Monday, 30 March 2020

Holding a White Snake

The first dream was odd as it was almost like a false awakening type of lucid dream as I was dreaming of being in bed with Ian and we were both dreaming.   (I so rarely dream of our house)

We were dreaming of economic shutdown... like world economic shutdown.  Tech, coms and money all gone.

Everything different and we needed to find the other dreamers.  We were meeting and could talk to each other in dreams and psychically (It was a round colourful room we could visit mentally)  and we were being called to meet physically too. 
We were taking kids and each packing a backpack each with what we wanted to carry- all tech and money was gone so we needed to follow our dreams and visions back together.   We are not 100% sure whether to stay or go - if it was a physical or mental move. 

Wired but fun, when I looked at the time it was 5.55

I was very awake but didn't fancy getting up so just meditated in bed for a bit.   Felt huge and round, bigger and bigger. 

The last dream was wired, I was seeing madonna now and 30 years ago.  She looked ok now but the her from 30 years ago was old, with facial hair and hooded eyes.... but she was very wise and teaching ballet to a class.

Then I had a white snake in my hand.  It was very agressive and wanted to bite me, but couldn't while I was holding it.   Wasn't sure what to do with it.  

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Jumbled Dreams.

Past 2 nights, lots of dreams but long rambling stories that are hard to recall properly. 

Sat 28th


Main dream area Old Stone, Close.  There is a square of grass with tunnels under bit like telly tubbies!   In the middle is a glass dome and computers. 

Kind of reminds me of a dream where there was something similar in the garden on my main dream house and there was a green guy I knew in it.    Anyway, I was moving around with a tiny paintbrush collecting things.  Claire was there and we were looking for antiques. 

Next dream was dream here and the Dr's it was wrong way round like a mirror of its self.  I was going for a swab and the consults were with a PC screen, dr in the distance.   We were talking about the HPV vaccine, and me asking why the rates of cancer were rising not dropping in the vaccinated cohort. ... after that it got stressy dream, someone took my bank card and I couldn't call any phone numbers as to long. 

Next I was in a field at the back of Sheila and Erics.  A large beech trunk had been cut and was being sawed into large rounds.   Then there was a hospital bed too, on it a girl with ginger hair, she was in many realities at once.  I was a different me, We were muscle testing her, but she kept fitting as she was in too many places at once - Her heart was struggling with the fitting. 

Sunday 29th

Main dream area - working in a cafe but not paid. Then making oils with essential oils and massaging people.   

A storybook, end not yet written.

Africa, we are in 2 story clay buildings with open windows.... we are looking down onto a central pool that is important.   We sleep in the clay rooms at the windows. 

A house  Dabs lots of children around a pool and then in a pond.  

Next in an underground shopping mall type of space.  No shops though, I'm with Mel who keeps swapping into Clare from last night.   (Also Emma, anyway it's a female I know well but the face/keeps changing) 

We are talking about a 'darkness/evil twin ideas'  It was like a feral crazy chaotic aspect we all have inside... causes chaos sometimes.   She was saying hers could go crazy if she was disturbed when meditating and she'd go crazy fighty :P

Next = I'm in a town it's stormy and windy raining hard and the water is rising.  I was looking for a barge as it seemed a good place to go in a storm.

Last dream men & women... again mix's of people I know are 'separating'  They have a display folder filled with DVD films and are putting old fashioned address labels on each film with the male or females name on. 

Friday, 27 March 2020

Crumbling Church

26th March

Local Dream Space, the station has moved to the common land.   People arriving and leaving, there is an odd house there that has been built with young copper beech trees planted to form a hedge, it's in the way of the station though... I'm collecting support to create better access threw the garden.

27th March

Early in the night are 'separation' dreams.  Overview style - Earth as a rehab planet full of delinquents.  Scrolling threw dreams on a touch screen, in them too.   This one was one I was viewing.... this was like when I was looking at dreams and I got that golden Lazer thing into my 3rd eye 😋

- First dream

A room with lots of lamps and equipment.  Trying to plug them all in but can't get them all to work, didn't seem to be enough voltage and there were sort of pulsing.  Needed more power.


Next dream starts in my main dream area but blends to a wired version of Bordon.    I'm in a car taking something to be recycled, first the driver seat is on the wrong side, and then I'm driving from the back seat of the car - frustrated I get out to walk and am carrying with me a large white board that I want to take to be recycled. 

I'm not sure where I'm going, there is a very large courtyard, with old crumbling stone walls with trees growing in them -  The recycling places had huge blue doors but I couldn't seem to find a path to it.   I follow a young guy threw the courtyard - he is singing Bohemian Rhapsody.   

Confused I try to make my way threw a building from the outside it looks like a library or college but inside it's more like a wired old Catholic church.  It's lit by wall torches and the walls are rough hacked stone bricks. 
On a row of back to back chairs, middle-age priests are sitting in strangely wired clothes, kind of mix of bondage fetish ware and religious garb..  Black, Red, white and gold like playing cards.     Down another side of the room is a Karate class, a Sensei is teaching children from young to teenage. 

At the front past the wired looking men is another room, I go into here and it's all whitewashed, The walls are the same rough stone...  White angel carvings are on the walls.. it's small and narrow and 2 elderly women in white robes with long shiny grey hair smile and me and ask if I've come to pay the tithe - They are looking at a small metal coin slot in the brick wall.   I shake my head and leave the small room and head back threw the building and back outside.

Outside I'm in the courtyard once more only in the opposite corner I can now see the remains of another crumbled church it's only 2 walls remaining and trees and plants are growing threw and over the stones.
The remains of crumbled whitewashed walls and broken religious statues are now covered with dove and pigeon nests and the birds are cooing and flapping around.  

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

To late to catch up

Wired white rabbit, Adrin0ch0me and dark crystal synchs all day.    Meditated on that.

First dream early before 2am is deep but not something I can put into words, abstract, multi d... moving bk and forth in a game/puzzle fast 2 storeys wrapped up.

Monsters/truth I was woken by a wired feeling of ticking in my lungs and being 'fished' from my heart up.... but I also had the dream recall of also being the fisher??   Me to someone,  someone to me.... reminded me of the last time I had mad awakening stuff and asthma. 

Next was symbolism Anch then anchor this... 

Andrea Shell tThis - It was in my dream last night but blended. Sat night I was asked in dream by an entity watching me deconstruct the dream fabric if I had found the Ankh... I'd smiled, shook my head and kept looking deeper into the fabric of the dream.

Well last night, I was called to look at & transmute some stuff on this plane that I was resistant to looking into ....

I did it anyway as (Go with the flow;) as shaman, dragons we transmute.

In the dream there was a weave/connection... I was in multiple layers of realities solving a puzzle and then this image.... In a blurr of realitys... This blended into an Anchor and Ankh - then a sensation of connection, heart to hear in the strong flow/current of existence.

I was woken by a cough and tickle of feeling hooked...but to others, and a likewise feeling of hooking. This was a connection between reality.

When I've had awakening cycles in the past, they have usually been accompanied by asthma :) It reminded me of my last awakening cycle when I was poked to remember how the lungs and heart are the anchor for the mind.

This experience was wired...   Multiple layers, puzzle, hide and seek... game at a different place. 

(( Strong message Purple - Jane - Cake)  ???

Then wired stuff here,   mathematics,  and 'bring the love and magic to the fairy road'  Oak mathematics.

Wired dream with Roz and others,  lost between many stations..  platforms.   Roz was a train driver .... I was going to ride on top, but was stopped as didn't want to fall off and Roz feel bad, so we took a carriage. 

Wired, Sex with guy on station...  then Lessons.   'Giving up on Holding On' 

Then symbols, 2 triangles coming together into a star.   Other selves, forgotten now. 

Then a dream about 80's School coach, Sandra & Chris, Hippys, Blue& Turquois glass and also Ian is female... Blond dreds - Not comfee as male.  Another male, very curly hair. 

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Strange Mined Beach.

First of I was seeing the vibratory patterns of different letters.  They were like glowing in light wired squiggles and how each letter made a different squiggly shape?

Then the dream

This dream was amazing visually with a wired story.

I'd been invited to a party with Fay some of her friends and their parents.  (Not anyone I that I know who actually exists)
The party was on their private beach and the dream starts as we arrive at this beach. 

The beach is below a huge massive cliff that continues for miles, the cliff face has been hewn/mined it's flat and scraped by what must have been massive machines - the cliff it's self is made of this iridescent rock the likes of which I've never seen.  It might have been crystal or metal,  it shines with purple/blue/green.... all the colours in the starlight. 

This beach also is utterly out of this world.  It's night and the sky is a deep purple, filled with stars, the beach is wide and the sea so far out as not to be visible.... on the sand which is silver are the silhouettes of bits of ancient mining equipment, rusted and broken jutting out of the sand like decayed metal teeth.

We are walking along the beach, the girls have gone ahead and I'm with 3 parents and their husbands.  They are intending for us to enjoy drugs drink and sex together.... I'm just in awe of my surroundings. 

They have wired modern dwellings built and dug into the base of the cliffs, they have large automatic sliding glass doors.   In the dream, I'm unbelievably drowsy.  I kept apologising that I'd only had one drink but I felt like I'd been drugged as I just couldn't stay awake.  Inside one of the strange apartments, I'm helped to a bedroom with a bizzar ensuite bathroom the toilet was almost like an airlock.   I stumble to the bottom of the bed and fall into a wired hazy sleep.    During the dream, I wake up.   I wasn't sure where I was, I was still in the room and I go to the window where I look out onto the most incredible nebular  I still felt drowsy but also just in awe of what I was looking at.  In the distance, I could see a crystalline floating structure... massive like a base I guess, it's an almost fractal, honeycomb design sprawling and floating in space. 

I struggle out of the room still feeling very disoriented - like I can't wake up properly, and apologise or just crashing out and I head outside to clear my head.  Outside are strange creatures like stingrays that hover over the sand, they have hands and arms to a little like triangle-shaped tadpoles - one is playing with another small grey furry mammal that was like a cross between a cat& rodent. 

Zak woke me up here. 

Monday, 23 March 2020

Deconstructing Dream Structure.

22nd wow that feels like weeks ago... not just one day.  Anyway, 22nd was blurry (wine-related blurry)

Something about a lense  & Communications, checking in with 'off-world' 

The dream I had was a school/residential dream.   I go visit Roz & Kelly in a dorm/room space.   The room I used to have is occupied now and I'd finished the class.  I wasn't really sure where to go and had a small baby with me.  I chatted with them for a while, I was offered a room to rent in the building but it was expensive so I left again on a subway. 


Get the 'Spiritual Quarenteen' message again There are many of us we are jumping to fast and need to wait for stuff to catch up before we can go again. 

Reminded me of other dreams where me and a few others have been separated from the larger group of people as we jump to fast and destabilise stuff. 

Next is an odd dream where I'm going to collect something, I go with Ian I have a black cat with me again.  The house we collect the item from has a woman with green and purple hair, she's much younger than her husband and tells me she will walk me to the 'shop'

The cat follows me and we leave into a strange town with wide streets and no traffic, collections and drop-offs are happening in a market square in a round brick building one way in and go in a ring to come out.   I lose the woman and meet her husband, he's very very tall with the same weirdly long fingers that this woman had the on the 18th.  He is having an auction of old cabinets and furniture painted many colours and has dragged them on to the street. 
I go into a bathroom and look in a mirror but I'm looking at my arm which is like a bird of paradise plant.  Purple/Green/Orange feathered.. like a puppet.

Next is a more lucid dream where I'm in a different Haslemere, there is a post office in the accountancy building and an old fashioned newsagents were the kid's hairdressers an elderly lady is buying milk and some sweets in a paper bag.  I stand behind her and go into the shop and down some stairs into a basement.  Some of the locals are in various places in this dream space.
I'm trying to deconstruct the dreamscape while inside it, there is a fractal honeycomb pattern and also softer curving pattern deeper below this one, they aren't meshing quite right.   I'm very lucid and when I look down and my hands there are waving and transparent with many fingers. 

I keep trying to see in between the various layers to see what's not meshing right and I notice a male observing me, he askes 'Have you found the Ankh yet'  I smile and shake my head.   

I can see a flower of life pattern and then sacred geometry mesh too... line and curve. 

Next, I'm in the air over a massive conifer forset...  we are the forest, not the trees - I'm discussing 'prison' with someone and my stance is rehabilitation over incarceration.   

Friday, 20 March 2020

Dream Weaving

First up is wild, it's like multidimensional dreams kind of an angelic soul review.  Psychic & physical guessing the nature of reality games.  It's like a world review where you're wrapping up thousands of lives but bigger... so your wapping up many worlds and their evolution.  

'VAST' is the best description, I felt dizzy waking up :P   Oddly I didn't wake strait up, I dropped back first into one of my main dreamscapes first.  It was the Craster one at night in the middle of the street.   I tried to get a perspective on stuff there before waking up here.

Numbers 1 threw 12 paired up in strings.   ???   Not sure what this means/ is yet... but THAT.

Oh, also ancient portals... allover the earth old ancient sites!  They are portals some of them are female some male   (Charge  Black/White)  Crumbled... but also Coming back online, or activating. 

Next up I'm dancing.... First, there are many of us and then the men sit down, go home but the women aren't watching we are lost in the dance/trance.  It's ancient and now, it's tribal and raves we dance for hrs and hrs all the women together. 

When the lights come back on we are confused and wondering where the men went, but all hugging each other and saying goodnight.  Makes me think of this dream from last month but with women.

Next dream is more dreamlike.

Starts in an unfamiliar street and I'm with 'my father' but it's not my waking dad.  He's elderly and I love him,  the street is wide the sky grey we are taking a tram.  He's elderly black African, stooped over with a stick he wears an old suit, green flannel thick and checked and his curled hair is mainly grey now,  he keeps farting.  I help him onto the tram with me and we find a seat together. 

Sitting we are now watching an 'overlay'  an image we recall of a mother, beautiful strong black African it's like watching a tube map, but it's fast and multidimensional she's whizzing back and forth weaving fast, the stops on the tube style map are realities places and time and we are watching her weave quickly pulling threads together into fabric. 

Seen changes and I'm watching a version of me, there is an elderly 'parent's right advocate' she's old with bright blue eyes (Like the architect has) she's fast and wise and talking and then she pauses to let me speak.

I watch a version of me speak, she's hurt, passionate too and speaks with closed eyes shedding tears...  She says

'Any other female (meaning the other species) would fight to the death to protect their offspring, we have a system disguised to make women and parents powerless, we are tricked into signing our children into corporate slavery at birth... forcing them into a system we don't ourselves believe in'

Wake up here  - 

People I've connected with suddenly and randomly posting things from my dream, Zak drawing the thing they posted, and then realising I'm at the last page of my dream book too with also the same image!!

I'm a dream weaver too....  time to weave a better dream. 

"The storm does not come to destroy their fruits, nor to break their branches. The storm comes to remind them that it is at the roots where their magic is. " - Arnau de Tera -

Then Zaks picture after I asked him to draw me a magic flower & the last page of the dream book bought by Josh

  -  The baby dragons, our babies, Earths babies.  Not happening no more.  💓💓💓

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Baby Dragons

Interesting memory from many years ago when I forgave Christianity (the chakra & MAYA-  dreams)  Must have been 2010ish.
It was of a dream where I'd been going door to door in some wired estate trying to sell something.... and I wandered out of the built-up area and into ancient woodland. 

Very overgrown and tangled, sunlight coming threw the leaves into the green grass.   On its side all rusted and neglected was a train carriage - just abandoned - inside it was covered with graffiti.

Anyway, last night was another busy one. 

First was about parties and friends - then talking to Ians Dad in a sort of astral way, talking about blood sugar. 

Dream about Aunty Irean's and a wired chicken, Looking out of her window to see the most amazing full moon and purple sky, houses looking like magical pixie world or something. Huge stars and grey wispy clouds, I go outside and float up for a better look.

The long dream was about a game / City it was my birthday again (Not my birthday..but was like this dream) There are women there, lots some I know coming together - all in this city, for a national festival... but it's many many women.   My daughter and her friends are there and others too, some in PJ's other in cultural clothing - some in work clothes. 

I leave them all and follow a path into a bathroom, I notice a tiny skylight window but don't fancy climbing up then notice some steps and a doorway so go outside. 

The door leads onto rooftops with a few Dorma windows, it's old old-style, tiled roofs and chimneys connecting for miles, narrow streets below make the gaps between the roofs easy to jump, there is a wooden walkway too. 

I find myself looking down from the doorway to an old and abandoned tube station once beautiful victorian tiles it is now overgrown with green, elegant trees with vines and the sun is shining.  It's like a stunning magical tiny oasis of green in this vast sprawl of city rooftops. 

I climb down the old steps onto the abandoned platform, it's covered with ferns and small woodland plants, as I reach the platform my body is tingling and buzzing and a feral pigeon flies at me at my legs... It's covered in fleas, flat flys, ticks and I feel them on my legs too but also recognise them as 'totem's and welcome them back (My whole body is buzzing and tingling now like electric)  I think they joined red energy centre. 

I go back up the stairs and walk across the elegant glass shelter that once served to cover the platform, it's now covered with moss - across from me, I see a stone like a monument and peeping from behind it are 3 very very cute baby dragons! One is black and eyes me warily with its huge eyes, the others are purple and blue and look friendly. 

I get a message but it's jumbled.... something like 'The illusion is stranger than the veil'

A second dream was with local people and washing my hair with an egg.

Then another astral type of conversation where a female friend of mine who was a PC was asking me about some of the behaviours going on here now I told her the word ' Nihilism '    (Which was wired as I had to google it this morning to make sure it meant what I'd meant it to mean  :)

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Show in a House and an Interveiw.

16/3/20 Jumbled stuff.

The first dream has wired elements.  BBC, and Tig family.  It's wired and symbolic I guess, there is a large house open like a dollhouse. 

It's a costume drama type of performance and a song 'Genisis'

Tig is a player on the stage and the house is a show.  Her Mam is playing a crone/temptress with bright red Apple.  The building has 2 identical attic rooms and I'm in one with 1 other and 2 people like us are in the other.  They are a little like bell towers.  Her dad is playing, control. 

We are watching from above and helping.   There are strings going down to the stage and we join the song while watching from above - we know the script.  At one point I go down to the ground level where it is busy, I pass 2 gay lovers coming up the spiral stairs with drinks talking about the show. 


Next is Zak & Lia and I'm running them a bath is a wired huge old fashioned pink bathroom.  There isn't enough warm water and they are complaining it's cold but I make them wash anyway as I'm taking them to see a show/film.


Dogs running free outside, Kef & Wolfee are there and I'm walking in a stream, the water is clear and the banks are soft sand.. It's hard to get out of the stream.

-  Next dream was wired, it was like a Kali type energy a crazy woman in a new build house block.  All white pebbledash and matching doors and windows.  She had a man and woman she was tieing up behind a big brown gate and a policeman was onto her. 


Again, not clear - one bit I do recall was someone giving me some kittens to care for but they had an infestation of huge fleas!

I also had one of the dreams were you can't open your eyes.... like they are gummed shut and you're looking out threw your eyelids.   Blurry.


Walking barefoot and stub my toe, when I look it's cut with a flap of skin/hole and I pull out of it a bit of fabric/cloth.

Chatting with Lara in astral space.

The dream is set in this loft type of space with no windows.  White walls and black wooden eaves

Roweena is there and it's a yoga class, the lighting is low and soft and we all have a yoga mat and a meditation cushion.

Trestle tables down one side are lade with food.  Homemade cakes, salads, fruit (I think we had all brought something with us to share)

At the front of the class.  (My view is from right at the front on a raised area) Is Tom Hanks, he's sitting on the floor with a lady who is 'interviewing' him.  She isn't human but very human-like, her hands are the giveaway the first 3 fingers on each hand are abnormally long.  

I knew it was important and made sense at the time... but hazy on waking. 

- The last dream was a vision, a koala bear had been petrified and was strong, her baby was being cared for by a golden retriever dog.

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Other DC's don't belive I'm dreaming.

A long dream that I woke got up to pee then went back into.

Set in the UK I was moving between North & London with a Uni/learning feel.

Past lovers in it and lots of lovers, I had many at once and they didn't much like it.   I'd made a journey in a car from North to South with a woman, the service stations we stopped in at were strange.

Once in London, I'm walking along a wide street.  It's not really like London, it was more open... the street we are on is high up and the buildings all single story.   There is an amazing view over the city with a low moon in the sky it was dusk and the sky is pink/blue.  I'm with a couple of other women at the end of the street is a train track we are heading too... it's small single gauge and we have missed the train, we are going to walk up the side of the track, but small fast vehicles are moving along the grass side that I'm zooming/jumping. 
We go back to the platform and I say to the other women, wait a moment.  I might be dreaming, if I am I can 'wake' fly and carry you all.    They look at me like I'm NUTS! as I count my fingers, sure enough, I have 7 on one hand and shout yep, I'm dreaming.   Give me a mo to fly, but they are all telling me not to be stupid, and trying to count my fingers too.   I hold my hand up and count out 7 on one hand then 9 on the other....  (Hands are morphing and wired)  They sill aren't convinced so I start doing long jumps and hovering getting ready to fly, but them all staring at me is making it more difficult. 

I'm still getting more lucid and taking off when a 'parade' arrives, the sun has mainly set now and the moon is up the parade is wired lead by a postman, 100's of people are following him in carnival type of gear. 

Kitten woke me up here. 

Saturday, 14 March 2020

Retro Kitchen and Shared Dreams.

Main dream is my normal dream area. 

Centred on the estate, I'm with my bro and we have drugs...   like one of all kinds of drugs, but only one of each type.  He is passing them to me for safekeeping and I put them into a wooden carved box with a metal clasp.

Next, I go to find some friends to dream with.  There is a sleepover in one of the houses were we are planning to dream share a world.   It's where Emma's house used to be.. but almost like the astral version of the estate. 

I'm with the same friends from this first dream the other night where I was showing them dream-sharing.  I head into the house and upstairs to the largest bedroom it's dark and heavy velvet curtains are at the window The whole room has the feel of a large old fashioned 4 poster bed.   On the huge bed, 4 of them are laying half and half out of a dream.   I'm telling them a story as they sleep to set the stage for the dream we will share/create and it's a romance.    Hazy now but I had awareness of the room and there sleeping forms and could also see the dream they were making and the roles they had taken.  I leave them to sleep and go down into the kitchen.

The kitchen is amazing!   It's 60's 70's style like below but dark blue not green, I was very lucid and the kitchen looked fantastic, so retro not like I've ever seen or been in before and I was looking around at the patterns and colours and thinking how good it was when a woman walked in.  Dressed in 60's style black hair curled and styled, tall slim and glamorous - she was a little surprised to see me and I told her... 'You won't recognise me I used to be a friend of your daughter Marie a long time ago'  (Though she looked nothing like Marie's mum, at least not how I recall her... she was too tall and young, but I guess I could have been small)  She seemed happy to let me enjoying looking around her kitchen.


 Last dreams were jumbled, more sort of just visions and messages.  A bottle in a washing machine.   Children of a Second Generation and a sky upgrade needed. 

Friday, 13 March 2020

New Shoots, Old Growth

12th March

Superimposed images some faster, some slower.. like a monitor refresh rate with different images on each flicker rate.

Observing lots of them, felt like when I've done 'life review' 

Next dream is wired.  Like I'm seeing a live stream or just in someone's room.  I'm observing a woman in a bathtub.   The bathtub is squarish and she is naked, with not much water breastfeeding a small baby. Bizarrely her bathtub id surrounded by monitors and PC cases. 
She's giving a talk/demo on malware & data viruses.   (There is also another scene in a large building with glass walls and people in red t-shirts also talking about firewalling) 

The woman in the bath seemed paranoid and I 'joined' telepathy with her.   We exchange journeying/shared consciousness.


Virtual world play for the first part of the night.   Had the symmetrical dream dust before sleep.   Dreams are psychedelic in nature.


The dream I remembered a few hrs after waking was of a garden. 

(Also wired access to it with mechanical things and hi-tech corridors) 
In the dream I'm gardening with small children, old raised beds are overgrown.  We are pulling out dead and old plants for the compost and clearing the way for new growth and spring.

We find more beds than we thought, and also seeds we had forgotten about.   We all work together in this 'allotment' type of space on a hill.   

Where the seeds have been stored a shop adjoins it.  I help in the shop too.   It's lovely inside.  All hand made sanded wood shelves, with fresh produce, hand-baked bread and cakes, seeds to grow.  

It's on the outskirts of a village and the shop owner is angry... angry that no one buys from her....   She's bitter and hostile, and the people in the village want and need her shop - but don't come in as her attitude is bad.  The produce in the shop is fresh and lovely, but going to waste as the people in the shop won't come in. 

There is a disconnect...  

Hummm.... The same theme as another dream.....  lately.  ??   I'll add it when and if I recall.  

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Lots of Places at the sameTime

Reality layers weaving in and out of them like feels like a quilt and I'm a thread weaving in and out.

The dreams some of them seemed to be taking place at the same time. 

First is again like one of the memories that aren't mine.

The setting is a townhouse in the early 80's. 

It's a townhouse, like a converted victorian flat, we live in a large city possibly London.  The walls have large flower-patterned wallpaper and 'noisy' carpet.

I live with my mother who is an artist, she makes wigs and fashion she has a crowded workroom where she spends most of her time.
Tall and beautiful but she's mentally in a bad place.  Heavily pregnant and my father, her partner has left.    She's given in to despair and is pretty despondent.  (I can observer her from above, but I know her threw the recall of her daughter) 

The girl's father I see him in the girl's memory - he reminds me in a way of the father in the first WillyWonker film of the spoilt kid.   He's balding with a comb-over very wealthy and having an affair, he was giving us money for the flat we live in but the payments are late and my mothers is too messed up to chase him for the money.

We rent the flat from an Indian man (I think it's above his shop or a shop he owns) -  He is losing patients with the lack of payments and wants us evicted.    As the child it felt like I was trying to 'shake' my Mother out of this haze worried about the baby due - appease the owner of the flat so we didn't get evicted and angry at the father.  

-  These dreams all seemed to happen at once.

Next dream I'm on a bus journey, it's long and filled with friends - Old school friends I think.  We are laughing and hugging, sleeping on the bus curled up together.  We swap seats often to be with different friends. 

A beach/shore the tide is coming in fast and there are rocks in the beach which cause rip currents so coast guards are pushing people of raised sandbanks so they don't get cut off.    Where the sea is cutting in and coming in around the banks it's filled with so much sea life!, Amazing stuff and huge clams bigger than dinner plates, some of the sealife is prehistoric and ancient. 

It's amazing the coast guards keep pushing most people further up the shore but I'm standing in the water and they just leave me be.    The tide moves fast and then it's going out again and some of the creatures have been left on the drying sand.  I'm helping to push them along and flick them into the water a seahorse, clam and Angel & starfish. 

A wooden cafe in a green mountain pass, wooden floors and open to the sun.


A second-hand/charity shop that I am volunteering in.  Old costume jewellery and how it feels.  A friend comes in and we chat, I'm also waiting for a hire-car.


False awakening style dream of Fay forgetting a bag and then no phones/net connection.   Nothing working.


A grid pattern and seeing the alarm clock coming at me in the grid before it went off.

Monday, 9 March 2020

Data for a Reset, and a Balloon Room.

Recall much better than last night.

The first dream before 2pm I'm in main dream area and it's my Birthday.  This was to do with 1st and 2nd.

It's my main dream house but very different inside - and it has that very very high layered sky thing going on again. 
Lots of people I knew from there are with me.  Ray, Martin, Ali and Marie...  some of them are pissed off with me others not - but that had been put to the side as they wanted to 'DREAM' too.

I'm teaching them about shared dreaming and dream space - they all want to do it too and I'm showing them how they can (They just needed to remember)  I was sort of floating above them as they slept and entering into their dreams to help pull them out and up together.     They had to remember how too play the key to the recall was fun and playing like we were children. 

The second dream is symbols...  no body just awareness and a sort of 'void' but not as it's more just like data and units.   The 101 but with other symbols too > < // || \\ <     It was all symmetrical - It was a symbolic language and I was checking data sets.    There is a reset needed, (time of darkness)  Code change..    An awareness of 'animal/energetics' too.

The last dream I thought was a WILD  but then I realised I was in a dream already then did the WILD from the dream. 

I'm in a dark field at night with an elderly shaman woman,  I'm asking her to take me to her elemental circle as I wanted to jump.  She askes me where mine is and I tell her I just fling some rocks around.  

(still something about Birthday and 1&2)

I'm already shifting before we reach it and I can see her stone circle as we approach it, her small stones have been painted white as she works mainly in the dark.  I see my tunnel before we get to her circle and jump .... and watch a room materialise around me, very lucid now but as I said it felt more like I'd come from being awake straight into this lucid space. 

The room that's materialising is modern, like a college classroom or an office meeting room.  White tables and chairs and the room is filled with white balloons all floating.   I'm stabilising the room/reality around me when I remember reading about the hand check people do to get lucid in dreams and wonder why they use this so try to count my fingers. 

Sure enough... it just doesn't happen.  I count one way and there is 6, and then the other way and I'm like 'what!'  Why can't I count my fingers :P   I'm doing this while I wonder what I'm going to do next...  I was gaining more lucidity when Ian coughed lots and woke me up. 


& this

I need to draw stuff....   and sorry for lazy link.

Will update with image when I'm less lazy ;)

Sunday, 8 March 2020

Vauge Dreams.

Lots of dreams started early in the night but all feel vague.

First up I'm with my Bro, chatting and laughing - we are weaving threads and following them, talking about psychedelics and reality.

Next dream.

2 twin baby's very small one of them has a peg tube and I'm preparing food to feed it with.  

An old lady crossing the road and a bus, stop the bus help old lady


Then main dream area, a driving lesson but the handbrake isn't working so we go sit outside main dream house chatting.  We are talking about summer and music festivals while waiting for a mechanic, there are lots of people around.


Next dream is Sheila & Erics, the house is losing its cohesiveness as they lose their memories.    Doors are moving and wall, rooms change.   The sea is at the back of the house now and coming closer.

The house is full of cats and dogs and I want to walk my dog, who's in the dream too but there are so many other pets and people in the house. I'm feeding all the cats and someone leaves a door open and my dog runs off as he's fed up of waiting.   I go out to look at him, try a vet's next door where the staff are rude and I give the vet a lecture about judging on appearance. 

Outside I wander around abit, there are some amazingly wired buildings.   Big and strange.  Also, energy nested like Russian dolls, lots of male energy then a sort of rapunzel type energy in the middle.

Saturday, 7 March 2020

Trying to help a Walk-In Friend.

This dream was fun, my recall starts and I'm in a large dimmed auditorium - It's packed and thousands of people are in the room mainly just muttering amongst themselves.

I don't think we were watching or listening to anything - more like waiting for something to begin.  I get some telepathic interference then a voice saying 'She can hear us!' 

I recognise the voice, it's a female friend we work together.... there are a few of us in this dreamworld.   (Multidimensional/angel/cyber-fairy types)

Not all of us are awake/listening yet but there were really pleased I was tuned in again as cause I was one of the guardians I could rally the others to wake up.

The entity I'm chatting with has taken a 'walk-in roll' and she's in the body of a boy in a coma and she wants me to sneak in and turn of the life/support to the body to 'free her up' again.   The world we are in is one of my 2 faction scenarios...  this was sort of science &control vs magic/spirit/chaos.

The world is managed by an 'overseer' class - everyone is chipped for ID and currency is digital all entities are tracked and can be switched off/ locked out of systems. This makes it hard to access areas, transport food/water so it's difficult to mount much resistance here.   There are another 2 of us in the auditorium and we arrange to meet outside.

The setting is metal, grey/perhaps large space transport.   Scan doors/that read our chips so it's hard to move about unmonitored.  The overseer's don't like us awake as telepathic interactions can't be monitored like digital and vocal transmissions.

My walk-in friend is guiding us to the medical facility level where the body she's in is being kept alive.  We are using metal maintenance hatches to move around and I go down one climbing down a metal ladder into another metal corridor below.    (was a little bit star wars ish I suppose)

I realise I've been spotted and the enforcers are closing in on me.   I move around a corner and try to dissipate but I'm not lucid enough yet and so I get detained instead.
One of the other females and me are moved to a busy secure area that's like a padded room crossed with children's soft play.   She's really annoyed about it and we are trying to find somewhere quiet to think of our next move. 

Friday, 6 March 2020


The first dream,

A big country estate stables and outbuildings made of stone and wood and an old old cobblestone road/path.  It's sunny, warm summerlike.

Some of the outbuildings are used as stables and some are garages where police cars are parked.  Some horses are in their stables and others are in a field to the side.   Sheep are also grazing watched by an old collie. 

There is a large wooden/shed workshop built over the cobbled road, with a pit under to work under vehicles.   The wood over the pit is rotting and not safe to walk on.  The workshop is filled with lots of old tools and farm equipment.   Amongst the tools on the shelves are also a few jars filled with colourful sweets.   I don't recall other people or what was going on, just mainly the setting.

Second dream

Another barn/workshop this one is concrete blocks, high ceiling on one wall a fireplace has been removed and replaced with a large strange flat heater. 

I leave that place and am walking in an unfamiliar town at dawn walking down a street with a male who was famous (I can't remember who)  The person was incognito and we were chatting, they wanted to get off the street before the sun rose fully and people came out.

I keep walking and am heading down to the sea and a beach.  I walk past a house for sale, it's an open viewing and a family are inside. The doorway is interesting so I go in to have a look. 

The house is modern but built using very traditional methods and is nice looking, at the back of the building a large glass door opens onto a huge green lawn with banana trees and corn growing.  The garden slopes down to farmland and I can see the sea in the distance. 

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Reading a Story.

Better recall last night.

First dream I was entering a game world, it was like Clash of Clans and very cartoonish at first and I was aware we in the world were awaiting updates.   Once in the dream and absorbed things became more realistic. 
I was watching an odd race of they were like a cross between motorbikes and insects - they had a set track/line that they moved along and they flew/hovered around.   Big enough to ride on.

I find myself in a shared building. I was journeying threw on my way to a new school/uni/lesson and I'd stopped off here to rest.

I went down into it where there was a basement or a room below ground level.  Some of the walls are like bare stone, the dwelling seems scooped out of the earth.
It's a very funky welcoming communal shared space filled with adults.  An older hippy type guy seems to be one of the more permanent residents.  

It's dark outside and inside is dim lighting too, I think perhaps oil lamps with colourful glass. 
There is an old sofa covered with throws, and hand-crocheted blankets, large traditionally woven rugs cover the floor and big floor are cushions scattered about for setting space.  Rustic shelving is hammered into some of the walls and the shelves are filled with books.

The room is heated by an amazing large wired stove/cooker like I've never seen before - It's built / Cut into the stone wall, almost stepped and shelved.   Like a clay oven I sppose but huge and many of them altogether. 

Doors open for fires and metal hot plates are for cooking, other doors are ovens and some of the 'shelves' just seem to be for sitting on to keep warm of resting while cooking. 

The adults have strange clothes too, not a familiar style to me. (duno what I had on) It's evening and they are going to share a story together before sleep and they want me to read to them as the guest.  I'm a bit reluctant as I don't know them but they are friendly and encouraging so I agree.

I lay back on a floor cushion between a couple and read the book they give me, it's a picture book vibrant bright colours like a 70's children's book - the script is a black old fashioned typeface in English and I can read it through the light in the room makes it hard.  (Can't remember what it was about)  After the story, we all are thirsty and go into a pantry past the cooker.  It's a little brighter in here with a Belfast sink and old tap, homemade open shelves hold a mish mash of old fashioned mugs (the type that celebrates things) and tumblers of cut glass in various sizes.  We all get some water.


Second dream

Was a school setting.   Zak was there but he was my brother - we are taking the same class, it's to do with writing and a competition. 

(Oh, found some images of clay type cookers... was like this but built into the basement-dwelling wall and bigger - with more metal bits) 

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

New place/space.

Monday 2nd March...

Recall is awful, very jumbled.  Sheila & Eric and seeing them for Aniversary.  Jack and a cardboard box house.

Tues, 2nd.. 

Same rubbish recall, but with some vivid images...  The main image is a field in the dark, (moon or starlight)  In the field is a big shire horse eating a badger.     (Totem?) 

Other stuff from the night is , stretchy realities, in and out of times and 80's films... Pedos' and conspiracy  - A setup

Wed also really jumbled.

New school/res learning place.  A room, steps going up (Neptune/main-dream area?)   Mud & fire, and a big fat cat, light-coloured, like a Burmese but chonker... and had a broken leg, was looking at it's pelvis and trying to work out what was up with it. 

All feels new, and blurry... not much recall or lucidity. 

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Wake Up Laughing and Flower of Life

Dreams were earlier in the night last night. 

 First one was a 'vow' to train -  We are Angel/ Ethereal /Fairy.   Was funny all different colours, a bit like a Tinkabel film 😛

There is a huge tree, I don't really remember the top or the bottom so much, more the trunk and lower branches under the canopy that are mainly bare now.

I have my wings and others want them too as not many of our group have them yet...  and I'm not supposed to tell them how I have them  (We have to work it out or something)  I want to tell/help/show but it's not how the game works so I just hang around and try to give hints.  - I think this was cause we all do it uniquely and that's important.  

We also have this wired tower, with chunky wood windows, it's in the tree.  Old old-style, sort of fairy story...   Someone had left the window open and a cute black bat has come in and gone to sleep, one of the others moves it outside saying we'll have loads if we let it stay.

I see another bat and think I can do the same (It looked really easy), but it goes all very wrong... when I touch the bat it bursts into 1000's of small ones almost like moths, they are in my hair crawling all over me and all sorts. 

I'm shouting 'OOps' as I'm trying to flick one off my fingers out of the window, but the others are all exasperated and eye-rolling saying we'll never get rid of them all now.    They felt funny, on my skin, like when Beatles climb on you and 'cling'    Was an amusing friendly dream where we were learning together I was advanced in some ways but nieve and clumsy in many others.

The second dream I woke myself up from belly laughing!

Again I'm at a school, this is a huge white marble-like building pillar hold up the ceilings and it's huge didn't feel like there was anything beyond it.   My brother has come to visit with some friends and relatives from up north (both dead and alive)

I'm looking forward to catching up with him, but when they arrive they are really pleased to be together again and want to chill so they go into a room where they are on floor cushions drinking beer smoking pot and playing poker.   My 2 cousins who fell out before one died are there and my uncle who they all got on with and some friends too. (They all loved drinking and laughing) They are having a lovely reunion so I'm just hanging around outside letting them catch up again.

More friends arrive to see my brother (These are younger children - Dots friends)  They have musical instruments with them and they want to jam together.  I tell them sorry, he's not ready.  

We wait and we wait and they ask me soon?   I go in to check again and come out saying 'nop sorry unless you have a forklift truck for me to pick him up with, he ain't moving' 

So we agree to try again another time.    Eventually, my Bro agrees to leave and I'm going to take him to 'my place'    We go by train/tube (Obviously 😆 )  The train is like a bubble on a track - round shiny no windows.. It's busy with people journeying.  On the train is an 'enforcer/detective type' who is watching my Bro then approaches him for ID/Search (He's telepathically telling me, Oh no no no' so I interject and say it's ok.. he's travelling with me.   

At the end of our journey my Bro departs first and walks away and the inspector gets off after me and tells me the 'fine'  I laugh at him (he telepathically tells me I took responsibility) I flashback, yep not paying though.  I turn to walk away from him and he uses 2 blue lights like lasers on my shoulder blades to immobilise me I can feel the charge like static and I push back into them anyway.

I'm with the inspector in a 'room'  It has no floor just huge shelves lots and lots of them going around the 'walls' we are hanging by our fingertips edging along, me first and him after.  

On the top of the shelves which are like display cabinets from an old museum are 1000's of 'objects' 'artefacts' 'books'   Gems, stones, fossils, dried insects, jewellery - all laid out and numbered, neet and neglected with dust gathering on them.   
We edge along hanging by our fingertips I'm looking at all the stuff as I pass - as we get to the end and a bit we can land on the inspector said to me telepathically 'So then what's the total?'   I look at him to see if he's serious and he is and I start giggling uncontrollably amused that he thought I was keeping count - my mirth is contagious and soon he's laughing too like it's the funniest thing ever and we are both crying with laughter....  I actually wake myself up as my belly is shaking from laughing so much. 

On waking I was reading Seth a bit again, but I was sleepy so kept stopping and chilling/hipigoggly hallucination sleep stage.    One of the images I was getting was about that floating entity that responded in this dream and how it's the 'Tubey things I love to draw the grail, the intersection of the flower of life!     Oh....  that's what makes us an us!  The point we intersect with 'other' though we are all the stuff.    

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...