Thursday, 1 October 2020

Fun Hunt and More Blood

Still working the same dream re-entry from the rest of the week. 

Woke at 111.  I'd been loving the dream so re-entered and woke at 1.30 but still with ok recall it had been a massive dream and lots of fun.

I had this errr it was like a bag of cereal out of a mini cereal box.  It's in my possession and I need to get it back to a member in a band.   We had made it together but I was outlawed and hunted now and I needed to get it back to them before I was captured and it was confiscated.   I needed to go into hiding for a bit for the heat to go off, but first I needed to get this wired cereal back to the guy in the band as he was upset.

It was really really fun, It was sort of 2 faction but mainly authority and then us.   We had blown lots of money the number 61k stuck in my head.  

The world was wired futuristic.  I couldn't all out fly but gravity for us was low, and moved mainly with my front arms, leaping and climbing like when I'm a wolf/dog so had crazy parkour skills 😀  The hunters/authorities had speed cameras & tracking stuff that they used on entities not vehicles they checked flicker rate and speed.  

Mel & Rache had been on my team too I think our group were all female, it had the f

eel of an alternate London.

Inka?   'What do you want bitch?'  lol,  can we play?  'Of course, always any way you already are.  Jump house'

Ooooo! 👀   .
So I jump back to the house where I last recalled being with him & Malico in a wide hallway outside the massive bedroom.  I'm surprised as Inka is holding my arm smirking and the place has been on fire.  The wood scorched and the white paint on the walls blackened.
Malico looks pissed then I realised I'd been on fire. 
It's a while since I've dreamt of being on fire but it had come threw in a chapter in the book the other day... but I'd not recalled why I was burning.   Inka jumps me back to the room so Malico can re-manifest the burnt-out area.    👀 Unexpected?  'Fun though!'  lol  😆 

Haha was looking for Fire dreams then found this...  Inka, you made a sweet dwarf! 

Hahaha,  Ooof the recall is coming back now of what happened next.. that was funny.......      'Shy bairns, Ren'   😶 lol
I can see that sandstone ring/portal. It's now in the room we are waiting in.  Down some stone steps close to the big old wood wardrobe, There is wrtiting carved into the stones now too.   Oh wasn't there symbols round the door in my main dream house too?  Not been in there in ages. 

Threw it now is the door with Latin writing and also another dream that is connected...   The cave one and another.   That I ??...  Was also Rog Inka??? Gahhh  I can't read my writing or recall the other dream it was linked to now ??  I knew we were all together there though.  
I was splitting all over in so many realities and could see them weaving.  Inka joined with me in the house so we were just one entity.  Fallen goddess girls female rage so much of it but it wasn't mine? 'You just burn Bitch, come back here/now and stop splitting'.  

Bonkers night then wired synchronicities all morning.   
The blood stuff is wired, that was me who's blood they were drinking and that aspect of me was one of the early shard retrievals,  ... but that was also not the first time I'd been sacrificed,  was also tied to the ancient sacrifice dream too from 2012 where it was just a stone natural rock pool that collected my blood.
Don't recall he sacrifice just that I'd met Inka as he'd stayed with me as a ghost the night I was waiting to be killed. 

Oh, fleas & tic's drink blood too!  'OFC... Keep up Ren!'  Hahahah 😆

What was that dream years ago when I was kept as food?  'Re-enter it Re'member'

lol also the dream where the group had died in a ritual to be voices in my head....  Haha serious soul fragment/dream/entanglement.  😆  Oooo... That page has the  dream I am to weave next into the story too 👀.

Wanted to go into the dreams properly but not enough night, will have to go bk again.  

The dream with sick cat version of Inka from earlier in the year I'd recalled yesterday with the wired eye.  

I'm feeding shadow today and notice he has a small opaque area in his blue kitten retina!  'Told you to call him Inka' I'm not naming him after you :P   'You still did'  Ian suggested it, 'Please Bitch' 😆
He has smoke markings 😂
'Symbols, dreamer'.

I know this dream where I saved your ass & This dream fits too  


  'Arn't you glad we bug you when your awake now too!!'    Hahah Suppose yeh 😏💜

Fleas are kinda interesting though, Oh the parasites - Oh it was parasites I had to forgive in 2016

wasn't it??? and reintegrate before I touched intelligent infinity wasn't it? Stop laughing at me 😆 'Sorry Ren, it's funny from our perspective'  💜

So it was in March 19th I took some back into me! Wasn't the other dream from the 20th linked? Oh... that's the dream weaving one with portals and the crazy system review! 'Perspective Ren, ours is wider... Trust & play nice 😏' 

'Full moon soon - Go howl at it bitch'  😈 
FU Inka, I can still bite your ass as a flea or a dog 😆 

Full Moon Mirror - It's still dark  ❤🌑

Swallow you whole?
I'll eat you up.
I drink your blood but it's never enough.
We fall into the knowledge we are bound by love.
As we climb threw each other we meet with us.
Yet still in duality, the game we play?
Devouring ourself, chewing our tail.
A loop unending, a need to BE.
I run hard at the mirror to meet you in me.

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Being Blood

When the world is all running the other way and you're diving in and trying to play. When the light is blinding and you long for the dark and the noise is relentless you retreat to your heart.

You crawl thew the darkness falling away, welcoming night instead of day. 

We are waiting for you we and know you well. 

Run with us to the back of time, dive and swim threw the deep divine.

Welcome the void as it welcomes you, falling apart to emerge as new. 

'Come then, we are waiting' Straight to you? 'Mmmmm'  Come dryad first?  'Soon Ren, we finish what we started'.  Ok, I'll jump from the tree.   'Meet you there Witch'.

Tree root hub into the first dream. 

I'd been with male me who was Jack we were boiling an egg and I kept adding more and more hot water deliberately pissing him off.   

He was annoyed about it but I kept topping it up when he wasn't watching, I'd added washing up liquid too and kept going until he eventually flips out and rages. What was the other hot water dream? Oh.. hehe a month ago. 

Also a street with a really strange metal device that moved along the path on a track, it was strange, but recall was poor. I'd been woken by cat meowing. 

I next woke at 404.  

I'd been with Inak he was a preditor again big cat, wasn't a flea this time just joined perspective but I wasn't driving the form just piggybacking and looking out. 

All black cat this time, we were on a hunt but running threw realities, not over land. A chase, a game hunter and pray. I had a wired perspective the Seth frame 1 frame 2. How it tied into my dreams of stasis pods and the story & so many in stasis? Eh?  'less fall out keeping people asleep'?? Still don't get it.  'Dream Ren'    

When I wake again I'd been patterns/shapes symbols so many! 'Getting it yet Witch?'😈  Starting too lol 😏  'Good'  
So many patterns all the geometry and fractals, tree rings, onions the ripples
'Symbols in Symbols Ren'.  Shapes, the grail the triangles, the stars... I'd been in the geometry.    It's wired that this isn't that strange anymore 😆

From there I left onto lower astral of here, dark and silver again I'm heading to the woods and find on the floor a folding knife it's handle is bright blue like the blue from last night. 

I'd had a dream of 4 children in a room, we close the door and leave them to sleep.   

When we jumped back to Malico and the house I joined him but I was inside him....blood flowing warm bright red like arterial blood. Back and forth in time threw all things. Hot and vital.  The was the other dream of seeing blood... this time I was blood.

lol, woke up really blissed out... I'd forgotten I was supposed to be re-entering the blood ritual dream so was wired the dream had ended with me being blood. 'Tonight Ren we are ready now'.
I can see how the triangle symbolism that makes the flower of life/star I was in is also the grail, less multidimensional than the singularity thingy though.  

lol Inka you shit!  Was pondering cat/big cat totem and the Fox/Wolf stuff.   Got me thinking about the black cat dreams and I remeberd the one close to death 28th.  ...   Blind in one eye... your shitting me!!  'lol Ren, told you last night don't make me go Odin on you'     You allready did!  'Back at you bitch'  😈

How many times?   'Told you bitch, you have no idea' 😏   Hahah I've got more of an idea and I recall 100's now 👀  

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...