come together we have never met but we have also been 'room mates' somewhere. I got woken up at that point... shame as the spaceship/sand speeder was very fun

Thoughts on waking about this dream, is it reminds me of a dream I had back in 2009.  In that dream I was in a light filled temple, but in a narrow service type of corridor.  I was with an elderly guy in a white robe he he didn't speak to me he was just showing me light reflected onto a white wall - the light was coming from high up glass windows and the light was broken on the white wall into the colours of our rainbow, he was taking me to each colour slowly.   

Another dream from 2010ish with a similar them again was of the white cottage on the beach were the 'Old Architect' lived. He was making stained glass pictures in the old crumbling groins along the shore. They were exquisitely beautiful but also very temporary, he let me help him with one of the pictures.

Further pondering s... on the 19th.
This dream keeps coming back to me.. I was thinking of Komorebi this morning, and how decorative windows are recreating the interplay of light threw leaves.
Then this evening I went to the woods to walk the dog and it was beautiful, the air was steamy from the rain and the light in visible shafts.
It was a perfect walk. My dream windows seem to be a reminder of the beauty of distortion and 'perfect imperfection'

As to why the window in my dream was 'broken' I'll have to keep pondering

Puzzles and Experiments

These are a day late :)
Really fun dreams all night... They are a bit vague but I remember being excited and keen to get back to sleep everything I woke.
First I'm in the housing estate I grew up in, I'm with a male counterpart. We then expand over the whole village. We are creating a grid sectioning things up. The sections are like small tanks and we are breeding and selecting plants, insects and animals.
We can float over the grid - it's highly experimental, the things in the grid tanks are not size dependant so we can have a whole tree in a box the same size as one that contains an ant. 

- woke, and went into a

Wired and beautiful world that was built out of amazing intricate blocks... (like magic lego)
The blocks are various shapes, soft and feel warm to touch, they are highly decorated and are held together with tiny crystals.  The crystal formations are tiny crystal points all held together and they sparkle like diamonds.
We are pulling all the blocks apart to start over with something new and I'm collecting the tiny precious crystals that were holding the puzzle world together.
Next part a DJ arrives, he's angry at the females that the women don't want to dance :P But all the females are busy doing inner work at the moment are not in the mood to dance yet.

After that the next thing I remember is sitting in a carriage on a train.
I'm magical and am creating something in the air from fractals - it's between liquid and smoke..... It's in a crystal goblet and it is this beautiful deep violet swirling matter that I can make turn from liquid to smoke.
It's hard to describe as it wasn't liquid or smoke and the molecules were so big that they were visible giving it a zagged/crystal/fractal/blocky kind of look

Monday, 15 August 2016

More Giants & Medicaments

Two dreams that blurr together a little.

Firstly I'm training as a nurse or vet nurse but can't decide which. Then the setting changes to somewhere ancient possibly Egypt as the stones from the buildings are that kind of sandy colour and there are statues of faces.   (Can't find anything that resembles the inside.... it's huge bricks very flat and precisely cut, the faces are similar to the faces below)

I'm trying to avoid someone and I wander along a thin ledge into a small room. The room is a special set up so that 'giants' can stand and be at face level with small people. So the room is in my proportions but with one wall missing.   On the missing wall of the room is the face of a female (same proportions as the giants last night only this time it's me that small)
As I stand on the floor by her chin, I come up to top of her cheeks a little below her eyes. She's come to see me as her skin is inflamed and I'm looking at it for her as my smaller size makes me able to see detail better than she can. I help her to rub white cream into the areas that are sore.

- I'm not sure if the room I was in was raised way up or the floor the giants were on was dropped... but their size was defiantly the same ratios as last night as when I was huge the small people came to just above my ankle.

Oh cool,  wired synchronicity!  Was on Facebook and found G Hancock posted this vid today, turns out it's the same place I found the images of the type of statue heads from last nights dream!  Added to YouTube today :)

Second dream was very jumbled..
I'm at a university in a small room I share with a female lover. I'm reading 'medicaments' and my notes are all in a wired script that I don't recognise.

We have nearly finished our courses and we are not going to see each other after. The Beetles are at the same Uni and they have written the last song on their new album about our love and named it after my lover.
We are really flattered, they give us a copy but it's on an old cassette and the only player we have is made out of stone :P I listen to it once and try to rewind it but the tape breaks, I feel bad as the copy belongs to my lover and I don't have one of my own to give her.
I go to find the beetles who consist of Ringo Star and Tony Blair! They are really pleased I like the song and are going to find me another copy...
I got woken up by someone at the door at that point.

Unknown word to me 'medicaments' 

Sunday, 14 August 2016

It's all relative

First dream the setting was the community centre in the village I came from. I'm not sure what we were doing, but my partner and my yoga teach were there.  My yoga teacher was telling off my partner for taking LSD in his younger days... it was quite wired.. it then got very wired when suddenly there were 4 more people but they were tiny!

They came up to just above my ankle - then I couldn't work out if we were just totally huge or they were just really small. I was trying to make sure they didn't get hurt as they were so small I was concerned we might stand on them or knock them over.

Second dream was also about size. This dream had a giant dog in it, it was the size of a horse. I was inside an old aunts house, and was brushing the giant dog with 2 small brushes, one put on this white powder stuff and the other brushed it of again, the dog liked it.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Feathered Eyebrows

I've been camping again so dreams have been forgotten and interrupted. Last nights were clear and wired!

I was in a strange small village with a central village green.

 On the green was a big portal. The people in the village were playing a game, it was a last to survive type of game. We could take out the other players.
(thinking about it I've played these games in dreams before... usually I get 'outed/killed' early on and you get a sticker to ware)

On this occasion I was pretty powerful (It reminded me of my undead warlock many years ago in  vanilla WOW) I could point at people and cures them and then fear them so they ran away from me. I could fly too.

It was all in very good humor and there was a music festival going on too, I met a lady at a stall who was making false eye brows and she wanted to give me some.... they were amazing things. She made me these new eye brows out of blue and green feathers.

Feather colours

Feather eyebrows

Second dream, I live in a massive city it seems like Japan or Asian, I'm Asian too. I'm with a team of 3-4 people, there are many huge university type of sky scrapers again people are magic and can fly. I seem to be on some sort of mission to get a specific hamster delivered to a local pet shop for someone who is waiting for it 

Monday, 1 August 2016

Tracking another soul fragment.

Hard to describe dream, it felt like a mirror world, nothing was very real.

I kept waking and going back into it.
It was the village where I grew up, It was a friend Jacks birthday..another person I knew and again another swimming pool.
It's the 3rd or 4th time I've had a swimming pool in dreams in the past week or so, and also the 3rd or 4th time this guy I grew up with has been in them too....

I think I'm tracking a soul fragment
I got that impression when I woke up this morning, and every time I consider that thought I get a rush of excitement... like Christmas is coming or something.   

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...