Thursday, 28 December 2023

Christmas Week 23



A post Christmas shop sale.

A girl with ginger curly hair, with a ginger spaniel laying together. 

Polecat's & Ferrets.


A guy who took my wallet and ordering tappas. 
I took him down, carried him around abit... then we ate it together.
Christmas horns, wrestling and results...

Then a dream of planes..
Was flying to Bali with Em.
Organising a party,

A busy unfamiliar city with peach alcopops and convenience store. 
I was expecting a baby I was going to call George.
While walking on my hands up cobbled streets.


Last part was my main dream scape at duck, huge walls of waves that were black...
Then fractalized before breaking at once. 
This looked very cool. 

27th Dec

Packing up from Aunty Sheila's.  I was sad about it, lots of clothes and old toys.  Felt like wasn't coming back.

Strang black metal silhouette things too, 4 of them they changed a lot, sometimes animals sometimes just art.

Taking a waitress job too, it was my main dream space.  Mainstreet not a building that is there in any real way.
It was where Lewis' is, but was a dark old fashioned room with deep red walls and old dark wooden tables.
I was starting the same time as another female.
I cleared some tables on my way threw and the owners wife met me as I was going threw to what I expected to be the kitchens.  She was dressed in gypsy style skirts very old fashioned.
She pulled aside a heavy velvet curtain and took me threw into another smaller dinning room and up onto a raised platform where she told me they held seances.   The room had old deep red and cream velvet wallpaper, with a large abstract pattern.
She brought us a pile of aprons to pick from, short stripped ones.
The other female picked first. 
I'd gone for one I thought was white with blue stripes.  But unfolding it, it was sheer flowered lace skirt.  I'd checked my pants which were rainbow tie dye and decided it wouldn't look right, so I'd returned it for a normal apron to wear over the long black skirt I had on.

28th Dec

An old wooden wardrobe and a wooden chest too, was very old and crude the wood crumbling.

Huge crystals, all kinds. Massive insects too, bigger than a hand. 
I was with 2 guys just sitting round looking at stuff and falling asleep.

The dream in dreams were odd, a guy who was werewolf and another guy made of purple crystal.
The purple crystal guy I was firing light at, he was absorbing it and glowing.  It was cool and looked amazing.

Next dream I was making acid blotters, they had the ace of spades on them.  Various sizes and different card designs but all the Ace of Spades. I was dropping the acid on from a brown glass bottle.
My cat Carry was there, she had a problem with her back legs I was trying to sort out.

A pile of 60's photos of kids.   Then a really strange thing with odd drone type robots.
I was in a room, in an apartment building and the drones were at the window outside.
One at a time, odd robot like things that were big and didn't really look like they had any business flying.

I was waving at them.

Last dream was a student house, I was cleaning up cold chips from the night before.  I still owed one of my flat mates cash for them.
I'd gone threw to the kitchen to get kitchen roll to wipe up a mess.  Em & Wayne were there I was suggesting inviting my bro and his friends round for a house party.

Then I was bouncing in the air really high, Wayne grabbing my leg n trying to pull me bk down. 

Making Carrot and coriander soup. 

A punch up on the beach.   A flying car and sparking headset.

Punch balloons.

The spears twins & Em.   A code like food that was display food.  

Tripping using odd bits of metal from an old grail uniform.  It was a strange experience to trip on, like we were reliving experiences the outfit had been threw.   


Friday, 22 December 2023

Split Reality


21st Dec
Should have written this earlier in the day.  
Stone close dream...  Cracks in the ceiling with water coming in.

22nd Dec

Strange version of Seahouses Harbour.
Very large and busy, water is warm too.
Loads of traffic and Belford has a plane station with flights leaving south every hr.

I'd visited a strange harbour office where the Wyvis should be then walked North, out of the village to where I could see an ever changing view. 
I knew I wasn't perceiving the same as the others, I could see woodland with toadstools and stuff.


Some women walked past me carrying food, one was potato cakes in the shape of dino's.  I'd followed her to see where she'd got them from and found myself in a busy space, where sort of women's institute types were having a meal.
I wasn't welcome there, but I wanted to know where to find Potato Dinos.


Then an odd dream, I was sort of hallucinating.  Sitting on a bus with Dom.  I'd been enjoying watching changing shapes and stuff.  A sort of MTV like channel was playing, and I was tripping out.
He'd got of the bus for some reason, and I'd been sat beside a rab coat he was wearing with his car keys on top.
When all of a sudden I vibrated and the coat and keys were gone, the drop down seat folding back up as he re-entered the bus.
I was puzzled...  And explained to him what had happened.


We find ourselves in an odd mental hospital where I'm again perceiving a split reality.  One is really funny and surreal.
I'm seeing stuff behind glass, like an odd TV studio, they know I can see them where as most people can't.
The people who could see them too had been classes as very insane. 
A group of them were being moved threw, and I grabbed Dom and we tagged along, aware we were getting into more trouble but curious all the same.

We follow over piles of old feather pillow cases, then bags of lego.  Toy trains and such.
There is a locked unit we need to get access too,  I find myself standing outside with a bird in a jug.
They agree to let us in.   The people in their are interesting.  I chat with a few while Dom looks around.
We end up in a bus, Dom driving this time and me up front too, we have the other crazies in the back.
End up driving round a huge red brick complex, the whole place was surrounded by tall red brick walls with barbwire on top. 

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Flying and Falling


11th Dec

Nice dream about jumping, falling and flying.  Went on for ages, I was teleporting too.
Massive stone needles with a tide that rose hundreds of feet. Others were better at it than me, but they were helping and teaching.
Stone ruins topped the massive natural stone pillars.

I had another long dream, but got up and was busy all day yesterday so don't recall it now.


Again dreaming that I did recall....  But no time to write dreams before I'm launched into day shit.

Dreams were of huge houses, friends and shifting rooms.
A biology class...
Rats and cats



Crazy time with broken hot water pump and very little sleep.

Was dreaming but no time to recall.


A vivid dream with Gran and her house.  It was the kitchen over full.  Some foods spoiling
We'd driven to stone close where a kid was running up the side of a house. 
He got his foot stuck and sort of pulled his hip joint out. 
I'd wanted to go help, but my Gran was telling me not to, woke up retching cause it looked horrible.



Much more vivid dreams and a proper nights sleep! 

A massive city I was in, a team game. 
An entity named Balthazar resided in a raised stadium.
It was like a mass of floating eyeballs.
The thing could shoot lasers and balls of light and for some reason I was it's main target.
I didn't mind, it was kind of cool fun.   Lots of running and dodging.

When I was hit I received electric shocks. 
Amazing old buildings too, but the city was also modern.

A huge corn beef pie I made with cheese on top.  

A conversation about a séance with a priest,  dancing in the rain.

Next a lucid dream.   I knew I was lucid and I asked to see someone from my Mam's side of the family.
A guy appeared, great grandad I think.  Dead long before I was born.
He looked sort of familiar from a photo I've seen..... But he looked different as he was smiling, his beard was longer too. 
As I watched him smiling at me his beard fractalized looking like waves, until it spread and he sort of crumbled away into fractalized light.. Was a cool looking sight!

Huge piles of stuff, falling down.  My Cat came and peed on a book I was reading.

Last bit I was flying over the coast up north.  Coming from Berwick south, it was odd as it was like scrolling on a tablet, but at the same time I was having the experience of flying just over the rocks and water surface.


Friday, 8 December 2023

Death as a Final Ejection

7th Dec

Twin boys,  blond gingery hair.   They were playing a chase game before bath time.

My bro and 3 older guys playing too, kind of rounding them up and making them giggle.


Next dream was an odd panto.  Chris Sargent and Niki Mulvey, were on the main street acting out a death sceen 🤨

I was watching like a vid recording from many angles at once.  It was odd.
The same twin boys but older now.
Also cleaning a space ship and waiting to be beamed up.

Next dream was birthing pools and Emma, she was a birth partner of sorts.
Train tickets south and a sort of hybrid of Amanda Sage and Tiger!

A defaced family album but it was only on the cover in white board pen so could be wiped off.

A lantern parade on the main-street too, it was an odd thing.  You couldn't smile, if you did you got sent back to the start.  It was a sort of game.
Gymnasts and soldiers too, doing handstands and other strength stuff.

Last dream was strange too,  I had one of them plastic stretchers I was carrying threw an underpass.   I'd fallen down between a crash barrier and the path, and was struggling to stand up, I was sort of wedged there untill I wriggled about.

Some people passing helped pull me out.

8th Dec

Garden at Dad's I think.  It was that sort of shape.  I was cooking outside a pan of peperoni and some spaghetti then making broth for an odd take on Raman.


Then,  Fishing off the harbour with lines.  Coin making and glue.  I'd made a copper coin from old pennies but dropped it and couldn't find it amongst the others.
I'd bad a leather bag like a pouch too, I was going to give it to Connie.
She was in the dream too.  I was sewing with magic thread, weaving it threw.

The glue was warm, when it cooled down it turned waxy a bit like glue gun stuff I suppose.

Back at Crumstone again, this time I'm sprouting lentils.  Jacks sister is there too, in his house on the estate but it's them modern flats again.  She's sitting talking with Fay they were the same age.
Inka too, looking over me.  Samples of my Blood were wanted for something.
I'd been moved to a day shift.

A VR world too, with a large player base.  It was a sandy world with dune buggy cars.

Next was residential care in a community centre.  Could have also been my main dream space, Dad was there too.
Inside was large modern and open plan.
I was having a heated discussion with Rodica about Dad.  He was hallucinating and she was saying he had Bipolar.  I was visualising the brain and telling her how it's not the same.
I tell her Bipolar is an affliction of the spirit,  extremes of awakenings and dark nights of the soul.  We talk about the brain and soul.

Home care, I was being asked to do a shift of home care for people.  Trying to sort an app on my phone I could use for location and to record what I did there.
Only an earthquake was happening too.
A bus shelter outside the old police station in my main dreams space.  I'd stopped to pee there before going into a Pub run by Alex at the top of James street.
It was an old fashioned building, More like an Old city public house.
Ann & Michel lived in the back.
Alex gave me a red wine in a small stemless glass and we decided to take out the boat.
The boat was like a narrow coble with a sail.  Only it was made of black metal with a huge anchor onboard.
Dad & John Cress were our other crew mates.  We set sail on the concrete.... Carried by the earthquake.
And it carried us to a tar pit on the green on James street... The boat went in quickly sinking.  While the rest of us jump to land, Alex was still on the ship going down with it.
I'd found a spade that I held to him, and was yelling for Dad and John to help me pull.
John looked at his hands that were helplessly arthritic. 
Dad understood eventually and helped me pull Alex back out of the tar using the old metal spade.
Was a bit odd after that, Alex hugged me and we went back to his bar where we celebrated with warm freeze dried milk.  The black metal ship left abandoned in the Tar.

Last dream was more symbolism. 
Em & Me.  A volcano puzzle with a top and a heart.
One had a view the other riddles and wisdom.
Death as a final ejection.  

I was seeing Sigle of Lucifer, optic nerve and the urinal genital system. 
Like this night here.

This time it was like I was seeing the energy of the soul leaving the body threw the system and like a projection from the 3rd eye. 
Was kinda cool. 


Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Focal Points & Layers.


6th Dec
Layered realities a long dream.  It was set in several layers at once were the same buildings and people served as connections and focal points.

I was finding the same people who recalled what tied them together.

The main layer I was on was a lower one, almost below ground.  Buildings half buried in soil and caverns above.  The paper shop was one of our focal zones.   People making for there and although we didn't recognize most people there may be a common person or place we knew.
There was a beautiful Asian type of princess woman too, and a crazy old general who'd got stuck in a loop.  We were trying to break him out of it to get him to help.

A family with many brothers and sisters.  People weren't what they seemed just playing roles and needing brought back together.

I seemed to know the buildings and the spaces we could use to pass threw reality layers.
We were using these to find peoples doppelgangers to try and communicate and sync stuff up.

Second dream was a sort of vets I was working in, doing night shifts.
It was a school too with a lift.  
I had a heavy holdall full of books.
Animal hybrids, people with wings like birds of pray.

Bestiality too only it was odd as some of the people seemed half animal too...  Lol meby that's where the hybrids came from.   I seemed to be there in an observer role.

The skies there were amazing, unusual colours and clouds, sometimes they'd look like they'd been painted with a brush.
A guy from Dallas kept calling me too, he'd found me somehow and knew who I was.
I was planning a trip to the USA to meet up.


Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Young & Rude


3rd Dec


Long dream in a pizza restaurant. I was young probably in my late teens had on big black stompy boots and a short skirt with no pants.
I was being a bitch, not really sure why as I don't recall. 
But I was difficult with people.   
I'd also gone into the toilet and just peed on the floor! 

Marcus was in the dream too.  


Second dream was set in a high school again I'm young we were A level age.

It was end of year and there were exhibitions of creative work on.
I'd been sorting out stationery and looking at various displays.

One with a strange frozen choc and mint swirl fudge.
It didn't taste of much but was chewy and cold.

There was a guy I knew, though everyone assumed him and another female were together... Me included.
But he sort me out and came onto me.  This bit was odd... It was in a sort of shed, that had been decorated like a nativity scene.

2 older guys one who kinda reminded me of Inka in that he looked like a homeless bum, were sitting next to the straw stage smoking.
They laughed at us as we pushed past them to have sex on the stage with them watching!
When we were done the younger guy got up and left.
After finding my pants I'd sat with the older guys who gave me a cig to smoke.  


4th Dec

Dad care and funeral dream.... But all mooshed up with a hotel/holiday park too.
Suzie coming onto Dad.
A massive dance hall.   Snow falling and Christmas decorations and lights.
Then I was with Em in an odd Children's play zone.
All kinds of toys set out but sort of dark and run down too.  It had a kitchen area too where bread in bags had been placed into a circular pile then set fire too. 
The fire was out now, leaving just charred bits and melted plastic.

A strange track ran round the space, it was powered by a huge machine!   Hidden behind a door.   I'd gone in to look at it and asked the staff a bunch of guys in uniforms what it was for.  It was oddly modern and out of place.

Odd visual stuff then a strange thing floating down the street like a smoking tree stump.
I was seeing little fractal Saturns coming of it.
Was asking others if they could see the same thing.



Friday, 1 December 2023

Blaze the Fish & Family Fun.


1st Dec 23


Really cool dream.  It was like 2 dreams overlaid.  The main dream was a family in the US It was set in the 60s I guess as everything was old fashioned but not old.
I was part of a family living in a single story American style home.

One of 5 kids and the only girl.  Grandparents' lived with us too, the house was noisy and chaotic but full of love.

The doors were slatted wood.  The boys liked playing with batman toys.
In the recall I have I was standing with the grandmother shelling peas and beans.
On the other layers I was sort of aware of being current me... And that I was sort of visiting.  It was visual but emotional too.   I felt lots of connection with the other members of the family.

One of our grandparents could speak Arabic.  It felt like visiting another life.

At the end of the dream I was seeing a change in the world.

It was like a mass change in consciousness but I was observing it from the layer outside.
I could see patterns, symbols and geometric shapes...  But then something was also interfering to shut it down.


Next dream I'm in Aunty Irene's house.  To start with it's full of kids, the boys from the first dream are there again only this time they are Indian. 
The eldest was called Jithin, he was disabled cerebral palsy I think.
Again the emotional attachment I had was like brothers.

We'd made a play area in the front room.  In the back room adults were having a party members from my Dad's fam were there Muriel and my cousin Sue.

Mam was there too.  I was kind of annoyed with people all over it felt too full and crowded.

Next dream was more abstract...   An orange gold fish in a tank, but it had feet with little boots.   It was in a transformational phase of losing it's legs.  
I wanted to call it Blaze.
There was another layer to.  

A guys shadow, she was a peculiar female who looked Japanese.   The guy was being shown his female counterpart and then also a demon who acted and fed threw her.

The deamon was familiar.  He was warning the male to look after the female as he'd hand picked and raised her.
They were all in different layers of reality but the connection and energy flow between the 3 was strong.

Before I woke other smaller dreams.  In one I was with my Dad in a city tower block. 
Small offices with full length glass windows that looked across the skyline. 
We were high up and I kept doing handstands against the glass.
Me being upside down was pissing of my Dad.


Valentina and a talk on body energy and food...   Then in the last dream I was moving into a new residential halls.  I was to be on the top floor of 3 in a large shared room.


I'd also met and talked to my Uncle Alan in a pub.


Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Unusual Gallery and a New School


29th Nov

First dream was main dreamspace.  I was sharing my room with Jack, we had twin beds one on each side of the room.
Was set up like a kids bedroom I suppose.
I'd washed some clothes and they had shrunk to doll size.  Couldn't work out how or where all the fabric had gone.
We had a large old fashioned printer/ copier in the room too.

I was using it to fold more clean laundry but the laundry had these odd black blobs in that caused an extreme exothermic reaction when they fell out.  
Burning holed threw the fabric and melting the copier plastic.  
It smelt nasty. 
I was confused were it was coming from, Jack seemed content to stay in bed n watch me figure it out.


Next 2 dreams were long.  Started with me having a toy cuddly dog, it was on a lead and a ladies real pet dog came to say hello.  The real dog had a kind of automated flea release med at it's neck and it came out in a squirt of purple foam.   She gave me some for my toy dog too that I applied.

Next I slide down a steep grass bank, into a mobile home half buried in the hill.
I was to stay there while I visited the building next door.
It was an odd busy communal space that seemed to morph and change the longer I stayed there.
At first it seemed it was a hospital where I was there with Ian, Fay & Dad... But then more of a gallery with an art exhibition on.
The art was visionary hippy stuff, and the visitors colourful and unusual too.
The layout of the space was hard to navigate with one way stairs and paths.
But I wanted to revisit places and was doing this by jumping and clambering about over railings and stairs.
I'd met a female with a bag similar to mine, she had 3 and had left 2 on the floor.  I wasn't sure if they were hers to begin with so I kept checking to see if they were just abandoned as they were appealing and empty.
We all looked intreasting too,  me and her seemed to have a harliqueen type look with pennywise style bunches and colourful panels of shiny fabric on our outfits.
Before she left she explained her friends had been using the bags before they had gone home... She was pleased I hadn't taken them.  We talked about where we'd got them from, it was the first time we had seen anyone else with one.
The exhibition was nearing it's end and it was turning more into performance art.
One stall I visited had sort of cute but gruesome pop-pop food.
A donut that bleed jam and cried when you tried to bite it.

On a plate on the counter was a priest with a plate of shit and sugar we could stir with a spoon.
I sat down to listen to a story told by 2 golden twins, one mail one female.
They had gold leaf freckles and bright orange eyes.
As they told the story they breathed a matching smelly vapor - sort of garlic like with a tiny puff of smoke.
I woke as I was walking threw a gallery of UV art.


Last dream was a school... Or a collage we were the new intake for.   Only around 6 of us had been moved from a school.  We were young for the intake there, but needed a more specialist education.

The building was strange...  All the toilets were places you needed to climb too.
We had met in a library filled with children's story books and small chairs and lockers.
The books were mainly sets by the same few authors a screen played quietly with one of them reading from his book showing the pictures as he turned.
The lockers were odd, in strange geometric arrangements.  Only some of them had numbers and many seemed totally inaccessible.
I quickly warmed to the head teatcher.  A wry sense of humour, he was comfortable with himself in a way that made him instantly likable.
.. Was woken by Dad getting up.

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Ancient Carriage


27th Nov


First dream, cleaning food leftovers from Irene's floor.

Squashed corn beef and other stuff.

A camping trip..

Having a huge plate in my face made of metal and plastic.  It was way to big for my mouth and whent down my throat...  Jaw was crumbling.
I was trying to fit it back in my head.


Last dream I kept going back into was my maindream space.
More like a city though.
I was in Old stone close but there was huge bridges in the sky and grey 4 story buildings.
I was sleeping rough, I had a small space with greeting cards and a flock of feral pigeons who hung about.

They were catching brown letters tied with brown string that fell from the sky.
I met Dom, he had with him a group of younger boys.
He was guiding them as such...   We were both older but not.
He had an odd white goatee beard.
With the group of kids he had one wanted to see some horses, so I told him directions of the field where they used to be.

He was telling me about a contract he had with the kids, and wondered if I'd be upset about it....   I told him I was glad.    We all need the input of all kind of people.

I joined them for a time... The journey was strange.

Huge glass carriage's pulled by big fancy black horses.
They were so strange.
Driven by ancient men, in suits and top hats...
The carriages held the bodies of sleeping women equally ancient who at first I thought were dead.
They were in white soft feather beds, with crisp sheets and wearing old fashioned night.   cloths making a most unusual procession.

In one of the glass cases lay to identical ancient twins.
We followed them into a built up modern area, where a party was being held and Dom introduced me to his female friend.
She was an unusual woman, a sort of mystic.   Older with flame read hear and a scar where one boob had been removed.
She wore a kind of fairy dress and was dotted with glow in the dark butterfly jewels.

I told her I wanted to see her in the dark and we stood by a window for a while to charge up her lights.
As I left with her we walked threw to where the party was going on.
It's full of rich London people including people I used to know.  I didn't stay at the party.
I left the party to a space outside where loads of people were sitting around tables in a sort of plaza space.
They watched me, walk past them... All seeming to know me.
Some I recognised as cousins and distant family.... Others totally unfamiliar.

They seemed to be aware of my thoughts and mind.
I was being asked about selfishness and my thoughts on it.
I found myself thinking.... Always look for the love within.
And surmising that selfishness is a form of self love.

I'd gone back into the same dream, with the Mystic woman who was now slightly changed.  We were discussing again some complexed stuff and I hears myself say words, I was told before.
It was in regard to my forced medication...   Only this time it was

'A forced violation of mind, BODY, and soul'


I've looked all day to find the night of that dream... And can't find it at all 🤔

Still no luck the next day... So meby I was reminded too post it again.

28th Nov

My dreams were odd, as I was bugged by not being able to find the reference for last night. 
There was one linked to last night then another where my I met a female My little Pony style character who introduced themselves as my Dad :P



Saturday, 25 November 2023

Family and Fast Talking Tortoise


25th Nov

Very strange stuff in the first dream.
An office party with a mix of people, a young boy there with amazing grey hair and special needs. 
Other kids.
Food was layd out buffet style with loads of homemade Christmas biscuits.  Some were massive.
There was a game being played via vid calls with other offices called where's waldo.

Like where's wally, but this included a strange blind date when he was inserted into a vid call or spotted.

On another layer at the same time I was in a glass dome/bubble outside.
A wild animals were circling the dome, then a big male Lion pushed threw with it's cub.

Was odd being in a small confined space with such a massive predator,

But it seemed to be checking me out.  I let it sniff then lick my arm and it let me touch it's nose.  Then it's cub was interested so I interacted with him too.


The next one I met was a hyena or something similar... It was scratched and cut up, some wounds around it's neck didn't smell good.   It too wanted to investigate me.
The Animals were upset about Christmas wrapping paper.


A giant fast talking tortoise too!


Next dream starts in an underground tidal cave... 
I'm travelling with some people in a vehicle and can see the tide coming in.
We'd left the vehicle to look around on foot, and I could see the uneven ground would result in the car being quickly submerged.
I was calling to the others to get in and move it.... But they didn't understand and with a large wave it was submerged.

We continued with bags on foot, the water rising behind us.

Then a dream with my Mam who I've not seen for AGES!
We are in an amazing city with large green areas and floating trees on platforms.
Taking an open rail car that runs on a single track.
We got to it by walking up a river bed... Our feet surrounded by large trout.
The rail car was like an open air tour, we passed amazing pools for swimming in and got off at one to have a swim and a chat.


Last dream was with my Dad.  We'd got the car to stone close.  The front window had been broken in and my Dad got out to see what was happening.
Fay was with me and I asked her to call the police.
When we got to the house, my dad said 'It's ok it's only Jim'
But by this time a massive fire truck had arrived more like a HGV it was reversing down to the front door... And I shoved them inside out of the way.
I was annoyed with Jim and made him vacuum up the broken glass.

Thursday, 23 November 2023

Wires, Time & Weightlessness

22nd Nov
Had many dreams... Didn't make notes as was so tired after 48hrs no sleep just needed to rest.
One dream I had in the morning was interesting.

A time travel dream.. It was set in a school a little like Balifgate.
There had been a coat hook with a  clock on, the clock had a cracked face.
I'd hung some stuff up and gone to look around.
The building was corridors and I kept finding coloured ribbons on the floor and collecting them up. 

When I got back I went to put them into my bag, wich dropped link an anchor and was attached to a line.......  the coat hook they were on started to turn and unscrew as the cord unravel and then stuff got odd, like I was watching time go backwards.
I was watching entropy in reverse.
When it stopped the clock had repaired and then vanished, and the room was different.
I stood confused as people started arriving at the school, hanging up their coats and asking if I was new.
I knew who they all were but non of them seemed to recognise me.
Suzan introduced herself and I smiled as I knew she'd been my first friend when I'd done this before.  I was trying to see if any of them remembered me.... But it seemed my history was gone. 


Others were more of an outdoor estate where the gardens were decorated with different festivals scenes.

23rd Nov
Another school dream, this time with my Bro and Izza.  A laundry and a bathroom and a posh girl that I got annoyed with, there was an odd boss bloke too.
The toilet was haunted.. I recognised it from other dreams... Like there is something I can interact with outside of my flicker rate.

Back into a similar dream - once more with a laundry. 
An issue with maintenance doors and things been locked down. 

Sylvia from work... She'd come and got into my bed. 
I didn't really mind as she was just sleeping - I was watching security cameras and her room where something odd was going on.
Similar to the bathroom ghost only this time what I was seeing was a mechanical thing - but made of light.  

A chat with a GP who was trying to tell me I had depression.   I was explaining I didn't but not being herd... It was like they were a recording just playing back what they knew. 

Then watching a strange dance/yoga thing where people were on a circular frame attached by a thin wire. 
It gave them a sense of weightless ness to move in different ways. 

Sunday, 19 November 2023

Dreams from this Week 14th - 19th Nov 23


14th Nov
Long dream with odd visual stuff.   A hexagon shaped room, with a hexagon box below.
It was set in a strange residential place...  Unusually dwellings around green fields.
No roads or cars.
A strange event was occurring   a flood.
Water pouring from the sky, it was flowing in tube line tunnels....  I was running threw and in it.  It was like the world was filling up.
An amazing river too, I was moored on a boat in it... On the banks are ancient grey stone buildings.   It's night and there are bowls of fire in a small round court outside one.
It looked ceremonial.  Fireworks were being let off above, reflected in the water the booms echoing from the steep stone banks and also the water below.


18th Nov

Tired after an emotional trip up North.
First dream I was getting a flat in London with Izza, James and my Aunty Ann.
We had a van and were sorting out a carpet.
Visiting Ikea and a shopping place.

Next the vets in Seahouses that used to be there. I was working as a nurse.
I'd watched a vid of me giving birth.
Dancing at the Viking, I was nekid, with bright red hair.
Emma's Dad n Chris, we were having a Sunday meal.
Some kind of Inheritance, and an old MG car.

An amazing creature, blue and green.. Head like a fox and furry but a bit like an axolotl too, with fins and feet.

It was around the size of a cat.


A dream about Mark & Lou.   Started on a housing estate with strange rooms, and unusual cradle beds, with hoists and turning equipment. 
We'd brought a small tent with us to set up on the floor.
Like strange medical equipment I'd never seen.
We were taking LSD together with cups of tea.
As I was coming up I was finding it hard to communicate with them... So I'd been writing on paper.
Like a coloured elevator in my body, I was blending the colours on the floor awake rather than when I dream...    It was similar to when I'd gone insane.  We chatted about that too.

We'd left to go meet more people after dropping, and I'd gone back to get some toilet roll to blow my nose.
When I got back to the flat we were staying in, a girl was on the floor in psychosis. 
She was cornered by another female, and a psych nurse and some healthcare assistants.
Lashing out and violent.
They were trying to sedate her to take her in.
I got the tissue for my nose feeling empathy for the situation she was in.
I make my way back to Mark & Lou who are in a community café amongst the buildings with members of my Fam there too. 
At one table is a bunch of medical staff, all in old fashioned pale blue scrubs, masks and hats, they were having a meeting.

More friends of Mark n Lou's too.
My Family members were Aunty Betty & Julie - they were being blamed for the state of the girl who'd lost her grip on reality as they'd spent the afternoon with her.

An emergency plumber van, red and blue logo...24hr service.

I went back into the same dream, but was woken by a strong smell of incense or flowers... I could smell it as I came awake but once I moved there was no smell.
Oddly I just got a whiff of it then as I recalled the dream.
I'd been talking again with someone about the experience of being crazy. 

They were telling me 'Your real self isn't sane'  
It wasn't like I was being put on the spot... More of an open chat.

Then a really odd dream with Bret. 
We some how had got covered in a crazy woman's shit
he had it on his arms, and me and my socks n legs.
We're in my main dream space and we go to wash up by an outside sink by allies house. 
Him first then I sat on the drainer to wash my legs.
We had another female with us too.
We'd sat down together to chat.  Talking about aliens, family control and other odd stuff.
I'd wanted to smuggle a message to a guy called Tom in jail.  To meet the person who'd relay it I'd had to go threw a test involving a dragons egg.

I'd passed and my message had been sent.
I'd wanted to check he was ok.
An odd type of person appeared.  An old woman with a wild way.
She spoke alone with Bret first then to me and told me.

'This is Tom - Go ahead'
I asked her to wait while I considered my reply.  She did but she also told me she'd been observing my trials.
There was other stuff too, like where the shit came from.  A layered reality within... Lifts and lock ups.  Violence and fighting on top... But this is where people seemed to want to get too.
A fighter in black was observing us too.. He moved like liquid metal. 
People had left too, I'd been annoyed they'd not said goodbye..... But apparently they had and I'd been zoned out.
The woman relaying messages said to me - 'Leave of your priestess jewels this time'

She was referring to some odd green crystals I'd worn on my forehead.
I told her I'd rule nothing out.

On waking I was told...  'State condoned rape with psychiatric drugs, forced violation of my mind and soul'

Then a 3rd long dream. 
This time a London trip.   Street art of snoopy characters on white paving with a charcoal black chalk.
A fairground ride and street market.
Colourful patchwork clothes. 
The street art changed - as Pigpen arrived, all of them covered in his dust cloud.
I split from the people I'd been with after buying a patchwork pinafore dress.
I'd changed and arranged to catch up with them later and I'd head straight to the holiday park we were to stay at.

On arrival I'd dumped my bag under a table at reception and gone to meet the Vet Ann who was running this place now.  We chatted and caught up, Suran was working there too.   Mainly on the entertainment side.
The place was packed now and I'd belatedly remembered my packed bag. 
On going back to retrieve it I was unsurprised to find it nicked. 
It was annoying as I hate the faff of cancelling cards. 
Fortunately they had taken out n chucked some of my clothes so I gathered them up.
I was making my way to a room where Ann told me I could use a phone...
But was met my an odd guy who refused to let me pass, showing me instead down on the ground with a gun.
This woke me up.

Last dream was dogs.  4 a sausage, a choc lab pup GSD and a dobi. 
I was giving the choc lab some pink medicine it's owners had asked me too, they had aggression issues with the dobi and I was suggesting my cousin may be able to help. 


Saturday, 11 November 2023

Sex Work & A Fabric Tree



A very long prostitute dream, odd for me as I rarely dream about sex, and this didn't include much sex either... Despite the context. 

The setting is a huge grand house, with a tower close to a beach in an unfamiliar village.
Narrow streets of homes with bakery's and coffee shops.
I had a small apartment in the village but worked at the large house.  Mainly domestic help.
An older woman had a few females who did sex work for her, and she was recruiting me to.  It wasn't optional providing I was satisfactory, I'd be well compensated with the opportunity to move into the large house.
I wasn't sure how I felt about it and seeing my hesitance they had arranged a trial with a regular guy.
Her and one of her working girls helped me get ready.  A warm bath in one of the buildings luxurious bathrooms was a novelty to me, very different to the cold shower I had in my apartment at home.  Then they helped me into the underwear that had been selected for me and the other female provided make up and perfume.
I wouldn't be having intercourse on the first occasion, just foreplay and they would stay and watch.
The guy was gentle, and the experience though strange went ok.
I was to return to them the following day.

Hesitantly I did.  This time they left me to dress alone,  The older woman brought me a large drink to settle my nerves. 
I was to see a guy at 10pm then another at 11.
What unnerved me the most was outside the room... A gathering of guys at a large window, many with cameras with strange looking lenses.
The younger of the females closed the curtains, but explained the camera lenses worked threw the curtains and I would be observed.


It was a while till 10, and the room was to be used by another female first.  So I was permitted to look around the house.  Escorted though, by yet another female... I think they wanted to make sure I didn't take off.

The building was huge, with large function rooms where people were eating meals and dancing.  
The building had it's own car racing track too, the cars were old style race cars mainly dark green.
Sort of old fashioned hotel or grand house vibe. 
I'd gone out onto the street too... Into a strange ally way in the dark.  
The other female with me... But she left me when I spotted something unusual and I promised I'd return.


The thing I'd spotted was a holographic projector projecting 2 mice out of blue light, as I'd approached the mice left the light box and hopped onto a small brass sea-saw where they started to play before splitting into 4.   They played together in a cross pattern and I watched before heading back to the house.
I'd entered the room to find myself alone and curled up in the armchair there to wait.  I was laying on a guys leather coat.   It smelt unfamiliar, leather smoke and some kind of cologne  - was comforting in a way though and I'd fallen asleep.

I awake in the same room, but it's slightly different now.  Rather than guys the older woman arrives.  She tells me it's Christmas eve, and there will be no work tonight.
She's going to sleep in the bed there, she's in a nightdress with fluffy slippers and a crossword book.
A guy dose arrive, but not for sex.  He presses up against my back and puts his arms round me where he shows me a pile of leaves, they were made of thin bits of various leather and fabric all the same shape and size, and he flicks threw them... Showing me the texture and pattern of each....   He wants me to help him stick them to the wall where we will paint the trunk of a tree.


Friday, 10 November 2023

Swimming and Inheritance

10th Nov
A huge pool and a game.  We each had a number we needed to dive for.   It was on a bit of monopoly money. 
The dive was high...  Rocks into clear crystal blue water pools.
Colombes of swirling dust and bugs were to be avoided.
We were directed to which pools were deep enough to jump into then we had to navigate the shallow water below.

I'd forgotten my number and I went to ask a woman who had a long list. She told me 216 and I collected the bit of toy money for the game.
After that I head back to one of the shallow pools where a large number of people are relaxing and splashing about.

Second dream was visually amazing...   It was a tribe/group of showmen or travellers a kind of steam punk / carnival market vibe. 
I'd arrived there on an old painted river barge.

Vibrant stalls, colourful clothing, hand made goods and incredible street food.  Fairground rides too.
It was both futuristic and old all at once, stuff moved kind of automatically and magnetically.   While many groups of these people group moved about there were more permanent settlements that were inside large hollowed out cave walls.
There clan covered a large city like area. 

I was chatting to a stall holder in a cave who was closing up and she invited me to walk with her to one of the more mobile settlements where her people liked to meet and relax for the night with music and food.
I'd left and thanked her as we reached the semi permanent camp and a guy showed me over to a large wooden circular frame hung with amazing coloured fabrics and strings of lantern lights.  He was suggesting something similar for outside my building!
The floor was covered with rugs and cushions, it was a large area, with sections semi separated with hanging fabric walls while still maintaining a communal space overall.
He's suggested I get comfortable and I'd found a cushion to sit as the sun went down.

Next dream was inheritance, I was with Em.  The front at first was like my grans old council bungalow.  In the dream Em's family had taken it on after her death but now we were to inherit it together after the death of a man and his wife a few weeks apart.
In the front room by the fire was a large round crystal jar with a ball like stopper on it's lid.  The stopper had a small toy building in if you looked closely but from a distance it was an ever moving scene in which people saw different things, I could see a pink evening sky and falling leaves.
Inside the pot it was filled with old toys of ours... Plastic pink stars and small glittery dolls.
We were going to reuse it to keep coal for the fire in.
Out the back the kitchen had been extended... And the the whole building seemed massive!!
A large open plan modern room looked out onto a lush garden on a slope, a stream and a bridge over the muddy bank.  
A bunch of her family were still hanging around, family's with kids in wellies exploring the garden and grounds, other were there collecting keepsakes from her family that had passed.
Em and me had plans to make the space into a home.... Mobile work benches and some pop up camping kitchen units would be moved out and we'd get some free standing kitchen units, a large sofa set in font of the glass to look out over the gardens. 
As I looked around I could see the place had been decorated with hand painted flowers, all over the walls and floors.   Twisted vines, leaves and petals that matched the vibe of each room.  The place was massive...   More of a castle that the bungalow it should be.
When I looked up from the garden to the walls above, I could see someone had written in live blue flowers  'All you need is love'

Evening was falling and I'd gone to explore the surrounds... Time had moved on since I'd been there last,  it was now a seaside town. 
I took a bus to look around, and as the tide came in large groups of people had gathered for an evening swim. 

Favouring the tidal part of the river, I was looking from the bus on the bridge.
I could see bioluminescent stuff making the water glow.... The waves shimmering below.
Getting of the bus I'd planned to swim too, deciding on nekid or in my clothes.
I met my dad at this point who was freaky fat!!
Excitedly babbling about the glowing water, but he bluntly dismissed that. 
Telling me he'd known the waters for many years, and that glowing stuff was incredibly rare.  
He didn't seem to believe that I'd seen it, so I was dragging him along with me.
Something woke me up before we got back. 




Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...