Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Hanging around Upside Down.

Can you steal a timeline? 'Depends if you want to fight him for it?' Me?? 'Who else?' Hu?? 'You hopped them!'  Ohhh  Hahahaha

'You want to be One, Ren?' lol not much again tbh.. 'Then you know a few who do now' Haha a few 😆 'Mmmm'

I don't get it? 'DW bitch you offer energy counterbalance, there are a fair few of you crazies well online now'

lol Great! 'Go see the bugs bitch, just set intention' lol, ok I try.

Oh for me love is all... The Celtic/female Chakra spiral 💚 Heart is the middle. 
The singularity & geometry... 'Yeh Ren, you're round' lol 😆💜 010 mirror mirror or 101 magic mirror! ME affects Hahahaha 😆😆  Like the Em/Me energy in motion...pfff 

I'd slept..
A Play..like layers again layered play.

The same over and over their name?? A bed, I'd been dreaming there and someone gets in... errr lol was a massive err like a round big round guy in white like a stupid white cowboy outfit 😆 and I was thinking why he getting in the bed where I'm dreaming but I was warm and didn't want to move so dream on. 

It was dark, like lower astral I was flying in it... not here though, main dream area windy to or there was turbulence would be bumpy!
Haha I'd been aware Leon had his hand on the back of my neck lol 'You asked me to let go of your toe Ren'   😆
Mmmmmm about that? 'Come later...'

An odd agreement too lots of powerplays I'm observing.

Oh, someone sends me a message asking if I'm sure about Malico... and look after errrrr.. I forgot now? 'Hahaha Ren! ' Pffffff I'll come later, I wana dream first.

Oh it was Loci! It was Loci I was to look out for him.. lol he normally looks after me. 

😆 Oooo it was another Elizabeth who asked me too... that's why her energy is as it is! 👀

Anyhoo... I was with Loci again, I'd spoken to him and we instantly re-entered the dream before I first jumped to stasis pods where I first met him, we were revisiting the geometries.. but Ian came in and woke me.   ((Oh, forgot about the black birds there too!))

I'd gone back again.. but it had been earlier.
That's why Inka had told me to ask Kaylo or Loci.. as I'd been with the Overseers with both of them before!!
Oh yeh... 'You are welcome Ren' Ah yeh... haha you shielded them in the story Malico, to stop us getting caged! Oh.. I'll come later, playing atm.

lol that neck thing just jumped to my right ear tip!!! lol Leon FU, pack it in..😛.

Hahaha recall of the gates/portals announcement, open for now.. not for long! 'Follow the sensations Ren' Hahah I know how that goes 😛 'You know it!' I will just leme get up a bit n wake. It's 414

My dreams had been awesome, I'd been deep in symbols the playing cards and court matching and collapsing symbolically the black/red kings making ego towers collapsing what was lost is found, what was square becomes round.
Layers of realities, layers of US meeting ourselves and weaving with love.

Leon...! lol 'Ren you fool, I'll still find you'

Haha, yeh you won't let go!!! 'I know' ahah 😆   - I get up a while to wake n stay lucid.  

'Lets get things straight Ren, you are point less 😏'
Hahaha 'Come to us, enough FOOLING AROUND and bug love for you now'

- I get up a while to wake n stay lucid.  

Ty Loci, 'NP Ren, you throw a crazy messy house party'  Hahah yeh it was trippy... sheesh.. IMA going to need to untangle some of that!! 'lol, yeh likely' 💜
I made a crazy mess in parts of my main dream area... fun though. Oh it was the Junction of King & James street?? 'Yes' Ok, I dream a bit there.... 'You do yes' lol 😆

Yeh, I come bk... it's 444.


Rest of the night.. I was chilled when I went back to bed, was splitting a bit half here half went to find the others but I was lost in dreams pretty fast, Malico met me and we chatted about the Elizabeth trust as we walked to the library to find Leon. I said bye to him there.. and went to see Leon was quickly lost in dreams.

Was cool, dream shares!! 'Thank you, Ren'  Haha yw 😆 Visually amazing! 

The first was this incredible terraced mountain valley so green, I didn't recognise any of the crops the air was damp a strange stone building on top of one...

Oh 😮Hahah I'd jumped us there? 
'Without asking me Ren'  Haha 😆 Oh yeh, you were more amused than annoyed 'Just as well hum?'  Hahah I don't know why I'd jumped there!?!

Then the other long detailed dream it was a hearing/judgment and for some reason, Leon and me were hearing. We were communicating with each other using emotion and what was like BSL or some sign language any way we were both very good at it.  

4 boys, 2 accused... Humm something had occurred with 4 juveniles and a smaller infant with a disability.
2 wished to take responsibility but were unsure as were me and Leon and we were listening trying to untangle and balance. The one male I recall the most had blue eyes and unusually curly blond hair. (He reminded me a little of the infant asleep on my chest on the platform in this train dream last Feb)
After listening and considering for a long while we had decided to make 2 of the juveniles jointly responsible - This wasn't blame, but an opportunity for learn/balance.. start not end.   

I'd also had a strange errr it was like a glass goldfish bowl - It was filled with odd things, crystals and other strange bits n bobs. I was filling with coloured liquids. 

When I'd woken I had so many sensations to follow..

Wasn't sure where to start so followed a few at once.

My main recall of this was the titration equations back there as a known solution... I was the liquid. I was seeing the membrane and osmosis I was lol Oh and also the wow.. this was funny and cool, the who/what /why crown controlling hands 'More for spiders Ren' ahaha 😆

Holy Spirit/Zeitgeist same thing... 'Yeh' the female flow, the in-between that most do not think to see.... Tunes, Music, Tracks, Unseen paths, Elen of the ways, rise for perspective on a day. Play with time, who is divine?

Oh.. the part in the story too?? Mon arch Monad, One arch - Sol Ace too. Mirror and 1 What was the dream with more Arcs? 'Find Ren 😏' 

My story is stopped atm with the bit with Jinnya, Loci Ren and the ripples... 'They come earthside next Ren Right/Wright/Write more' lol, I would if I didn't dream so much 😆   'Lazy mouse '

I'd slept again The fluffy dragon in the neverending story?? The DNA & twisty flow.. all the colours in the dark & light. I'm watching the white dragon in the sky... oh was it called or something? Is that the link to Malicos name?? The weave of the dark n light when it twists, we can weave all the colours too.... 'Find too Ren'  

Hahahah... the thunder when writing too? This is Pun guys!!  'You like being crazy Ren'  OFC, sanity is truly overrated 😆

Monday, 25 January 2021

Tiki Tummy

    The word  Errrr why you teaching me English Loci?  'Haha Why not :)  Come here Ren'   

lol, just looked up the film too.  

I jumped to Loci he's in a room in Malicos house He was sitting on the end of a bed in one of the rooms, I was asking where the others were and they were all up to stuff I'd gone to sleep.  

Dream -

A boat in a harbour, a grant hotel, a strange performance and a story to tell.
Odd perspective I'm looking at the large boat from the sea can see grand hotel odd-looking meby Italy but 1020's.

Then I'm living with a partner in an apartment we are young, both have dark skin.  I have a female Asian friend in the same building who is an artist I visit her often to see her.  Me n partner are out of credit again and getting evicted were going to go different ways to get some work.... there was also a room full of rodents in containers, needed taming and cleaning.    

How come I'm always busking it😆   I'd been also back at Kingsly Vale that day... drying herbs I'd collected there lol Mugwort & Wormwood also Artemisia.

'Come back Ren'.. Loci shows me Tom & Jerry and tells me he wants to catch my Tail/Tale.  lol  I'm too chilled to run, want to sleep till the sun!!

We go find Inak instead, he's in the lab the colourful minerals from last time I was there have all gone and Inka is standing in the corner looking as though he's staring out of the window but his coherence is crap and he's splitting.   We go over and I follow his awareness into the other space he's in where he is making masks he tells me I can stay if I want but I pop back to my form in the lab and just send Inka's form a flow of energy instead and chat to Loci -  Inka had felt somewhere deep, Loci tells me the masks will be animated.  

The looked tribal or something, wood.. not like dryad faces as these had features, cut out eyes.. kind creepy looking.    

I'd gone into more dreams there too... lol I'd just decided to sleep on the floor curled up, wasn't comfortable but I was feeling lazy Loci was sitting around on benches looking at a book, Inak semi-solid not really aware in the room.  

The dream was main dream area, the field opposite the dunes and monks house.  Could see Bamburgh castle...  We are getting of big coaches modern felt almost like a film crew.   I was up to something, I had messages for people but some apps I was using had moved and I needed to relocate them and it was holding stuff up.

People were getting off the coaches and standing in the fields they were collecting weapons as they got off.  Mainly females but all abnormally tall a choice of 3 weapons, longbow or a spiky pole thing were the ones I recall.  I wasn't getting a weapon I had a different reason for being there.  

Our GP was also messaging me a guy on my coach was freaking out.   John his dementia was bad, didn't know what was going on, was standing crying and shaking... the GP wanted me to chill him.   I was wondering why he was asking vet nurse rather than human, but as the guy was non-verbal and lost to impulse meby it made sense... I'd just sent a portion of my awareness into his to calm his fear responses while still trying to find the missing apps.. This dream? 'Yes' 

Oh.... This is linked to the Xiaomi?  the thing too hu?  'Yep Ren'  I duno how?  'We show, DW'  

Was oddly deep..  'Imbolc soon Ren, more sun fun, the spring to come'

'Boxing Day Ren....    Box's for bugs.  Bugs that love.   Little roundhouse, little dreaming mouse.  Squares in Rounds and box's in minds'  Cubes? Crosses?  Tesseracts?  Patterns to find?  'Not in a box now bug. So many clues are found..dreaming for so long what is layered and round'  

lol Loci, what's boxing day anyhoo??  'Find it later when you have time'  

Hu??  'You asked Bitch' I just wondered 😆 'Same shit, Ren'  Hahaha..... Tiki ??     'Mmmmm'  for the Maks.  'Yes'  Ok... I was still looking up the other thing...  'That's cause you never finish what you're doing 😈'

WTF??  '😆'   That's twice I've read the same thing and I've hardly been at my PC today!  

 Tiki Cultue

Gobekli Tepe 

Boxing day.. Phahaha FU '😈'   Alms box's for the poor in the narthax..  nave!  😆

Pffffff  I give up... 'You'll be bk 😛' 

Navel Etimology

'Told You Imbolc soon 😏'

Hahahaha!!  Funny.. 

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...