Tuesday, 31 January 2017

LabyBirds, Teaching and Cleaning.

First dream I'm in a warm place wearing animal skins...  It's warm and bright I have lots of skin exposed.  I'm dancing.  1000's of ladybirds appear and land on me, some of them are mating.    They are on my back and belly, we are dancing to wake up spring  - the male (sun) is still hidden under the earth.

(This was very similar to the dream from the night before)
Next dream I'm a primary school teacher I'm job-sharing with another woman. 
The classes are very informal, we have set up many different play worlds on white small child sized tables.
Mainly they are like playmobil type of toys... so each table is a different scenario/setting.   There are also some tables with puzzles or games.

Our 'job' seems to be to set up the toys/worlds and observe... then at the end of play return things to the right sets and make sure everything is ready for the following day.  We notice that the tables keep getting covered in mud and crumbs that is making it hard to sort stuff out and we seem to be working way past the time we should be.

At some point I notice/realise that one boy is coming in with his shoes on and standing on the tables, leaping from one to another leaving the mess.   He's not from this year... he should be in the next year up but he still keeps coming back.     I wait for him to arrive and show him the mess he's making, I give him a dustpan & brush and teach him to help to clean up and sort out the play worlds for the smaller kids.


Next dream I'm in my Aunty Irean's house... though it also seems to be mine.  I'm renovating/cleaning/clearing.   There is a large glass room on the side of the house with shelved all round it.  I'm packing up the stuff to give away.   I find 4 tiny yellow spiders eggs and take them to my friend Roz, she's overjoyed with them as they are what she's been looking for.

Once I've packed up stuff I move it away on a raft - this is quite fun :D  The waters really fast and the rafts a bit crap and flat I lay on it as we wizz threw with water getting wet.   Back at the house we are 4 (all me I think possibly elementally) know that there is still much to change, we are painting some things in a blue/green colour.  There is also a massive bed were we can all sleep,  we were going to sleep (I think to get into another dream) but I got woken up by Zak. 

Monday, 30 January 2017

Very wired dreams!

First dream I was I think was possibly my childhood bedroom.   It's night and dark and I was in bed with an old school friend trying to sleep.  In the room was a ghost or something.   Things kept moving/changing.  It had woke us up.  The person who I was in bed with swapped into someone else another guy from school (I think these were playing male me) .... still toys kept moving.   
It was a bit freaky so we decided to have sex to distract ourselves.    At this point a cat appears that also wants to get involved with the sex  -  she keeps charging and jumping at our genitals!  
This made us laugh and stop.
Sex wasn't going to work as a distraction due to this crazy cat so the guy went to see what toys were moving.... there were some of them wind-up chatty teeth that kept going and going...    as he approached them they flew of the shelf and onto the floor.  

Next some toy cars moved, he knelt down to look at them and I stuffed my-head over the side of the bed and pointed to a toy tractor moving back and forth beside him.   When I looked again I could see the ghost of a small boy perhaps 3 years old, he had ginger curly hair and green dungarees... he tried to grab a teddy I held... I was going to yell 'No' then realised I'd scare him so I asked him 'Please... not that one '
He smiled and went back to playing with the Tractor.


Next a vission.

With the smell of singed furr or feathers... I was sitting on sand, drawing with sticks and placing runes into a pattern that had something to do with planetary conjunctions.


Another odd dream  later in the night a wedding that I was travelling far to go to, I'd forgotton not had time to get a gift.

Odd bridesmades... one was  familiar also with ginger hair...  she had gold tulle in it and wired white old fashioned bloomers with blue dried flowers on them and she had tiny bright violet eyes. 
When I commented on her strange eyes she pulled down her bizarre pants to show me she was a he!   *shrug*   
After that I was watching the couple unwrap there presents, they'd been given some really wired things like the front seat of a car!  When they brought out the wedding meal we all got one small boiled potato.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Lots of Coffee.. and Lots of Dreams.

First dream I felt like I was water but I was frozen, but then I melted and gradually turned to steam.

Then a very long rambly dream set in dream Seahouses, It starts in Pinnacles as an Amusement arcade, I work there.  I have a photo that moves like the ones in Harry Potter.. it pans round a whole scene.  In it is my daughter she's having a play-date and I need to collect her.

I find her in a large house on the seafront, it's the house that got burnt out a few weeks back leaving nothing but arches and a horrible red carpet.

Oddly, I also drempt of being part of a kings death that night O.o

When I get to the house now it's been done up, but I remember it from the other dream with the burnt out arches.
We are in a room downstairs with long trestle tables, the owner is a blind elderly woman - she has no teeth but she hugs me and tells me she 'see's' me and that I'm a good mother.
On the way out the front of the building was like a cross between a very old inn/museum/junk shop.

Oh wow!   They had these old artefacts that In my dream I knew and recognised.... 

I knew in the dream it was knights Templar.  I've just checked it and it is that!!   ...   the wired red cross thing, but in the dream it was carved onto a very old painted wooden throne. 

Hummmm....  I guess that fits with when I did a soul retrieval at the knights Templar blood ritual. (I'll type that up after)

I go out and next  It's sunny and I see the sea and beach. 
I remember I still have stuff to do and
I have to collect another image from someone I know called Ruth (in the dream people I knew as teenagers are there all the same age)  It's an image that was in an old magazine and it's important.  I walk up the main street and realise that they need a modern coffee shop (this is wired I duno why I'd think this)
I meet Ruth and her now husband and there friends and I follow them threw the village which is more of an obstacle course at one point we climb over rocks and what looks like exposed coral - it's been painted in rainbow colours.    I'm kinda stuck on it and then it all crumbles into little rainbow shards... I then find an office chair I can use to climb out of the rock hole.   I keep following them up and down until Zak woke me up.

Next dream I'm in a massive barn looking out onto summer countryside it's open at the front and I'm looking after some horses in it.  There is also an old grey elephant on the platform above... and people serving tea and coffee.   A man with me keeps passing hay up to the elephant...    it's making it restless, eventually the elephant charges threw the cafe area and down to were the doors are it's owner tries to stop it but fails..  I follow the elephant out onto the strange hillside - non of the trees and plants are familiar.     I follow the elephant and then find some pink baby lotion that's been spilt from a bottle and I try and put it back in.


Next dream is a wired setting of a Victorian science lab that is also a coffee shop, it's got long black benches and the sunken sinks with long thin black taps.   The benches are tiered, and at the front is small tables with groups of people who want coffee.    All the machines are out of order and I'm supposed to make the coffee one cup at a time straining the grains and boiling the water for each cup.

It's taking me ages to make each cup, I eventually make one then take it to serve Ann (who keeps popping into my dreams!)  As I put it down the cup vanishes and only the saucer remains. 

Frustrated I go back up to the other waitress and tell her that we have to make it by the jug full and get a hotplate working.    I sort out the machines and make a large jug of coffee.... 

I get called down to the front of the cafe, there is going to be a show/performance/game (it's to do with fire/water/flood)  I've been picked for a roll, we look like fancy dress pirates... they are trying to get me to take a weapon, I don't really want one but eventually take a red plastic sword. 

Sooo the pirates make me think of this dream.... 

Knights Templar Dream...from 2013.

Cafe/Restaurant/Vets type of building... it's dark with stacks and stacks of old plates.  It's a little like an old fashioned school canteen/sanatorium. 
The building is crumbling down and very old fashioned, all the staff are leaving.   Boss is upset as they are saying that they will get paid more at MacDonald's.  There are piles of dirty plates and dishes all over...... I stay to work.

The back of the cafe is very strange like an antique shop, filled with many strange artefacts, I go below to a room, there is Latin writing over the door and I can read it.   It leads to many underground tunnels that go on for miles and miles, they are furnished with old red runner carpet and occasional bits of furniture and old fashioned sofas.
I enter a room of the corridor and as I walk in I get possessed of something, something flyes fast into my neck on the left and I float up to the ceiling of the room ranting and raving.... the room changes and I'm watching a Knights Templar Blood Ritual..... they can't see me and after the all leave via the door into the long corridor. 

Friday, 27 January 2017

Journying, and a Meditation Class.

First dream woke at 3.28

It was set in a old caravan in a forest and there was a group of us, humm    around 8 Chelsea and a friend I know here called Claire were among us.   We were a mix of ages, the youngest around 5 years and the oldest a man in his 50's with short hair and a beard. 
We were doing shamanic journeying and recording what we were doing on an old fashioned  vidio recorder.   On the film guides and auras and all kinds of stuff not obviously visible was showing up.  The young girl had light coming out her throat when she opened her mouth  white but breaking into the spectrum a little like light reflected from a  diamond.   like she was glowing inside.
I was getting a bit impatient with everyone faffing round so I was the first to journey.   I was talking out loud my journey so they could record it.  I went to a cavern under an ocean, it was lit by crystals, I remembered I needed to bring something back to help remember so I created a shell hair slide

When my awareness came back into the caravan it was all going a bit crazy..... more people had started to materialise in there too, mainly school children in uniforms, they were afraid of something.    It was getting kinda crowded so I took some of the kids outside to tell me what they were scared of.... we also had a magic map we could use to navigate to different reality's, everything was connected and we could pick a map location and teleport there.


Next dream is a strange group/sect learning about meditation. 
It's being managed/run by a guy with a shaved head in long colourful robes, we are learning sleep/ meditation techniques.... It seems ok then he starts pushing Jesus as everyone's saviour and I'm annoyed he didn't make his intention clear from the start, I want to know why he had abandoned the Goddess. 


Dream after I was arguing with Ian, something to do with an apple (Oh the spell!)  O.o

Anyway...   We were in a wired twilight world...  with houses on stilts and mossy grass banks, and there was a quiz/argument/lesson/ about who was right, but neither was right. 

I was trying to get alone, I ported into some sand... as I walk along the tide is very high and it comes up over the dunes and onto a road. 


Rock SeeSaw and Dwarf Elemental.


I met the dwarf last-night in my dream I was talking to him, but also morphing in and out of him so I was him talking to me too......   He was also shape-shifting.  It was odd, as first he was young then old, so I was tugging his beard to see if it was real... but then I had the beard and could feel it being pulled. 

I have no recollection of what 'I' was in the dream.   I was asking him if he was a dwarf of a half-ling?     he replied sort of, and that he was elemental.   I get the impression he's a masculine earth aspect.    It reminds me of when female fire used to pop into my dreams alot and help, I knew she was part of me.

I'm beginning to think this is the bit of me I've been tracking/meeting/getting to know on and off over the winter months - I'll have to have a read threw all my other dreams and see how it fits together.

The dwarf was associated with the number 22 as well,   there were like 2 dreams overlayed one was story, and the other numbers and symbol they stuff.   The dwarf was 22, and waves in the sea were 33


My dreams were broken...   but hum.  The first was of a school and we'd just finished learning something so were having a party. 

Then the rest was jumbled with waking up.   The things that stood out were something that looked like grey megaliths... the kind of blue/grey stones like Stonehenge. 

I remember being on some grass and grey stones coming up out of the ground/earth   around me, they looked like standing stones.  But then stopped surrounding me, it felt like I was standing in the fingers of a hand, were the palm was hidden below me and only the fingers rising out of the earth.

Next think I remember is a massive monolith also grey/blue same stone.... it's laid on it's side like the needle in a compass or the spinner in a board game... it's balanced in it's centre.     It's reminiscent of a playground roundabout / see-saw and I want to play... but it doesn't work with one.   SO I split myself into two and we climb up onto each end of the stone to play.....  it rocks and spins!

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

MMO Style Dream Game

Cool dream of an odd game environment. 

I was dual me but I only had one body but kept swapping between male/female.  It was a magic using game set in the sky.  

Humm there were air currents to ride and castles / bases on clouds.  

Some of the high level gamers had things they had carried over from other games.  At the start of we are so low level that we are like pawns and not even allowed entry to the main arena we get told what to do and when.

We are frustrated as we want to play too, we trick our way in by surprising a female game warden (we squirt her in the face with water)   
Because we managed to get that close and surprise them they have to allow us to game too with total use of freewill and magic....   They don't seem to be happy about it, and when they ask who 'we' are  (As I'm 2 in one person) I smile and answer 'Players'

The reluctantly let us in but we don't carry anything over and we are not allowed to take part in the game design but we can compete now... 'we'  govern/use love school magic to compete. 

Some gamers had amassed tons of stuff and had huge floating cloud places...   we didn't have anything but were really good at teleporting and riding the air currents.  

Monday, 23 January 2017

Earth Time...

Threw the dark in the winter we fight with our will,
To return to our shadow, our quiet our still.

Fighting our nature to struggle for growth, when the night is so long and the earth calls us home.

No direction to grow in when the light is so low.

To rest, to reflect and then die into all.

The old and the new the in and the out.

The material and knowing.

In my heart there's no doubt that i belong in the earth now,
to sleep till our spring,
To battle my nature is no easy thing.

Lost in-between worlds, when being needs to rest......

The madness of growth when my earth knows what's best.

Mechanical worlds.

First thing I recall was being on a massive metal spinning fairground ride.   It was very fast and very mechanical..     There was nothing 'fair' about it, it was more like being inside a machine.  It's made of dark grey iron.

The setting on the machine I was placed in was flapping around and I could see a nut that needed clipped....  oh yeh, it was organic too as when I flipped the metal but to the clip the clip knew to catch onto it.    It was intense g-force on this thing....  and it was also something to do with marriage!    

The setting is in a underground city....   So we are in a huge industrial cave underground, the lighting is warm but low, quite natural looking possibly torches.   When the ride It stops I walked out of there into what seemed like a stone cathedral but also still underground, it had huge stone pilers and arches holding up the cave roof, old fashioned oil lanterns hanging from brackets on the side.   I was walking down the central cavern that was covered with cobbled stone when a small child approaches me and asks if I'm a vet nurse - he needs someone to help with his soft toys :)  So I go with him.

We port outside onto some grass by a road it's sunny, the kid has a picnic style soup kitchen for stuffed toys! I go and sit with him on the grass and we give plastic food to homeless teddies and dolls.


Next dream Is very odd.
I'm at a posh venue and I'm on roller-skates serving drinks!   Attached to it is a school type office. 

This bit was wired as the people in the party were people I've not seen in many many years from high school. 
They were young like they were then...  there was a wired vibe about it all with some being elitist. (The vibe of the dream was one of inequality) 

I wasn't bothered for me (as I was there working/on mission) but some people were upset at the way the elite were treating them.    I knew there was a party that only a select few were invited to, I made a point of mentioning it in a passive aggressive kind of way to the birthday girl (who I think was playing the role of elite(due to the fact she's now loaded)
She kind of made a show of saying she'd forgotten to invite me but I told her I didn't want to go - which I didn't I was just mainly being provocative but also I was just wishing her happy birthday.    Then she burst into tears!   

The dream jumps to were the party is happening, I'm outside but I'm there as I had something to do in the building below..    I'm speaking to a friend who tells me he's going to move his family to Stockton...  I tell him Darlington is better and I show him a vision of burnt out council estates and housing and destroyed high-schools. (Which is odd, as I'm showing him a vision of another dream I've had when I was doing something around the burnt buildings- it was also linked to mythical lake, and a group of people )   

It was an odd dream set in a world like this but with much worse inequality. 

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Body Stasis Farm

First dreams are disjointed a multidimensional painting...    It had a flock of small black birds on it... but there were people too.  Hard to describe.  Then I felt like I was very far away :P

Next dream, a new class is starting.  It's grey and raining we are in a dull tall building, it's made up of old fashioned communal shower rooms and cloak rooms... there are no bedrooms.   I walk down the stairs and realised its changed since I last took a lesson here.   All the colours have gone.   

I'm meeting people on the class, some of them are really upset with me and won't talk to me and I don't understand or remember what I did.   All they will tell me is that I made the same mistake twice.  
I remember feeling sad that I'd upset them but had no clue what I'd even done, but as I was moving on I kept going.   The course I'm on is for symbols.   This place is the halls of residence but I'm not staying here, my class is in a different zone.     I walk down spiral stone stair well and out of the building there is a small room with a fire in the hearth to the left.    It's the only warm/bright thing.

Next I journey across a city using buses and underground trains, all of the colours are dark they are red,green,yellow like the Rastafari colours. 

I reach the place were my class will be on the other side of the city, it's like my dream representation of Bailiffgate.  

*Wake up but go back into same dream*

I had these 2 dreams in that area lately This class room one, and  this ice spire one.  This time the class room is library like still with long windows set in green grass land.    I'm going to the symbols class I remember I failed it last trimester (cause I never showed up to class)  I recall taking the exam in another dream and I didn't know the answers... I don't think I ever collected the results. 

I go down and in, there are some bits of paper and pens and I almost get to my seat when I remember Zak was somewhere and I won't be able to concentrate if he's wandering around so I excuse myself and leave again!   Outside there is a large sand dune, I decide to walk to the top as will be a better view from there.    As I get near the top I forget about Zak, and the class and lay down in the sun.    It's a beautiful day and I feel like I might have a sleep here.    I'm looking at the white rippling clouds, I notice an area in the sky is glitching.  

It's small and round the clouds are spiralling there, I wonder if it's my eyes but it seems more like a glitch.   I press my palms to my eyes and am surprised when my closed eyes display an interface!   On it are words, symbols and images that I recognise.   One of the images is a pyramid status pod - I place my hands onto the interface and it's solid...  I instinctively know how to interact with it.  It puts me to sleep and wakes me up.
Anyhoo, I'm much more lucid now and I know I've left a body that is now sleeping on the sand dune dream.  
I set of to find my body in this new dream layer.   I know one of the symbols on the interface was for stasis pods...and I remember that this is a 'body' stasis layer.  

The place is all white and I find my body in a room with others bodies in a crude wooden pyramid hung up by its feet.   (I realise in dream that I'm not rendering this place as it actually is and that these are crude representations of what I'm doing! ) 
I move the bodys till I get to mine and start to unfasten/and wake it.   A caretaker appears, he's a kind elderly man...  he is surprised to see me and tells me 'No dear,  don't do that... don't wake yourself'
I ask him what's going on as he tends to my sleeping/stasis form..  cranking it back up so it is aligned. 
I ask him were I am, he tells me one of the overseer's is on there way and they will answer my questions. 
I'm both excited and nervous as I wait, I wonder if the overseer will be an insectoid.  (duno why I wondered this) 
When the overseer arrives he is rendered as a tall male, very tall close to double my hight.   He reminds me a little of our family GP when I was a kid wise and gentle. 
He knows me and welcomes me, he knows I have questions so we will go to talk.  I readily agree but tell him I don't know my way round here. 
He places a hand on my back to guide me and we take a lift to another large white room - there are vents in this one.

We sit down and he takes out a pad and paper were he starts to draw for me.    He draws in 3D like he's making objects from the pen in light.  The pen changes colours.
The first is a symbol object with equal and opersit energy flow spiralling round it's self in a ring it has 2 shapes interlocking shapes inside it too....    it's pink and orange and inside is more layers symbols.   It's glowing and quite beautiful.    
Next he draws/creates the energy body & stasis pod with the flow of energy and between the body and pyramid frame... showing how the inverted position is optimising the blood and energy flow. 

I ask him which is real... was the sand dream the real world (As I don't recall I'm 2 dreams in/out)  he tells me not really. 
I ask were I am, he tells me it's a world too - he says think 'down on the farm'  he tells me it's beautiful outside and as he describes the end of the valley that we are in I know it from other dreams and I know it's layer in an area I'm familiar with.  The room we are in is quite busy now, people are teleporting in and out and materialising/dematerialising from other realms/layers.  

The Overseers is the only double hight person, he motions to a young Asian boy sitting close to us and introduces him,  'This is Loci - he knows his way around' (even in my dream I could see this was punny :P )  Why not go and talk with him'

I thank the tall guy and go to chat to the young guy, he's friendly too.  I ask if is here deliberately and he tells me yes, one of his bodies is due to be beheaded in a few hrs and he didn't want to wait there.

He shows me how he taps his wrist to leave and re-enter, he tells me another dream needs him now and he taps his wrist and vanishes.

I'm unsure if I want to wake up yet... and I see a group of females so I go to speak to them.  
They are going to take a class..   I didn't realise there were lessons here too.  I ask them if it's easier to learn in this level, but they aren't sure.    I tell them I'm not good at spellings and symbols, they tell me it's a different series here a word that rhymed with fairy. 

I decide to wake up, but instead of being on the sand dune but I wake up in my bed, feeling really excited :D  

So the first 3d shape the overseer drew with light, was an orange & pink twisty bands that floated and moved flowing in and out of each-other, in the floating in the middle of them was a pointy angular interlocking start that pulsed.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Married to Trump :/

First remember is in a small room with a fridge I'm a dealer of meth and crack!  I'm also a medical student.  

The authoritys are aware of me but so far haven't found evidence of what I'm doing... I keep having to hide stuff, and I'm leaving it in places to be collected.    In the first scene I'm hiding stuff in an old freezer and then I go and sit with a group of male students talking about quantum mechanics...   specifically the correspondence principle.

They mentioned this too Hilbert_space  ?? I duno what this is but in the dream it made sense. 

Dream jumps to a halls of res bunk room, the room is behind me and I'm looking down into a light 'town' it's not really a town it's like a circular game board floating in a white void.....  
There are people on it, family of the students and they are making their way across the game board to come up these huge shiny white concrete stairs.  the people on the game board are weirdly big for this strange board.  

I'm at the top of the stairs waiting for them, but I know I have no family visiting.   A woman with a male and female teenage child is struggling to manage the stairs but neither of her children are helping, so I go to help her - she's great-full when we get to the top.   (They look native/tribal hair is black and white and woven )

They come into the 'bunk room' it's a large dark cave / cavern under ground.   
The lighting is low a few industrial metal lamps and sound is muffled.    There are hollows carved into the cavern walls were we sleep round the walls.  (I guess it looked  like a burial chamber)
There's a blond haired guy in a bunk over from me smoking a meth pipe... like me he has no family of his own who will be visiting.   We are connected and we know the police are closing in on us....

Dream swaps to a street I can hear threw a wall I hear a family in a house.   A step mum is yelling at a 10 year old daughter, she's had a new baby of her own and the relationship with her stepdaughter has become strained and bordering on abusive...... the father isn't doing anything to protect his first daughter and I wonder how there relationship got in such a mess. 

Jump again, I'm married to Donald Trump!  I'm repulsed by him, my male aspect is there too we are young 20's ish.  My male aspect is dark haired, we are both scruffy and unkempt looking.    

He's waiting outside the house I've just moved into with Trump, there is a tight spiral staircase to the upstairs bedroom and Trump has bough a big new white bed for us.   The house is modern and clean.

The bed is  heavy and unwieldy and he's trying to get it up the spiral stairs, I'm hoping he has a heart attack trying :P    He's sweating and struggling to get it upstairs and I'm speaking telepathicly with my male aspect we are coming up with a plan to get me out of the marriage.  
Trump gets the bed upstairs and lays it down....   I shudder, I kiss him (which is very icky) and then make an excuse that I need to go out for a while but will be back later. 

Once outside I meet my male aspect and we walk threw the town we are in, it's 1920's style.... everything is grey dirty and cold.   We both have large black fluffy coats.   

We have a small illustrated handbook it is for a rehab program at a temple in the town... it's to turn you into a monk....the images are cartoons.     I'm planning to go there become a monk instead of going back to Trump.
We go into a small shop to ask about it.    It's all wooden and dark inside and the monks seem really dodgy - they refuse to speak to me at all but chat to my male side, he pretends it's him that wants on the program.  They clearly fancy him and we realise they are all gay, and females aren't allowed on the program so we leave.  I still have the book with the pictures.

I decide I'm sleeping rough and not going back to the house so I cross a street, I leave male me at this point and my dog appears.  

I walk up into a small grey court yard ajoning a  grotty70's apartment block, everything is very grey and hard...   
There are some tired concrete steps and a few other rough sleepers there already, again all male.
The courtyard is at the edge of the town and I can see and hear the Sea....  I pick a bench so I can lean on the wall looking down onto the grey stormy sea below, my dog tunes into a black and white punchbag and I hug it and wrap my coat round me to fall asleep watching the sea.  

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Falling Planet and Bird People.

A dream in my main dreamscape last night.. it was the first dream and I woke at 3.33 having had it. 

I'm in the house, in the room were the 2 birds came in last time but at the window and we are looking up into the dark sky area.      The dream is set at night and there is a planet we are watching.

It's getting redder and bigger, we are excited! We know we are using it to remind ourselves.    We have been waiting for this sign... in my mind it was Venus but it is behaving like a dieing sun.    We know others are seeing the same sign but are surprised as once the reaction starts it's going much faster than we expected....       We were expecting the planet to gradually get bigger and redder and move slowly   - but it's all happening much faster than we though, the planet is getting closer and closer very quickly and we are happy cause we know it's a reminder :D

I seem to be waking at around 3.30 each night again at the moment.

Next is a vision, it's a paper full of symbol writing, it's looks a little like Sumerian but it's with pencil rather than indents it's very beautiful and detailed....   I can't understand it. 

Next dream starts in a room, with a person who pulls a tarot card he tells us it's a sign to move now.....   by moving we fall asleep.

The dream we go into is a grassy countryside and we are in a small indent shape in the earth.  It forms a small ring.  The male who pulled the tarot deck has changed, he's wearing grey bulky cloaks and now has a shaved head in the style of a monk and a hooked nose.  He's a seer, and is communicating with the elders of his group.   We sleep in the green ring earth work, he wakes us again and tells us it's time to move on again as he's had another sign.    

At this point I wake up again into a different dream, I'm in a street next to a car.  Over the road there are a group of people and George Michael is there he's young like he was when he was in WHAM  and he has a small group of young females around him.   I look at the car I'm standing beside it's a sliver Mercedes and on the bonnet is a small indent that is round....      I climb up and curl into the hollow to go to sleep -  I seem to be small like a cat.     George Michael comes over, it's his car he apologises to me for disturbing me but wants to get something from under the bonnet before I fall asleep again.  I jump up and he gets what he needs.   He leaves again and I curl back up on the car and fall asleep again.   

In the next dream I'm back with the baled headed seer but he's changed again...   this time we are up in the branches of a giant tree.    We are in a round shape again, and he's even more bird like his cloak is grey and black feathery  - his hands claw like like grey chickens feet.    Nose is more hooked and eyes smaller,   he tells us we are getting closer and has a small stone basin as a scrying bowl.   He pores into it some sliver water and we all jump again.  

This time we are in an obvious nest,  and he's a giant bird person!   His clothing and stance remind me of the Skeksis in the Dark Crystal  but his face is slightly more human looking and not decomposed like they are -  he dose have a beak now though, I'm aware of a network of bird people seers   -  they are all in touch with each-other.

Woken by an alarm clock.   

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Scotish Accent and a Dwarf.

One long dream - that I kept going back into.

It starts in a tall featureless white room, I feel we are high up as I'm aware of stuff happening below, I think some vehicle is being repaired.    I'm making a vegetable soup and the floor is a light wood colour.  It's covered in black hair, that I'm sweeping up.

People come in and out of the room to get the soup, they are working below.  One of the people who comes in is small...   but not young.  He's one of the old races a dwarf or half-ling he dances with me, and I ask him to marry me?!?!   He leaves again but we are betrothed now.

Zak wakes me so I go settle him...

Back into a dream were I'm still betrothed to this strange bloke.   This time the setting is different, I'm in a lower ground floor of a tall building...  Ann (vet) is there, and the room we are in is large  and very busy.  Some people I know and others are strangers but everyone seems to know someone else in the room.  

It's a vet surgery/hospital again white featureless and bright.    Ann is the mother of my betrothed but also runs the hospital/vets we are in, I work there.    There is talk about a cardiologist coming in to do a talk on resuscitation and people are putting there names down to be present, but also social arrangements are being made the room has a large white island table in the centre and white continuous sofas round the outside.   Groups are lounging and chatting and one person is walking round with a huge blue cuddly giraffe toy that has 8 legs.  

Everyone is very very surprised at  the betrothal of this guy 'David or Dave'  as he was so 'different' it was assumed by all including himself he would never marry.    I'm surprised to, as firstly I don't like/agree with marriage! and secondly I've no idea who he is.   He has siblings too and they are all slightly suspicious of me.   

Dave and his parents go into a side room to talk about me and the betrothal - my shift is over and I want to know if I'm on the rota for the following day so I go to the room too and knock.  It has one of them wired eye/peep holes in it and I can see Ann's eye looking at me.   I can also hear them telling David he needs to ask me to dinner and get to know me.

I shout threw the door I need to see the shift rotas, they  unlock and open the door for me.  As I enter David smiles at me politely but then his father jumps in front with a box and says 'Do you want money?'  I laugh, as say 'Doesn't everyone but I'm here to check the rota to see when I'm working'  
He has a small old cardboard box filled with fake money.   David asks me if we can go to dinner - I tell him yes and he offers me a lift home.  
One of his brothers leaves with us and we get into a dirty wired car, they sit in the front and I get into the back seat but for some reason I refuse to sit or ware a seat belt and lay down along the back sear... 
They are annoyed and drive really badly intentionally trying to get me to fall of the seat....  I'm totally indifferent to them and I'm laying down so I can look up.  Up above I can see amazing ancient tall buildings with 1000's and 1000's of tiny pains of old fashioned leaded glass..    They look like a mish mash of ancient and modern... like if Tudors did skyscrapers!   The light reflecting of them looks amazing...
I arrange to meet him at the exit to an underground train station later that day. 

I don't remember anything until I next see him....   He's standing at the top of an elevator across a street I decide to get there via a short cut threw a university building. 
Again these are multi story buildings..   I plan to go in one building up and a cross and then down another to get across the street.   As I enter the first building 2 blond guys come up to me and ask if I want to come with them to a party, I politely refuse and head to the stair well.   I seem to be a residential halls building it's consists of small comfortable rooms with only a bed or comfortable chair in each decorated with coloured cushions or bedspreads. All the rooms are arranged round a spiralling stair well one small room on each landing so all the people are in the stair well.   It's a squeeze to get past them, the rooms and stairs are filled with beautiful half dressed young females getting ready to go out... there are also a couple of dogs too a Dobermann and a ridge-back.  It's all quite distracting as I squeeze past them all but I remember I'm in the city to meet someone.   So I make my way up first one stairwell go along and then down another.

It takes me ages and I remember it's freshers week, and my short cut wasn't short at all.  I reach the elevator but David isn't there so I enter the cafe were we were heading too...   I look around the tables but don't see him anywhere - I'm quite late now.   I notice him sitting on a sofa in the corner and go over to apologise for being late.  

I kneel down by the sofa so I can see him, and start to apologise but stop cause of the way he's looking at me.   He's hyper real, serious and intense he speaks to me and like the guy in the cafe last night his accent is Scottish. 

He says.   'Now then, what's all this? If ye want ta ken what I'm thinking, just look me in the eyes' 

His eyes are amazing....  very very dark warm brown almost like portals..      I wake up! 

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

More Rainbow Hair, Serving Food and Mending Things.

First dreams were odd, kinda telescopic.  Box's in box's and things folding and collapsing in together - really nice woke up feeling loved up.... I think this was to do with male and female energy flow.


Next dream I had rainbow hair again, there was a bunch of cafes and restaurant in an open old fashioned city square were people were having food.  The buildings are stone and the tables spill out onto the sunny paving stones.  

I seem to be one of many people who served the food places as waitresses, all the waitresses seemed to go to and from the same kitchen.  

I start the dream getting ready for my shift, I'm putting rainbow stripes of colour into my hair. 

I enter the square by following 2 females in there matching outfits out of the 'kitchen'  (I've no idea about this kitchen though it's hazy)

The 2 females in front are dressed in formal black and white uniforms with tidy hair and bows... they head into a large building.    I seemed to be rainbow coloured and a little tatty and was serving in more of a street cafe.    It's busy and I start with taking an order from a guy at a table.

The table had a red and white checked cloth and the man had a Scottish accent and he wanted a deconstructed sandwich and a bottle of beer....  I remember being a little baffled by his request and it took me a while to establish he mainly wanted bread and a blob of filling on his plate. 

Next think I remember - I leap to a large broken sun umbrella, it's broken but I know how to mend it...
I take it apart and a  young person is painting a beautiful picture onto it's fabric while I'm busy  mending the frame and finding it something to support it....   We finish mending it so my father in law can use it. 

Next I'm on a very sunny long sandy beach, the tide is far out and sea is shimmering in the distance.
At the back of the beach in front of the dunes is a row of kitchen appliances, we go to sit beside them to watch a show.. my male aspect is back and he is with me.   (I'm not aware of his point of view though, and we don't know we are the same person in this dream... we are more friends working as a team)

He's sitting on the open door of a big stainless steal dishwasher.  I can see he's bending the door so I support it at one corner to stop it breaking all together. 

When he gets up the door is buckled and won't close properly, he pushes it to try and shut it but this makes it more wonky... 

I can see the broken hinge and think I can fix it but there are sparks when I put my hands in.   I ask him to turn of the electric for me but he doesn't know how.....    tells me me can't see which one to unplug.  

I'm trying to explain he just needs to follow the power back to it's source (plug) 


First bit....  that's just the fun as usual, it's when I connect more and depending on how balanced I am depends on how much I recall.

The feeding people dream....    I dream of feeding people a lot, at first it was just myself.   Sometimes it's rooms full of people and often I'm trying to do that while also being on another mission :stuck_out_tongue: 

Blugh....   ok, my dreams, guidance, regression, visions all tell me I'm here for connection/service.   A little like a healer (more like a worm)  ..  I came in service- but in actuality it is  balance....    I'm likely balancing all the energy of group where we seriously fucked shit up too :stuck_out_tongue:     (all in the name of learning and all the game) 

(I deny this constantly to myself, as I'm scared of inflating my ego/logic side but my dreams constantly tell me it over and over :P) 

In this dream specifically...  I'm serving my logic side, we fell out a few nights ago and 'he's' been missing from dreams since.    We are making up :wink: 

'He' want's a deconstructed sandwich...    My logic side is trying to tell me I duno what's going on or what the fuck we are doing, break it down.    - I finally get the message and the dream shifts.

Hummm   Ok, the sun umbrella...  so this is a shade from sun, the masculine the direct energy the more thinking stuff.    It's broken,  so I'm not filtering my logic male side adequately.   I'm repairing it for my father in law... so Guy logic!  This is an old logical belief I have that's having a hard time readjusting, as it want's shaded from the new incoming insight direction.     I am aware what needs to be done and can do this in dream time...    I'm trying to weave and filter my understanding and filter it to make it more palatable to the logical mind. 

Next the beach dream....   

I'm thinking sea..  way out, but visible.    I'm not currently in touch with unity/love but it's insight (it's the tide so natural flow) 

I seemed to make friends in the other earlier dreams with my logical side and he's back...... but we are not working as one so are not quite on the same wavelength again yet.

Sooo  dishwasher door...

Seems creative is attempting to compensating for my logical sides clumsiness/careless. 

Dishwasher...   an invention to clean/time save, stainless steal....   highly refined earth.    -  this is something that can be beneficial if we get it functioning. 

Then the power thing... hummmm  in the dream I was trying to give my logic a job to do... but still having to walk 'him' it threw it...      The statement 'follow the power back to it's source'    Seems to be telling logic/ego me in frustration telling me to go inside and connect again.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Weekends disjointed dreams.


I had hazy recall too but very long dreams, one was swimming with people in rivers running threw country side.. mainly they were windy but now and then there were concrete boat moorings and such to navigate.  I was jumping in of the side and we were diving down to collect rune coins.

Next dream was an odd building that we were packing up to leave from, 2 storeys and maze like with wired things like a woman making a mango smoothie and a machine that made toffee popcorn.     Someone had taken the baby's and I was comforting a friend who's daughter was missing.... then I realised Zak had gone too.     Oh and there was a dream were I had no body and I was like a drone watching a roof being replaced then zooming round gardens. 


taking a flight with kids, and sorting passports and one of the kids was mine but it's father was the homeopath owner of the health-food shop.. and the child was wired.    On waking I realised this was symbolic and I should work out what archetype they were... but I've been to busy.

Anyhooo...   this child was not like my real kids, but in my care..     He seemed huge  (but my kids are titchy)  so he may just have been normal.    I was following him on a scooter to make sure he got the right flight.

Were we landed, I'd spent so long making sure that the right people were on the flight that I'd forgot my stuff.   :P

It was bright blue sky and sea hot and sunny.   I bought a bikini in the local shop that was white with bit orange spots on.


A forest with houses in trees, the trees are big and dark and have little doors in them, we live inside them. 
I'm writing a story about a robin, there is a toy robin too made of felt. 

Next a big fibreglass pet cage.  In it are a strange mix of animals that all get on with each other.  There is a bat, and a rabbit and a tortoiseshell  cat (who hugs the bunny)  A bird, and some rodents, I'm making the rodents bed cosy with fluffy stuff.    I'm surprised that the cat is so friendly, especially when it wrap's it's furry paws round the rabbits neck and gives it a hug :)

- A town, I'm following my Aunty Betty, we are going in and out of buildings... she keeps leading us in and out of churches.   They are filled with incense and I cans see Latin writing in the stones... we weave in and out of buildings shops and churches from one street to another. 

Next is a dream journey first location is a beautiful green valley..  there are enormous megaliths in the hill side.    One is like a lintel in a door... the door is a cave.    The are old and it's lopsided were the hill had eroded over the years.    There are other massive cut stones above it also laid into the hill side.

Then a strange world, in my dream I considered it to be Nepal (but it didn't look much like it aside from very hilly/mountainous.   There were wired houses tall and rendered and painted white, each was just one room on top of another with one wall all window.    Inside them murals had been painted or were being painted onto the back wall of the odd dwellings.

Beautiful big pictures, they reminded me of 60's record covers.  

I was travelling threw this land scape on what I thought of as a bus....  except, there wasn't anything there.   It was like sitting down, but I was outside.   When we travelled threw fords my feet would trail in the water getting wet.  

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Selkies, Blocked Tap and a Lucid Giant!

First dreams were of dancing again, I was in a fairytale.
Plot was bad people and good people.  Good people were doing bad things to others and 'we' are trying to stop a pattern repeating.   I become a fever dance... we take over dreams and fevers hallucinations and we dance threw them, we had to work fast to change things quickly.   When we got caught/noticed we recycled back in but we had made the change first.    It was a fast dream-dance/chant.

I can't make sense of this now I'm awake, but it seemed totally viable at the time :P 

Next dream was with my daughter in, there we 2 teachers who were female lovers, one of them wore jewels and had lots of diamonds in her teeth.... they were kind, smiley and helping my daughter. 

Next I'm in a building an odd version of my first home.   I'm in an upstairs room - at first there is no furniture, the north-facing wall is a mirror.   I can see my dream body in it, I'm very pale/slight and have very long rainbow coloured hair... I don't see my face. 

The next part there is now a large oak table set up for a meal (old fashioned style)  a large open window is to the west, with strange thin drappy curtains...      We are 4 people in the room and a chicken.    As we sit chatting at the table a starling flies in the open window being chased by a young juvenile herring gull (It still has bits of down on it and looks very recently fledged).     The gull sits on the window ledge calling, and the starling comes and lands on my head... It balances there waiting for the gull to leave.  

We stay in the same house but we now seem to be clearing it out and cleaning it..... there is tons of stuff in there that isn't wanted needed any-more (I notice many things are in 3's)

I go to the east facing kitchen... there is 1 sink but a spare tap to the South.  The south tap is clogged with lard and I take it apart to clean and scrape...    as I'm doing this I'm remote viewing over the other houses to the sea shore... it's like it was before my birth and the burn is a bigger and salty.    

I'm watching 3 people in the water in the burn, they are in the water a male and 2 females... they keep turning into seals and then back into people.   I remember I can do that too (Selkies) and make a note to go into the sea again soon.   

I bring my awareness back to body and I'm cleaning and polishing the tap until it's a shiny sliver colour.

Next dream, I'm in a town I think it's Darlington...  there is an old man I know, I've gone to see him he's drunk - he's throwing ice.   He throws it and it hits me in the back between my shoulders... it doesn't hurt but I will come back later when he's calmed down.   Next bit hits me on the back of the head as I turn a corner.  
I'm in a busy street, two females with disability's are walking slowly side by side.  I'm behind them I follow behind, but the crowed of people behind me are growing inpatient and they start to push with me at the front... I'm lifted of my feet as I'm pushed threw the gap between the 2 disabled women I smile and apologise to them a flood of people come threw and push me forward surging into a more open and relatively green town square.   The woman behind me who was pushing me apologises and we grin at each other before she walks of again.

Next part I'm in what seems like a town park, there is a huge area of green anyway and I'm with 2 others.  We are chatting when I hear a noise and think 'Oh, that sounds like our air-lock'  (old pipes) and I realise I'm dreaming.  

Not sure what to do now I start doing the back stroke in the air, the 2 people with me roll there eyes at me.   I smile and shoot of into the sky straight up and then teleport far away from them.   I can see them at the other side of the field pointing at me.     The dream scape looks square almost box like from this vantage point.   At this point a giant appears!

He's huge and wearing what looks like a lab coat and had the feeling of a science teacher...  I decide to go closer and zip around his head like an annoying fly :P   ...    (It's the same ratio giant as I always dream of so if I stood on his shoulder I could whisper in his ear. 

I woke up after that.   


First bit,  Not sure but it seems to follow on from the dream about coming together and preparing to dance... also happen in the early part of the night (this is when my wired and void things happen)    They are more experiences that dreams with details. 

Then the dream,  humm   2 female lovers - and were my daughters teachers.  One with diamonds in her teeth....    Hum, possibly some kind of guidance... they seemed nice and very loving :stuck_out_tongue:   

Next I'm in a building an odd version of my first home.   I'm in an upstairs room - at first there is no furniture, the north-facing wall is a mirror.   I can see my dream body in it, I'm very pale/slight and have very long rainbow coloured hair... I don't see my face. 

Not sure, I've never had long hair...  I don't really like it seems like to much hard work :stuck_out_tongue:  lol it was nice though!  Not sure what this means, it was very feminine I guess and the colours were nice.  North in the Celtic medicine wheel is earth  oh so feminine.. sacred feminine... so in the dream I'm seeing myself as a reflection of feminine (mirror was here)  - I'm not dark I'm pale and colourful, I think I was dancing here too, this it the maiden goddess aspect I guess.  (fits with the time of year)

Next part, 'Others' (I often have a small group in dreams)   + Lots of birds, this seems consistent with the shift I felt to air, lots of air totems to work with. 

The chicken -- errr  humm,   jungle fowl domesticated, I saw wild ones when I was in Nepal...  ''. Chicken energy will point out to you the need to scratch around further and seek out more information of the bigger picture to become fully aware of the responsibilities for the individual and group energy healing to be done for the sake of the Earth. Chickens are teachers from the Bird Kingdom, curious and sensitive to all that goes on around them. They belong to the elements of Air (Thoughts) and Earth (Grounding), which put credence to the term ‘Earth Angels’ when mentioning Chicken. The sheer numbers of chickens on Earth at any one time calls in the largess of this huge group/individual soul energy working to bring you guidance at this time. It may remind you of the phrase “all your chickens have come home to roost” so pray and pay attention to ready yourself for taking action!''  Ok, so the chicken was part of the group too.... so we are to dig deeper.   -  Wow, Chicken is a pretty interesting totem :P   Also, fits with the Celtic wheel...   Earth into Air transition.

The starling, dark but rainbow and landed on my head with rainbow hair...   crown chakra.   Starlings are very much flock/unity birds, messengers of communication.  Gull's are more independent but still like company, powerful, aggressive  I've spoken to a juv herring gul before in a dream. 

This seems to be a message about inner voice and speaking out.  http://spiritwalkministry.com/spirit_guides/bird_animal_spirits  coming from the west, so this would be for me from water.   So unity or emotions.  This seems to be finding my voice, knowing when to talk and when not to and not being bullish with my voice.   The gull is also a high flyer so perhaps gaining a higher spiritual perspective on the starlings scope of unity.

Selkies, Blocked Tap and a Lucid Giant!
First dreams were of dancing again, I was in a fairytale. Plot was bad people and good people.  Good people were doing bad things to others...

Humm...  next bit,    this seems like mental/spiritual house keeping and clearing..... still lots of tat around.   The tap... it's a channle of water so unity/emotion/love  and it's gunked up so it wasn't working...  I'm fixing this, it's also in the south, so fire  'intuition/imagination/visions and action'    -  gunked with lard/fat (could be greed)     so solid at cold temp, needs warming or removing.   

While I do this I'm looking at something remotely..   3 a trinity/triune again (mind/bod/spirit complex)  Selkies - seal people, at home in water or on land.  (Also the Selkie myth is fascinating too)  So seals, gentle, playful  ...  insulated! By lard :stuck_out_tongue:  enabling them to live in frozen waters.. 

Humm,  I've been insulating myself from the full flow of my emotions,  it's time to change this (I'm working on this in the dream to physically break down the insulation - and I'm showing myself a vision to remind myself I'm at home with my emotions...  I'm also learning  the elements and how I can work with them in dream to understand myself.

Next dream,

Hum, this is something I need to revisit... he's throwing frozen water on a sunny day.  I have something unresolved here that I will come back to another time.  It's ice and hits me back & head...  it's an issue of heart & mind and emotion from the 'past'

Street..  hum.

Different speeds, and all women.  I was happy to wait, but the others are in a rush, but I was the one that pushed threw??   It was all friendly, we all seemed to have the same destination.   The lucid bit I'm just playing really :stuck_out_tongue:  Though why they giant, I really have no idea!

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Flying Cat and War with Money.

I had wired dreams last-night... quite stressful.   (although I did feel a shift yesterday from water to air...  (Possibly this is coming full moon  and the approach of Aquarius)    and I'd swapped my bracelet for a Jade one and this might have been the change. 

Soo  The night before my dreams were firstly of disintegrating and then of being on a wind swept scrub-land with a small tent, I played cards with a friend and we slept in the tent out of the wind. 

Last night first dream was of being outdoors at night, there was a perpetration for a party going on the was lots and lots of people who had come to dance, there were tents for us to rest in with strange fractal gems and as we danced stuff disintegrated.

Then the stressy dream, I was finishing a course in a country and town at war.

The opposition was 'corporations & money'  - the people didn't even seem to know what they were fighting against though, and were under the impression it was the same allover.   I knew that the bombs were coming soon.... and would drop (these were like the reality bombs I sometimes get in dreams...  they destabilise reality's and make jumping easier)

I was trying to leave, but my cat was there too.  I needed to get onto a plane to leave, and couldn't find my cat's passport and rabies certificates.... when I woke up I'd got all the cat stuff I needed and was chatting to someone at the airport about were to board the cat.


When I woke up I came down to the radio talking about this - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-38549807  Mainly about a USA& UK trade deal.    I knew my dream had been about this, before Brexit the left in the UK had worked and in hand with Europe to stop the transatlantic trade deals, as it would allow US corporations to much power over elected governments  (To do with publicly owned infer-structure/healthcare and agriculture. ) 

I know that's what my dream was about,    I'm getting prompted to work on it spiritually.  (

The cat could be independent me....  the dilemma to interfere or leave.  Or it could be greed,   sometimes when my cat's in a dream she'd fat and asleep and that means greed and materialism :stuck_out_tongue:

Hummmmm  to know what my responsibility is?? I used to  be scared of that word :stuck_out_tongue:

Now I know it means I just have the ability to respond.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Old Races

Visually amazing dreams in mythical worlds. 

I kept zoning in and out of the same kitchen space last night too but this time I'm alone in the room, there is no food noise smoke, the only light this time is a fire in the big stone hearth.   I'm made of fire, in a humanoid shape, I have no face (same as when I'm dryad)  Just vague head body limb shapes... I'm not solid just flickering fire.... I go into the fire and join with it to get into the other dreams.   

First dream is set in an incredible mythical style world the old races are there, ( don't see them but the world is familiar to me and I know) giants, elves, dwarfs and what not are all inhabitants of this land.

In the dream I'm watching as a beautiful city and it's surrounding countryside is being lifted into the air.   The countryside is lush green, and it's has the light quality of a late summer afternoon, it's hyper real and everything glows.    

I seem to be part of the team helping/watching. 

A huge floating stone bowl has been prepared for the city to be moved into it's half a mile above the ground. 

We are going to use a magic glowing net to life the city up it's already under the ground.     We are flying or are awarenesses is, I don't recall having a physical body as such I just know I'm in the air and what we are doing it as telepathic/mental.

The net lifts and the city surrounding trees, fields rivers and  lift with it up and up over the bowl and then gently down into it, the spare glowing gold net drapes over the side of the bowl, the rivers are tumbling down the side of the floating city in waterfalls to the ground below.   

The process has taken a few hrs and the sun is setting, the sky is pink and golden... it's indescribably beautiful we fly up to the wall to watch the sunset together.  

I wake up with symbols in my mind, they look like alchemy elements and planets and such.

I make notes of first dream but I'm already falling asleep again and back into the ancient stone kitchen...   Back into fire and the second dream.


This time I'm a a small group we are young adults and nomadic, we start of in an unfamiliar village were we have been hanging round the village awaiting the return of one of our group and we arranged to meet this friend at the library there. 
The friend is called Ziggy. 

When he arrives, he's dressed in browns and greys.  Not tall with curly hair, he has a degenerate problem with his lower body and his legs are thin and he uses crutches....  he arrives with 2 companions. 

The companions are a colourful sprite/elf fairy, she is similar hight to us but dressed in colourful flower petals with colourful hair.  Her language sounds a little like German but we all understand each other well, she is friendly and chatty and instantly liked by the group. 

The other companion is hummmm   well part goat part human.   Not like a Pan type character... more like a goat centaur as she has 4 legs and a horse like body, her furry back comes up to our waste. 
She is gentle and sweet and is pregnant, her flanks are swollen and she is carrying Ziggy's baby.   She lets us all stroke her furry pregnant tummy.

Now we are all back together again we head out of the library and out of the village back into the farmland and countryside.   We have bags with food and wine and we are looking for a place to camp for a while, some of the group have gone ahead and I'm walking slowly chatting with the pregnant goat-person and sprite.    
At one point we try and make our way threw a wooden outbuilding but there is a brass band practising inside who don't want disturbed so we take a longer walk around.  (The band was playing onward Christian soldiers) 

By the time we get to the others there is a fire lit, a couple in the group are bickering about a tent that one of the males has.    
Most of us sleep outside, but this males female has decided she wanted a tent, he's faffing around with poles and a heavy old blue canvas...      we giggle at him and we lay round in the grass watching, The male is grumbling that he doesn't even want to sleep in a 'stupid tent' 

We have camped looking down hill into a distant abandoned village... it's ruined now but it 100's of years old.  The shells of the old stone dwellings are crumbling down.

As the sun sets, we can see that bonfires have been lit down in the village making the outlines of the crumbling stone glow in the dusk light..  

We are watching the smoke from them drift straight up in to the sky,   we can also see what look like mini whirl wind vortexes coming down from the sky to the ground. 

It's mesmerising to watch.   


Thursday, 5 January 2017

Tortoise and a burning bid.

The dream starts in a medieval kitchen, it has the same stone coulombs holding up the roof from the church in my dream the other night.

I'm standing at the far end of the room next to a massive open fire, pots and pans are cooking and meat roasting.   There are no windows and only lamps/torches for light, it's smokey and busy..... it's hyper real, I'm chatting to a guy I know and I go to sleep in-front of the fire to get into the next dream. 

This is the dream version of the village I grew up, I'm on the shore but there are huge tall rocks on the beach...   the tide is going out and there are pools round base of the rocks.
  I'm playing hide and seek with people, we are all adults.    It's cold, and grey and stormy but we swim anyway. 

I find the male aspect of me and we go up into the dunes to walk towards the castle,  Bambugh Castle.

On the way we walk threw some houses that are on the dunes...  (at this point I split into 4...   so I'm me and male me who is Ian & the other 2 are my bro and his wife)

We go in the south doors, inside the rooms are very ornate, polished wood panelling with oil paintings.
It's decorated with expensive rugs and vases there is a large open fire place to the west burning brightly, the windows on the east look out onto the shore and sea.   

I see a tortoise walking across the floor and pick it up, I place it on top of a grand piano in the corner of the room before we walk into the next room.  The next room is a very old fashioned bedroom, with a dark wood 4 poster bed with heavy curtains.    We are on our way threw the building and at this point we run out of doors leading North...    I clime up to a small wooden window and open it, it leads onto the roof tops... there is a black cat there with it's bum to me.   I can see well worked stone guttering and tiled roofs.   

The rest of the party don't want to leave via the roofs so I come back into the room and offer to teleport us outside,   my male side tells me to make sure we have a vehicle as he doesn't want to end up in mid air.  

At this point my bro turns into a werewolf, and wants to lay down.   I tell him werewolf is an anagram.   I manifest a flying roofless car outside of the building to move us all too.

The port only works with me and my male half, we are in what would be the front seats.... but the car is only made of smoke so we are sitting in smoke...   I speak to the others and they didn't take the teleport as the moons up now and my bro thinks he should stay indoors until he's less of a wolf.

Me and my male aspect float over the road on the far side of the dunes in our smoke cloud and decide to go back to the sea.  

We make our way threw rocks back east and into the sea, there is a deep gully cut into the rocks on the shore...    it's making a deep channel were the current is very strong.     The tide is coming in now and we swim against it to reach the edge of the rocks and the open sea.

Once we get there we wonder about the channel, my male aspect thinks it has something to do with an ancient stone quarry inland, I'm interested so we follow the gully back till it leads to a fresh water spring...   flying above we follow this inland for miles until we reach a hill that is bare stone on one side. 

Part way up the rock face is a very unusual straggly brown bird, It's nesting like a bird of pray and it large so we fly up to watch it.   It's got wooden branches coming out of it too, and some dry grass.

My male aspect sets fire to it!  I'm confused but he seems to think the bird needs it!  

The brown bird seems un-phased by being on fire and the flames slowly start to grow till it's branches catch alight.  

((woken up by alarm clock) 

Soooo similar stuff again..      The rocks from these dreams.

The mountain pass....

Soooo   in dream terms what are rocks?     Old weathered rocks?   Rock formations?  Sea worn rocks? Ancient natural rocks expanded with bright pink Resin?   

Recurring threw the last few weeks..
It's the same kind of rock too in all of the dreams, also with a red huge to them. 

So the rocks are hummmmm (checking), defo not sedimentary.......  Not metamorphic either........    So Igneous, and they are mainly coastal. 

Oh, fire rock, burny stuff formed under the earth :stuck_out_tongue:  ... which also fits with the other recurring them of fire :stuck_out_tongue:    And my guide aspect of me being fire, yet at the coast were it has cooled and met with water   (all/emotion) 

I really wanted to study geology, but me and the geology teacher were like fire and water :stuck_out_tongue:    lol

https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fl7.alamy.com%2Fzooms%2F65c3201cc8954795bad3737ddd96a11a%2Flong-house-cavates-carved-in-soft-volcanic-tuff-rocks-by-anasazi-frijoles-c8yert.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alamy.com%2Fstock-photo%2Frock-cavities.html&docid=iAh5KxUsYgOHDM&tbnid=bvdwMXnSLXZLYM%3A&vet=1&w=345&h=540&noj=1&bih=954&biw=1383&q=tuff%20rock%20coastlines&ved=0ahUKEwjntfrl5avRAhWHLsAKHXqSCf4QMwgmKAowCg&iact=mrc&uact=8 (edited)

Sooo   I've found the type of rock


What is Tuff?

Tuff is an igneous rock that forms from the products of an explosive volcanic eruption. In these eruptions, the volcano blasts rock, ash, magma and other materials from its vent. This ejecta travels through the air and falls back to Earth in the area surrounding the volcano. If the ejected material is compacted and cemented into a rock, that rock will be called "tuff."


This is fire becoming earth?

Arches...  and columns.   I think code here 1 & 0 
The black cat with it's ass to me on the roof, is the female independent aspect of me, that turns back to try and take my logical mind along... not the first time I've done this, but last time it was my male aspect that waited!

Tortoise, hummm I had turtle a few weeks ago...   often these are a symbol of the earth.    Reptile, so ancient, slow, steady... lol carries the world on it;s back.  So meby these are representation that I am aware I create my reality, so why did I pick it up and put it on a piano? 

An instrument?  instrument to create or recreate...

Sooo  I'm creating or recreating a reality, were my female waits for my male.

I change the aspect of the dream for all of the DC's   SO I know I'm the game master as such in this dream reality.   It doesn't trouble me that others aspects of me are not willing to join yet. 

Creative and logic me go back to the water...    unity/emotion.

There is a carved channel... oh, so I've done this before!   But this time, I'm going against the tide & natural flow!
So I'm not waiting any-more,  Oh!   The sleepy ladybirds, we heading for my birthday and Imbolc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imbolc

So we follow the source of the flow away from oneness, it takes us west.   Were the Sun sets... Oh!  Sun SET! Death of the sun.   We get there and set a bird on fire,

Associated with the Sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. According to some sources, the phoenix dies in a show of flames and combustion, although there are other sources that claim that the legendary bird dies and simply decomposes before being born again.


I'm dreaming pagan stuff again :P

Bring on Spring !!!!

Bearded Roz


I had such bizarre dreams last night.   One was a hell raiser style puzzle box, that was also bit like a mandala... we were using it to get threw layers of reality.  'we' was me and another 3 or 4 people who were wired cosmic pirates, one of them was my friend Roz who in the dream was a really sexy bearded lady!     We all fancied Roz :D  I'm not sure what I was I wasn't human though.

My next dream was different pealing 100's of parsnips to make soup....  Mixing them to make 'root soup' which could hold different layers together.     In my dream the bowls looked like worlds  :P


In the dream I was putting up an old tent, it was very close to other tents like at a festival.   When I crawled inside the tent there were 1000's of hibernating ladybirds! 

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Two Horses on a Train.

I'm on a journey with 2 horses leading them, one is black and one white.   I am leading them with ropes.   
I take them onto a train, it's quite a wide train, reminds me of the Metropolitan line on the Underground.
So there is plenty of room for them to stand, there doesn't seem to be any other people. 
I take them a few stops into a built up area and walk them up and over a bridge were one horse runs off, I chase it and get it back when a car pulls out causing the horse to stop. 

I decide its time to take them back to the country so get the train again, once we get off I ride one horse and lead the other back to the stables were they live.   I brush them and give them food and water. 

The cottage I find myself at is an old farmstead.   2 Irish men come to the door asking for paid work.  I suspect that they are dodgy but tell them there is an old gate to fix as I feel sorry for them. 

They set about mending the gate, but I know that they are bringing more of there friends to help who will want money too.  

I make my way back into the farm cottage it's in a dated 40's style and quite unkempt, going threw a door I notice that inside the cottage is a medieval chapel.

It's partly ruined, the columns are only half there and the roof that is long destroyed has been replaces with glass, in contrast to the rest of the cottage it's clean inside and bright.  The columns are ancient and worn smooth with age. 

There are 2 females that look after the inner chapel and  keep it clean.  Beautiful delicate fresh white wild flowers are round the place in small glasses.   
At the back is an old fashioned post office counter!  I know the woman who works there and go and withdraw some money to pay the men working on the gate outside.... she tells me they need a new village hall.


Next dream.  It's Niki's birthday and we are going to stay in a hotel for 2 nights to celebrate...  the hotel is more of a beer garden as it's all outside with fire-pits for cooking.  I'm the first to arrive from our group.   Next to arrive is a woman I know locally she's a childminder, she tells me she's about to buy a house that belongs to Dominic (the owner of the health-food shop here) 
I know this house in life as I randomly called a woman on day (she was part of my journey)  I ask about the room with the glass wall... this was an area that the woman did treatments in, it over looked the trees and woods.  I'd had a very profound meeting with here there. 

The woman buying the house didn't know, and showed me the deeds and floor plans.  In the dream this place is huge, it's a hotel and a school too, we are transported there and I'm walking round on the roofs.   I realise the school has a pool there too and it can be made into a special education area.   When I walk up the roofs into the hotel area the top is open to the air and sitting on the ground at low tables are people cooking meals on small burners they look like the metal bits of car wheels... but they are scrubbed shiny, with fires below and grills on the top.  

Each group at a burner has brought there own food and is preparing different meals.   I walk threw them and down some stairs to get back outside.  

Once outside the scene changes again to a housing estate.... there is a press photographer coming to take a picture.    I notice that the people in the estate are dead members of my mothers family as they were years ago. 

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...