Friday, 21 August 2020

Dream Weaving

Went to sleep early sleeping when Fay walks in and wakes me to tell me she loves me πŸ’“ time is almost 23.23 and they tell me we go 2323 sleep then, 

I wake before Ian comes in, feel him coming ask if he's been playing gaming. 'He tells me yeh, best game of all time, I'm remembering why'.

My dreams had been symbols.  'ofc' No actual symbols...  'lol Ren, now you are nuts 😏' lol pffff.

The dream is strange. My gran's house with a wired mirror puzzle box outside... the dream was all very hot but her house weirdly cool and damp. People were telling me I was nuts. I was talking to someone threw a barrier that we couldn't see threw or get threw. There was a big fox's den in the dreamscape now. 

'Find fox dreams'   Humm, the cub in my mouth, the old man?   'Good start search tomorrow'.  Hide & Seek, Fox & Hound or Wolf?  Chase games, controll/order vs chaos, magic.  'Yep, Fox Dreams first'

I'm freezing..  'You'll get hot soon' Oh the colder warmer game?  'lol, yep' 

'Nearly 101 go then, if you want lucid wait meditate and jump'  Oh focus??  'Is there a POINT to the question?'   Hahahah  πŸ˜†

Didn't manage to WILD still to hazy but did sleep.. wake at 2.50

That felt like pingo-pong πŸ˜› 'Idiot, wait there your dizzy'  No shit!  πŸ˜„

The dream was a bus journey very fast whizzy collecting again but crap recall.  Suggested I wake a bit before next sleep.... blog search function is a non-function on my blog now making everything trickier.

 Told to get up and wright/right.  SO I do for a bit then back to sleep.  (Everything about this night was wired jumbled and confusing )

Hide & seek, Fox & Hound (Or wolf!) Oh the chase games? Control v order? 'Yep, start with just fox'

Do then go back to sleep... 

Remember bits of the dream.   Something in the blog I'd written in the dream came true, wasn't this blog wasn't familiar.   Like the Planetary Stabilising/Singularity dream above.  The 2 Towers...

People were asking me stuff but the editor was all wired so I was printing of paper and wrapping little balls of soil with selotape.  Planting Seeds & Sending Seeds....   Oh and the Dissociate?..  Fragment, but also find unity??  'Truth seed bombs bitch' 😏   lol  Putting the links in this morning I'm quite sure now I'm bonkers, at the same time it all fits. 


Another dream, we all have roles.  

I'm still cold...  'I know new moon... it takes you a while to warm up - keep playing it's a long-game' 

Then I'm just freeform floating for a bit/ Oh and then I was just energy like a Taurus flowing and opposing both -&+ how they balance and are stable. 

'Told you bitch the Mother is home by Christmas' 😏  Imbolc? 'hahah Ren, one move at a time much to do before then'   Time is Now though?    'lol yep, but not from where you now so play nice and linear for now'  πŸ˜€

I check my watch as I was sure it had gone 6 but it's before 5 again and I'm really confused and hazy...  'lol like we said Ren, you can't see shit from your perspective' 'Sleep Rest and play nicely'   

Oh the small in all? lol that's the dissociation?  

'Yes you still know truth and unity though'  Oh!  'Now stop poking, we still have all month' 626 πŸ’œ


Wake at 8 and I know what I'm transmuting... though the night was so hazy and I felt out of it so I ask

Can I transmute it? 'It's better if WE do - Can you hold it?'  πŸ‘€   I guess.  

'Good, call your neighbour then movement will help'  

Wake and find these!!

Ok Fox dreams I can find in order (Found these b4 run)


Fox cub in mouth

Fox Cub 2016  -  I knew that was linked to this Clear Water Dream too.

- The Dieing Fox and same people diffrent ages. 

I realise now how these fit, also tied to the Vomiting Stones...  &  Perspective of 5.   Layers Realitys

'Nice one Ren, we are allways here even when not so obvious, keep weaving waiting watching today, we transmute together this time'  πŸ’œ

Ok, sorted links now.... I know what your getting at now...also the Fly & Clean up crew from yesterday ;)  'Planatery stabalising entity'  :P   This is really wird... but also makes sense to me know too πŸ‘€which is just as wired!!

Run...    Track :)

This mix

Wow... that was the night of the Scab Dream too...

O2 bk.  Hehe no your back, not for long just need you an that level again for a bit.  -  (I get this now, got back to the house and everyone was acting so wired!) 


'Fly, fly fly my pretty...  go clean up'  😈   lol Inka...   πŸ˜†  Im nuts!!


Hahaha the mix, the whole place gets turned upside down!!!   'Symbols Ren'  😏



The track broken...  the branch that got to long in the story....... us.   Symbols and story...  πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ§‘❤πŸ’”πŸ’”❤πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ


Keep watching πŸ‘€  today. 

Rowan - runes astral imbolc the birthday dreams?    'Hehe one thing at a time!!'

'Geomancy too bitch?'    Lol Inka, I'm not scared any more 😏  'Oh shit!'  Hahahhaah



Roots,  when you go back all is connected πŸ’œ

In a million possibilities only one is clear,
the one that brings us closer,
the one that brings us near.

Looking up is endless,
but looking down we meet,
within the place that is our home,
we are all touching with our feet  🌍

LOL  I found this on this page!!

JOKER'S HOUSE'Told you bitch your upside down now!'

What's with my teeth Minerals/Elements?  'lol we'll get to that 'in time' 😏'Hahah  ok.   'Careful Ren or you'll puke, get out and ground as much as possible today'    πŸ’š



Went for a nap at 15.51 Wake a little later suddenly, had been very lightly asleep aware of stuff.  


What was that? 'We just spilt you Ren' Ooooo 'Yeh don't worry we'll put you bk together when time is right' 


'You ok with doing this?' lol to late now I volunteered remember.. 'yep, well we did. Cool sort it then go over the road, don't try to logic it eaither, trust for now feel later'  Loci???  'Yep'  Ooooo.


Cold again...   'Yeh you will be for abit'  


Feel wired and told 'More Minerals & Music'



πŸ‘€  'Its cool, we are here.  Music & Walk...   it will feel odd' πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’œ


'Yogic breath'


'Don't think music and breathing ...  nature and listening'

I feel it.   'That's why your you'      'Keep putting it there' 

Seth Quotes...

Seth: “The universe does not give up on itself, or on any of its creatures. It is ruled by a different set of principles, a different set of values, and by inner cooperative exuberance.
You may need some time before the old beliefs become less prominent, and finally fall into their proper decay - a decay, incidentally, that does indeed have its own kind of majesty, energy, and beauty.
But the inner natural leanings of all of consciousness within the realms of your being now yearn for constructive change, clearer vision, to experience again their inherent sense of corporal spirituality, physical and psychic grace.”
DEVF, vol. 2 – session 941, by Jane Roberts © L. Davies Butts

“...The open flame, the source of cave heat, is evocative, and represents a closeness with the origins of light and life.
Now: An open fire elicits certain responses from the cells that, for instance, a furnace does not. The effect of light plus the warmth on the skin is extremely healing. People sit by your fireplace in winter time because it is unconsciously recognized that recuperative and therapeutic results occur. Simply put, the cells respond to fire light in somewhat the same manner that flowers do to sunlight. The stimulation is much more than skin deep, however, and an open fire is cleansing. It even helps clear the blood.”
— Seth, The “Unknown” Reality; Vol. II, pg. 611, session 739.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Hazy and Big

23.32 bed and straight to sleep. 

A long dream, Giants, Titans... vast - Then hummmm a world with them 'Inside' I'm watching this and it's like a cartoon?!   'lol Ren narrative'.  Wake at as Ian comes 00.33 thinking where am I disorientated I'm laughed at and told.

'The others here soon Ren, then we play' 😊 ok. I chat to Ian who's been up gaming :P He's farming a corrupted Dredwing - On his Shaman toon called Dreadwing... Heheheheh  'Like I said Ren, we don't need anyone awake or conscious he's playing again now, see?' 

Don't understand this.. whole night and morning are hazy tbh :P

'Look now ??? you're done with the 333BZZZ'  Duno if that's good or bad?? At this point, I was shown a vast recall of other totally forgotten dreams, loads of them it was boggling something I've only experienced in a few very profound dreams like this one.  Intelligent Inf

'See Ren? This is HUGE we have the perspective remember, back to sleep,  at 00.44 we will come find you 4mins... come play in non-linearity'    I go to sleep. 

Back awake WOOOH 'that' was massive?? What even was that??!!??

Look at watch and it's 01.01 shit! :P

'Hahah like I said bitch! we don't need you awake or conscious, but if you are coming STFU, sleep and let us drive! πŸ’œπŸ’œ' Ok :P 

Hummm sort of inside something indescribable what is play/teaching/knowing.. then it stopped and I was confused and didn't know why it stopped 1.35 'Ren other you still there' O.o 'lol come and see, just shhhhh and feel don't try to understand'  

Dream that are sort of wired filtered down renditions of what was going on.  

Like 2 air streams twisting in and out of each other I've done this with Inka before in soul retrieval when I've found him and a female and I reminded him how to do it. Also in the clock tower dream. But this was massive huge wide flows curling and spirling round each other. But we are in the doorway of my main dream house.. but by 'we' I mean this big twisty flow??? lol  So we are the flow and it's huge...  There is also a car full of Yellow and Blue that has been collected and the Yellow and Blue needs to go inside the house.  

'That's why we don't all a?????, we move jump as a team' - This was wired :P

I'd also met Inka in a dream we have different bodies its the sort of team games we normally play... but we are both lucid and chatting about the bigger picture too and what is happening to me now, but it was hazy waking.

Also with Shirly, James and Shirlys Mum who died and how they were 'using' me too (With my consent obviously) but how I was allowing Shirly's mum as a sort of oversoul to her and James/lessons. lol Now I know why it all seems to hazy :P It's so hard to bring this to a human level! 

So The big twisty air thing... and the colours in the car was what we had collected to catalyze It was to do with Malico in the story and his intergration..(This is Mu/Atlantis stuff) Then what we did last night.     

I woke thinking wow... to write this as I'd not have had any recall, then as soon as I've got it down I look at the time and it's 02.01 and he tells me 'πŸ’œ you get it bitch?  😏back to sleep fast' I realise we are collecting and catalyzing and transmuting asleep again by 202.

So I go straight back to sleep and can feel the colours and how to bring them into me like I've been doing. Yellow first into my tummy, then blue to throat this is very hard to describe :P There is another dream too.... we are at the doorway to my main dream house but just energy flowing in and out and around the doorway are yellow, blue and pink symbols.. When I finish writing it's again 2.58 and am told get sorted fast go again 303. 

There was wind/inside and outside huge blowy rain outside but as I wake it's still again. 'That was you, symbols' Lay at 303 and am gone again instantly.

A bus, then looking at what is like an elf castle cut in half 'It is Ren' Oh... then I realise I had Kaylo with me and I was taking him to layer after layer after layer of the same 'point' rendered over and over in 100's of layers... Malico aspect was there too Elven but lacked humility'  πŸ’š Ian's alarm had woken me at 4.00.  

I know they will grab me at 404 am told 'Love Ren, Be love - Beloved!!' And realise that was the white profit in the farseer books too by Robbin Hoob.. Puck/Inka Robbin Goodfellow! Vast love here too.  

Wake at 414 thinking WOW! So much love 'Lol we love you too Ren, that was lots of elder crap you dealt with'πŸ’œ πŸ˜€ 'It will take a while to filter in'  

I was also talking to story character Kaylo/Ego at the same time, but where we were we couldn't talk properly as we were being monitored and his telepathy wasn't good yet.... Then I realise oh the dreams? 'Less sleepy?'  

So Shit wow, lol I'd also forgotten all of this till I'm writing it now at fuck 9.09 'lol Ren, hahaha'   

The dream had been of a total eclipse and a ring of fire, the moon was so close.. 'Find the dreams for it' No one would listen? 'They never will Ren, free will πŸ’œ 😏 ' It was amazing! 'Yep!'

'Chill and let stuff filter in love, 552 Told you Ren you love games, this one is hide-and-seek . you got 3mins then we ride the dawn' 😎

lol..... My recall of this is shit! lol Sounds fun though and I do remeber how it felt and that was amazing!!   😊I get up and go down to walk, cat is a mess so I grab a brush and sort him out, feed the dog and head to the front door in a daze... look down and it's 616!!


'See how this works Ren?'   Nop but you clearly do :p   'exactly 

πŸ˜† come'


 'Don't forget to order their food too' ;)


I feel like a zombie...  'I know we are in you too :p You'll wake up just walk.'  


'How do you like being possessed Witch' πŸ§™‍♀️ Haha less lonely, and certainty more fun πŸ˜€ 



Hahaha wow... 'Told you Ren you can't logic this'. I'd left the mast thinking it would be really weird if it was 636' .... lol  It was. 


I wrote a puppet poem... 'lol yep you did ren.... getting less sleepy?'  πŸ˜΄ 



I Don't recall it all.... 'yep but we do ofc' :p


Its so wet up here..  'you weren't the only one thirsty... nature is your mirror' ;) 


 So I walked chatted with neighbours got home and it's 7.17 WTH?  

'Lol Yep... We could do this all day. I believe

 you' 😍

So I guess I'm getting more lucid in the stuff I've been doing in all these dreams.. thats why I feel so strange and hazy today...  'Yep bitch,will take a week or so for this to settle properly, call for pet food and you need minrals and fish oils now then kefier' 

'Good story spelling Witch'....   lol thanks Inka.   Keep it up and don't tangent  to late ;)   scoot

And leave leave the flys all symbolic all feedback.



'We sit down and he takes out a pad and paper were he starts to draw for me.    He draws in 3D like he's making objects from the pen in light.  The pen changes colours. 

The first is a symbol object with equal and opersit energy flow spiralling round it's self in a ring it has 2 shapes interlocking shapes inside it too....    it's pink and orange and inside is more layers symbols.   It's glowing and quite beautiful.     

Next he draws/creates the energy body & stasis pod with the flow of energy and between the body and pyramid frame... showing how the inverted position is optimising the blood and energy flow' 



Ffs Inka...   'lol , told you yo add that chapter/dream last week Ren.     Takes a lot of getting threw to you 🀣🀣  check the time bitch! '  


O.o   lol   I told you I believed you :p       13.13.   

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...