Guys??..... 'Yes Ren... If you don't sleep at night game rolls daytime' So it seems. I Did sleep... wired symbols.. More blood 😏. TY though it was healing, and the Gingerbread Window worked out ok 😏
'Just don't stick anyone in your oven plx Witch' lol 😆
So this that a friend posted, Didn't get far yet.... Only to the 13/76 rev stuff.
Inka you showed me
the beach dream... The 42months from
Oh you'd asked me if I would burn it in our out... That I was your dragon. 76, is the fire Dragon year I was born in.
So I ask a friend about the revelations. She helps me with a bible search thing..
Is this like the Yuga's ages? Hamlets Mill type stuff?
This was also the Andromeda dateline of age 47??
retrievers.. Lots of them in many
dreams?? 'Symbols and Pattern Re-cog,
work them plx' Pfff
Gold/Sun/Sol Again... Retrievers - Hunters? Oh Hide and Seek games.. That male aspect was an ego/probable self
male aspect. 'Find the dreams, lazy mouse' Pffff Ok... wait up
The 3/4 year cycles to my dreams too....
I ran into the woods to hide and play and wait... The other woods dreams too, other 2016 stuff, the female intuitive mind.
'Dog's Bitch, Find Now' lol yeh, Ok Inka, I will bite you 😏This one with Trump 2018??
Oh here... Where Leon burt that symbol into my leg and the sungularity thing from this image.
It was flat but I'd realised I needed to multi D it 😆
I know there is more golden dogo Dreams... but pfff.
'Ren, watch more of the Vid' Errr ok... I'm sleepy 😴
These dreams linked from Here, link's to what were called demons & Solomon's Temple?
Oh... But we had 9 hounds?? 'Find it Ren' Errrrrr Ahhh OfC folk law... Wild Hunt! Underworld world Void/Astral/Play/Elementals/framework 2?
Oh Holly Too, is that the Winter King? Odin had dogs too... So this is the Tree Ogham again, The rebirth of the Sun at midwinter? 'Keep questioning mouse, we can show' Ok 'All layers of symbols and dreamings'
More vid Ah yeh, same myth/all myths ever. Leon/Lion, Leo star sign.
Ah yeh, the blood we dreamed last week and last night in dreams the Pheonix/Rebirth Fire.
Oh, twins too 😆 Kali/Ishtar/mother 😛 Ba'al & Anat - Guys am I seriously dreaming the bible now!!?? -- Oh is this where I had the dream a mother sold me to the church a seer?? Oh that was more of the Golden Retriver!
So how dose this fit with the DNA and the stolen creation?? Telomeres and the transcription thing Oh that one with the medical crime?
The deadly head wound... That's the split brain thing! 2 halfs in the head.... short fuse. 'Very in your case mouse' lol.. The heart/love trust. This Winter Solsdice and then the Birch rebirth.
Why is this midwinter diffrent then? Ah the NOW/NWO 'Yep, Bitch...come Zzzzzzz, WHO have you surrendered too?' No two sides in the heart.... 'Good come here n balance then'