Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Fe Male and Metal Flames

A strange mineshaft/hospital.  It was really dirty like a concrete / stone corridor but the equipment was beyond anything I've seen before.   Zak was there with me.
Shirly and Mia.. Something similar.   More and more medical equipment and a strange lorry with 2 trailers and a strange folded thing between them.


Wake at 101 I'd been in the same hospital again only it's very high security.
Going threw it gave access to an outdoor area were a band was playing for 4 people.
The emmm Lemonheads? Possibly.  Yeh it was them
Medical scanners very shiny and modern.   I'd been asked to pass threw one.

I didn't much want to and the radiation made me feel awful and hear stuff backwards!  The woman using the machine was sympathetic and gave me a hug afterwards but I was still hearing things in reverse so I'm not sure what she said.
Oh I was me though!  I'm hardly ever this me in the dreams.. But the scanner had a mirror and I was wearing my usual cloths and had my blue/purple hair.
The woman had asked me about my current hair colour and even corrected me when I got it wrong.

'Where was that?'  Eh??   'Where'  Right front about 1ft away...  Oh no lol Left sorry I'm dyslexic!  'Ren'  lol   
I was being asked about the location of something in our room that had woke me.

Then it was very odd... Felt like astral clicker training
🤣   I was formless in astral for ages...
I was echo locating a hum wasn't quite a click was like a disturbance.

Next I woke myself up asking 'What?' as I could head someone whispering to me. 

All these dreams were with Inka we are still in the roundhouse in the dark there.
I wasn't much aware of being there as I was dreaming alot.

Next dream was back in this strange setting...
High security medical scanners allowing people in and out, I'd got threw them now and was reluctant to leave again as each time you went threw the scanners they were causing a degradation.

The scanning equipment was getting more complex women were crying and being comforted by the all female staff.

Inside was a large hub.. Lines of tables and kids running about.  We were all sharing info and learning skills together. 
How to get someone's attention but stay out of visual range.
It was a form of hypnotism - linked to flicker rate.   Was so much crazy stuff we were learning and sharing.  
I recall the floors and chairs were littered with women's stuff.   Handbags, and makeup purses wallets all strewn about on the floor.


Another dream of a festival only we were commenting how it was unusual to have one outside in the winter.  The field was muddy  and the stalls were selling house clearance stuff like second hand furniture.
I'd had a long phone convo with a friend about her golden retriever.
Some friends had appeared to play with me.  Their eyes pupils were like slits and eyes much rounder.  We were dressed up as the Pokémon Eevee
We played in this strange white featureless street only it had a white roof like ceiling and a large metal travellator up and down the centre.

People were flying and then falling and as they landed with a splat they would turn into plastic skeletons.
We also took someone's kids we found alone.  We were going to take him back to the festival but half way there I realised it's mother would miss it so turned round and took him back.


There was another layer to this, oh yeh.  - & + nodes on our spines.  We could hook up to circuitry, I think it was for a futuristic type game where we could be linked to diffrent avitars.  I was experimenting with which way I preferred the energy flow.

Then as we are leaving I'm back in a place with them medical scanners and now there is increased biometric testing.  The humans are in what were a little like cattle pens but being shoved threw scanners.
A guy was calling out the absurdity of it all and I'd stood to join him voicing the madness of people paying tax's to be used for their own subjugation.

We were being watched and listened to by this massive crowd of people we were in.

A guy in a blue security uniform is glaring at me his eyes were puffy and squinty and he had a black star tattoo on one cheek. 
He warned me 'I will silence you once and for all' 
I'd just glared back at him and then another woman came and joined me.  

Pulling apart her biometric test kit's and dropping the bits on the floor.

It had that strange intensity of the other lucid dreams from the past few weeks.

'Want more anaesthetic?'   Hu???  I sleep enough.  'How do you know it's not me who keeps you dreaming?'  Hummm?? 🤔  'Come'

I'd jumped to Inka who was helping with dream symbology and showing stuff.
The metal
bindies we had put on each others 3rd eyes in the autumn.

He puts on my head a twisted metal tiara thing as he'd showed me it
I see an old fashioned luggage label that says 'created for lady thatcher'   Hummm Iron lady?  Fe Male

Ah this was the night with the metal 3rd eyes.. & metal flames.

Fits to, he was reminding me of that. 

The different metals linked to the planets.
Then he was showing me the last dream.
With one male one female and the others sleeping dreaming, happy to be herded.  
He was showing me this dream with the stasis and the overseers. 

I'd been isolated from a world as I was contaminating it and then the next night shipped to a breeding centre but I was the wrong serial number of human and the stasis didn't work on me.

Hummmm the veil in the mind?  Some people have a veil others an iron curtain.

Next he was showing me the gold flame that Kaylo had added to the candles. 
I'd made like a purple silver.. DarthDad was able to create pink and silver Inka was reminding me how this is Alchemy.

Humm, the overseers and then the gold to repair an atmosphere?   That's the Enlil and Enki shit?  That's symbolic too? 
The atmosphere is the Zeitgeist and people make their own?? 
'Some do'
Where do the clones come in??
 'The breeding centre dreams Ren, and the liquid metal mirror army'  Oh... Yeh!  'Awake again?'   lol yeh, TY! 🤣

Being asleep makes more sense than being awake

Hummm Mars (Iron) is the other planet I dream as both 11 atm

Humm the crown on me that's both them planets linked..   'Violent Asshole?'  Haha shhhh I'm thinking. 
That dream you were showing me what it's like to go unheard
herd / heard..     It's why I just sound crazy and go crazy not to violate free will?

'One Player game Ren'  Hummm all and one?  'Yes'  Oooo The guy said I'll silence you once and for all! One and all ... 'Bat and Ball'  The binary 0 1 .Only it's not black and white for me, it's blue and Red polarity pluss flicker rate... 


My allarm this morning was ahead of Ian's some days they are in sync others his first.  These are 2 close timelines I'm on?  'Weaving' 
Were I rebirthed myself?  Thinking about my main timeline probability's makes me sleepy  'Why it's best experienced in dream Ren' 

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Blue Blankets and Talking Teddys

'I do hear you Ren'  So?   'Like I told you mouse, I'm active too I'll let you know when I need you'   Humph...   Any of the others want me then?  I'm restless.
'Keep that intention Ren and we will get back to you soon'   It tickles :P  'You're sending'  

'So Ren, you would like to be our muppet or puppet?'  lol surprise me, what ever I'll have more fun as 😁  Was an instant pitch in left ear! 

So many dreams!
First one I'm in an amazing multi story house.  It's full and cluttered with art and handmade things.  Crochet blanket hand painted cupboards, patchwork quilts.  It was so cosy an old woman lived there who like the house was very full of character.

Next dream was another very detailed house.  This one was more modern and it had bare chipboard floors with rugs and various lamps and fairy lights.  Toys that had been jumbled together out of broken things.  While I was there my phone and watch had both reset and they wouldn't pick a time.
The house was all females and one friend was talking German and another Russian. 
We'd left the house into an unfamiliar city and under a railway viaduct where a DJ was setting a rig up.  
We had pushed threw behind I was at the back and as I tried to pass a guy grabbed my arm looking into my face.   I'd woken up.

313 I wake.   I'd been looking at a collage of drug company logos... Bayer was the one that stood out I'd been listening to more people talking Russian and German.
I'd been with Leon and Malico on the boat.  I'd seen Inka earlier he'd bogged off and told me to wait on the ship.
I'd also apologised to Leon who just laughed and patted my head.  He's told me we had looked after Kaylo well.

Next was very lucid wyrdness I was still dreaming with leon and Malico for this.
It started at a sink trying to make bubble mix, but the concentrate we had had been watered down already and we were struggling to get the right consistency.
It was Zak who was with me.
We were in an outdoor hub and there was a teddy there who for me was animated. 
I'd asked Zak if he could see it too and he could so we're  interacting with this blue stuffed toy it got more cartoon like the longer we talked to it.
Then Zak vanished and the hub was full of older people, a slightly seedy feel some people there looked very strange.  I was talking to 2 guys I was familiar with, then one of them grabbed my nipple.  I'd shook my head and wandered off alone again and was sitting down on the grass looking out at nature. 
It was dusk, or half light and I could see stuff flicking threw the grass... The more I watched the more the reality I was in was dissolving so I'd decided to get up and walk a bit.

I'm very lucid just looking down at my bare feet.  I'd draped a blue baby blanket over my head... eveything was sort of squarish 😆
The path is a costal path along a cliff top and I pass 2 feral pidgins before reaching a headland with a good clear drop down into the sea.  It was dark and cold and I dropped the blanket and jumped off the cliff.

The water was freezing I was thinking back to another recent lucid dream were I'd also ended up in the sea, while I'm thinking this my knee bumped into something and I reach down and feel a body sinking.
I'd dragged it up and a girl of about 6 or 7 appears and she coughs and vomits sea water into my face.

I'd asked her if she could swim and she couldn't so I was helping her stay afloat and dragging her to a rock where I would be able to push her out of the water.

I'd asked her are you another me and she'd just looked at me blankly
😆 So I told her don't worry, I ask stupid questions.   I pushed her up and onto the grey wet rocks, we were both nekkid and pretty cold and I was thinking about the blanket I'd left at the top. 

I also had some sandwich crusts!  I gave them to her and as I did a well dressed man and woman appear they look to be in there 60's and are floating.  
I'd asked them how do we get up from here?  As the rock face looked too steep to climb it.
They tell me 'Imp fuel!'  
😀 which made me laugh and wake up.

After that dream Inka still wasn't back and I'd asked Leon about him... They told me he enjoys his own fun and so I'd jumped up to Loci who is still chilling in the ships' crows nest and dream shared with him instead.

This dream was also lucid.  I'd visited a police station that was holding something for me... A box of chocolate sweets!   It should have been full but when I'd asked they hand me the empty box with only one left still in.
As I'm standing at the counter another guy arrives and he is looking at me with only his right eye.  I'd turned so my right eye stared back at him for a bit, the police at the counter were watching the interaction and then I'd left there with the one remaining choc to have a look around the space I was in.

I was exploring and pondering what was with all the odd people I kept meeting tonight!  
I was in an unfamiliar seaside town didn't feel like the UK, perhaps was USA.
It was bright but windy and I'd made my way to the sea front and was standing in a coach park were a guy was doing tricks outside a parked bus.

I'd watched them from a distance and could see the persons body shape and size flicking.  They could also jump really high so I'd decided they must also been lucid and might be interesting to talk too.

As I was closing the gap the space we were in was changing, still a windy seafront but we were in a concrete ballcourt with an overflowing bin now.  I had in my hand a packet sandwich with only the crusts left...  Same as the other dream.
I'd chucked it into the bin and watched this guy play with a ball and a dog.  It was a bulldog type but as I watched it started to take a human form.

As I was walking towards them they stopped what they were doing and walked with me watching me too.   Realising I was lucid they asked me what I was up too, and I'd started to follow them as they seemed to know the space we were in.   We passed a small jcb that had been painted to look like a child's dinosaur toy.. It could have been a playground I suppose.

The guy had told me he wasn't dreaming and that he was a smackhead and I'd flowed him into a café when something shoved me from behind.   I didn't fall just stumbled and then It shoved me again and I realised it was Inka waking me up!

Wanting to know were I was going...  He was muttering he'd only been gone a few hrs and I was fucking off all-over 😛
Anyhoo he'd asked me if I wanted to play now and I did. He'd moved us to my roundhouse hub told me to lay down and shut up!   I did and he was sharing his awareness of were he'd been.
I duno wtf I was seeing.  
Motorbikes is the closest thing I can think of but these were really elaborate and strange.  It was the shiny metal and black that made me think of bikes but these were far bigger and way more futuristic.... While I was seeing these things I herd someone say 'Snake eyes will roll for us on the first of the month'

It reminded me of when I'd seen that
building explode and the someone leaving with 2 glowing die.

I was also watching another me blowing bubbles!  This time the mix was good and then I was with Inka again were in a room full of what looked like very high end table top games models.

They are big though, would need a massive game table.
They were metal and enamel like robot dino's or something, meby transformers... I've seen huge things like this in other dreams blowing shit up. 
Inka had told me to shhhhh hold his hand and look but don't touch!  🙄

They were being stored on wire metal shelves all neat and ordered there was 100's of them.  Silver metal and then mainly black with orange, yellow or red patterns and highlites on. 

It was very similar to when I was with male me here... Only there I was picking stuff for a combat game I was playing as a single player.

Oh yeh.. Inka also showed me a scrap yard I'd been in earlier in the night.  It was segregated, into bird shit and guy crap 😆
I was warning someone not to go in there unless they had to as it was annoying to find your way out off. 



Monday, 7 February 2022

Red and Blue

Didn't dream till later. 
Early dreams were hazy driving threw a desert the sand was dark golden and there were cliffs with scaffold and plastic sheeting.
A swimming pool with Zak in and Mathew I guy I used to know.. He was teaching Zak to swim.

Then a cool dream, I'd been on the ship again with Malico and Inka and they were in the dream with me too as was Em but we were all different people in different bodies.

We knew eachother and were working together they had a script they were sticking too and Malico was like a police detective. 
We had a blue car that had been in an accident but we had set it up 2 ways.  
The dents on the door were different and were being analysed for evidence but we were swapping 2 doors out. 
It was like the ME but they were deliberately changing things physically in this layer.
The me there was physically sick this is cause I was splitting all-over and keeping them connected with the different layers.
Also that me there, they were trying to stop from loving Inka?  I duno why, I think to do with red/blue +/- polarity again.
I was able to spot people and see the same people who were consistent in the other realitys and people like me were watching eachother. 
A girl I knew with long curly red hair.
I was picking them out and showing them to the others and they were trying to keep me hidden.  Only it was hard as I was so mentally fractured there.
I kept fitting and had epilepsy but it was cause I was jumping layers so much. 

I recall at one point laying after a fit along the back seat of the blue car.  They had thrown a blue blanket on top of me and were changing the car door to change the dents and the angle of impact before they dropped me at the hospital.

The hospital was odd too as I was also seeing people I 'knew'  from different layers.
I'd been put in a hospital bed with a blue mattress too and I was also bleeding.

Hummm this is more of the red & Blue stuff?  'Yes'  The other crew was red and the punch and Judy show.   ... Blue in the hospitals was the red/blue thing too.  I can't recall it so well now.  
In the morning I was also seeing the WOLF license plate in the pulp fiction ME... Inka had reminded me when he'd asked about a dart to the heart and I recalled the woman there ODing and and the adrenalin injection to her chest.  

Hummm.. Seems all linked to this here.


Next I was in a field at the back of Sheila and Erics. A large beech trunk had been cut and was 
being sawed into large rounds. Then there was a hospital bed too, on it a girl with ginger hair, 
she was in many realities at once. I was a different me, We were muscle testing her, but she kept 
fitting as she was in too many places at once - Her heart was struggling with the fitting.

I was also seeing shadow my cat with an ulcer in one eye.  I don't recall which one but the cornea was all opaque as it was trying to heal. 

Hum... the blue now in the barber pole... linked to all the HGV dreams??

Sunday, 6 February 2022

Duck's and Swans

First part of the night was journeying,  a train the journey was so long the train had house like carriage apartments on.
Some police had wanted to check my ID they did but they also took it away.   I remember thinking shit, that might complicate things.

I'd also had a dream I was living with my cousin and her hub for a bit.  'The bitch handler?'  lol Inka he's a dog behaviourist :P  and x dog cop.

Then a crystal train and crystal dragon.. These looked amazing!  Like they were carved from living ice or something.

I've seen water trains before that flows but this was like a working steam train with all the bits made of crystal ice.

Eh?  WTF Inka?

I'd had a dream here like a false awaking.. I was in bed and where my dream pad should be was a white small conch shell.
I was watching tiny legs poke in and out and I recall wondering if it was a spider.
I was snoozing and as I kept waking the thing inside was growing bigger. 

It was a transparent tiny prawn or lobster.

It seemed content so I'd decided just to leave it Zak came in to see it too.  He was trying to touch it but it was aggressive and kept waving it's pinchy claws.  😆

It kept coming out the shell and venturing further each time, but given how fast it was growing I'd decided it must be fine.

Then I'd fallen asleep and I was pretty sure it was lost in the bedsheets so I'd sat up to try and find it.
That version of Ian had woken up angry I'd disturbed him... Pulled of all the bedsheets and threw them on the floor... Then he cut the blue ribbon ties in a blue metal sunbed frame..

Duno why that was in our bed, I remember saying what did you do that for? It now needs repaired! He'd rolled over and put the light of and I'd laid back down wondering what this odd prawn stuff was about!

Then I was in 2 places.   In one I was with Inka / Brother we were by the duckpond outside swan barn farm. 
In front of us was a  strange circuit board with thick shining cables.

Inka's holding a massive metal hammer and chisel.

He's going to hammer it threw the fed reserve line.
Then I'm also standing beside a white ceramic sink with a round silver plug on a chain.   I have the chain in my hand...  Inka yells at me,
'If you pull that plug, I'll hammer this threw you!'  lol It made me jump and when I look at my watch it's 333 again! 🤔

Like last 333 last night???? 
'Yup'  WTF? 'Come here'  kk I'm really awake you startled me 😂

When I'd managed to sleep again I'd jumped to Inka back on the boat hub he'd told me last night we could move again and that Kaylo was fine.
When I got to the ship he was picking a scab on his knuckles and put a blob of blood on my forehead like a bhindi before asking if I'd turn into a dragon again. 
He just wanted something comfy to sit on
I didn't mind though so turned myself into what felt like a furry beanbag.

I'd had another long dream but recalls not great as I was rudely woken this time by next doors screaming kid.
I'd been riding a horse threw the night there were stable type in's we would stay at.

It was modern though and I'd arrived at a large barn were a huge vehicle was dropping hay off.
There was a pile of mice... One was dying, as it died a fractal worm started to come out of it's body.  I'd wrapped it in a tissue and gave it to another female and told her to flush it down the toilet quickly.

Saturday, 5 February 2022

A Giant Pearl

Back in that odd version of here.  Dark, all built up, a bus was arriving back I'm standing at my window watching passengers get off.
One of my teeth had fallen out and I was holding it in my hand.  It was a human tooth but like a baby one with no root.


An unfamiliar town, also dark there. 
Em had a market stall I was meeting with her and looking threw her stuff.
Not as a customer more as a friend.  There were children's handkerchiefs and lots of ear rings.
Gold and Silver and all kinds of gems and shells. 
I was aware I needed something a certain shape to fit in my toe ring but nothing seemed right.
On her market stall was a café order pad.  The duplicate kind with the blue paper in.  It was slim and unmarked, yet unused. 
I'd been looking at it as I woke up

I'd been having a conversation with my dad another bus had arrived back with him...


Then I was in a strange dream.  Oh yeh I'd been dreaming with Kaylo at first in the hunters room, Inka had arrived back and been fighting he just fell asleep fast.

I was restless but they wanted me to dream there, as my hips started to hurt I recalled I was supposed to be grounding threw my souls and so wanted to jump to Ddad.   Inka woke and told me no and to call darthD here. 
I did at the flow changed, he also said he'd take me outside for a change of scenery.  I was bored with how lazy the other 2 were being.

We jumped to the outside fire and Inka joined us too, them 2 sat on logs and I lay down in the mud with my feet at the fire the contrast of warm and damp and slidey felt kinda nice.

The dream was long and detailed I was in a white religious building  only it wasn't any denomination it was just plan... Light came threw the walls which were thin.  

It was beautiful in it's simplicity sort of organic like it was made from shell or coral.

The light into it was being shadowed by people standing around the walls outside.


I'd left there and into an outdoor plaza café were I seemed to be a waitress.

A young monk walks in in long orange robes followed by a blond woman in white Indian looking trouser suit with a veil. 
She was very attractive and the monk guy seemed bothered by her so I moved her to a different table. 
As I did this another guy joined the first and this helped him relax.
I find I have another duplicate order pad, only this one is wider.  Almost square.
Again it was unused.
So I ask the guys what I can get them.
They asked me what was available and I told them honestly I have no idea, I'd suggested they tell me what they'd like and I'd see if the chef would make it.

They decided on tea, water and pancakes with fruit and so I'd  gone to find the kitchen.

My writing on the pad was in green and awful as my hand was sore, the last 2 fingers were bruised and was painful to hole the pen on the paper.

The kitchen was white and unusual and the chef was inhumanly tall!  I found when I started talking to him my mouth wasn't working!  Or it was hard to form words so I'd just looked at him a bit before starting again.

He had in his ear a most unusual ear ring.  It was made of cogs and wheels and looked sort of clock work.   When I spoke again he could understand me and he asked me 'do you often have trouble with words?'  I'd smiled and told him... Now and again yeh. 

I'd apologised for the state of my writing too, while asking him if he could make me some pancakes. 

He was happy to do this.   While I was waiting we were chatting, he was new there too. 

The owner of the café was a female called sue.   She's found him in the black swan pub and offered him a job.  I seemed to know this Sue and I'd laughed that they met in the pub.
There had been a 60's religious song playing too I duno it's name... Hummm

Oh this!!  That's what was playing outside.

George Harrison - My Sweet Lord

As I'd woken back with Inka and Ddad I was aware of them both as colour.  Inka was currently black and white and on the left Ddad all the shadow colours like water on oil and he was still on my right.   I was still laying in the mud looking up at the dull grey sky.

Inka told me he'd sent someone to hunt me.  They'd chase me in dreams...  I'm not sure if they caught me or if this was something different but I have a recall of standing with a unfamiliar guy.

He was holding my left hand.  

In my right I had a really large pearl, it was broken like a roughly segmented orange pulled into 4 parts.
It filled my hand and the insides of it were like looking into an amazing living fractal.  
Rainbow pearlescent breathing and folding colours.

The last dream was in a white plasticky school hub.  The kind of place with no windows or outside. 
We were leaving in 3mins 33 seconds.  Only this was being reset over and over in a fractal fashion.
It was almost like a tv series that people were to watch but I didn't want to 'watch'  I was doing other stuff.
Cleaning up and sorting laundry out.
Others seemed to be content to watch the same event over and over again in this kind of series but others kept moving.   I was impatient to move again.

I'd nearly cleared up and was waiting for collection.
I wasn't sure if the coloured washing I'd put on would be dry in time but at least it would be done, I was washing for a lot of people in our group.
Worse case people would have to pack wet clothes.

In the mean time I was trying to get some friends to play... But they had all been locked away from me as I was a bad influence 🙄
I'd been shouting to Em who was in the space too, but she was on the other side of a white metal locked gate and wasn't suppose to see or speak to me.

As I was looking for something to do I met a dad with his son.  Both tall they were looking around.  The father I think was considering sending his son here, but I'd be gone by the time the kid started.

5 butterflies 4 white and one blue all flew into my left cheek at some point too. 

We were making shell /pearl bubbles too.   Darth Dad took a load with him, then Malico appeared he knew I'd be restless stuck in the same place so we made more.  Inka appeared and said he couldn't take them so Malico suggested splitting them 50% each.   Still Inka said no.  

So Malico asked for just one.   Inka told him that was up to me. 
I'd held it for a bit feeling it ripple out and realised it would likely be cloned or end up in one of the clone reality's or used to try and blackmail me I'd looked at Inka a bit considering and he just shrugged... He told me mentally we'd been there anyway. 

So I gave a bubble seed to Malico to take. 

The were the same as we made here only bigger.

Hummm I didn't know dragon with a pear was a thing!  'You duno Shit Ren, and your memorys rubish'  Well theres a lot in it!  It's not easy trying to remember future and probable events you know! 🤣


Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...