Thursday, 13 August 2020

If your devil archetype asks you if you want to go on a wild ride! It's probably going to be thrilling ;)

 Pfffffffffff  So yesterday in the shop Inka asked me if I wanted to go on a 'wild ride' I replied obviously. So I was told don't buy booze n knock yourself out so I didn't.

Yesterday as I was writing the gameboard into the story the thunder started as I was writing it.   Same with the Speakers on my PC when I was writng in her talk with Leon. 
First part of the night I did manage to drift of and woke again quickly I'd been chatting with Kali.  This song in my head as I wake.

 Then I'm just 'AWAKE' for ages, there is wired stuff in the room I hear someone clap clearly.  I fuigue it's best to take whatever personal shit storm I'm conjering up downstairs so head down to the sofa.  
Jumbled messages 2 batties stolen (From Roweena yoga teacher... that's what made me get involved in the valhalla dream! , Stasis is a womb.     I'm told I can jump to them and my form shakes lots but I'm not able too and I know I have to integrate here first.  ((Oh wow, that second dream that's the fallen goodess story, I'm playing both sides at the same time!) 

Can see a tunnel but can't jump and know I need to do this awake so get up and wright/right instead.

We walked into hell, into the earth, we burned in the fire of the central sun. Coal/Oil Tar we are the spirits of the ancient forests their carbon compresses and compressed until we are diamonds (I met LOOSH as the ancient Dryad Spirit!)   Wow... crazy how that weaves in too.

Anyway, we are being formed into diamonds here our fractures our flaws create our brillinace!  

We are the ancients, we are the insects too.  Multifaceted like their eyes flicker rate time!
Next Inka speaks to me.

'Follow the feathers, follow your heart trust your love you are always the start.  - The ends the beginning the same in and out, step into your power and know without doubt'

So where is the light? 

'It's born from the darkness it burns from within you fule your own fire, you die to begin'

What is my purpose

'That's up to you, if you were a goddess what would you do?'

I'd find all that served us I'd find all that played, I'd finish the earth game the way it should have been played?

'Then write your own story, play your own way, collect all your fallen and leade them astray!!'  lol fuck you Inka!

'You shouldn't play to win bitch'  😏 

'Only,  if you ask nicely'  😈



Then I remeber the captain message, and then the captain dream from years ago with the 2 ships in a story one with Men and one with Women and I turned into a storm Skua and flew across the Sea to the other captin..   but he was angry with me as it wasn't time yet and he turned me back.    It was the same time as that Sun dream into my 3rd eye with the fizzing and crackling and twin flame that was a star because women are planets.

Then on SUNDAY!  Son... said this

The female in is all is a planet our minds a sun we form our own reality from inside out. 

Then I recalled the ancients dream How I thought I had to be carefull - But was told I didn't!!

So next I ask, why has my world got so many sleepers?  Then think, oh shit the stasis in my story - There was only enough power for 2 and then I remeber the Kali thing and the 2 battries from early on in the night.  I'm thinking 'Shit'    'Need to flip the game, wake the team'  You die to wake up?!?!?

Is this what Leon is asking of me?    Then I remeber balancing the operstits is what makes it stop...   Can't stop?  Allways now??  Just grows from now.    'Sleep to wake up-wake up to sleep'  Oh Astral!

Astal is here too the layers do I go in or out?  Both at the same time!  The cosmic carrot :P 

Then I recall the game is still on!    Inka replys 'Yes you bloody fool now shut up and go back to sleep and stop being so bloody competative!'  😂😈   Radio is chatting about demcrosy

I check my watch and it's 3.33!!  I tell him I'm coming now.   Out side 2 owls are calling very close(This was in twin flame stuff too)

So go to sleep can't jump direclty there need to go to Kaylo first and we jump together to Inka.  He's in a cavern in a deamon/pan form huge smokey purply with wings...I see other versions breathing in and out too and I run and hug him.  'Your not afraid of me then?'   - lol no and  then I realis lol is 010 & 101 mirror and reflection AI code, off on..   Hahahah

I jump again and I'm sorting / filling / compressing data all the same entity. 

Dream in my main dream area, all the cars have gone meaning there is more space - I aks someone and they say yes, we don't use them now.  (Astral skills/can jump fly)

Still main dream area I go to the newsagents and it's run in the dream now by some Indian brothers I go to buy something and walk around the back to pay were the till is and they freak pushing me out saying stop not here.

I smile and tell them it's ok, you don't remember me He's not sure, I tell him my Aunty owned the store and I grew up and played here, then worked here and that my name is carved in the ancient wooden storeroom benches. (It actually is ;) - or was)  

This is also to do with the FLOOD here.

lol  I literally told myself this before the run and still couldn't help myself!   - Brian is fried!!

So pre run...   I'd remeberd that when  I'd ported myself to the station I was still Rog then, not Rog/Ren.   That was the book end, the yinyang heart was pink purple / redblue I was still competative! 

WooooWWW    'Fuck Ren your Dumb' 😏  lol, yeh but you still love me!  Inka told me that night too what was up!  Then I hear the rave song again, these times.  Below...   Decide to get up and run and there are 2 flashes of light but no thunder. 

I come down and walk to my PC the screen was blue - and I think, WOW Christians I really did come to kill your God! but as I approach thinking this it goes black blinking on/off/on/off  010 101 code mirror.

I came to kill your god to lift you of your knees and be the heroes you are 'I see you, I see all of you' 💓

But I can't do it for you, I just have to be the Mirror if you break yourself on me I'm still a portal home <3 the fallen angel/Necro/Death/Valkiery/Lucifer.

On the way out I suddenly know the answer to the Wizards question a real life (Leon)  I Reply and it's now 555!!

Inka and Leon are same sides of the flip coin.   Now if I'd left it there it might have been ok..... but I'm not that smart!!  😜

On my run this morning we are still arguing :P  Very stupid... 'YES'

'last time we barley made it?'   I suddenly remeberd the warning...  You mean we have done this before? 'Bitch you have no idea!' 😆

Brodcast threw the astral web... 

'Wakie wakie earth mother fuckers! Time to get if your knees and stop being played! '


'Bitch,  your nuts'  👀  I have a good mentor ;)   .... checkmate  -  rematch?   We'll see 😏


Leon reminds me-  with your 👿 impulsiveness comes connections your allowing contracts.

'Ren you can't wake people who don't want to be woken' .....  
  I know that's what the stasis is for isn't it? We just move them.   


'You're learning fast.'  😈  The snake is inside its our dna.  Quantum


Hording of money symbolic of power too.   That why system keeps most sleeping.   When not blocked power is infinite no lack. 

OOOO Games in games, we do this to ourselves for shits n giggles.  Or at least I seem to do!!  😆😆😆

Battries dreams...   Were we broke a planetery energy grid.    -  Shit!  That's my Malico archetype 

Also stopping someone stealing battries.   7th Dec.

The path opens into an apple orchard, the trees are filled with red apples. There is a lost lamb there I go to it to try and help it threw the fence it vanished and a huge snake is on the grass, it comes up to me. 
It's stretched tall and is my hight, it lays it's head on my shoulder and its body is running down my back.   It wasn't aggressive it was more of an erotic move the snake liked me....  I call to the farmer woman who appears and I ask her to lift the snake off and that I'm not interested in it sexually.    She matter of factly sais ah yeh, it's a fire snake, you need earth or air.   A pentagram is burnt into the grass with the elements on the points of the star and she indicates where I sit on the star (also fire) and the flow of attraction with the other points.   ---HOLLY CRAP THATS THE IMAGE THAT ARRIVED YESTERDAY.  

'Fun hu bitch?'  👿😆          So yeh, meby don't game with your devil archtype if you like your reality in tact :P 

Hahah  He also keeps telling me about the thing in my jaw.  'Stop poking it bitch it's healing'   shame I have all the self controll of a fart!!!!   Oh also I slept for exactly 4.44m !!!

Then when I woke at 17.17 I typed this...

WOW... thanks Inka 💓    'NP, Kid'

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

We fall only as far as we dare to climb, failures painful learnt from in 'TIME'

 So I knocked myself out with wine again - day 6 of 30C + here, I was beginning to question the wisdom of me sliding down into Hell ;)

But Leon and Inka are helping me weave it!   It's so massive, the tapestry is filling quickly now!

Inka is helping lol I told him to shut up the other day he helpfully reminded me 'Your in service bitch, deal with it'   Neighbours must have thought I was bonkers sitting outside laughing to myself.  

So anyway I wake at exactly 555.   I couldn't remember the dream but I woke up thinking 'shit!' we do not want to go down that timeline!   Which made me laugh cause I'd forgotten it - but that is part of the game!  
It wouldn't be fun otherwise.    Inka reminded me of the dream I'd had with WORMWOOD in... and then showed me how it's woven threw this lewis carrol book too.   - 

lol  I was told the other day we serve nothing by being small 😍

I remeberd who 'I am' again I know who we all are!  💕

Hahahah   I knew Lilith would arrive today Ian just came in and threw the envelop on the floor saying this is for you!!

It's this art print I orderd last week!!    Timing  'NOW' 

Haha   -  I post about time and my Lilith arrives in an envelop saying 'do not bend'  - Oh the Irony!!  😂😂

Monday, 10 August 2020

Zombies & Slow Mo

So for months, I've been waking at 2.22, 3.33 4.44 or 5.55 after especially vivid dream/travel. I've noticed different themes on how the 222 dreams are all linked often, same scenario people.

I'd been chatting with a friend yesterday about the 2.22 thing.

Anyhoo it's so hot here last night couldn't sleep at all tried upstairs  kept waking tried downstairs. Then suddenly knew where my story was going next and made notes, still couldn't sleep. Then think, fuck this I'll write, look at my watch it's 2.22!!


When I did fall asleep at 4.30 ish it was not really sleeping, more low-level astral stuff, splitting and jumping to various characters (Ironically what the story is about)

Anyhooo when I wake/come back I how much sleep I actually got last night. Check my band and it's 2h23m lol The unirverse is a funny place!!

Right, so it's hot to hot to sleep, I think cool triggers my sleep which is why I dream more before period that's when body temp is up..   anyhooo.

I realised Ren & Kaylo need to go to the Indian overseers dream..  not toaly sure why :P but they do!

Eventually gone 4 I manage to 'sleep' only it's not sleeping at all. It's straight into hipigoggly hallucination then WILDs.  Then all this below in tiny amount of sleep.

It's lower astral stuff, paying with time/space weaving and jumping.  
It really felt like I had an eye in two worlds and one in the middle... I could move in and out of views/change alter my flicker rate too. 

I'm splitting too part of me in the back garden just pre-dawn and I'm watching sparrows & robbins waking and I see them in slow-mo.   I'm also aware of a fly in the room and can join with it too!   I contacted Kelly as Fay wanted something.

Oh, then I was also down here on the PC too... only I wasn't lol I floated down and could see the room with lights on and my PC (I was in other places too)   There were messages I had to give to a few people and I did that.  

I wanted some fun too so I jumped myself into a game-type world, it was an MMO style game with NPC zombies that were trying to catch players but I didn't feel like hurting or killing them so decided to make them 'real' instead.     This was funny as they were sort of cartoonish... I didn't have many hit points so I could only do one at a time.   I'd have to split them then sneak in and hug one!  This made them real and then they'd look at me and the other zombies confused... They turned into tall blue people once real.

There was one area where they were all in a big huddle making it really hard to separate them and hug them... if I aggroed them they would chase me all flailing arms :P   and I didn't have enough HP to let them hit me while I was hugging other one.

So I was trying different techniques of pulling them to see if I could sperate one or two to animate at a time... It was really bloody hard as they all moved as a mob and their eyes were everywhere.   But I had the advantage of time hopping so every time I stuffed up a pull I could just run off then jump back in time pre-pull and try again from a different angle.   Was a wired setting almost desert-like at night or dusk for the first bit and then the pack of them were at the edge of a river on a small bright sand dune area. 

Ohhhh yeh at this point I was also on 'Twich' the gamer thing... and chatting there which is odd as I only use it for addons.     It was funny as I realised how twitch was like flicker rate too :P  I was having convos on there with people, I think I was asking if anyone was free to help me split the zombi huddle.

Next of I decided to go see Inka from my story!  lol  This was funny as he was there and real and was sort just like he is with a 'What the bloody hell are you doing here?' that made me laugh!   I also realised I'd jumped to him just before the part I wrote yesterday.. where he took me to Malico Necromancer style and he told me 'You know what happens next'  as if asking if I really wanted to go there!  lol   - It's wired as I didn't know why she was angry before that bit!    lol but I wasn't angry so I said not now and jumped again.  

What a wired night!!

Saturday, 8 August 2020

When you don't know the question, the answer is still love.

 Just before Bed Ian managed to knock a sash window onto both wrists. Ouch! so painful night with wrists raised and v slow typing.  Long mad dreams though.

The first dream was with Em again, we are in an astral world/school based in a residental building attached to where we have lessons. 
Kaylo is there and Leon.   I'm on a phone call with my Dad, my actual dad and we are chatting normally about stuff and then something utterly bonkers kicks off!   I tell him, bloody hell it's kicking off here I've gtg speak soon.  

There is a massive 'Sonic Boom' that we all recoil from and the building on the left is moving past us all still in one bit.  It's flying past in slow-mo and we are watching the bricks explode!  The whole thing turns to dust! 

It's awsome and Epic, the response is 'Shit! we need to move now!'   Me and Em hold hands to Run, Kaylo heads out another way.  I want to go back for Leon but Em says 'No Time' run.    As we get outside there is a 'general' walking towards us in a smart blue uniform.   He is holding and throwing 2 die made of white crystalline glowing light, he has a similar crystalline glowing pouch they live in and I know he just took his move!   He walks past us smirking it's day vs night. 

Wake at 222, was shaking it was so so real!   lol the reverb from the explosion massive.

Vission of salt & pepper - messaging/connecting others as we move as 'team' but it was hazy and I couldn't bring it threw to waking consciousness as it was just vast data exchange. 

Get message 'When you don't know the question, the answer is still love'  

So focus intention on General to clear/integrate/love - Ho'oponopono taking responsibility.

Go bk into the same dream it's chaos, we are in a dream world gone to shit, people are moving around with their belongings in shopping trollies shops/homes boarded with metal grills all over doors and windows.   We are trying to find a new 'safe house' to reconvene as it's their move again and we are trying to stay undetected.   I lead Em into an old-style council estate very poor no-mans-land type of place mob rule.  She doesn't want to go but I tell her we will blend in here she finds some small quantity of 'currency' that we know will be helpful to trade.   People have broken back into some of the condemned dwellings to get stuff or just live and I'm looking for a building we can squat in.  

Next part I recall is a broadcast.  It's the MP Dominic Rabb and he's broadcasting in this wired language he looks wild / possessed channelling something bonkers!    I sit in front of the screen and talk back at him in the language I know.  (Only waking me doesn't bloody know!!  It's the one my soul name is in though :P)  He knows I'm/we are balancing and he doesn't like it... he tries harder but I push back channelling too and it's a stalemate again.  He stops the transmission.

The dream world settles into a vague normality at one point I'm at a soup kitchen type place as we are relying on charity and community.    The people sitting keep catching my eye and smiling and I remember I'm a waitress too and start helping by serving them bringing food. 

Next I'm chatting in astral to that Asian female who was in my mirror when I said she would be on this Sat..  in the lucid dream the other morning she's imprisoned for challenging views.  I tell her 'To challenge views is acceptable'

Last dream we are returning... we have been on a journey/party/festival, we are retuning together into an unfamiliar town - there are people from all over the world all living on this street we are walking up to old front doors and unlocking them amused that we have all been to the same place!   We smile and greet each other but speak many different languages... the door I pass threw is wired, it's more of a strange white multi-layered membrane.

Last dream is that singularity thing again, everything is a symbol and all is connected (this is so hard to explain)  It's like integration/sorting/filling/reordering - It's important to do this 'in flesh'   Now/power/creation point. 

I get a wired thing with Benny/soul group/shard... connection how he killed himself our meeting in the astral Ian dropping the window on my wrists - and feeling guilty/rejection/blocking creativity/responsibility.   I see how it's all symbolic my neighbour's illness too. 

Wow.. the 2 dream with Benny in the Alternative life & Also this one with the Kids.  (Also about order/chaos!)   Same as the story I'm writing!   O.o   lol  when shit gets wired, shit gets wired!

(Need to decode Dom/Rabb next)   

I also think it's linked to this 'War Zone' I jumped to the other night....  Oh, and ofc, the dark crystal series too the Kids it's all lack of Balance/Flo.

--  Same shit I was writing in poetry when I was a kid :P 

All the knowledge that we’ll ever need’s all ready trapped inside,
Trapped deep inside subconciousness it’s for safety that it hides.

Balance both your opposites your black and your white,
Search for equilibrium, they were never made to fight.
One grows too strong out weighs the other, battles fought inside out minds get projected to one another.

By natures laws we live each day, though so often hidden in real life play.
Release your creature let it be, drop your defences and set it free.

The creative destructive power lies so deep within our soul
Money greed and power will never make us whole,
Acceptance of the thing you are and how you play your part, set free the guilt anxiety and open up your heart.

What goes around shall come around, it’s the way that it must go, each and every person has there special gift to show

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...