Sunday, 31 July 2022



A building set out like a department store with floors and elevators going between.
Filled with young parents and kids.....  'not making same mistakes'

Vets surgery I was in a full kennel room with more patients too house.

An odd eclectic mix of strange and just bizarre rodents and cats pets and wild animals.

Hurworth a family farm house.. Just out of the village and we lived there.  It had hidden rooms at the back, but the lightbulbs had gone.

We were showing people round and I'd decided to go get some more.  3 of us would walk there with a list.
The building was odd at the back was fields with dairy cattle inside a large barn crystals were being made in moulds, by a couple of guys.  Sheila was the only one I recognised but all were family. 
I'd gone to a strange shop for the lightbulbs, old fashioned with everything behind a wooden counter the store owner knew me and was happy for me to help myself.
Oh I'd tried to enter threw the window but he showed me were the door was.


A large tarantula and a kitten having a fight.  The spider looked like a soft toy it was paralysing the kitten.

Bus journey with a group of females, we were friends and the bus had beds for sleeping. 

'Hold it Ren'   Ok....

Inka...   'Yeh Ren, I know'   OK

It's why I need away from here.....   'And your own space' 

I'm a shaman too  'Obviously bitch' but I duno how to do it?

'We are trying to teach you.....  As you do it' 

Thanks makes me wana cry....  'Do, it will stop you feeling dizzy' 


It dose...  'Still'  Yeh.  



Recall is better with an aspect.

'That it is'

So I'll meet you ask you ask. 

First dream were doing a deal that goes wrong.  A young person gives to many shits. 

Again there is a bus driver, herbs too for healing and sleeping. 

It was sort of funny for us who were trying to sort it out.
Things had been blown well out of proportion.

A long phone call with my Dad.  We were just chatting about stuff the phone was odd in that it had 2 handsets and a mouse attached.


Very long dream, I'd been looking after a bunch of kids and people and was cooking a meal.

Kelly had left her kids too and her third child way young but large.  He was difficult.

I'd started the meal but we had gone to another venue in the village we were all in.

The venue is busy, some people I know and many I don't. 


I go to walk back and realise I duno the way so head back in where I ask some people to wait and walk with me.  I also realise I should take Kellys son back with me. 

I'd been trapped by a male and female in the hall way but I just tickled the female till she let me go.   The vibe at the venue was changing as it got later, groups were forming - political, religious and cultural and some areas were getting kinda seedy. 


I knew I was responsible for all this too.. I'd started a ball rolling but it had snowballed fast and was now well out of anyone's hands. 
It was frustrating as I didn't know the name of this tall difficult kid so I wasn't sure how to ask for him.  I just had to look.  I spot him at an arcade machine down a stairwell but by the time I get there he's moved on.  I head threw dark hallways were people have started drinking in some.


In some rooms drugs are being used and I'm aware I need to get the kid back to where the meal is ready but he's vanished into the groups of people now.   As I go back into the main room it's now filled with clowns in the same patchwork suits they are holding a rally and don't want me to enter but I shove in anyway ... Wake up here realising Kelly only has 2 kids, that's why I couldn't recall the name of the 3rd.

For that dream Malico had joined me at Ddad's hub and we'd gone into the vr room.

Next dream also long.   A large residential learning place, like a mal hub too.
I'd been lending a swimming costume to someone and also wandering round a shoe vending place.
I was hanging about waiting a consultation appointment I had and so I'd headed back to our room.  Was like a staff room for our crew.. It was messy cupboards and had cats and rodents in.

As I'd got there 2 police officers were there.  Not uniforms I recognise but they were law enforcement doing a search.   I realised it was me that was being checked out.   I was guilty of what I was being investigated for.  Drug running I think, but I wasn't worried about them searching as the place was clean.


I'd gone in to find there sniffer cat... A huge black puma thing checking out my locker. 
I'd asked if I could get something there were piles of miss matched crockery mainly cups...  I was trying to get one without knocking the others over.

I'd asked to say hello to the cat and it put it's massive paws onto me and was sniffing my mouth.

I wasn't bothered about being under investigation in the slightest. 

Star my cat was there and she was being attacked by a bald rat.  I was trying to work out who'd rat it was and it seemed like it was Em's so I was calling for her to grab it before Star did.  We managed to separate them.


Opposite the crew room, that has a large counter like window is a sea.  It's dark over the water and a guy is in a small green rowing boat, following the boat is around 8 seals and his wife is in the water with the seals.

Last dream odd lucid and visual.

We had been clearing out a large dark attic like space with no walls.  

As we had cleaned it the plastic toys that had been in it dissolved into a clear oil.

The oil was flowing out and onto sand below.

The sand is hummm orange and fine,  the sky darkish and the water transparent. 

The oil sinking into the sand.  2 pink and orange jelly fish look like they are flying and I call to Mel who lives close to hear who moves closer to look at them.

They attack her spinning and hitting her with their tentacle's. 


I wonder if I can distract them so move closer behind a rock... This bit is very lucid one of them comes over and floats above me it's tentacles hanging down touching my face and scalp.

I was trying to relax into the experience which was really odd cause it was making me trip!

I could tell it was tasting me and my reaction to it.  



Friday, 29 July 2022

Boats and Hex Shaped Hole



Wow... 'You are the most resilient bitch I know Ren, when you let go I can catch you some place else'

You're across back of my hips again...  Same as before I got sectioned.

'I was teaching you complete surrender'  yeh....  Lol it went 'Well Ren, in some ways'  Hahah  I'm pleased I feel like me again.

'Sleep go to Ddads hub ok?'  You?  'Got your back' Feels like hips 'You're not one to follow convention' It's alot Inka, big flow.  'I know Ren, better delt with threw dream'


Boats in a muddy harbour.  Jim and my Dad was there oh Sheila too and we were pulling smaller boats onboard bigger boats for the tide incoming.

The smaller boats were a crazy mix of vessels one was a primitive coracle another a more modern fiberglass boat.


Snails and Whales - an exam I had to take too and a long walk pushing an old wood and metal trolley the kind that was used for moving ice or fish boxs.  I was pushing it over the muddy tracks.


Next dream was a small island not much above the sea level and close to the shore.

It belonged to a family who had a house and 2 horses there.  They were making phone calls to have the island enlarged.

I had a felt tip pen that was sometimes blue sometimes brown.  

I could change it with my perception and I was trying to balance it so it was a blend of them both.


Piling into the back of a strange car too.   The seats were down and it was crowded with people and kids.  It was to get us back to the island but I'd wanted to swim there instead.  The water looked nice. 


Before sleep that flow at my hips yesterday had moved to my neck.


Then it was in and out of the same dream all night.
A game, series, story everything was linked.  All cross referencing each other.

I'd lost my phone and bank cards but didn't care.

Dark version of my main dream area, I'd been playing on a strange kind of bike with a sit down seat almost like a tall tricycle...   It had rusty keys on the wheels and steering.

I'd walked ridden it round the block outside the house and as I got back round the front a guy was chucking fireworks around in the dark.

Fay & Holly were with me and I'd reminded them fireworks are explosive and to stand back and shoved them in front of me as the guy chucked on in a flower basket hung on the side of a house.

The firework blew a perfect hexagonal shape in the side of the house were the window had been.


There was a large pool of water across the road and I followed the guy who'd blown the hole with the intention of finding out were he lived as he was not familiar.
Opposite the big puddle that stretched across the roads was a night newsstand it's where the white squares are the guy goes in.

I follow him to the entrance and see he's put on a hard hat, another guy is in there too with one.  One red one white and he's putting screwdrivers and alan keys threw the skin in his eyebrows.


Like strange body art or tribal stuff.   I look him in the eyes which are blue. 

I was pretty ludic by now.

I ask him if he's a handyman... He can fix the window he just blew out.
He grins at me with odd shaped teeth and tells me 'Nah, I'm proud of my work and I wouldn't want another 38 anyway'  


He poked my cheek as he told me and his proximity and my lucidity woke me up.


As I'd woken Inka confirmed my thinking about the nightbus and the Hexagonal bolt I was given.


I was trying to renter the dream but instead I WILD into another setting.

A room with a lamp a game of Monopoly is set up and part way threw play  there is a bottle of vodka open and a tube of pringles, glasses are around the table but the people are absent. 


The detail of the room woke me and Inka reminded me of the void game.... 1 winner the lower rounds are team games but I'd challenged him.


I'd asked him to team with me as once I'd won I realised I didn't have a clue what I was doing :P  
Oh yeh, prior to that dream he'd asked me to merge with him and go into the VR thing.   
The guy who was in my main dream house the other night.

Oh and the grumpy sun from years ago. 

When I'm dreaming again It still flows on... I'm still in main dream area we have 2 old 60's coaches and we are going to use them for the community.

I've been cleaning and sorting children's toys and am making a large pillow for the front of the bus, my thread kept snapping though.
We were competing I was in levels Inka wanted a Monopoly again but I was playing for him. 
Oh at one point I looked in a mirror too, I was surprised at my appearance as I was a young asian female my eyes were black and hair black but with a red dye too so it reflected red light. 
I was lucid too but wanted to finish what I was doing. 
Pennywise the creepy clown was due back in my dream space but it wouldn't enter when I was there.   Or it was there but wouldn't make it's self known.

I was due to leave for London and it would start scaring people once I'd left. 


This is linked to the balloon dreams from before the latest section.   Mine were ?  Hummm I'll need to check.


Hummmm what's with the Hex shapes?  

Inka??   'Yeh Ren?' 

Hummmmm  'Words aren't working well Ren'   I know but I forget the thoughts that pass between us as the knowing is so much.

The dream's you drew my attention too...  These people well guys I keep meeting are crew? 

'That depends on you Ren'  I don't recognise them but they are very real....  Shifty too.

'Like me and you'  We are so well integrated now.  'Very, you always hunger for growth mouse'  

It gets me into trouble 'You are learning how to handle yourself'  

You are no longer holding me back?  'Well observed, you are learning my role'  

I had no fear following that guy?  'We've been teaching you how to' 

Will you vanish?  'I'll grow with you Ren as your experience of time changes'

Ddad's hub it linked to dath??  What is it... I know the node...

Daath.....  That's Darth Dad....   So what is Daath it's the hidden one that I knew was there.

rx Ain 
An Soph 
"N ('N AinsophAw 
Jehovah Elohim 
Elohim Gibor 
Elohim Zabaoth 
Shaddai El C 
Jehovah ZgbaOth 


Hummm that's angel stuff??  Binah is Saturn? 

Oh is Chookman or what ever Neptune...   So that's the roles we play?
No charts are the same.....   'You move as do we'  

Oh yeh it depends on where I am.


b i nak 
Sa turn 
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'Its my Birthday soon Ren, I'll help teach you self control'  Ok... Thanks. 

Are the nodes our hubs to me??

'We show Ren, you're not a traditional type of student'  :)  Suppose 

Who are these guys in my dream space?  'People to learn from Ren' 

lol ok, sounds fun. 

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...