Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Ice Spire

First dream was set in the middle east - I don't remember it to well other than the message.
'We came to watch fall the things we were instrumental in putting in place' 

There was also something wired like monkeys mixed in with people. 

Next the Ice Spire dream,

The dream starts in a dark frozen landscape, there is a blue light and lots of stars. 

We are on a thin frozen road/bridge it's old in style, with battlement walls.

It reminds me of the bridge we used to go over every-morning to high school, it's packed with snow and sparkling... the bridge is raised up so the landscape is miles below and hidden in the darkness.   It' rises steeply almost like a roller-coaster track

Above the road bridge at it's highest point hanging in the sky is the most mind boggling floating ice spire, it reaches miles up into the dark sky!   One side is frozen, the other rock or metal.   

It's is breathtakingly stunning and magical!   After the road rises to meet the ice-spire it drops away steeply into a dark medieval style village.  

We first approach the spire in a car I'm with Ian, the road is high slippy and steep and we can't take our eyes from the floating ice spire above... we have terrifying vertigo!  But the whole thing is visually amazing :D

Once under it I seem to lose Ian and the car and head into what seems to be the heart of the village there is an open tavern and  a very old forge, there is a huge fire, old style ale mugs and lots of amazing ancient tools..... it's warm and smelly in a nice way.   The flag stones are frozen I wander around and notice above the forge fire on the wall is hanging a broom stick.  

The people look in keeping with the era of the setting.   I leave the village to head back to the ice spire this time on foot.... the flag stones are frozen and the frost is making amazing 3d mandalas and picture images on the flag stones...... each is a frozen work of art sparking in the strange blue light.

I slip and slid over them, staying  low behind the old wall out of the biting wind, as I get closer to the bridge and the spire I can see a frozen waterfall and the bridge on one side is fragmented into floating stepping stones..    I think I had with me the broom from above the fire now.    As I'm looking around in awe as the all the amazing things the sun gradually starts to rise, to my left behind the wall.   

As it gets above the horizon, the water starts to melt and flow with the sunlight trapped inside it....  it looks like liquid fire flowing threw the ice :D


Next dream is set on the main-street in Seahouses... well a wired dream version of it.   It's also dark the sky is lit by wired lanterns made of stars and bed sheets they look like constellations the most obvious is shaped like a horse.

I have the keys to several of the shops,  I'm supposed to be looking after 3 of them, there are no customers as all the dream characters are going of to do other things...  they seem to be leaving me with keys as they go.    I'm in one shop sorting out lots of pick and mix sweets. 

Monday, 28 November 2016

A Night of Wired Things :)

First I felt like I was flip flopping in and out of 2 dream reality's.....   where I had a very different body in each - in one I was hard and hairless with cool blood, I felt brittle like egg shell!  

The other was soft like liquid fire. 

I got the vision of a red burning serpent in the shape of an S   - it looked like it had flames coming out all round it. 

Next I was invigilating in a science lab exam for people making molecular structures out of lego !!   While also removing the weirdest looking selection of 'parasites'  from my under my skin in my body and putting them into petri dish's for them to study too!!

They started of looking like snails eyes, but they were transparent... as I tugged them out they were buried deep in my flesh....  once all out they would rap themselves up or round things and try to get back under peoples skin.  
There were others that were green like the fronds of a fern... 

Some going right up threw me and growing out of different places.  One of the students was trying to remove one but they would only come out for me as I could feel.  Lots of them would turn to gloop once in a dish and out of me......     and at one point I pulled a whole fish out from under my skin. 

Then I was taken by 2 walking bares to a cafe were I was also ment to be serving at tables ...    The cafe was full, and I'd got carried away in the lab, it was a family running the cafe, it seemed to be in a caravan.  

The whole night was full of similar bizarre things,  It was fun though.

A second dream I'm in the sea in a small metal pod,  we are leaving a harbour and so is a huge warship.   We are moving under the warship when it starts to transform, we need to warn it that we are there....    It scoops us up while it changes and moves out of the harbour and then sets us a adrift again once we are out on open water.  

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Underground... making a person.

- I got woken up lots last night so all dreams are broken up. 

Me and Male me are in what is like an underground station, (we are young kids) it's dark the ceiling is low and it's very crowded with people all in groups going to different destinations.   We are there because we are homeless and are wandering around...  I find a place with some dogs that keep vanishing and 100's of tiny baby rats that look more like ants.

A large fish tank filled with lovely fish but it has a plug hole in and the plug keeps coming out....    every time I fill it back up the plug pops out again, I'm trying to keep the fish alive and find something to keep the plug in... I'm also aware that I'm going to run out of hot water to keep the fish warm.

Next dream I'm in London I'm looking for a new home, I have some bits of paper with property's on them, I'm going to live with a guy who was a friend.   (male me) but I'm meeting him at the property.

I start of in a wired cul-de-sac with lots of glamorous elderly women all standing round the side of the road, they are waiting for a bus.  It's a very wired sight. 

I walk threw the city and find a different bus that takes me to a lighthouse - it's an inn.  The keeper is grumpy, the inn is filled with northern men drinking.  They think they are funny but they aren't I leave.

Next I find a red bus, it's taking me were the new property it is in the 'French district'  ??

-  Sundays dream (This is wired)

This is such an odd dream!!

I'm in an outdoor class, we have a project for a ritual thats going to take place. 
Project is we have to make a small person with a weapon, what we have to make them from are tissue paper, sausage meat and a carrot!

I've got my 'person' in mind so hop about into a few different worlds before I start looking for inspiration and also looking for a little raptor for her to ride on.  

Her weapon is going to be a carrot sling shot.     The world I find her raptor in has floating islands and massive temple complexes.  I don't go into any buildings I travel the ground with giant bouncing hopping steps.    The raptor is about 1ft high so is easy to pick up and carry back.

I get back to the first dream area to put together my person & her weapon. 

I'm working on a desk on a hill, down below me I can hear some people talking.
There is a garage built into the hillside below me and a yard there.   I see this in my mind as I'm concentrating on the small person I'm making.
The people talking are 2 brothers they are busy moving some old furniture into storage in the hill shed. 

One of the brothers has a robotic voice, like the things people have when there vocal cords are damaged.  I know he's an x solider too.    They notice me up on the hill and ask if I'd like a cup of tea!

So the one with the robot voice brings me up a cuppa and I talk him threw the small human I'm making.
Second dream, 

A massive ritual is happening,

Friday, 25 November 2016

Valley Cottage and a Strange Male

The setting is a selection of buildings in a beautiful lush green valley.  I'm playing the roll of observer again, and I also need to keep a small fire burning there...  I can interact with the DC's at will.

The Buildings are a large farm house, then a log cabin on stilts this is were the main DC lives, she's female in her later 60's  Her house is having lots of work done builders are ripping the roof of the cottage to re make it. 

Below her in what's like a large yard, is 2 buildings, one is an old caravan, the other a big dark barn or storage shed, it has no windows.   In the shed there is an older male, he's not approachable as he's disturbed and very aggressive, he could live in the caravan but stays mainly in the shed.   Him and the female in the house on stilts don't get along though.

The female is trying to sort out her cabin for the building work, but she's a scatterbrain and it's annoying the builders that she keeps leaving things all over the place... large swirly patterned rugs, and cats and a dog ect.  

I was trying to help her to get things out of the way so they didn't get covered in stuff as the old roof came off.    

I was also observing the 2 males, lots of the dream I seemed to spend standing on the old roof as it was being torn away and enjoying the beautiful view and popping up and down to check the fire was ok.

I knew all of them DC's - though the setting and all of them are not familiar to me at all now. 
(The disturbed male seems to be the same DC who attacked me a few nights ago)    I knew he was aware I was close by but he chose to remain in the shed. 

The woman in the dream seemed to very much dislike the male and kept trying to antagonise him, at once point I noticed her creeping down to the outside of the caravan and taking a dump on the ground right outside the door!  :P  lol  

I'm wondering if she's the same female aspect that was in the dream last night being H.. Clinton? 

And if these could all be tied to the soul fragment that I found in the bathroom that tried to intimidate me??


Thursday, 24 November 2016

Zak in an Egg & a Strange Shop.

First dream Zak is in an egg,  he's ready to hatch.  I need to use fire to hatch it.  

I'm woken by Zak shouting (he was dreaming about spiders)  When I woke though there was a lovely and strange smell of warm toffee that gradually faded with the dream.


The egg reminded me of the dragon dream were we needed water to hatch our eggs, and also the dream were I was slipping threw reality's.... in one of them humans were born in eggs.  ~

23 June
Blugh sorry :P .... another long dream with lots of elements!
Wired jumping round dream. (My kids kept randomly bringing up parallel reality's during the day which got me thinking about Mandela effect again-part of the dream was about that)
Fist part I'm in some magical and wired dark woods with a few people all spread out. Stuffs changing and a few people are welcoming it.
I slide into another dream, then another stuffs changing but I'm the only one seeing it.
I feel like I'm slipping threw time and it gets harder and harder to remember were I've been with each slide.

In one world we are slaves and humans are born in eggs, I'm trying to explain to the people there that were I came from we give birth to live baby's in a membrane bag and not a hard shell. The people are listing to me, but can't understand - amongst them is an old man with kind bright blue eyes. He tells me I'm not crazy and he'll find a book for me.
I slip again into a house were females are and they are filling in forms to get permission to have child/eggs.
I keep contacting home world, but the slipping keeps happening.
Next I'm in a huge house, only in one room.
It's in the bedroom of a middle aged man, he has some form of learning issue/autism.
He's in a big bed with green and gold silk bedding in the most beautiful room. There is no natural light or window and It's tiled in old fashioned cream and green tiles in striking geometric patterns, there are big ornate lamps giving of a golden glow. Some of the tiles on the ceiling have amazing pictures of birds and flowers on and cryptic messages painted with them.
His parents are there and round the walls of the rooms are shelves of 1000's of leather bound books. They have all been signed by the author especially for this man. There are some paintings there too also especially for him. The man in the bed seems unresponsive like in a deep trance.
Next I'm with a group of soldiers swimming in the mouth of a river, A shark comes up to us. I swim to the bank to climb out and the shark comes at me, but I reach the shore and climb out... as it bites out of the water one of the solider pushes it up out of the water to it's beached and he kills it.
I feel sad and we discuss it's death. Was it killing to survive or was it greedy? I'm saying it's just taking what it needs to survive but the solider who kills it is pointing out it is it's 'nature'
As I wake up I'm reminded of a beautiful albino catfish 'Layla' I had when I was younger, she was well fed but as she got bigger she just attacked all the other fish till I needed to separate her.
She would chase other fish and stress them and eat there fins.
She had an aggressive nature? She lived alone with a pet rock 'Mr Eyeballs' that she used to attack and bump round her tank.

--- Hummm reading that's given me pressure on my head like info's coming in.   -   Separation or unity....   breath in breath out?

Next dream is a strange shop, & farm.  

The farm is selling firewood...  it's owned by the Royal family, specifically the queen.    The trees are like apple trees, but they are growing chopped logs... they are like little knobbly growths along the branches, it's a pick your own so I go round with a sack.

When I get the sack to the counter the logs have turned into second hand clothing, I have Zak with me and the clothing is small.....  I also have a strange silver hoop, it has an energy to it and I'm moving it round his body.  

Next thing I remember is being in an ancient looking room, there is a fire place with a fire burning.... 

The fire suddenly stops/vanishes..... then the room rumbles and the fireplace kind of burps belching out black smoke all up the chimney breast.   The fire is alite again but there is soot all-over the place. 

There is an antique shop selling floating islands...    Obama and Clinton are in there, I'm going to look at the island and the 2 democrats are bickering, when i get close to Clinton I realise there is dog poop around her.  

-   Hummmm,  this is the second dream I've had about Clinton and dog poop!! O.o 

Next a dream of the Hillary Clinton! lol but she was also Donald Trump too...  well she had his hair :P
She wanted me to 'help'    but her campaign was messy and I got 'dog crap' all over my arms :P  (lol full of shit perhaps)    Anyway I blew her of to go shower and clean myself up.  

When I got back I was handed a pile of Autumn leaves that were the votes, and I was ment to go wash them in milk??

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Attacked by a DC, Ballons and Cables.

A very long and odd dream, I was aware that there was way more than I could remember.

My first propper memory is being in a field of black and white cows.  (Duality?)   Anyway, something is wrong with the cows..   but the people who own them don't want anyone else to know (it' was contagious or would effect the price of something) 
The cow's seem to be owned by a very large unethical organisation that I kind of 'know'

The cows are being moved by a young girl, a farm worker and I'm with her.  I don't really remember talking to her just being with her as she drives the herd up to an old town and threw a gate (like an old style walled town)   She's not supposed to mention/tell people that there is an issue with the herd but she dose.

The gang is really pissed off as they know someone spoke and I tell her I'll take the blame - So to tell owners it was me who told people.   (I seem to do this a fair bit in dreams take the blame for stuff other DC do) - the dream were aliens wanted to kill Ian, the pirate & seed dream )

Anyway....  the gang kidnap me, I'm to be taken to be killed or beaten up - I don't think they had really decided which.    The guy who I'm with I know on some level, he's in a suit with dark glasses and I go willingly.

Our journey will be by train (my timelines) it's an old style 80's diesel train but looks new, we have our own compartment.   We travel mainly in silence I know him and him me, I know they can't really hurt me and he knows that too, though he makes vague attempts to be intimidating.   I go in place of other people but once I've taken their place they are free.     I go to the toilet on the train as in the dream I have my period I clean my teeth while there too... the train makes an emergency stop and I know I could escape both me and the kidnapper know I won't - the game isn't running away.

I go back to the carriage.

When the trains stops we are in a city, it's modern and perhaps American, there are massive buildings all very posh and full of expensive stuff, my kidnappers quite chatty by this point as we both know the game/drill  he wants to take me into one of the buildings before we go to meet the others.     We are going to enter a massive posh lobby, with glass doors and lots of gold stuff.

My kidnappers in front and looks back to me to tell me something.... at that moment I clock a janitor glaring right at me.  

This is wired as this DC is staring right at me, his eyes are black, hair long and greasy and he's in a brown overall  (looks a bit like Jack Nik when he goes mad in the shinning)  this DC  looks demented with anger....  he has a broom.    He runs at us with the long broom on the floor, I call to the kidnapper to tell him to look out but it's to late as the crazy looking guy has swept him of his feet.  

The janitor DC grabs me and his hand goes round me to start digging his fingers into the flesh on my left hand side by my back... it feels like he's trying to reach into my body and remove a kidney with his bare hands :P     It's wired and very physical it happened so fast too...   I woke up still feeling the sensation of his fingers. 

Waking up I realise the the black eyed DC is a part of ID 

ID was explained to me ages ago after a lucid dream with wired robots - I think it also applied to the nasty Sun that I met.

14 June 2012
Lucid dream... where I wasn't really in controll
First time I've ever experienced a lucid dream yet not been able to do what I wanted.
The first bit was a normal 'dream' long dream I was in a cafe/bar chatting with some people there. I'd decided to sleep the night an was asleep at the end of the cafe... in the morning I set of home.
I was walking threw what was like an outdoor train depo, there were huge carriages, vehicals, machinery quite modern looking.
I started to look around me as I was passing between 2 big carriages and thought to myself, shit look at the detail on them things.... I stop and walked back to look more and thought this is a really detailed dream.
Then whent ping! Lucid Ah I'm dreaming.
First I think, Yehy I can go fly... so I try to get out of the carriages.
They start to move and close in round me trapping me.
I look for a way out but they keep moving like massive transformers.
I think 'Oh... meby they are going to turn into a flying machine for me'
I jump onto a bit moving up to avoid getting crushed. At that point 2 bits move round me, with kind of freaky robot faces.
I was a little alarmed at the fact I 'knew' I was dreaming.... but things seemed to be happening with out me being able to controll them.
The robot heads looked kinda freaky so I said I wanted them friendlier.
They made this wired attempt at a smile... that just looked a little sinister.
Then one of the robot heads with a bendy neck started to use a red lazer on me. First on my leg moving back & forth up my leg, then on my face and lips.
It felt hot but not burning.
I asked what it was doing but it didn't answer.
I got the feeling I had to focus on trust..... so I sent out an energy of trust and woke up.
It wasn't quite scary.... it had the potential to be, it certainly wasn't a nice experience though.
I've no idea what/what bit of my was in control of the dream though??
My half asleep mind told me it was perhaps what Freud would call the id.

I've a feeling it links in some way to this dream too.... 

25 January 2013
I had a string of wired dreams, with interludes were I seemed to be talking to people about them.
One was writing allover the floor, I was seriously angry about it... and the more angry I got the more writing there was. I'd realized it was a 'dream' and it vanished, but the other person in the dream started getting me to see it again.
Next bit I'm in a wired science lab with glass down one side that lookes over a large aircraft hanger, there are some aliens that have parked there spaceship down there.
When I go over to look there's a wired energy in that corner I think it's me at first, but it seems to have a 'will' different to mine but I merge with it when I'm close to it.
The other lab person tells me to move back to him, as I move away all the taps on the sinks come on full quite quickly water overflowing from the bench sinks.
We run round trying to turn of the taps but they come on faster than we can manage. After that a 'team' of another 3 people come into the lab, 2 of them are alien.... we go sit were the other 'will' is to discuss our next project, but we just end up smoking very old style pipes of tobacco.
Next bit I'm photocopying, with a huge old school copier, it's a balck & white 2 sided folded publication some how the copyer folds it to, but it keeps getting jammed.... It's jammed with wired things like shoes and food :P
After that it get's all wacky, people are bleeding and stuff like white PVA glue is coming from there noses and out of spots!
Theirs a huge pile of black and white cows all asleep in the back of the photo copyer and there's an assassin writing a book in a house on a hill with a green gate. I'm ment to be watching him, but I'm to busy trying to unjam the phto copyer and wash the blood out of every ones white clothes.

Second dream I'm in an unfamiliar town. I'm in a small flat the window looks out onto a narrow street.  I'm waiting for a delivery of windows for a camper-van.   I leave the flat, as I walk around I can see lots of baskets from hot air balloons...    they are wrapped round electric cables.  The balloons & people are missing. 

I've had other dreams of balloons too & cables too  (And the cable/wire baby vision) hummm

This from 20th Oct.
Stone close, my old house, there are 1000's of birds - all types it's so noise and really awesome, I notice some drips... they look like bird poop :P  When I look up there is a wire high high above all the houses, on it are 100's of birds sitting...    some people are trying to shake the wire.

I can remember one were a cable is broken on the street cracking too.

This one first in the blog.

And this one

15 February 2013
I was in my childhood home. My parents were there but also my kids.
There was something odd going on outside electric cable were stretching and pulling apart.
There was a broken cable right outside the door, with sparks and lightning coming from it. I wanted to call the electric company to come and sort it, but when I went to the net to get there number my keyboard had melted and was about to set on fire.
I chucked a damp towel over it and as trying to use my mobile before it went off too. I woke up after than.
---   Wonder if dreams are like this cause I'm ill.... if I'm inside me with my immune system. 

Monday, 21 November 2016

Other 'me's' & Pet Shop

I had 2 of the same dream last night.  In the 'dream'  I'm journeying to different connected life times, In one of them I'd built a native Indian fire, one of me was there adding sticks, another of me was surfing in huge waves - we were all working on the same lesson.   Non of us could talk to other people about it as they won't understand..... there were so many 'me's' working on it all on different paths with the same goal. 

I woke, and had the same dream so I guess I just went back to what I was doing as this time It was like vision questing with the other 'me's to all achieve this one thing.

lol... wish I could remember what it was

Second dream was set in a huge open air pet shop, I was looking for stuff for a rodent, and also firewood and kindling.  
Outside the store I'm waiting for a bus, I'm supposed to light a fire on the bus.   There is a solider there too, he's telling me about his training. 

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Strange School Dream, Vets and Lost Cat's/

First dream was set in a surreal version of were I live, in the dream an elderly neighbour had lost a cat.  It wasn't my cat but I'd taken the blame/responsibility and I'm helping her get it back.... she's very grateful.   There was a black and white joker card...   balance.

Next dream is odd it's a House/School/Party.....   It's set in the village I was born covering the village.  

There are loads of people and they are all behaving really stupidly!   I'm trying to help (I know the teachers at the school)  
The people don't really seem to know what they are doing... dropping food down elevators and all all getting drunk and fighting and attacking each other.  Intrigue affairs, all kinds of chaos kicking off.

I've promised a teacher I'll go back at a certain time to help set up for the new class.    I go back to my old house to try and get a key.
In the house is an old lover who wanted to 'own' me, he has a lover there with him but she's nuts!  Is wrapped round him screaming and jealous...  they are both paranoid, it's hard not to get drawn into the drama as she's trying to attack me, there is also vomit all over the floor.

I get out of the house fast and close the door, I run down the path and take of into the night air.... it's amazing, flying around in the dark with only starlight to see with.   I get the feeling that there are a few others in the dark sky too, we are all happy alone.     The grass looks and smells awesome in the dark.   As the light dawns I return to the school as I promised the teacher and clear up in there for the next class.

People start to arrive so I leave via a long grass path and go into a big swimming pool, it's a play pool.   I'm about to have fun when one of the security notices I have a wristband from an old day/game.....    I go underwater and tug it off and then vanish into the crowd to watch from a distance. 


Last dream.

I'm in a small room in a cottage, there is a bed and to the right of it there is a chest of draws.   It's a flat packed type, but badly made the draws only have fronts and they have fallen apart.

In the draws were lots of vet type equipment, mostly for blood lab samples, so diffrent types of tubes & needles, pots and syringes.

The draw and room is in a small old cottage, on a hill, 2 doors up from it is another similar cottage with the door locked.  3 people have a key. 


Next I'm looking at job applications for a new vet nurse... there are 100's of applications but they are all academic and non practical....   I'm overwhelmed that so many people want to work.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Water Dragon

First one of my book synchronicity!   I went back to one of the 4 books I'm reading and started where I'd left of a month or so ago, only to find I'd stopped just before a chapter all about Seth and the oversoul 7 books  (We have all been chatting about Seth for the past few weeks in dreamer group:P)  I'd also added samples for the same Seth book mentioned onto my kindle.

Soo   Dragon dream,

I'm not sure who 'I' was in this dream I was in a totally unfamiliar room with 2 totally unfamiliar teenage boys smoking pot.   I wasn't smoking so was just looking about the room, on one wall is a notice board.
A calendar catches my attention, it's blue and advertising a water park.... in the picture is a bright blue water monster/dragon serpent thing.  It's got a slide and fountain coming out of it, but it looks like it's tied in a knot.   At first I think it's the Loch Ness monster but then realise that the calender is Welsh so it must be a dragon. 

As I wake up I re'member my other recent dragon dreams.  
Shedding skin
Dream sharing
Purple Dragon
Dragon name

I realise the last ones have been earth dragons, following round the Medicine wheel water dragon would be next.  It also fits with the ocean dreams from this week. 

So I realise I must ask about the water dragon meditation.... as I'm mailing to ask I realise what this about.   It's about the dream/life below - also makes me cry! 

Summer  2011 some time. 

I had such a beautiful dream last night. It felt like it lasted a lifetime...... hence it's long

I was myself, human and I lived naked in a large deep lake were I was able to breath in the water.
The pool was in the most beautiful setting, surrounded by light forest with perpetual low sunlight that shone on the surface of the lake.

One day a black & white penguin appeared in the pool - at first we just imitated each other, but with time we learnt to interact and play together. Our favourite game was fetch, with a pink bath toy.
During a game diving deep for the ball, I happened into a tribe of human like 'people' living at the bottom of the lake.

At first they were a little unsettled that I had found them - I felt that I knew them. (Then realised this was a memory from a future, and that I would know them)
With time they accepted me and I grew especially close to one of them, years went by I lived with them and learnt there ways.
With time they gradually faded out of my visual sight but I knew they were with me still and I could always talk with the tribe even though I couldn't see them.

During this time the other humans (ones similar to how I had been) had taken over the area where the lake was situated. Eventually all that was left of the lake was a small dark deep pool.
The water there had become very polluted, the pollution didn't harm me as I'd become part of the nature of the lake.
The water was harmful to the other humans though, they wanted to dig out the pool and replace it with a swimming baths so that their infants could play there. I agreed and left the lake.
After the lake had been turned into a small swimming pool, lost and upset I tried to find the lake water.
I found where they were channelling the lake water too - it was now flowing in a dark underground canal, the water was black and thick and was being pumped fast threw massive turbines.
I could feel the tribe were with me though I couldn't see them..... I could hear them telling me. 'Don’t be afraid, don't be upset'
I left the canal and the dark water and found a small stream I followed into wild grassland.... I think by this time the tribe member I'd mated with had materialised to keep me company.
We came to a small metal shed on the edge of the grassland, inside the shed were 2 children working several computers. The tribe member I was with asked about the door way.
The children smiled and said they would help us in a moment.
After a small wait they asked us to open a cupboard and press a blue button, when we did so a doorway into another scene opened.
Looking through the doorway, I could see the tribe ‘people’ there.
In the distance there was a small beach set in a rocky cove and beyond a huge bright blue ocean.
I hear them in my mind saying to me ----- 'you know how to swim now, next you have to learn to swim in the ocean'

- I woke up then :) It was such a rich beautiful world and it felt like I'd been there for so so long..... literally a lifetime!

Soooooo   I need to reconnect with this dragon/spirit/life... and the emotions and knowledge from it.  I think there might be a whole sea of un-cried tears with this one :P

-  Next were visions.

The Greek letter Theta  and then Omega but it also had a small line under it.
What looked like a clock face in duck egg blue but the numbers round it were white birds like doves flying.

The last dream my recall is very jumbled, there was a forest and house, debts to pay a large white tent filled with food that was going to be moved.  
Some people moving bunk beds threw a mud filled carpark.  I was also linked to a wild animal threw the forest it was a white wolf, but it was very malnourished and in poor condition.

A tangly wood, were people can play.   Nothing is what it seems.  You are the question and you are the answer the asker and the asked. 

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

More Giants and Strange Shaped Mud

Dreams were wired with hazy recall but I'm still ill and can't remember yesterday :P  so it wasn't surprising.

First I was seeing what was like a black and white line drawing of a forest, it looked a bit like one of them grown up colouring books.

Next I had a wired dream of a big hole being dug into the earth, the ground was wet and clay like.... at first it all crumbled into wired tall hexagonal shapes... hummm a bit like the Giants Causeway but made from mud. Then some human body was found in the bottom of it and it started filling with muddy water.
Next dream I was in a small room with 5 or 6 other people, we were preparing for a war. there would be us against 1000's I think we we did kung-fu or something like that.
As we were waiting in the room for the battle to begin we could see Giants coming, but they were giant children! The same proportions as my giants usually are so the humans that were coming to fight them reached to the child giants knees and thighs. The children were picking up the other army and throwing them of the path like toy soldiers.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Falling Oak Leaves and Ginger Root Ladies

First dreams were of swirly spirally patterns leaves and orangey colours and owls too, visually really nice and very relaxing :)

First dream,

Setting is a strange glass hotel/hospital/school, I've just given birth but I don't seem to have a baby....  So I'm just waiting,
I'm waiting on a second female who's in labour to birth her baby.     There are many strange book stands, they are spiral but the books are stuck on them so they are impossible to read.

I know the Teacher / Wizard of the glass building he's a friend and he's given me a massive bunch of keys,  I've forgotten the codes that go with them so I hang the keys up and close a window as I want to go for a swim.  

I head out and down to the ocean which is amazing awesome and stormy with huge waves....  I remember that I'm going deep and won't be back for a while so I have to take some things I have back to keep safe the salt water will erode them.    They have to stay safe as I know I'm going deep out into the sea and far away.

Zak wakes me having a nightmare...  

I must have gone back into the dream as I do remember being in a huge Ocean swimming down and down and playing in the waves.

((Hummm,  thinking about this - Zak often wakes me at times like this in dreams, he also hated me swimming in the sea at Dorset and screamed his head off until I came back out of the water. --   There is something about the sea that makes me just want to go out into it and just keep going :P ))

Next dream was a dancing ginger root, like a massive curvy smiley old woman, and another that was a horseradish root, they had no faces but I could communicate with them......    I think meby that's what I need for this illness Zak's given me!

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Root Ball and Symolism

I've got Zaks chest thing so dreams have been disjointed and woolly.

First recall is of seeing 100's of dream seeds and chatting with a friend about what dream and reason.

Threw out the night there was a reoccurring theme of a knotted root ball,   From outside the roots are bright white with a faint orange glow, inside they are like light windy tunnels with autumn leaves blowing threw them.    They were a little like time tunnels I guess but organic ones.

First dream is set on the lane were I live at least a wired dream version of it, I'm walking up to were the woods are and there is a massive modern tractor there... it is doing access work on the road there is going to be more comings and goings into the wood, there is a discussion about appropriate footwear.    ((Humm, I have a feeling this is to do with the grounding shoes thing that keeps popping up for me))

Next a wired huge old house, it's got open fire places, work is going on to renovate it.  It's a bit like a school/dorm we all have numbers long 3 figured numbers that are assigned to us, though I think they go up and down... we are all aware we are playing rolls and are waiting there for a new parts and songs, there are gifts to share but something about appropriate timing.

Then more of the tunnels with leaves.

Next dream I'm on a giant sandy beach with no sea in sight.   The sand is white and dry, up above us the sky is like a huge blue dome....   but it keeps cracking, like something's hitting it.     The cracks spread down the sides in a lightning pattern making the dome shape obvious but then they heal back up again so it looks just like sky once more.
People are worried it might break, I have a vision of it shattering and falling to the ground in tinkling parts.   It seems to be holding for now... I think I was working out some physics calculation and I was picking a new watch, it was to go on my finger not wrist.


A strange unfamiliar house with a swimming pool in the garden, artificial green grass, below it is a impossibly huge new green and gold steam train, it has a gold whistle that 2 boys keep blowing and then running of giggling.


This dream starts of a old science lab with long wooden benches, sunken sinks and cupboards full of glass ware, I'm making a prescription up for a dog. 
The dog requires 30mls of Mercury??   I have it in a huge brown bottle but I need a dispensing bottle so I head out side to a storage shed. 
the storage shed is a round brown wooden hut on legs, inside from waist hight up it's full of tired shelves floor to ceiling all round the room, the shelves are sectioned up and each compartment is full of multi coloured pick and mix sweeties   1000's and 1000's of them.   Under the shelves are cardboard box's full of brown plastic pill pots, I collect one I need for the Mercury.


Next is set in a coastal village I'm watching a man who needs to learn the lesson of love.  He is fighting to see his son, when he gets access he learns the lesson but also realises he can't cope with the responsibility and runs away....  I'm looking from a hill in a village to a shore line, the sea is impossibly far out, 3 sand dunes have formed at the low tide mark and are filled with humans who are much to large...   I notice that quite a few of the humans are me (The crowd seems to be repeating)

(Mondays dream )-  Travelling on a spaceship, but we realise that the flicker rate is wrong and to slow...  we crash outside a house and the spaceship turns into a car. 
We are surprised because people can see us I walk threw a cafe, I go to walk threw a wall but realise it's solid and land on my bum :P   A nice old guy helps me to stand up.   - I wake up. 


A wired city, the windows have all been covered with concrete that has been painted multi colours, there are no people outside though there are some in shops the shops are all full and trying to sell stuff that no one wants. 

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

What are beliefs.

Toddlers been ill so he's been sleeping with me. 

 His mind feels like a vortex at night, I really don't understand it but I felt like I'd been in a mangle when I woke up this morning, I know he has lots of nightmares but I felt like I was being sucked into a black hole... possibly a result of his fever. 

Anyway,  I was aware part of me was asking about the belief filters (Me and a friend were discussing this) ....
I feel the reply was more to do with belief's generally.... the odd part was when I woke up I felt like the answers had been coming from Zak! the 2 year old who was snuggled in my arms.

Sooo It's wired...   As I'm aware of my self asking as if in 3rd person... inside and out....   I could see the answer as geometry! lol and it's complicated but also simple (It made total sense at the time too)

So what I wrote was ' We have to ask, to wonder, to know...       -   What we ask and why, will determine the answer given.....   

Then from Zak

'A point of reference, beliefs are a framework structure within which we can wonder.....     (This is also visual in terms of platonic solids and such things) 

Archetypes are more fixed...  think pre-programmed frameworks that we can use'

It was almost like I was seeing structured and unstructured thoughts O.o   It was hummmmm like a geometric use of mind.   *shrug*

Soooo....  my thoughts on this!   Hummmm,  I'm wondering how it fits with my current understanding, as when I've created or manifested in dreams I'm aware I use intention rather than thought/mind. 
I'm also remembering a dream teacher telling me I was hummmm errrrrr   Oh that I -  'lacked discipline' .... which I laughed at in the dream as I'm pretty unstructured, I remember just shrugging at them :stuck_out_tongue: 

Sooooo  uumm,   So are beliefs a structured form of creation?????

Will add the rest of the weeks dreams here.    Not many as didn't get much sleep.


Swirly Lines in sand,  some straight and some rings or spirals.  Reminded me of Zen sand gardens.

Last night, I still lept getting woken and was going in and out of the same dream... recalls not great as I was so tired.  
There was a strange round wood building with lots of what seemed like catholic things going on.   It seemed a bit like a pirate inn atmosphere wise , but with people getting read last 'rites' and making deathbed confessions.   

It was strange but not unpleasant... many of the people were white Generals and there was a map of places they had taken over...   Like a world globe thing/or gaming map.

I'm an observer, or hummm I'm not sure what my role in the dream is.... I seem like an onlooker. 

So in this area there is a guy confessing (The DC is played by someone I know, but I think it's more a representation of hummm   upper-class/privileged white Eton boy)   ...  he's sad about stuff he's done.
He's played a role in domination of other country's and also abused others on his way up.  

He is dying? Or being reborn....  not sure which,  he's confessing as I think he was catholic.... the building is like a wood round house the people he are confessing too are unfamiliar in appearance and energy. 
A new experience is being arranged for this person and some are being chosen to play roles.   I volunteer  as I will be unaffected by abuse, in ways that others wouldn't be (I have a skill to dissociate and ground)    It's better I go as others are not ready for this, there is also an element of 'game' for me that others don't have.

I'm in a second dream inn  ...I am a prisoner with a male.    I have with me an beautiful carved wooden box, in it are tree seeds...   I can use them to open portals into other worlds.  

Monday, 7 November 2016

A Dragon Gives me Dreams.

I went into the earth again last night.

This time I was in caverns filled with huge crystals and pools of water.  While exploring I meet long black serpent like dragon, it's face is like a sea-horse with huge black eyes.     I think I'd been communicating with it telepathicly before that and it was guiding me to it. 

I go to it, and touch it's face as I do it presses it's forehead into mine -  Which sent me into a dream

The dream is set in a strange sunny town/village with the most beautiful lush bright green grass.

I'm on a central green area with a pond and well, around it are old communal housing buildings.

They are a yellow orangy colour and old pretty and small with exposed beams, but they have been unused and are crumbling in parts.  

There is lots of work going on to repair and update the cottages, the people working on them are descendants of the original builders...  the work is to make a new affordable communal living place.   The work going on is amazing as people are re-discovering the gifts and crafts that have been lost threw the ages.

I get a little lost while exploring and find one area that is ultra modern and kinda out of place for the rest of the dream, in it there is a youngish male.  
He is working on the gardens and helps me find my way outside... when we get there he starts clearing weeds from a pebble court yard exposing a beautiful pattern of swirling coloured pebbles, he is crying with joy as he dose it and is telling me that the stones were originally laid by one of his great great grandfathers. 

As I wake, I'm back in the dream with the black serpent-dragon  we still have our foreheads touching, I embrace it so our hearts are touching, and this sends me into a second dream.

This dream starts in a building...  in the building there is a beautiful unfamiliar woman she's got dark hair and eyes and rich soft skin, she has children with her..... 3, she was also one of 3.   Her family is estranged..     The father is missing but he's due back soon, I make them all cups of tea and leave them to talk.    Outside the room they were in is a magical world, I have no body and am flying round watching, it's a coast line with clouds rolling in.  It's like watching a film set but the story is being told with clouds, light, weather and nature... it's amazing to watch. 

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Dream Hub & More Toilets!

First I'm dreaming of the 3D flower of life pattern it's huge...   the centre of each flower were it interlocks with the other bubbles is a heart.  It's a bit like VR  I'm inside the magic grid all & small.

Awsome dream. 

The setting is a wired hub, like an astral bus station or something also feels like a city in that it's a meeting place.

It's both organic and synthetic the floor is like the circuit board from the hive collective dream.  It's very modern, flashing signs and lifts made of soft grey material, it feels like it's in space it's open.
In it is my partner and another male and me, there is another female there but not present, she's a 'mother archetype' the main people are partner, me and this male... he's supposed to be American but sounds Scottish and I think he's called Schultz.  

We have met to 'watch a film' although it's nothing like watching a film at all, it's like having a brain shower or something :P
It's about messages from beyond the grave.   Our consciousness all join in this place for a info-feast, it's amazing it's really funny and very emotional we all laugh and cry together... there is lots of understanding and love.  After the film we talk and share we learn together.  My partner has made amazing spheres and layers of glass are working with negative space  - but they are information too.  People start popping in that we have experienced in life..  they are showing my partner how they are him too  one that I remember is 2 females, one is an old partner of his and another is a female fox hunter...    The 3 of them talk about karma / quantum entanglement. 

We are having a meeting of minds for a meeting of hearts.   I seem to be getting more and more lucid... and a little awake... but can maintain awareness of the dream hub and my life, I'm aware I can 'Ask Questions' in this place and that I'll know/learn or be shown the answers...  I duno what to ask though!
So I ask, show me :)
I leave the hub....  and I experience layers of 'real'  threw manifestations threw fields of light.... stuff I have no way of describing or making sense of while awake! lol  I'm vast...   spreading out and out.

When I wake it's that wired feeling of realising your way to huge for your body and you can only take a titchy bit back in to animate 'Andrea' :P  I'm also having an Asthma attach and realise I've been very deep.

Next dream

There is a pantomime, a show.   Also something about a safe with stuff in it, we have access to the key but the people who have the safe don't realise what they are keeping. 
I'm going to take part, it's outside.    There are lots of small horses/pony's there.  I'm riding on a small one with no saddle and bridal but I realise the horse is a bit to small so I get of and walk beside it instead....  I walk to try and find it a saddle.   The dream is set on a long green lawn area, to the sides are huge areas of wilderness that I want to go to...   Part of me goes there but I'm aware that male me doesn't want to go so I also stay in the central green area.


Next is so so so wired!!  It's a poop race!   I'm watching a wired toilet contraption... it has 4 toilet seats and the bottom is glass O.o   lol
It's rigged up so that the person that poops fastest wins!  There is some poop chutes that the poop slides down to set of buzzers!!

(I'm sure the symbolism will be obvious in this when I get it :P  )   Wonder if it's the same as the DL speeds??


Next yet another toilet dream... 

I'm in a house asleep in a bed, a strange man walks in and wakes me.  He needs a toilet seat!   I get up and take him to the bathroom and give him the toilet seat??? 

He's happy, he's also asking about some of the stuff in the house...   as he leaves I realise he's forgotten the loo seat he came for so I follow him out of the house with it, he's very grateful. 

Guessing these are linked to the new soul fragment in the bathroom

Sat Dream that I didn't write up.

It was a void experience of being shown time again....  different lay outs (I should have drawn theses when I woke...  it was to do with a planet too...   and the awareness of the planet making a time/info pattern, I could see cross sections threw DNA too something to do with a singularity and a heart...  oh and the DNA was tickly  and hairy :P    After that was a big blue hr glass type thing with energy moving in and threw it. 

Friday, 4 November 2016

A New Soul Hunt, Rainbow Ribbons and yet More Dragons!

Recall is not peak at the moment, I guess it comes and goes.

I defiantly found another soul fragment though!  The dream scape was odd, it was almost like a large viewing platform over a world.   'We' the dream characters seemed to be a mix of species, almost hybridised animal/human forms bird and mammal hybrids from what I can remember.    
Species behaviour seemed to be determined by appetite and diet..... there was a wired tank there were we were growing types of edible moss in high humidity. 

I went to go to a toilet - the bathroom in the dream was really out of place, it was 2 small bright blue rooms connected together no windows (I used to dream about bathrooms lots!)  
Anyway as I walk into first room to go threw to were the toilet is something tugs my hair...   loosens the thing fastening it.    I realise it's a 'ghost'   (This is often how some of the fragments first appear... as ghosts pestering other DC's or indivisible things that slam into me)   I'm aware of the 'presents' of the other 'will'  and I greet it.  It's cautious, so I go to the loo :P   lol  me and the other 'will' regard each other, I think it tried to intimidate me but unsuccessfully it seems as I was happy to go to the loo whilst we contemplated each other. 

I left the bathroom, with the 'will' still in it.  Back in out on the world platform I was asking the others about the 'Ghost' in the bathroom, but no one seemed to know anything about it or had experienced it so I guessed it was there for me.

-  On waking I can see a soul fragment...  I'm not sure that's the right word!  It's part of me that's fragmented for some reason, the fact it's shown up or I've found it means we are ready to come back together.... wonder how long it will take and what it is! :)

Next a black dragon, this time I seemed outside of it rather than being it.   I have no body and am just an observer.  This one had legs rather than a serpent type.   It was an attractive looking creature in it's own way :)   I think it was sleeping.

Then in contrast to the black dragon the next dream was rainbow ribbons, and Triad me :)

In the dream I'm standing at a bus stop with an elderly lady, I notice she has a ribbon in her pocket and I start to pull it out, then another pokes out from her shirt so I tug out that.... then i spot more and more of them! 
We laugh as I pull all these colourful ribbons from places in her body and I realise she's an older me at that point not to be put out a younger male me appears (he's in the roll of 8 year old male school friend)  He grins takes some ribbons of my and starts to poke them threw his stomach into his body! 

Me and the older woman laugh and conclude that the male mind is wired :)

I pulled another card this morning too.  5 of crystals this time... SO I've had same card 2 times which was a Four, then Fives in 2 different Suits.   So seems the Elements are still playing too :)

----   Musings! Just after I finished this the phrase 'Fools rush in where angels fear to tread'  popped into my head.

The fool!   The seeker! Angles/Angles...  One int he same?  Angels/Dragons? The Yin-Yang perhaps.

I was wondering if anyone else considered it that way round and then found the lyrics for

Jokerman by Bob Dylan!  :D

Standing on the waters casting your bread
While the eyes of the idol with the iron head are glowing
Distant ships sailing into the mist,
You were born with a snake in both of your fists while a hurricane was blowing
Freedom just around the corner for you
But with the truth so far off, what good will it do?
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman
So swiftly the sun sets in the sky,
You rise up and say goodbye to no one
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread,
Both of their futures, so full of dread, you don't show why
Shedding off one more layer of skin,
Keeping one step ahead of the persecutor within
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman
You're a man of the mountains, you can walk on the clouds,
Manipulator of crowds, you're a dream twister
You're going to Sodom and Gomorrah
But what do you care? Ain't nobody there would want to marry your sister
Friend to the martyr, a friend to the woman of shame,
You look into the fiery furnace, see the rich man without any name
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman
Well, the Book of Leviticus and Deuteronomy,
The law of the jungle and the sea are your only teachers
In the smoke of the twilight on a milk-white steed,
Michelangelo indeed could've carved out your features
Resting in the fields, far from the turbulent space,
Half asleep near the stars with a small dog licking your face
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman
Well, the rifleman's stalking the sick and the lame,
Preacherman seeks the same, who'll get there first is uncertain
Nightsticks and water cannons, tear gas, padlocks,
Molotov cocktails and rocks behind every curtain,
False-hearted judges dying in the webs that they spin,
Only a matter of time 'til night comes steppin' in
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman
It's a shadowy world, skies are slippery gray,
A woman just gave birth to a prince today and dressed him in scarlet
He'll put the priest in his pocket, put the blade to the heat,
Take the motherless children off the street
And place them at the feet of a harlot
Oh, Jokerman, you know what he wants,
Oh, Jokerman, you don't show any response
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman

Songwriters: Bob Dylan
Jokerman lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Thursday, 3 November 2016

More Dragons and Dream Sharing.

First an experience last night with cards.
I pulled one before sleep.
The 4 of Hearts or Cups.
I looked at the image first as I do.   4 is the number I see as creation/illusion/reality
It's the first thing with 4 points (dots) that can be flat or a shape...   It can be a pyramid,  flat like a square or it can be tolled like a tube!

It's a solid yet flexible number :D  It's a water card so is dealing with emotion...  Hummm but then water in my dreams is also Unity.    A drop, or an ocean small or all.

In the card the 'One' is separated from the 'Three'  No an individual not trinity connected to the whole?

I'd looked at the book meaning of this card and it didn't resonate... so I reshuffled the deck really well fanned it and picked a card   and lol    Same card!   *High Five Universe*   So this morning I'm contemplating the traditional image for this card, also the 3 and 1 and the contemplation (Buddha under Bodhi tree)

Sooo!  Interesting, as I don't feel my heart is broken in fact I feel full of love :D    I doo feel I've been working with Earth though... so prehaps it's time to let emotion into the party too...   Oh, could the 4 be the Elements again?    Hummm,  Yes I think, I've worked with mind...  spirit and earth (see tonight's dream) so next is water!  Oh... the crying under the tree this morning!   O.o   *giggles*   Ok, it was the right card after all!

So 2 Dreams.   

First is a Dragon dream  I'm not sure if this would have happened anyway or if this was brought on by contemplating trying the 'Earth Dragon' meditation as a dream.

Mid way threw the night I took the form of a long black serpent dragon wrapped round the world,   I climbed into it and kept swallowing my tail until I kinda of rolled myself inside out (like a rubber tube) shedding a dead grey layer of triangular scales & skin as I did...
This was a wired sensation.

(It's not the first time I've had a dream like this but I've never sheded scales before)   I also often dream of being a tube/tunnel

I felt very 'heavy' on waking (This could of been cause I also accidentally dream shared with daughter though)

I've been for a long walk and sit under special tree, and felt some energy shift in me and work up.   So feeling awake again now less heavy and more like I'm in the land of the living :)  

This was what I mentioned above,  I felt really 'heavy and sleepy on waking'  Like I couldn't wake up properly so went for a walk to  I was sitting with soul tree this morning it was beautiful and the sun was just peeping from round a tree opposite.  It was so beautiful and I felt so happy there...   I felt an 'energy shift'  lower left stomach and work it's way up & out I was crying a bit just cause the morning was so beautifully perfect :)   After this I felt much more awake.

Ooo, it's afternoon now I just pulled another card...  5 Swords, So if the cards were going round the medicine wheel Elements. , that fits with what would come after 4 cups!   

So my other dream was the dream share one.

It was wired, for some reason we were getting rid of Fay (Eldest daughter) I don't know why..   the dream was wired, anyway I'd suddenly realised that we couldn't get rid of Fay and I had to do something about it.... a woman was coming to collect her.

As I got down stairs, the first thing Fay said to me was 'Mummy! You were in my dream,  I wasn't wanted and was being sent away......   but you were on my side! '


Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Dreaming Sharing with Others, a Pattern and a Dome.

I'm dreaming of dreaming....   my awareness was split between several layers of reality/waking/dreaming

I'm with others and we are learning dream sharing.  

In the 1st dream in,  I'm in a bed with some others, there are 4 or 5 of us, it's dark and I'm holding hands with the dreamer next to me as we all sleep into the 2nd dream in (We have no forms in the 2nd dream)

We are aware of both dreams too, part of our awareness is in the shared dream scape world and part is aware in the dream in which are our body's are asleep dreaming together.

(I'm also 'sleeping' very lightly as I keep waking to take notes and write them on the dream pad in the dark, I can easily re-enter the dream's in fact I think I might be aware of them still slightly while awake and taking notes.)

We all seem to be quite new to this, it's very good fun though and we are learning together.   

Non of us can quite get a handle on who's doing what :P   and we can't work out how to turn the lights on so it's quite dark in the dream :D 

The dream scape we are sharing is a void type 'sand box'

The kind of void that you manifest stuff in with your mind.
It felt like experimental team work, we working together to try and sort ourselves out and make something work.

In the dark dream space we have drempt up a kind of track... it's shaped like a figure of 8 I think, it's black and magnetic...  we have a small 'vehicle' (It's more of a hovering container)  It can travel round the shape, it's held in place magnetically and can trace the inside and outside of the infinity shaped track easily and quickly.

I was aware that we were trying to 're-invent the wheel'  lol :P


Next was wired,  or weirder ;) 
I'd moved out of the dream 'structure' so I was outside it looking into the dream void.    The dream was contained in a kind of web that looked like an interference pattern.  It's  larger like a dome and the holes have fallen away leaving a lattice type energy.

I think we all might be outside now.....  we are playing with what can best be described as 'puppets on strings'  On the outside of the dome shadows dance.

I remember at one point wondering if the dome was my skull...   I also recall that it was 'stereoscopic' 


Thoughts on this dream, I'm wondering if the 'people' I'm with are the Elements again?   (Hummm  I'm going to say yes, as everything in my reality just 'swivelled'  a bit...   lol  -  It's like everything around me spins slightly, it happens when I get more lucid in life) 

They were the ones trying to lay down together in last nights dream I was telling them it was ok to touch.. 
So I'm now wondering if this is my 'team'  that I work with in dreams...   I often am aware I'm working with a small group...   Fire is the only one I regularly meet and talk to at the moment, the others I'm aware of but I never see there faces or remember talking to them.... just that they are with me, Oh actually the moon crone that's earth.   I wonder if the animals are Archetypes or elements?

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...